Resource Center For State Cybersecurity

The significant and continued growth of cyber-attacks against the United States makes cybersecurity a critical issue for all Governors. To help states address the consequences of the rapidly evolving and expanding technological threats now faced by law enforcement agencies, public works and energy agencies, private financial and communications sectors and the general public, NGA launched a Resource Center for State Cybersecurity to provide Governors with resources, tools and recommendations to help craft and implement effective state cybersecurity policies and practices. To inform the work of the Resource Center, NGA is working with leading experts, practitioners, representatives from key state and federal agencies and representatives from private industry to develop resources and tools and to provide strategic recommendations on state cybersecurity issues.


The 2023 Cybersecurity Policy Advisors Network In-Person Convening was held on September 27-28th in Washington, DC. Hosted by the National Governors Association (NGA), the event convened the Cybersecurity Policy Advisors Network, including Governors’ advisors and state chief information security officers and other state cybersecurity officials, as well as NGA corporate partners, to share best practices and discuss cybersecurity challenges and strategies across a range of topics.

The Cybersecurity Policy Advisors Network (CPAN) serves as a forum for Governors’ advisors and state chief information security officers to share ideas and troubleshoot challenges with colleagues from other states, connect advisors with valuable resources and materials, and provide opportunities to hear from subject-matter experts via periodic calls, webinars and workshops. Members of the network are identified by Governors’ offices to speak to their Governor’s cybersecurity priorities. 

More than 90 participants, including 39 state representatives from at least 28 states and the District of Columbia, attended this event.

Learn more about the Convening here.

Focus Areas

  • Governance
  • Response Planning
  • Critical Infrastructure
  • Workforce Development & Education
  • State & Local Partnerships

NGA Cybersecurity Library

Memo on State Cybersecurity Centers

Since 2015, seven states have publicly established or announced the creation of a state “cybersecurity center,” tasked with implementing key cybersecurity policies. Unlike state information technology (IT) security offices, these ...

Memo on State Cybersecurity Strategies

This memo provides an overview of state cybersecurity strategies, as well as information technology and homeland security strategies with cybersecurity components. Possessing and implementing a cybersecurity strategy is critical for ...

Memo on State Cybersecurity Governance Bodies

This memo identifies commonalities and differences among the 22 states that established governance bodies tasked with identifying the cyber threats facing their state and the avenues to mitigating those threats ...

Memo on State Cybersecurity Strategies

This memo provides an overview of state cybersecurity strategies, as well as information technology and homeland security strategies with cybersecurity components. Possessing and implementing a cybersecurity strategy is critical for ...

Enhancing The Role of Fusion Centers in Cybersecurity

Fusion centers were created after the 9/11 terrorist attacks to facilitate the type of multi-jurisdictional information sharing needed to prevent another strike on the homeland. The centers provided a mechanism ...

Federal Cybersecurity Legislation

The Honorable John Boehner Speaker of the House U.S. House of Representatives Washington, D.C. 20515 The Honorable Nancy Pelosi Minority Leader U.S. House of Representatives Washington, D.C. 20515 The Honorable ...

The Cybersecurity Workforce: States’ Needs and Opportunities

The National Governors Association (NGA) released The Cybersecurity Workforce: States’ Needs and Opportunities, which examines factors to consider when creating a comprehensive state strategy to improve cybersecurity. The most direct challenge ...

Hearing Statement – Cybersecurity and Emergency Management

STATEMENT FOR THE RECORD Joint Hearing: Bridging the Gap Between Cybersecurity and Emergency Management Submitted to the House Committee on Homeland Security Subcommittee on Cybersecurity, Infrastructure Protection and Security Technologies ...

Cyber Warrior Act of 2013 (House)

The Honorable Steve Israel United States House of Representatives Washington, DC 20515 The Honorable Richard Hanna United States House of Representatives Washington, DC 20515 The Honorable Allyson Schwartz United States ...

Topic Areas

State And Local Partnerships In Cybersecurity

“Cybersecurity is not just an ‘IT problem’ anymore. It is a critical business risk, homeland security and public safety threat, voter confidence issue and economic development opportunity. Cybersecurity requires commitment from state executives and officials to use all levers of state government to move forward.”

Read: STRONGER TOGETHER: State and Local Cybersecurity Collaboration

Additional Resources