Workforce Development & Economic Policy

Governors are working to expand economic opportunity and advance the nation’s global competitiveness by developing the skilled workforce and economic environment required for individuals, businesses and communities to thrive.

As the chief executive officers of their states, Governors set strategic priorities to align workforce and economic development activities to build a shared vision of societal and economic well-being. The NGA Workforce Development & Economic Policy program supports Governors and their appointees in developing and executing on these priorities.

Featured Initiatives 

NGA Workforce Development Technical Assistance Program

NGA provides advisors and other Governor-appointed state workforce system leaders with technical assistance on a broad range of workforce development policy issues through policy memoranda; in-state site visits and presentations, and facilitated connections with subject matter experts. The team also holds biannual convenings and monthly briefings and issues a weekly newsletter.

Workforce Strategic Planning Collaborative

The NGA Center’s joint project with the U.S. Department of Labor supports Governors and their advisors as they develop and implement their federally required four-year strategic plans for workforce development. Technical assistance offerings include an emphasis on implementation of federal investments that passed during the 117th Congress, namely the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, CHIPS and Science Act, and Inflation Reduction Act.

NGA Economic Policy Advisors and Economic Policy Technical Assistance

NGA provides Governor-appointed state economic development leaders and advisors with highly responsive and customized best practice research, strategic planning facilitation, timely information from federal partners and subject matter experts, and other support on a broad range of economic policy priorities. This includes an upcoming virtual event series as well as a bi-weekly newsletter.

Meet The Team

Focus Areas

  • Apprenticeship and youth apprenticeship
  • Sector-focused workforce and economic development strategies
  • Workforce development financing, governance, and innovation
  • Outdoor recreation & economic development  
  • Service-to-career pathways and public sector employment
  • IIJA, CHIPS and IRA implementation Future of work, digital transformation and digital skills
  • Disability inclusive workforce policy

Services Available

  • Strategic planning facilitation and best practice guidance on workforce and economic development topics or initiatives
  • Strategic guidance, feedback and meeting facilitation services for Governor-appointed state workforce development boards
  • Convenings for workforce and economic development advisors and state leaders on emerging issues
  • Regular newsletters for state workforce and economic development leaders
  • Customized research briefs and best practice presentations upon request

Workforce Development Library

Sustaining Healthcare Workforce Planning and Development Through State and Territory Engagement

Sustaining Healthcare Workforce Planning and Development Through State and Territory Engagement

(Download) Governors continue to prioritize strengthening states’ and territories’ healthcare workforces. The National Governors Association Center for Best Practices (the NGA Center) has supported states and territories on their Governors’ ...
Skills-Based Hiring in the Public Sector

Skills-Based Hiring in the Public Sector

Over the past year and a half, Governors in more than a dozen states have taken intentional steps to remove barriers to employment in the public sector by removing unnecessary ...
Leveraging Early Childhood Apprenticeships to Support the Early Care and Education Workforce

Leveraging Early Childhood Apprenticeships to Support the Early Care and Education Workforce

On January 17, 2024, the National Governors Association Children & Families team hosted the monthly Human Services Policy Advisors Institute on supporting the ECE workforce through early childhood apprenticeships. Challenges ...
NGA Convenes Ten States to Explore Service as a Pathway to Economic Opportunity

NGA Convenes Ten States to Explore Service as a Pathway to Economic Opportunity

As Governors implement their workforce development policy agendas in the face of labor shortages in nearly every sector of the economy, state and national service programs offer a promising strategy ...
Service-To-Career Pathways

Service-To-Career Pathways

Governors across the country are navigating rapidly evolving labor force trends – worker shortages in nearly every sector of the economy, skills gaps created by new technologies, and increased cost ...
Disability Inclusive Workforce Policy Learning Collaborative

Disability Inclusive Workforce Policy Learning Collaborative

As Governors work to confront an extremely tight labor market, efforts to reduce barriers to workforce participation are increasingly critical for developing a skilled workforce and filling in-demand jobs. This ...
Six States Selected to Participate in NGA Disability Inclusive Workforce Policy Learning Collaborative  

Six States Selected to Participate in NGA Disability Inclusive Workforce Policy Learning Collaborative  

WASHINGTON – Maryland, Minnesota, New York, North Dakota, Ohio, and Vermont have been selected to participate in the National Governors Association Center for Best Practices (NGA Center) Disability Inclusive Workforce Policy ...
A Best Practices Dozen – Publications 2023

A Best Practices Dozen – Publications 2023

As we welcome a new year, it is natural to reflect on the year that has passed. In the realm of information dissemination, this act of reflection takes on particular ...
Leveraging the 2024–2027 Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Planning Period to Capitalize on Investment Passed in the 117th Congress: Opportunities for Governors and State Workforce Development Boards

Leveraging the 2024–2027 Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Planning Period to Capitalize on Investment Passed in the 117th Congress: Opportunities for Governors and State Workforce Development Boards

The purpose of this publication is to provide Governors and state workforce development boards with a menu of actionable steps they can take to play a proactive role in implementing ...

Economic Policy Library

Governors’ Responses to Challenges in Housing Availability and Affordability

Governors’ Responses to Challenges in Housing Availability and Affordability

Every state is impacted by the national housing shortage. Housing prices have soared. Inflation has driven interest rates higher, increasing monthly mortgage costs and almost doubling the household income needed ...
Governors Leading on Supply Chain Resiliency

Governors Leading on Supply Chain Resiliency

The COVID-19 pandemic emphasized the importance of the United States industrial base, supply chains, and job training for the manufacturing workforce. Supply chain issues came to the fore with shortages ...
State, Territory, and Local Governments Urge Congress to Preserve Roadway Authority in AV Legislation

State, Territory, and Local Governments Urge Congress to Preserve Roadway Authority in AV Legislation

On behalf of the nation’s Governors, legislators, mayors, cities, counties, state transportation officials, state motor vehicle administrators, and highway safety officials, we urge Congress to ensure that any legislation being ...
State Approaches to Enhancing Supply Chain Resiliency

State Approaches to Enhancing Supply Chain Resiliency

This paper focuses on supply chain issues in advanced manufacturing and related sectors including infrastructure and transportation, renewable and alternative energy, and battery applications. (Download) Executive Summary The COVID-19 pandemic ...
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (AI) in State Government

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (AI) in State Government

On September 6, 2023, the NGA Center for Best Practices hosted a virtual event, “Introduction to Artificial Intelligence in State Government,” co-organized with the Center for Scientific Evidence in Public ...
Governors Call on Congress to Keep Government Open

Governors Call on Congress to Keep Government Open

WASHINGTON – Today, National Governors Association Chair Governor Spencer Cox of Utah and Vice Chair Governor Jared Polis of Colorado released the following statement as Congress considers legislation to fund ...
State and Local Leaders Urge Congress to Extend TANF Program

State and Local Leaders Urge Congress to Extend TANF Program

The Honorable Ron Wyden ChairmanSenate Committee on Finance 2221 Dirksen Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510 The Honorable Jason SmithChairmanHouse Committee on Ways and Means 1011 Longworth House Office BuildingWashington, ...
Governors Urge Congress to pass appropriations for fiscal year 2024

Governors Urge Congress to pass appropriations for fiscal year 2024

WASHINGTON – Today, National Governors Association Chair Utah Governor Spencer Cox and Vice Chair Colorado Governor Jared Polis released the following statement strongly urging Congress to swiftly pass appropriations for ...
Innovative Workforce Development Programs for the Travel, Tourism and Outdoor Recreation Sectors

Innovative Workforce Development Programs for the Travel, Tourism and Outdoor Recreation Sectors

The National Governors Association Center for Best Practices held a webinar on Thursday, June 22, 1:00-2:00 EST for members of our Economic Development and Outdoor Recreation Networks to learn about ...