NGA joined several organizations to send a letter to the White House to express the need for expedited guidance on implementation of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) provisions in the Fiscal Responsibility Act (FRA) of 2023.

Ms. Neera Tanden
White House Domestic Policy Council
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, D.C. 20500
Dear Ms. Tanden,
As bipartisan membership associations representing state and local governments and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Programs (SNAP) they administer, we are writing to express the critical need for expedited guidance on implementation of SNAP provisions in the Fiscal Responsibility Act (FRA) of 2023.
The FRA makes several major changes to work requirements that change rules for customers and require significant process revisions by state and local agencies, including:
- 1. Effective July 1, 2023, individuals who experience homelessness, veterans, and individuals who aged out of foster care and are 24 years old or younger are exempt from Able-Bodied Adults Without Dependents (ABAWD) work requirements.
- 2. Effective September 1, 2023, an increase to the age range of households subject to ABAWD work requirements will be phased in, with the addition of individuals through 50 years of age. Starting on October 1, 2023, agencies will begin including individuals through 52 years of age.
The provisions above require significant changes to information technology and data collection systems, processes such as updating of applications and notices, screening protocols, agency policy and communications to staff and customers. Training of staff to ensure SNAP is administered in accordance with the FRA is another important undertaking for agencies that requires time and effort. It is critical to prioritize guidance for agencies to be properly equipped to effectively serve customers in the timely implementation of these new requirements.
Implementing these changes – while also undertaking the many changes stemming from unwinding from the public health emergency – will be a challenge. Yet, despite the fact these changes will start affecting customers in a mater of days, no guidance on how to implement these provisions has been issued and our state and local agencies are unable to change systems and processes without clarity on how to do so. We urge the White House Domestic Policy Council to collaborate with USDA Food and Nutrition Service to immediately issue guidance to support state and local SNAP agencies in meeting the needs of customers in accordance with these changes in law.
The sooner guidance is issued, the better we can help mitigate the risk of confusion and churn stemming from these changes. We appreciate your attention to this mater. APHSA, GFOA, ICMA, NACo, NACHSA, NAWB, NGA and NLC stand ready to provide any assistance or support necessary to expedite the provision of guidance to state and local human service agencies.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Tracy Wareing Evans
President and CEO American Public Human Services Association
Emily S. Brock
Federal Liaison Government Finance Officers Association
Marc Ot
CEO and Executive Director
Mathew D. Chase
Executive Director
National Association of Counties
Dan Makelky President
National Association of County Human Services Administrators
Director, Human Services, Douglas County, Colorado
Ronald D. Painter
National Association of Workforce Boards
Bill McBride
Executive Director
National Governors Association
Clarence E. Anthony
CEO and Executive Director
National League of Cities