Public Health

Governors play an important role in improving health outcomes for their residents. With an emphasis on finding equitable solutions to some of the most pressing public health issues, governors establish partnerships, utilize state resources, and work across multiple sectors and state agencies to develop and promote relationships to improve public health. The Public Health team supports Governors on various public health topics, including public health infrastructure, chronic and infectious diseases, population health, maternal and child health, and rural health. In addition to providing timely and individualized state-focused technical assistance to governors, their health advisors, and state agency leadership, our team is working to aid governors and public health leaders in statewide transformation efforts to build and improve public health through transformation efforts.

Our Focus Areas 

  • Disease Prevention and Management
  • Maternal and Child Health
  • Medicaid
  • Population Health
  • Public Health Infrastructure
  • Social Drivers of Health

Meet the Team

  • Brittney Roy, Program Director
  • Asia Riviere, Policy Analyst
  • Chyenne Tran, Policy Analyst
  • Grace Burns, Policy Coordinator


NGA Public Health Library

Social Impact Bonds for Public Health Programs: An Overview

Social Impact Bonds for Public Health Programs: An Overview

The desire to improve health care outcomes and reduce costs has led states to rethink how they deliver health care services. One approach is to focus on the underlying social ...
Maternal and Child Health Update: States Are Using Medicaid and CHIP to Improve Health Outcomes for Mothers and Children

Maternal and Child Health Update: States Are Using Medicaid and CHIP to Improve Health Outcomes for Mothers and Children

The 2014 Maternal and Child Health Update (MCH Update) presents data gathered by the National Governors Association Center for Best Practices (NGA Center) through a survey of states and territories ...
Health Investments That Pay Off: Strategies for Addressing Asthma in Children

Health Investments That Pay Off: Strategies for Addressing Asthma in Children

Leading experts in asthma policy and research have asserted that to improve health outcomes and reduce asthma-related health care costs, it is important to augment high-quality medical management with asthma ...

An Opportunity for States to Fund Community-Based Prevention Programs

Community-based prevention programs (CBPPs) can serve as an important tool for states to improve health outcomes and reduce costs. New federal authority for states to reimburse for preventive services for ...

Testimony – Ebola Outbreak

The National Governors Association appreciates the opportunity to comment on the nation's efforts to combat Ebola. States play a critical role in these efforts as the first line of defense ...

Reducing Prescription Drug Abuse: Lessons Learned from an NGA Policy Academy

As part of the National Governors Association’s (NGA) ongoing effort to help states reduce prescription drug abuse, findings from the Prescription Drug Abuse Reduction Policy Academy were the focus of ...