Parents and Children Thriving Together: Two-Generation State Policy Network Kickoff Meeting

March 20-22, 2017 | Denver, Colorado

The National Governors Association for Best Practices (NGA Center) and the Center for Law and Social Policy (CLASP) held a kickoff meeting for Parents and Children Thriving Together: Two-Generation State Policy Network (PACTT Network) states on March 20-22, 2017 in Denver, Colorado. During the kickoff meeting, participating states: built a common understanding of the project goals of achieving “high impact” two-generational policy and systems change; deepened their understanding of two-generational system and policy change; assessed challenges and opportunities related to two-generation state policy and systems work, and began to identify solutions and pathways forward; developed relationships across the PACTT Network states and supporting organizations; and refined their two-generation action plans and articulate next steps for when they return home.



March 20, 2017

Welcome and Introductions

  • Alexandra Cawthorne, program director, Economic Opportunity Division, NGA Center
  • Hannah Matthews, director, Child Care and Early Education, CLASP
  • Paula Sammons, program officer, W.K. Kellogg Foundation

Introduction to the PACTT Network and State Teams 

  • Alexandra Cawthorne, program director, Economic Opportunity Division, NGA Center
  • Hannah Matthews, director, Child Care and Early Education, CLASP

Plenary 1: Creating Effective and Efficient Systems for Families 

  • Anne Mosle, vice president, the Aspen Institute; executive director, Ascend at the Aspen Institute


  • Rynn Bell, teacher’s associate, Jefferson County Head Start
  • Ed Walker, participant member, JeffCo Prosperity Project
  • Aaron Roybal, participant member, JeffCo Prosperity Project

Plenary 2:  The Federal Landscape and Implications for Two-Generation State Policy

  • Olivia Golden, executive director, CLASP
  • Martin Simon, associate director, Economic Opportunity Division, NGA Center
  • Anne Mosle, vice president, the Aspen Institute; executive director, Ascend at the Aspen Institute

Concurrent Workshops

Workshop A: Reforming Policy, Funding and Program Operations: Supporting Families in a More Integrated and Easily Accessible Way

  • Olivia Golden, executive director, CLASP


  • Greg Kunz, deputy administrator, Division of Welfare and Self-Reliance Programs, Idaho Department of Health and Welfare

Workshop B: Data for Diagnosis: Using Data to Advance Two-Generation Strategies


  • Whitney LeBoeuf, senior research associate, Actionable Intelligence for Social Policy, Penn Child Research Center, Graduate School of Education, University of Pennsylvania

Remarks from the Colorado Governor’s Office

  • Donna Lynne, lieutenant governor, Colorado

March 21, 2017

Introduction to the Day

  • R. Kirk Jonas, director, NGA Center
  • Hannah Matthews, director, Child Care and Early Education, CLASP

Plenary 3:  Leading for Change and What It Takes

  • Alexandra Cawthorne, program director, Economic Opportunity Division, NGA Center


  • Reggie Bicha, executive director, Colorado Department of Human Services
  • Patricia Moran, assistant commissioner, New Jersey Department of Labor & Workforce Development
  • Olivia Golden, executive director, CLASP

Concurrent Workshops

Workshop C:  Learning by Design: Using Data and Evaluation to Scale Innovation

  • Stephen Harrington, policy analyst, Economic Opportunity Division, NGA Center


  • Marjorie Sims, managing director, Ascend, The Aspen Institute
  • Mary Bogle, senior research associate, Metropolitan Housing and Communities Policy Center, Urban Institute
  • Maria Duryea, lead analyst, Office of Business Intelligence, Oregon Department of Human Services
  • Michelle Derr, senior researcher, Mathematica Policy Research

Workshop D: State Policy Reform Efforts: Rural, Urban and Suburban Strategies

  • Kimberley Meinert, senior policy analyst, Economic Opportunity Division, NGA Center


  • Melvin Carter, executive director, Minnesota Children’s Cabinet
  • Amy New, assistant commissioner for rural development, Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development

Plenary 4: Applying a Racial Equity Lens to Two-Generation Strategy Design

  • Rosa Maria Castaneda, senior associate, Annie E. Casey Foundation


  • Simran Noor, vice president for Policy & Programs, Center for Social Inclusion
  • Bill Jaeger, vice president of early childhood initiatives, Colorado Children’s Campaign

March 22, 2017

Plenary 5:  Aligning Early Childhood, Workforce Development and Post-Secondary Education 

  • Hannah Matthews, director, Child Care and Early Education, CLASP


  • Kristin Bernhard, deputy commissioner for system reform, Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning
  • Martin Simon, associate director, Economic Opportunity Division, NGA Center
  • Amy Ellen Duke-Benfield, senior policy analyst, CLASP

Plenary 6:  Strategic Communication for Two-Generation Policy and Systems Change

  • Alexandra Cawthorne, program director, Economic Opportunity Division, NGA Center


  • Julie Sweetland, vice president for strategy and innovation, Frameworks Institute
  • Nate McDonald, director of communications, Utah Department of Workforce Services