Our nation’s Governors are dedicated to leading bipartisan solutions that improve citizens’ lives. Through NGA, Governors identify priority issues and deal with matters of public policy and governance at the state, national and global levels. NGA teams work side-by-side with state leaders to identify challenges and develop solutions. View NGA Advocacy Communications, filterable by content type and topic.

Public Health and Disaster Response Task Force Letter on FY25 appropriations

Congressional Briefing on Building Readiness and Strengthening Resiliency to Combat Disasters and Emerging Threats

Governors Respond to Discussion with Air Force Secretary Kendall on National Guard Proposal

Education, Workforce and Community Investment Task Force FY25 Appropriations Priorities

Letter to DOD on Maintaining Governor Authority of National Guard

Letter to DOD On Legislative Proposal 480

Governors Urge Congress to Pass Legislation to Support U.S. Allies

Congressional Briefing on Environmental Protection

Governors Issue Statement on National Guard Assets

NGA Sends Letter Outlining WRDA Priorities

Governors Call on Congress to Keep Government Open