Coronavirus State Actions

Governors are working closely with federal and local officials as well as private sector partners to address the threat of the novel coronavirus. This section outlines actions taken by governors and state and territorial leaders through 31 July 2020. It is not intended to be exhaustive but is meant to highlight key actions and resources that may inform other states and territories as they prepare for and respond to the novel coronavirus.  Individual state/territory pages can be found here. Additional state-by-state resources include: Summary Of Public Health Criteria In Reopening Plans; Summary Of State Actions Addressing Business Reopenings; and the COVID-19 State and Territory Actions Tracker.

AL | AK | AS | AZ | AR | CA | CO | CT | DE | FL | GA | GU | HI | ID | IL | IN | IA | KS | KY | LA | ME | MD | MA | MI | MN | MS | MO | MT | NE | NV | NH | NJ | NM | NY | NC | ND | MP | OH | OK | OR | PA | PR | RI | SC | SD | TN | TX | UT | VT | USVI | VA | WA | WV | WI | WY

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  • March 6, 2020—Governor Ivey announced the formation of a Coronavirus (COVID-19) Task Force of cabinet and state agency officials, as well as disease specialists in an abundance of caution.  
  • March 10, 2020—Governor Ivey sent a memo to state agency heads directing state employees to notify their department heads, supervisors, and human resource offices if they have traveled in areas affected by the coronavirus. 
  • March 13, 2020—Governor Ivey issued a state of emergency for Alabama.
  • March 14, 2020 – Governor Ivey closed all Alabama public schools beginning close of business Wednesday, March 18 for two and a half weeks due to the coronavirus outbreak.
  • March 15, 2020 – Governor Ivey authorized directors of all state agencies to put different work schedules into place for state employees.
  • March 15, 2020 – The Governor authorized directors of all state agencies to implement different telework, flexible work schedules and social distancing practices for the next three weeks.
  • March 16, 2020 – The Alabama Department of Labor announced that state employees who are unable to work due to COVID-19 will be eligible to file for unemployment benefits.
  • March 17, 2020 – The Governor emphasized measures taken by financial regulators to protect the financial system within the state.
  • March 17, 2020 – The Alabama Department of Public Health issued updated guidelines stating any restaurant, bar, or brewery shall not permit on-premises consumption of food or drink for one week.
  • March 18, 2020 – The Governor announced the primary runoff election will be delayed to July 14.
  • March 19, 2020 – The Governor issued a statewide health order. The order includes the following directives through April 5.
    • All gatherings of 25 persons or more, or gatherings of any size that cannot maintain a consistent six-foot distance between persons are prohibited.
    • Any restaurant, bar, brewery or similar establishments are not to permit on-premise consumption of food or drink.
    • All beaches are closed.
    • Preschools and childcare centers are closed.
    • All Hospitals and Nursing Home/Long Term Care Facilities (including Assisted Living and Specialty Care Assisted Living Facilities) shall prohibit visitation of all visitors and nonessential health care personnel, except for certain compassionate care situations such as maternity and end-of-life.
    • All elective dental and medical procedures shall be delayed.
  • March 20, 2020 – The Governor issued an updated statewide public health order prohibiting all non-work related gatherings of 25 persons or more, or non-work related gatherings of any size that cannot maintain a consistent six-foot distance between persons.
    • The updated order also expands the availability of child day care in the state as long as certain guidelines are followed, and includes clarifying language regarding senior citizen centers and schools.
  • March 20, 2020 – The Governor issued the second supplemental state of emergency proclamation, instructed appropriate agencies to take the necessary steps and issue the appropriate documents to expedite the movement of vehicles transporting emergency equipment, services, and supplies.
  • March 20, 2020 – The Governor issued authorization to the Adjutant General with the Alabama National Guard to activate up to 100 guardsmen.
  • March 21, 2020 – The Governor announced small businesses are eligible for assistance under the U.S. Small Business Administration’s Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) program.
  • March 23, 2020 – The Governor announced that the state income tax filing due date is extended from April 15, 2020, to July 15, 2020.
  • March 23, 2020- The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) approved Alabama’s request for a Section 1135 Medicaid waiver. The approved waiver enables Alabama to provide flexibilities in Medicaid provider screening and enrollment and forgo certain pre-admission screening and annual resident review assessments in the state’s Medicaid program.
  • March 26, 2020 — The Governor issued a memo on flexibilities for unemployment insurance claims. The state is waiving the work search, wait week, and good cause provisions and waiving all charges against employers who file partial unemployment compensation claims on behalf of their employees, until further notice.
  • March 26, 2020 – The Governor announced the fourth supplemental State of Emergency with the following provisions: 
    • Requires all public K-12 schools to implement a plan to complete the 2019-2020 school year using alternate methods of instruction;
    • Extends the licensure period applicable to emergency medical services personnel and provides services;
    • Allows notaries to notarize signatures through videoconferences;
    • Allows state agencies to create and retain electronic records and send and accept electronic signatures;
    • Authorizes law enforcement officers to issue summons and complaint in lieu of custodial arrest for any violation or misdemeanor in certain circumstances; and
    • Permits the county or municipality to set a fee schedule for the summons and complaint that is concurrent with the bail fee and court costs associated with a custodial arrest for the same crime.
  • March 27, 2020 – The State Health Officer announced an order with the following provisions:
    • Suspending all non-work-related gatherings of 10 persons or more, or non-work-related gatherings of any size that cannot maintain a consistent six-foot distance between persons;
    • Suspending all dental, medical, or surgical procedures with emergency medical exception;
    • Prohibiting visitors to all Hospitals and Nursing Home/Long Term Care Facilities (including Assisted Living and Specialty Care Assisted Living Facilities); and
    • Closing in-person instruction or classes at all schools, public and private
  • March 31, 2020 – The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has approved the Alabama Department of Education (ALSDE), Child Nutrition Programs waiver request for the restrictions on site eligibility requirements.
  • April 2, 2020 – The Governor issued their fifth supplemental state of emergency to adopt measures to expand the capacity of the health care workforce.
  • April 3, 2020 – The Governor issued a Stay-at-Home order statewide. The order will be effective beginning Saturday, April 4, at 5:00 p.m. and will expire Thursday, April 30, 2020 at 5:00 p.m.
  • April 3, 2020 – The Governor issued their sixth supplemental state of emergency to cease enforcement of any order that would result in the displacement of a person from their place of residence.
  • April 3, 2020 – The Governor announced the Office of Volunteer Services in partnership with the Alabama Department of Public Health (ADPH) to launch ReadyOp. The program will collect volunteers and potential reserve staff’s information and send out alerts if the help of qualified retired health professionals and medical students and related professionals is needed to support efforts.
  • April 6, 2020 – The Governor announced the creation of, a hub for information about the state’s response.
  • April 7, 2020 – The Governor announced the “Ribbons of Hope” campaign to encourage the people of Alabama to tie ribbons around a tree or pole in their front yard as a symbol to remind everyone to pray for medical personnel, first responders, and for one another.
  • April 7, 2020 – The Governor announced the launch of a job-matching site targeted at those who have lost their job as a result of COVID-19.  
  • April 9, 2020 – The Alabama Department of Labor announced they have begun paying the Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation (FPUC) benefit that was established with the passing of the federal CARES Act. ADOL paid $40,060,495 in FPUC benefits to 60,848 claimants as of April 8, 2020.
  • April 13, 2020 – The Governor issued a supplemental emergency proclamation, which directs the Board of Pardons and Paroles to resume parole hearings.
  • April 8, 2020 – The Governor awarded $580,000 to give a lift to innovation and entrepreneurship to help support the Alabama Launchpad, a program that encourages entrepreneurship in the state and nurtures new businesses.
  • April 16, 2020 – The Governor announced the launch of new COVID-19 drive-thru testing sites in Adamsville and Montgomery. The testing sites are supported by Walmart and Quest Diagnostics and will be available to anyone who may be exhibiting symptoms, as well as all health care workers and first responders.
  • April 17, 2020 – The Alabama Coronavirus Task Force announced recommendations to the Governor regrading reopening the state with a focus on small business.
  • April 28, 2020 – The Governor issued a Safer at Home order to re-open portions of the Alabama economy on Thursday, April 30th at 5:00 PM. The order will require strict sanitation and social distancing guidelines and will expire on Friday, May 15, 2020 at 5:00 PM.
  • May 8, 2020 – The Governor issued an amended Safer at Home Order. The order which includes an expanded list of items including non-work-related gatherings, retailers, athletic facilities and others to reopen will be effective Monday, May 11, 2020 and will expire on Friday, May 22, 2020 at 5:00 PM.
  • May 8, 2020 – The Governor issued their eighth Supplemental State of Emergency providing liability protections for businesses and health care providers among other provisions.
  • May 8, 2020 – The Governor issued their ninth Supplemental State of Emergency providing operating loans and lines of credit financing to rural electric cooperatives, guidance on the administration of the July 14, 2020 Runoff election, protection against evictions based on nonpayment, and extension of the State of Emergency for another sixty days.
  • May 8, 2020 – The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) approved Alabama’s second request for a Medicaid 1135 waiver. The waiver allows Alabama to provide flexibilities in Medicaid provider screening and enrollment and to lift prior authorization requirements.
  • May 18, 2020 – The Alabama Legislature approved Senate Bill 161 after the governor issued an executive amendment outlining state expenditures for the Coronavirus, Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act.
  • May 20, 2020 – The Governor announced that the state will receive $3,299,821 in Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) funding to provide economic relief to qualifying applicants in the state’s seafood industry.
  • May 21, 2020 – The Governor issued an amended Safer at Home Order to be applied Statewide. The order includes an expanded list of items to reopen such as athletic activities, theaters, childcare facilities, and summer camps. The order is effective Friday, May 22, 2020 at 5:00 p.m. and will expire on Friday, July 3, 2020 at 5:00 p.m.
  • May 21, 2020 – The Governor announced Alabama Department of Public Health is partnering with Apple and Google to use their contact tracing app to track those who may have been exposed using Bluetooth signals.
  • June 5, 2020 – The Governor announced that 20 community action agencies would be awarded Community Service Block Grants valued at more than $17 million. The funds will be used to provide relief for Alabamians who faced unemployment and economic difficulties.
  • June 9, 2020 – The Governor issued the eleventh supplemental State of Emergency for the pandemic.
  • June 9, 2020 – The Alabama Department of Revenue extended the time for obtaining motor vehicle registrations and paying property taxes on vehicles and associated penalty charges.
  • June 25, 2020 – The Governor announced a Broadband Working Group to gather input and guidance on allocation of $300 million of CARES Act monies for expenditures related to technology and infrastructure related to remote instruction and learning.
  • June 29, 2020 – The Governor announced the state will use $30 million in federal COVID relief funding to expand coronavirus testing on college campuses, and to lay the groundwork for having students and faculty return to campus.
  • June 30, 2020 – The Governor issued an amendment to the Safer at Home Order extending it from July 3 to July 31 at 5:00 PM Eastern.
  • July 7, 2020 – The Governor awarded $18.27 million of the Coronavirus Relief Fund to provide baseline testing for coronavirus and proactive surveillance of the virus for health care personnel and residents of nursing home facilities. 
  • July 8, 2020 – The Governor announced the Revive Alabama grant program that will reimburse small businesses up to a combined $100 million for expenses they have incurred due to operational interruptions caused by the pandemic and related business closures. 
  • July 15, 2020 – The Governor issued the fourteenth supplemental emergency proclamation containing an amended Safer at Home Order that includes a statewide mask requirement.
  • July 15, 2020 – The Governor announced a statewide mask order that will run through July 31 and supersede any local orders.
  • July 20, 2020 – The Governor announced $70 million to support the Alabama State Department of Education’s Education Health and Wellness Grant Program and $100 million to support the Educational Remote Learning Devices Grant Program.


Alaska Department of Health and Social Services coronavirus resource page.

  • March 3, 2020—The Division of Insurance sent a bulletin allowing access to drug refills during quarantine, promoting utilization of telemedicine, and stating their preparedness plan for COVID-19.
  • March 6, 2020—The Division of Insurance issued another bulletin regarding coverage requirements for cost sharing and coverage of respiratory viruses including COVID-19. 
  • March 11, 2020—Governor Dunleavy issued a declaration of public health disaster emergency in response to the COVID-19 anticipated outbreak.   
  • March 13, 2020 – Governor Dunleavy and the Alaska Department of Health and Social Services issued the State of Alaska’s first COVID-19 health mandate suspending and limiting general public visitation to select state institutions.
    • Additionally, between March 16-30 there will be non-student contact days in which students will not be attending school and all after school activities will be suspended.
  • March 16, 2020 – The Governor issued a second COVID-19 health mandate closing state operated libraries, archives, and museums to the public from March 17, 2020 through March 31, 2020. Additionally, residential school programs will begin the process of sending students to their families and home communities by March 27.
  • March 16, 2020 – The Governor signed two pieces of legislation to help Alaska’s COVID-19 response and preparedness:
    • House Bill 206 provides financial resources to the Department of Health and Social Services for COVID-19 preparedness and response including $4 million in state funds and provides open ended authority to accept any federal funds for COVID-19 response, as requested by the Governor on March 2.
    • House Bill 29 requires health care insurers to provide coverage for telehealth benefits.
  • March 17, 2020 – The Governor announced the creation of the Alaska Economic Stabilization Team to develop a plan to protect the state’s economy from the impact of COVID-19.
  • March 17, 2020 – The Governor announced a ban on all bars, breweries, restaurants, food and beverage kiosks or trucks, and other establishments serving food or beverages for public dine-in service.
  • March 17, 2020 – The Governor issued COVID-19 Health Mandate 004 pertaining to travelers coming into Alaska from CDC Level 3 countries (high risk) and anywhere outside of Alaska (medium risk) within the last 14 days. The Mandate also provides guidance for what travelers should do upon returning to Alaska.
  • March 17, 2020 – The Governor announced COVID-19 Health Mandate 003 which closes all bars, breweries, restaurants, food and beverage kiosks or trucks, and other establishments serving food or beverages within in the State of Alaska to public dine-in service. All buffets and salad bars are likewise closed to self-service. The closure remains in effect until April 1, 2020 at 5 p.m.
  • March 20, 2020 – The Governor unveiled the COVID-19 Economic Stabilization Plan, a statewide approach to provide urgent relief and protect the state’s economy.
  • March 21, 2020 – The Governor announced businesses can now apply for the U.S. Small Business Administration’s (SBA) low-interest federal disaster loans for working capital to small businesses suffering substantial economic injury.
  • March 23, 2020 – The Governor announced Health Mandate 009 Personal Care Services & Gatherings Statewide to limit all close contacts (people outside of a family unit) to be farther than six feet from each other to prevent the spread of the virus that causes COVID-19.
  • March 23, 2020 – The Governor announced Health Mandate 010: International and Interstate Travel, Order for Self-Quarantine requiring all people arriving in Alaska, whether resident, worker or visitor, to self-quarantine for 14 days and monitor for illness.
  • March 26, 2020 – The Governor signed House Bill 308 expands unemployment insurance benefits by waiving the one-week waiting period, increasing the weekly benefit for dependents from $24 to $75 per week.
  • March 26, 2020 – The Governor signed Senate Bill 74 providing support for teachers and students in rural school districts that experience extremely high costs for internet. This legislation increases the minimum internet speed for all of Alaska’s schools from 10 megabits per second (Mbps) to 25 Mbps and will benefit 168 schools and 30 school districts.
  • March 26, 2020 – The Governor issued the following health mandates:
  • April 2, 2020 – The Governor issued an extension to Health Mandate 002 and 003 on State Libraries, Archives, Museums and Residential Schools and on Statewide Closure Restaurants, Bars, Entertainment.
  • April 2, 2020- The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) approved Alaska’s request for a Section 1135 Medicaid waiver. The approved waiver enables Alaska to provide flexibilities in Medicaid provider screening and enrollment, forgo certain pre-admission screening and annual resident review assessments, lift prior authorization requirements, allow for reimbursement facility services in alternative settings, extend fair hearing timelines, and waive public comment and tribal consultation requirements for certain changes to the Medicaid state plan.
  • April 3, 2020 – The Governor amended COVID-19 Disaster Order of Suspension No. 2 to include additional suspensions of certain state government fees and fines.
  • April 7, 2020 – The Governor announced April 10, 2020 as Alaska’s Day of Prayer and Hope, an interfaith day of prayer in which Alaskans are called upon to join in prayer and reflection for Alaska in the midst of the pandemic.
  • April 7, 2020 – The Governor issued an update to the State of Alaska’s COVID-19 Health Mandate 005 on Elective Medical Procedures to preserve staff personal protective equipment (PPE) and patient care supplies.
  • April 10, 2020 – The Governor announced the COVID-19 Disaster Order of Suspension No. 2 Appendix A – Amendment 2 suspending certain fees, regulations, and statutes through May 11, 2020 unless otherwise noted.
  • April 13, 2020 – The Governor issued the Health Mandate 014 on Non-Congregate Sheltering (NCS) allowing eligible emergency protective measures at the direction of state public health officials to be reimbursed, including costs for NCS for both state and local jurisdictions to protect vulnerable populations.
  • April 15, 2020 – The Governor issued Health Mandate 015 on Services by Health Care Providers allowing health care facilities and providers to resume services that require minimal protective equipment and safety protocols on April 20, 2020. Beginning May 4, 2020, health care providers may perform non-urgent, or elective procedures, with defined safety protocols for patients and staff.
  • April 21, 2020 – The Governor unveiled Phase One of the state’s approach to reopening segments of the Alaskan economy. Beginning Friday, April 24, 2020, the following businesses and industries may reopen, following rigorous health and safety standards:
    • Restaurants – limited dine-in services
    • Retail Stores – limited in-store shopping
    • Personal Services Businesses (ie. barbers, nail salons, hairdressers) – limited services
    • Non-Essential Businesses (ie. professional business services) – limited services
  • April 21, 2020 – The Governor announced the extension of the following COVID-19 Health Mandates:
    • Health Mandate 10, International and Interstate Travel – extended until May 19 (evaluated weekly);
    • Health Mandate 11, Social Distancing – extended until rescinded; and
    • Health Mandate 12, Intrastate Travel – extended until rescinded
  • April 22, 2020 – The Governor issued the State of Alaska’s 16th COVID-19 Health Mandate, the first in a series to responsibly reopen Alaska.
  • April 23, 2020 – The Governor issued the State of Alaska’s 17th Health Mandate establishing standardized protective measures to be followed by all independent commercial fishing vessels operating within Alaskan waters and ports to ensure a safe, productive fishing season while protecting communities from the spread of COVID-19.
  • April 24, 2020 – The Governor issued further guidance on the State of Alaska’s 16th COVID-19 Health Mandate, Phase I of the Reopen Alaska Responsibly Plan on social distancing, intrastate travel, social gatherings, and religious gatherings.
  • May 1, 2020 – The Governor submitted a revised plan for the equitable distribution of the Federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act funding, which brings over $1.5 billion of relief to the State, to the State Legislative Budget and Audit Committee.
  • May 7, 2020 – The Governor announced Phase 2 of the #ReopenAlaskaResponsibly Plan allowing restaurants, retail, non-essential business, bars, social and religious gatherings, indoor gyms, bowling alleys, theaters, and bingo to increase capacity while respecting social distancing.
  • May 11, 2020 – A committee of the Alaska Legislature approved the Governor’s plan to spend $568.5 million to cities and boroughs, as much as $100 million for fishermen and fishing businesses of federal funding, and $289.3 million for small businesses that have not received aid from existing federal programs.
  • May 12, 2020 – The  Governor directed the Department of Health and Social Services to work in coordination with federal partners to disperse funding to the Child Care Program Office (CCPO) in order to meet the need of childcare providers statewide.
  • May 12, 2020 – The Governor issued the State of Alaska’s 18th COVID-19 Health permitting travel between communities on the road system and in-state travel by the Alaska Marine Highway System.
  • May 15, 2020 – The Governor issued updates to the State of Alaska’s 10th and 17th COVID-19 Health Mandates. Health Mandate 10 on International and Interstate Travel, Order for Self-Quarantine, has been extended from May 19, 2020, to June 2, 2020. Additional guidance was issued on Enhanced Protective Measures for Seafood Processing Workers.
    • Additional guidance regarding Commercial Fishing has been issued for COVID-19 Health Mandate 17 on Protective Measures for Independent Commercial Fishing Vessels.
  • May 19, 2020 – The Governor announced plans for Phase Three of the state’s approach to reopening segments of the Alaskan economy in an effort to balance the ongoing need to slow the spread of COVID-19 with the critical need to resume economic activity in a reasonable and safe manner.
  • May 20, 2020 – The Governor announced the Permanent Fund Dividend Division will begin distribution of the 2020 Permanent Fund Dividend (PFD) to eligible Alaskans on July 1, 2020 given the hard economic times.
  • May 20, 2020 – The Governor announced on Friday, May 22 businesses & entities across the state may fully reopen.
  • June 3, 2020 – The Governor issued updated guidance on COVID-19 Health Mandate 10 on Interstate and International Travel.

American Samoa
  • March 20, 2020 – The Governor amended their declaration of continued public health emergency and state of emergency suspending all entry permits until further notice.
  • March 20, 2020 – The Governor announced the closing of all public parks and facilities (toilets) will be closed starting March 22, 2020 until further notice.
  • March 25, 2020 – The Governor issued an Executive Order 001 recognizing the Declared Public Health Emergency and State of Emergency, and imminent threat to public health. The order requires the immediate and comprehensive enforcement by the Commissioner of Public Safety, Director of Health, Attorney General, and other agency leaders.
    • Business are also required to provide necessary supplies to the public and are prohibited from price gouging.
  • March 25, 2020 – The Governor issued a second amendment to the Declared Public Health Emergency and State of Emergency with the following provisions:
    • Suspending the restrictions on “hazard pay” for medical personnel, first responders, and other employees with an increased risk and exposure;
    • Suspending the maximum grant of four (4) hours for excused absences to state personnel under quarantine or unable to attend work; and
    • Partially suspending hearings as it relates to P5 immigrant applications for emergency technical assistance.
  • March 30, 2020 – The Governor announced all state employees will move to a 50 percent staffing level for work days.
  • April 1, 2020 – The Governor issued the second amended declaration of continued public health emergency and state of emergency suspending all entry permits until further notice.
  • May 1, 2020 – The Governor issued the fourth amended Declaration of Continued Public Health Emergency and State of Emergency extending that will be in effect for thirty (30) days and will expire on June 1, 2020.
  • June 1, 2020 – The Governor issued the fifth amended declaration of continued public health emergency and state of emergency for COVID-19 in effect for thirty (30) days and will expire on July 1, 2020. The current threat level remains as Code Blue.
  • June 18, 2020 – The American Samoa Department of Health announced all returning travelers need to get a Medical Clearance within 3 days of arrival from Samoa Ministry of Health.
  • June 30, 2020 – The Governor ordered cut hours and pay be restored for government employees stranded outside of the territory since March when local borders were shut down.
  • July 1, 2020 – The Governor issued the sixth amended declaration of continued public health emergency and state of emergency that will be in effect for thirty (30) days and will expire on July 30, 2020. The declaration takes the following actions:
    • Authorizes the Department of Health to quarantine and isolate individuals for 14 days without notice;
    • Suspends the restrictions on hazard pay;
    • Suspends the maximum of four (4) hours for excused absence; and
    • Partially suspends its hearings function as it relates to P5 immigrant applications.

  • Given similarities between coronavirus and influenza, Arizona’s coronavirus response is guided by the state’s existing influenza pandemic response plan, which was recently updated in May 2019.  
  • The Arizona Department of Health Services is hosting a series of COVID-19 public health webinars tailored to different partners and stakeholders, including law enforcement, health plans, Schools (K-12)/Childcare, EMS/911, businesses, long-term care facilities, and health care providers. 
  • March 11, 2020—Governor Ducey issued a Declaration of Emergency and an Executive Order to provide health officials and administrators with tools and guidance necessary to combat the continued spread of COVID-19 and to reduce financial burdens on Arizonans by lowering healthcare costs associated with the virus. 
  • March 12, 2020 – Arizona signed S.B. 1051, legislation introduced by Senator Kate Brophy McGee to appropriate $55 million to the Public Health Emergency Fund to support Arizona’s efforts to combat the continued spread of COVID-19. 
  • March 15, 2020 – The Governor and Boys & Girls Clubs Arizona Alliance announced emergency operational funding to support youth impacted by COVID-19 school closures. The partnership will enable state funding to compensate Boys & Girls Clubs to provide expanded services to Arizona families, while encouraging and leveraging private donations from individuals, corporations and foundations.
    • The Governor also announced the closure of all schools from Monday, March 16, 2020 through Friday, March 27, 2020. 
  • March 15, 2020 – The Governor ordered a statewide closure of schools through at least March 27.
  • March 16, 2020 – The Governor announced the cancellation of large events and mass gatherings such as conferences, festivals, parades, concerts, sporting events, weddings and other types of assemblies. 
  • March 15, 2020 – The Governor ordered a statewide closure of schools through at least March 27.
  • March 16, 2020 – The Governor announced large events and mass gatherings such as conferences, festivals, parades, concerts, sporting events, weddings and other types of assemblies should be cancelled. 
  • March 19, 2020 – The Governor announced the following executive actions:
    • Activation of the National Guard to assist grocery stores and food banks with re-stocking shelves in the face of heightened demand.
    • Signing of an executive order that halts all elective surgeries to free up medical resources and maintain the capacity for hospitals and providers to continue offering vital services.
    • Signing of an executive order that requires restaurants in counties with confirmed COVID-19 cases to provide dine-out options only, as well as the closure of all bars in those counties. The order allows restaurants to deliver alcoholic beverages with the purchase of food.
    • Signing of an executive order to delay expiration dates on driver licenses ensuring residents over the age of 65 do not need to visit Motor Vehicle Division offices to renew their driver licenses during the public health emergency.
  • March 19, 2020 – The Governour announced the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) approved an Economic Injury Disaster Loan declaration for Arizona that will help small businesses.
  • March 20, 2020 –The Governor announced a two-week extension of school closures through April 10, 2020.
  • March 20, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order aimed at providing certainty and economic relief to taxpayers. The order includes the following provisions:
    • Waives the one-week waiting period after an employee loses a job before they apply for unemployment benefits;
    • Waives work search requirements for those receiving unemployment benefits;
    • Adds people who work at a business that has been temporarily closed or has reduced hours because of COVID-19, who have to quarantine because of COVID-19, or who have to care for a family member with COVID-19 to the list of people eligible for unemployment insurance; and
    • Waives any increase in employer payments to the unemployment insurance fund for businesses whose employees receive benefits under this provision.
  • March 20, 2020 – The Governor issued an administrative action extending the deadline for filing and paying state income taxes from April 15 to July 15, 2020.
  • March 23, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order implementing an Enhanced Surveillance Advisory that will accelerate tracking of COVID-19 cases and strengthen the ability of the Arizona Department of Health Services to respond to the outbreak.
  • March 23, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order clarifying businesses and operations deemed “essential” by the state and providing certainty to business owners, employees, families and allowing child care to remain open.
  • March 23, 2020- The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) approved Arizona’s request for a Section 1135 Medicaid waiver. The approved waiver enables Arizona to provide flexibilities in Medicaid provider screening and enrollment, forgo certain pre-admission screening and annual resident review assessments, lift prior authorization requirements and extend current prior authorization approvals.
  • March 24, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order delaying the enforcement of eviction action orders for renters remaining in effect for 120 days.
  • March 24, 2020 – The Governor announced a partnership to launch Arizona Enrichment Centers to offer childcare for the children of first responders, critical healthcare workers, and essential public sector workers, including child safety workers.
  • March 24, 2020 – The Governor notified the Center For Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) of his decision to exempt the State of Arizona from a federal regulation requiring Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNAs) to be supervised by a physician. The reform will expand access to care, especially in rural areas, and free up physicians for other needed medical services.
  • March 24, 2020 – The Governor announced a new partnership between the state of Arizona, the BSTRONG Initiative partnering with the Global Empowerment Mission, and the Verstandig Foundation to secure up to 1 million N-95 masks and other equipment for Arizona health care professionals.
  • March 24, 2020 – The Governor launched the Arizona Together initiative to connect individuals and businesses to resources, raising money for community organizations and providing information on volunteer opportunities.
  • March 25, 2020 – The Governor signed H.B. 2668 to bring more resources into Arizona’s health care system by increasing Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS) provider rates for hospitals, doctors and more.
  • March 25, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order requiring health care insurance companies to expand telemedicine coverage for all services that would normally be covered for an in-person visit.
  • March 25, 2020 – The Governor announced Arizona has received more than $5.3 million in grant funding from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to help communities provide meals for older adults.
  • March 26, 2020 – The Governor announced the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) will waive emissions testing for vehicle owners 65 and older for up to one year to allow them to renew their vehicle registrations.
  • March 26, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order with the following provisions:
    • State agencies and boards will defer requirements to renew licenses that have an expiration date between March 1, 2020 and September 1, 2020 by six months from the expiration date;
    • State agencies and boards will suspend any rules that prevent or limit the amount of online or alternative learning hours permitted to issue or renew a license; and
    • State agencies and boards will issue provisional licenses to applicants who have met all other requirements of Arizona statute and administrative code but cannot take the exam remotely.
  • March 26, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order with the following provisions:
    • Requires hospitals to increase the amount of hospital bed capacity in the state, take steps to optimize staffing levels and maximize critical resources; and
    • Requires hospitals to activate their facility emergency plans.
  • March 26, 2020 – The Governor announced a cooperative agreement with the state’s largest electric utilities to continue to provide reliable electricity to homes, hospitals, and businesses.
  • March 27, 2020 – The Governor announced $5 million in new funding to help Arizonans struggling to make rent as part of a Rental Eviction Prevention Assistance Program being launched by the Arizona Department of Housing.
  • March 27, 2020 – The Governor signed H.B. 2910, legislation to support schools during closures, provide clarity and flexibility on statewide testing requirements and school letter grades, give direction on make-up days and require learning opportunities for students to continue.
  • March 27, 2020 – The Governor signed S.B. 1694, legislation to expand access to unemployment benefits and waiving certain Arizona Department of Economic Security (DES) eligibility requirements.
  • March 28, 2020 – The Governor signed a bipartisan state budget agreement that adds $50 million for Arizona’s COVID-19 response — dollars to assist Arizonans needing eviction assistance, struggling small businesses, food banks and homeless population.
  • March 30, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order, “Stay Home, Stay Healthy, Stay Connected,” to promote increased physical distancing, while encouraging social connectedness among citizens.
  • March 30, 2020 – The Governor announced an initial $6.7 million in funding to support Arizona food banks, nutrition programs and programs that serve the homeless.
  • March 30, 2020 – The Governor announced a cooperative agreement with the state’s banks to protect small businesses and families from eviction and foreclosure.
  • March 30, 2020 – The Governor announced the extension of Arizona school closures through the end of the school year.
  • March 31, 2020 – The Governor announced the Arizona Department of Liquor Licenses and Control will defer the payment of all liquor licensing fees by 90 days.
  • April 1, 2020 – The Governor announced the contribution of $250,000 by Arizona Public Service (APS) to the AZ Coronavirus Relief Fund.
  • April 1, 2020 – The Governor made a request to U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to assist Arizona’s dairy farmers by finding solutions to restart the international export of Arizona dairy products to Mexico.
  • April 1, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive ordered allowing for pets and animals to be examined by their veterinarians through telemedicine.
  • April 1, 2020 – The Governor requested a Presidential Major Disaster Declaration from the federal government – a procedural step to pull down necessary federal assets and resources to assist in the state’s response efforts.
  • April 2, 2020 – The Governor announced the extension of the deadline for filing and paying State and Federal income tax has been extended from April 15th, 2020 until July 15th, 2020.
  • April 2, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order allowing pharmacists to dispense emergency refills of maintenance medications for a 90-day supply and an additional 90-day supply if needed.
  • April 3, 2020 – The Governor announced the launch of Arizona Enrichment Centers starting Monday, April 6 to offer childcare for the children of first responders, critical healthcare workers, and essential public sector workers, including child safety workers.
  • April 3, 2020 – The Governor released additional guidance on essential services and recreational activities including the suspension of operations of barbers, tanning salons, spas, as well as the operation of communal pools at hotels, condominiums, apartment complexes and parks.
  • April 4, 2020 – The Governor announced that President Trump in coordination with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) approved Arizona’s request for a Presidential Major Disaster Declaration for the state.
  • April 4, 2020 – The Governor announced that the state has secured a new agreement with Honeywell to produce over 6 million N95 masks for the state of Arizona over the next 12 months.
  • April 6, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order halting evictions in the state for small businesses and nonprofits that are unable to pay rent due to financial hardship.
  • April 7, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order allowing restaurants to repackage and sell grocery items they have on hand, including items not normally packaged and labeled for resale.
  • April 7, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order expanding healthcare reporting requirements on hospitals and health care providers to better track data.
  • April 7, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order enhancing and reinforcing health protection in Arizona residential care institutions, nursing care institutions and related health care facilities.
  • April 7, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order to increase quarantine guidelines for out-of-state travelers from an area with substantial community spread through any airport in the state must isolate or quarantine themselves upon arrival for 14 days.
  • April 7, 2020 – The Governor announced $2 million in funding to put 400 Arizona Goodwill employees back to work and expand support and services to Arizonans in need as a part of the state COVID-19 relief package.
  • April 7, 2020 – The Governor took action to help ensure critical supplies and goods Arizonans rely on can be transported more easily by temporarily waiving certain commercial vehicles regulations.
  • April 8, 2020 – The Governor announced a Mobile Hotspot Donation Drive to help K-12 students without home internet access online curriculum.
  • April 8, 2020 – The Governor announced that the Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS) will work with its provider partners to make available more than $50 million in accelerated hospital payments and advances and extend an additional $5 million in new COVID-19 related funding to Critical Access Hospitals throughout the state. A Critical Access Hospital is a rural acute care hospital located more than a 35-mile drive from any other hospital.
  • April 8, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order allowing Arizonans to get documents notarized remotely, while ensuring secure and effective verification processes.
  • April 8, 2020 – The Governor announced the Arizona Department of Economic Security (DES) was awarded $9.8M in funding from the federal government for the Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP).
  • April 9, 2020 – The Governor announced that residents currently receiving food assistance through the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) will be able to use benefits for online food purchases with currently-authorized SNAP online retailers, Walmart and Amazon.
  • April 9, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order providing “Good Samaritan” protections to help boost medical staffing levels and provide certainty and liability protections to health care professionals serving on the front lines.
  • April 14, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order to help meet the critical demand for nursing home and long-term care facility staff.
  • April 14, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order to further expand telemedicine options for state worker’s compensation plan.
  • April 14, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order to continue to increase the data received by health care providers and share limited data with law enforcement personnel and first responders.
  • April 15, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order allowing food trucks to operate at eight Arizona Department of Transportation rest areas.
  • April 21, 2020 – The Governor and the Arizona Department of Economic Security (DES) announced the USDA Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) authorized DES to provide Arizona P-EBT Pandemic School Meal Replacement Benefits to households with children who are eligible for free or reduced-price school meals.
  • April 22, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order removing restrictions on conducting elective surgeries for hospitals, health care facilities and providers that meet certain preparedness criteria.
  • April 29, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order extending physical distancing measures while laying out a step-by-step approach to continue reenergizing Arizona’s economy, allowing businesses to begin partial operations next week. 
  • May 1, 2020 – The Governor released additional guidelines as retail businesses resume partial operations that permit the selling of goods through delivery service, window service, walk-up service, drive-through service, drive-up service, curbside delivery or appointment provided they establish and implement sanitation and physical distancing measures.
  • May 4, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order allowing cosmetologists and barber shops to resume appointment-based services this Friday, May 8 and restaurants and coffee shops to resume dine-in services with physical distancing measures on Monday, May 11.
  • May 4, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order requiring expanded reporting of COVID-19 related information to residents of long-term care facilities, as well as their next of kin and guardians and prospective residents
  • May 7, 2020 – The Governor announced retail businesses, cosmetologists and barbers that take necessary precautions to keep customers and employees safe and healthy can resume partial operations.
  • May 8, 2020 – The Governor issued an amended Safer at Home Order. The order which includes an expanded list of items including non-work-related gatherings, retailers, athletic facilities and others to reopen will be effective Monday, May 11, 2020 and will expire on Friday, May 22, 2020 at 5:00 PM.
  • May 8, 2020 – The Governor issued their eighth Supplemental State of Emergency providing liability protections for businesses and health care providers among other provisions.
  • May 8, 2020 – The Governor issued their ninth Supplemental State of Emergency providing operating loans and lines of credit financing to rural electric cooperatives, guidance on the administration of the July 14, 2020 Runoff election, protection against evictions based on nonpayment, and extension of the State of Emergency for another sixty days.
  • May 8, 2020- The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) approved Alabama’s second request for a Medicaid 1135 waiver. The waiver allows Alabama to provide flexibilities in Medicaid provider screening and enrollment and to lift prior authorization requirements.
  • May 12, 2020 – The Governor announced that the Stay at Home order in Arizona will be ending on May 15 and replaced by new guidance for the next stage of economic recovery.
    • Also announced was an accelerated plan to test all staff and residents of long-term care facilities as well as individuals within Arizona’s prisons
  • May 12, 2020 – The Department of Health Services released additional guidance for places of worship, businesses and customers as more industries resume partial operations. 
  • May 14, 2020 – The Governor announced a $100,000 grant from the AZ Coronavirus Relief Fund to programs across the state supporting Arizona kids with special needs.
  • May 14, 2020 – The  Governor announced that the Arizona Enrichment Centers Program will expand to offer prioritized child care for the children of grocery store employees and food bank workers. Enrichment Centers have already been providing child care for first responders, critical health care workers and essential public sector workers.
  • May 14, 2020 – The Governor announced a $100,000 grant from the AZ Coronavirus Relief Fund to programs across the state supporting Arizona kids with special needs.
  • May 14, 2020 – The  Governor announced that the Arizona Enrichment Centers Program will expand to offer prioritized child care for the children of grocery store employees and food bank workers. Enrichment Centers have already been providing child care for first responders, critical health care workers and essential public sector workers.
  • May 15, 2020 – The Governor announced $300,000 in funding from the AZ Coronavirus Relief Fund has been allocated to organizations across the state that support senior citizens, the homebound and those who are medically fragile.
  • May 15, 2020 – The Governor announced a partnership with the University of Arizona to expand antibody testing to all health care workers and first responders in the state.
  • May 18, 2020 – The Governor announced $100,000 in funding from the AZ Coronavirus Relief Fund has been allocated to organizations that support foster families.
  • May 20, 2020 – The Governor announced $300,000 in grant funding to organizations providing Arizonans in need with rental assistance, telehealth and transportation to health services.
  • May 20, 2020 – The Governor announced $500,000 from the AZ Coronavirus Relief Fund has been allocated to organizations that provide out-of-school child care in the state.
  • May 20, 2020 – The Arizona Department of Health Services announced it will partner with the University of Arizona to get antibody testing for all correctional officers in state prisons.
  • May 27, 2020 – The Governor announced the state will be providing nearly $600 million in coronavirus relief and recovery dollars for local Arizona governments and nonprofits.
  • May 28, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order increasing collaboration among Arizona hospitals and ensuring patient transfers can take place smoothly and efficiently if needs arise.
  • May 28, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order protecting the health of kids in school-based child care while allowing for increased child care capacity.
  • May 28, 2020 – The Governor announced schools will reopen for in-person instruction in a few months along with youth summer leagues, summer schools and day camps also can reopen, with some starting as soon as next week.
  • June 17, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order calling for enhanced actions to boost testing, expand contact tracing, securing PPE for health care and frontline workers, and fast-tracked resources to the most affected areas.
  • June 17, 2020 – The Governor announced local governments within the state will be allowed to set their own rules on the use of face masks.
  • June 24, 2020 – The Governor announced AZCares: Flexibility and Funding for Schools and Families Plan that will provide $270 million to help public schools safely open at the start of the school year, while allowing for remote learning.
  • June 24, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order streamlining the purchasing process for schools to obtain PPE and other COVID-19 related costs.
  • June 25, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order extending the Good Samaritan order, which protects frontline health care workers.
  • June 29, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order to prohibit large gatherings, cease the issuance of new special event licenses and pause the operations of bars, gyms, movie theaters, waterparks and tubing rentals.
  • June 29, 2020 – The Governor announced the first day of school for in-person learning will be delayed until August 17, 2020. Schools will be able to conduct distance learning before then should they choose.
  • June 29, 2020 – The Governor announced a new grant program for long-term care facilities. Through the program, facilities will receive $10,000 for the purchase of electronic devices to facilitate video conferencing with residents and their families.
  • July 8, 2020 – The Governor announced $600,000 to fund the launch of Arizona Small Business Association’s (ASBA) Live Local program, training small businesses to find and navigate resources. 
  • July 9, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order requiring restaurants with indoor seating to operate at less than 50 percent capacity.
  • July 9, 2020 – The Governor and the Arizona Department of Health Services Director announced new initiatives to boost staffing in underserved areas, get test results to Arizonans faster, and further enhance hospital staffing and capacity.
  • July 13, 2020 – The Governor announced $120,000 for Heal the Hero Foundation, supporting its work to mitigate the mental health impacts facing first responders.
  • July 14, 2020 – The Governor announced a plan to distribute $5,950,572 from the US Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) program to organizations that support Arizonans in need to combat homelessness.
  • July 16, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order extending a moratorium on residential evictions until October 31, 2020, providing continued protections for renters.
  • July 16, 2020 – The Governor announced $5 million in funding to launch the Foreclosure Prevention Program. The program provides financial assistance to individuals who rely on income from tenants to help them avoid foreclosure.
  • July 22, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order to bolster the election efforts and identify State-owned facilities to be utilized as voting locations and to assist counties in providing personal protective equipment (PPE) and other equipment necessary to allow safe hygiene practices when voting.
  • July 23, 2020 – The Governor announced the extension of an executive order pausing operations on gyms, bars, nightclubs, movie theaters, water parks, and tubing.
  • July 23, 2020 – The Governor announced a statewide campaign developed in partnership with Arizona advertising and public relations firms to promote the use of masks and other important precautions.
  • July 24, 2020 – The Governor and State Superintendent of Public Instruction Kathy Hoffman announced the “Arizona: Open for Learning” plan that provides additional resources, flexibility and clarity for the start of the 2020-2021 school year.
  • July 24, 2020 – The Arizona Department of Health launched a new order form for Arizona’s vulnerable populations for free cloth face masks.
  • July 29, 2020 – The Governor issued the Fifteenth Supplemental State of Emergency.
  • July 30, 2020 – The Governor extended a statewide mask order to August 31 to include mandatory masks in schools and colleges for employees and students in second grade and above.

  • Arkansas Department of Health Coronavirus Resource Page
  • March 11, 2020 – Governor Hutchinson signed an executive order to declare a public health emergency to facilitate coordination and provide increased support to state agencies that are involved in response to the virus. 
  • March 11, 2020 – The Governor announced that members of his cabinet must approve state employees’ out-of-state business travel for the next 60 days.
  • March 12, 2020 – The Secretary of State ordered the closure of the Arkansas State Capitol to the public, effective March 13. Only authorized personnel will be permitted to enter the building for work purposes.
  • March 12, 2020 – The Governor amended executive order 20-03 to authorize funds from the Governor’s Disaster Fund, Emergency Response Fund in the amount of $750,000 to defray costs for the Arkansas Division of Emergency Management.
  • March 13, 2020 – The Governor issued executive order 20-05, permitting health care professionals to consult with patients remotely, rather than in person.
  • March 15, 2020 – The Governor closed all public schools starting March 17 for on-site instruction until the end of Spring Break.
  • March 15, 2020 – The Governor announced the activation of the Arkansas National Guard to assist in COVID-19 response.
  • March 17, 2020 – The Governor directed the Arkansas Department of Commerce to expedite unemployment benefits to assist Arkansans whose employment status may be impacted by COVID-19, including waiving the waiting period and work-search requirements for 30 days, and allowing the unemployed to apply for benefits online or by telephone.
  • March 17, 2020 – The Governor ordered the state’s three casinos to close for two weeks. He also announced that he was easing requirements for applying for unemployment benefits to help people who lose their jobs as businesses close or scale back operations.
  • March 17, 2020 – The Governor issued executive order 20-06, creating greater flexibility for state agencies to waive or suspend statutes and rules in response to the emergency.
  • March 17, 2020  – The  Arkansas Economic Development Commission established a $7 million loan program to provide assistance to businesses and the Quick Action Loan Program to prioritize small to medium-sized businesses.  
  • March 18, 2020 – The Governor made a formal request for a disaster declaration for small businesses, which will open up loans of up to $2 million in working capital from the Community Development Block Grant and the state’s Quick Action Closing Fund.
  • March 18, 2020 – The Governor suspended the renewal process for childcare vouchers for 30 days and will expedite the process once it resumes.
  • March 18, 2020 – The Governor announced childcare providers will be allowed to temporarily increase capacity.
  • March 18, 2020 – The Governor announced that the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) will suspend the work requirement through the end of April.
  • March 18, 2020 – The Governor announced that the state would allocate $12 million in block grant money and up to $4 million from the quick-action fund to provide bridge loans to help mid-size companies and nonprofits remain open.
  • March 18, 2020 – The Arkansas Community Foundation established a statewide COVID-19 Relief Fund to provide rapid-response grants to nonprofit organizations working on the front lines.  
  • March 19, 2020 – The Governor announced schools will remain closed for an additional three weeks through April 17 banned sit-down service at all restaurants and bars. Due to dining restrictions, the state is temporarily allowing restaurants to sell beer and wine for takeout or delivery with the purchase of food.
  • March 19, 2020 – The Governor announced the state will move to telecommuting, with on-site work limited to employees needed for the proper function of government. He also ordered hospitals, clinics, and mental health facilities to screen staff and visitors for temperature and potential symptoms of the virus.
  • March 19, 2020 – The Governor suspended the renewal process for child-care vouchers for 30 days and will expedite the process once it resumes.
  • March 19, 2020 – The Governor announced the Department of Human Services (DHS)temporarily relaxed limits on child-care providers to increase capacity by up to five children.
  • March 19, 2020 – The Governor announced that the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) will suspend the work requirement through the end of April.
  • March 20, 2020 – The Governor authorized the release of $30 million to the Department of Finance and Administration for the purchase of personal protective equipment (PPE) for health care professionals and first responders.
  • March 20, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order expanding the provisions under the Telemedicine Act. The order includes the following provisions: 
    • Suspends provisions that require an in-person encounter or a face-to-face examination to allow time audio and visual means to establish a professional relationship;
    • Allows reimbursement to health care providers who take advantage of this provision; and
    • Suspends the Rules and Regulations of the Arkansas Board of Examiners in Counseling to allow licensed counselors to treat their clients by telephone.
  • March 23, 2020 – The Governor announced the extension of the tax filing and payment deadline to July 15, 2020.
  • March 24, 2020 – The Governor issued a directive closing in-person operations of all barbers, body art establishments and schools, cosmetology establishments, massage therapy clinics/spas, and medical spas.
  • March 24, 2020 – The Governor issued executive order 20-05 to leverage telehealth allowing doctors to intake new patient over the phone.
  • March 25, 2020 – The Governor issued the official call to legislators for an extraordinary session of the 92nd General Assembly to do the following:
    • Create the COVID-19 Rainy Day Fund;
    • Confirm gubernatorial appointees; and
    • Provide for the payment of expenses and per diem of the House of Representatives and the Senate for this extraordinary session.
  • March 25, 2020 – The Governor announced the Arkansas State Medical Board has granted emergency temporary licenses to medical residents who have completed at least one year of internship and waived all licensing fees.
    • The medical board has also accelerated its overall licensing process.
  • March 26, 2020 – The Governor announced the Arkansas Department of Human Services (DHS) is submitting a Medicaid Section 1115 waiver to the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to provide $116 million in additional Medicaid funding to protect Arkansas health care workers, their patients, and to support health care providers.
  • March 27, 2020 – The Governor announced a new plan with an emphasis on Arkansas’s rural providers including the following:
    • Waiving of Medicaid regulations, with an estimated cost of $116 million;
    • Providing financial assistance to hospitals with fewer than 65 beds and clinics without the capital to adapt their facilities to new care delivery processes;
    • Providing safe face-to-face service by extending clinic hours or staggering schedules to separate patients;
    • Providing assistance to expand and upgrade telemedicine so doctors can treat patients from their homes, with telemedicine training funded by the state; and
    • Providing funding to companies that provide non-emergency transportation.
  • March 28, 2020 – The Governor signed legislation establishing the COVID-19 Rainy Day Fund with $173 million to support the response and to avoid cutting some agencies’ budgets.
  • March 30, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order that created the Arkansas Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act Steering Committee (Arkansas CARES Act Steering Committee) to identify the needs of the state and make recommendations to the Governor for the best use of the federal CARES Act funding.
  • March 30, 2020 – The Governor announced $45 million funding will be allocated to the purchase of personal protective equipment (PPE) and ventilators for health care professionals and first responders as they test and treat patients.
  • April 1, 2020 – The Governor implemented “day use” operations only, effective 8 a.m. on Friday, April 3 for all state parks.
  • April 1, 2020 – The Governor announced a partnership with Walmart and Quest Labs to start a pilot, drive-thru testing site in Benton County for first responders and health care workers.
  • April 2, 2020- The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) approved Arkansas’ request for a Section 1135 Medicaid waiver. The approved waiver enables Arkansas to provide flexibilities in Medicaid provider screening and enrollment, forgo certain pre-admission screening and annual resident review assessments, extend fair hearing timelines, and waive public comment and tribal consultation requirements for certain changes to the Medicaid state plan.
  • April 4, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order mandating new safety measures for commercial lodgings, short-term rentals, and other institutions for authorized guests such as first responders.
  • April 4, 2020 – The Governor announced that President Trump in coordination with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) approved Arkansas’s request for a Presidential Major Disaster Declaration for the state.
  • April 6, 2020 – The Governor extended the mandatory closure of all Arkansas public schools through the remainder of the 2019-2020 school year.
  • April 13, 2020 – The Governor announced the formation of the Governor’s Medical Advisory Committee for Post-Peak COVID-19 Response. The committee will identify the criteria to guide public health strategy after Arkansas reaches its peak cases.
  • April 14, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order allowing health workers and first responders, such as firefighters, to file worker’s compensation claims if they are infected while on the job.
  • April 14, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order granting healthcare workers immunity from liability in coronavirus cases.
  • April 15, 2020 – The Governor announced that Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has approved Arkansas’s request to use Medicaid funds to temporarily increase the weekly income of long-term services and supports (LTSS) direct care workers.
  • April 14, 2020 – The Arkansas Division of Workforce Services’ Shared Work Unemployment Compensation Program allowed employers to divide available work or hours of work among a specific group(s) of employees in lieu of a layoff, and it allows the employees to receive a portion of their unemployment benefits.
  • April 15, 2020 – The Governor announced the formation of the Governor’s Medical Advisory Committee for Post-Peak COVID-19 Response.
  • April 17, 2020 – The Governor announced the temporary waiver of the requirement to search for a new job while receiving unemployment.
  • April 18, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order creating the Governor’s Economic Recovery Task Force to develop an industry-specific strategy and provide the Governor with recommendations for Arkansas’ economic recovery.
    • $10 million was also allocated in community development block grants to be distributed to 27 hospitals and $500,000 to support telehealth efforts in rural areas.
  • April 21, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order creating the Governor’s COVID-19 Testing Working Group to make recommendations to expand the capacity and performance of COVID-19 testing in the state.
  • April 22, 2020 – The Governor announced medical service providers can resume certain nonessential out-patient procedures on April 27. The Arkansas Department of Health has issued certain requirements for hospitals and out-patient clinics to follow in order to re-engage elective procedures.
    • The Governor also announced that he has established target dates to decide whether the state will lift restrictions on certain other services and businesses.
  • April 23, 2020 – The Governor launched a two-day Arkansas Surge Campaign to increase COVID-19 testing from 1,000 to 1,500 per day over the next two days.
  • April 27, 2020 – The Governor announced Walmart & Quest Diagnostic opened drive-thru COVID testing site in Central Arkansas for symptomatic Arkansans, and for health care workers & first responders.
  • April 28, 2020 – The Governor announced State Parks will begin a limited reopening of some facilities for residents starting Friday, May 1.
  • April 29, 2020 – The Governor announced restaurants may resume limited dine-in service on May 11 under Phase 1 guidelines that require daily health screening of staff, use of face masks and gloves, and strict social distancing.
  • April 30, 2020 – The Governor announced gyms and fitness centers may resume operations on May 4, 2020, under certain guidelines established to protect the health and safety of employees and patrons.
  • May 1, 2020 – The Governor announced barber shops, salons, clinics, and other services may resume operations under certain guidelines established to protect the health and safety of employees and patrons.
  • May 1, 2020 – The Governor announced the opening of the Arkansas Ready for Business initiative to aid the owners of small businesses recovering from the financial losses.
  • May 4, 2020 – The Governor announced indoor venues such as theaters, arenas, stadiums, and auction houses that are designed for audiences of fewer than 50 may re-open on May 18 on a limited basis with strict social distance among performers, contestants, and members of the audience.
  • May 5, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order extending Arkansas’s COVID-19 public health and disaster emergency for an additional 45 days.
    • The order also updated a directive for all travelers from New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, New Orleans, and all international locations must follow quarantine directives outlined by the Arkansas Department of Health.
  • May 5, 2020 – The Governor announced the legislature has approved $55 million in funding for the Arkansas Ready for Business Grant Program — a resource to help businesses get back on their feet and provide them assistance to ensure the highest health and safety standards for employees and customers.
  • May 7, 2020 – The Governor announced that the state’s three gaming casinos will open at 1:30 PM on May 18. The casinos will open at 1/3 capacity and will enforce strict social distancing.
  • May 7, 2020- The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) approved Arkansas’ second request for a Medicaid 1135 waiver. The waiver allows Arkansas to lift prior authorization requirements and waive consent requirements for Homes and Community-Based Services.
  • May 8, 2020 – The Governor announced recreational pools may resume limited operations on May 22, 2020 under certain guidelines. On May 11, the state will begin the next phase of elective surgeries, which will allow procedures that require hospital stays of up to 48 hours.
  • May 15, 2020 – The Governor announced a partnership with Walmart to provide approximately 130 mobile testing units across the country. Currently, they have three operating in Bentonville, Little Rock, and Fort Smith; and just this week announced additional sites in Jonesboro, Hot Springs, Texarkana, and West Memphis.
  • May 15, 2020 – The Governor announced a partnership with the Community Health Centers across Arkansas to provide over 2,000 test collections per week to assist the state in reaching its goal of 60,000 tests in May.
  • May 19, 2020 – The Governor announced a new goal of testing every nursing home resident and staff member beginning June 1.
  • May 20, 2020 – The Governor announced that bars which are associated with and are located within restaurant facilities are approved to open today. Free standing bars which are not associated with restaurants should be ready to open next Tuesday, May 26th.
  • May 29, 2020 – The Governor announced the creation of the COVID-19 Technical Advisory Board to review and evaluate new technologies as the state’s public health agencies develop strategies for testing and contact tracing.
  • June 8, 2020 – The Governor announced the state will move to Phase 2 of reopening, easing restrictions on restaurants other businesses.
  • June 15, 2020 – The Governor issued three executive orders providing workers compensation coverage, medical immunity from civil liability, and business immunity from civil liability as a result of exposure to COVID-19.
  • June 19, 2020 – The Governor announced that nursing homes, and assisted-living and residential-care facilities will be able to resume limited family visits and other activities on July 1 if compliant with the public health guidelines of the Arkansas Department of Health.
  • July 2, 2020 – The Governor announced registered voters who fear potential exposure may apply for an absentee ballot for November’s General Election.
  • July 3, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order permitting cities to implement an ordinance requiring mandatory face coverings.
  • July 10, 2020 – The Governor and Secretary of State announced anyone who fears that going to a polling place on November 3rd will put his or her health at risk may request an absentee ballot.


California coronavirus resource page.

  • February 2, 2020—The California Department of Public Health activated its Public Health’s Emergency Operations Center to respond to COVID-19 and coordinate with federal authorities quarantining passengers returning to the U.S. from Hubei Province, China, through SFO and LAX. 
  • March 2, 2020—Governor Newsom is requesting emergency action from the legislature to make available up to $20 million for the COVID-19 response.  
  • March 3, 2020—California’s Public Health Department announced that it received federal approval to use some of its emergency planning reserves of 21 million N95 filtering facepiece masks in certain low-risk situations to relieve pressure on the supply chain. March 4, 2020—Governor Newsom declared a state of emergency to help state prepare for broader spread of COVID-19.
  • March 5, 2020 – California Employee Development Department announced support services to individuals affected by COVID-19 in California. 
  • March 5, 2020 – the California Department of Insurance issued similar direction providing cost free medically necessary testing for an additional 2 million Californians. 
  • March 7, 2020 – California officials issued updated guidance to schools, colleges and universities, event organizers and public health officials as they plan for further spread of COVID-19. 
  • March 11, 2020—Governor Newsom announced that gatherings larger than 250 people should be cancelled or postponed.
  • March 11, 2020 – California public health officials issued an updated policy on gatherings to protect public health and slow the spread of COVID-19. The state’s public health experts have determined that gatherings should be postponed or canceled across the state until at least the end of March. 
  • March 12, 2020 – California issued a new executive order further enhancing California’s ability to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Governor’s order:
    • Waives the one-week waiting period for people who are unemployed and/or disabled as a result of COVID-19; 
    • Delays the deadline for state tax filing by 60 days for individuals and businesses unable to file on time based on compliance with public health requirements related to COVID-19 filings;
    • Directs residents to follow public health directives and guidance, including to cancel large non-essential gatherings that do not meet state criteria; 
    • Readies the state to commandeer property for temporary residences and medical facilities for quarantining, isolating or treating individuals; 
    • Allows local or state legislative bodies to hold meetings via teleconference and to make meetings accessible electronically; and 
    • Allows local and state emergency administrators to act quickly to protect public health.   
  • March 13, 2020 – The Governor released information including support for workers via unemployment insurance (UI) and disability insurance (DI) who have to quarantine or experience reduced hours due to coronavirus.
  • March 13, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order ensuring California public school districts retain state funding even in the event of physical closure. The order directs school districts to use those state dollars to fund distance learning and high-quality educational opportunities, provide school meals and, as practicable, arrange for the supervision for students during school hours.
  • March 15, 2020 – The Governor called for all bars, wineries, nightclubs and brewpubs to close and urged seniors and people with chronic health conditions to isolate themselves at home in a bid to contain the spread of the coronavirus.
  • March 15, 2020 – The Governor announced pilot programs in two counties that will begin mobile testing in the next 24-48 hours.  
  • March 16, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order that authorizes local governments to halt evictions for renters and homeowners, slows foreclosures, and protects against utility shutoffs for Californians affected by COVID-19.
  • March 16, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order directing state health and social services agencies to redirect resources and staff to health care, residential and non-residential facilities licensed by the state, focusing on providing technical assistance and supporting compliance with core health and safety requirements for caregivers and the cared for.
  • March 16, 2020 – The Governor asked the California Legislature for emergency legislative action to combat COVID-19.
  • March 17, 2020 – The Governor signed an executive order to ease restrictions on commercial drivers engaged in support of emergency relief efforts.
  • March 17, 2020 – The Governor directed the National Guard to be prepared to perform humanitarian missions across the state including food distribution, ensuring resiliency of supply lines, as well as supporting public safety as required.
  • March 17, 2020 – The Governor signed emergency legislation providing up to $1 billion in funding to help California fight COVID-19. The package also provides $100 million in funding for personal protective equipment and cleaning for schools that remain open. It also allows schools to maintain funding despite service disruptions.
  • March 18, 2020 – The Governor authorized $150 million in funding to protect homeless Californians from COVID-19.
  • March 18, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order to suspend standardized testing for students.
  • March 18, 2020 – The Governor announced the launch of a new COVID-19 public awareness campaign to provide useful information to Californians and inform them of actions they can take to further prevent the spread of the virus.
  • March 18, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order extending the eligibility period for important safety net services to ensure that California’s most vulnerable residents can continue to receive health care, food assistance and in-home supportive services in a timely manner.
  • March 19, 2020 – The Governor issued an order for all individuals living in the state to stay home or at their place of residence.
  • March 20, 2020 – The Governor announced the deployment of California National Guard members to provide short-term food security to isolated and vulnerable residents.
  • March 20, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order allowing vote-by-mail in three upcoming special elections and extending deadlines for the presidential primary canvass.
  • March 21, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order giving the state the ability to increase the health care capacity in clinics, mobile health care units, and adult day health care facilities. The executive order also allows local governments more flexibility to utilize the skills of retired employees and reinforces the importance of the delivery of food, medicine, and emergency supplies.
  • March 21, 2020 – The Governor directed more than $42 million in emergency funding to expand California’s health care infrastructure and secure equipment and services.
  • March 22, 2020 – The Governor announced President Donald Trump has approved California’s Presidential Major Disaster Declaration.
  • March 23, 2020 – The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) approved California’s request for a Section 1135 Medicaid waiver. The approved waiver enables California to provide flexibilities in Medicaid provider screening and enrollment, lift prior authorization requirements, allow for reimbursement facility services in alternative settings, and extend fair hearing and appeals timelines.
  • March 24, 2020 –The Governor issued an executive order directing the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) Secretary to temporarily halt the intake and/or transfer of inmates and youth into the state’s 35 prisons and four youth correctional facilities.
  • March 24, 2020 – The California Infrastructure and Development Bank (IBank) offered the following loan programs for small businesses affected by disasters in California:
    • Disaster Relief Loan Guarantee Program which provides loan guarantees of up to $1 million for small business borrowers in declared disaster areas; and
    • Jump Start Loan Program to help low-wealth entrepreneurs in the declared disaster/emergency areas.  
  • March 24, 2020 – The California Employment Development Department announced employers experiencing a hardship may request up to a 60-day extension to file their state payroll reports and/or deposit state payroll taxes without penalty or interest.  
  • March 24, 2020 –The Governor announced a financial relief package with the following provisions:
    • Financial institutions will offer mortgage payment forbearances of up to 90 days to borrowers;
    • Financial institutions will not report derogatory tradelines (e.g., late payments) to credit reporting agencies, consistent with applicable guidelines;
    • For at least 60 days, financial institutions will not initiate foreclosure sales or evictions, consistent with applicable guidelines; and
    • For at least 90 days, financial institutions will waive or refund for select fees and charges.
  • March 24, 2020 –The Governor announced a financial relief package with the following provisions:
    • Financial institutions will offer mortgage payment forbearances of up to 90 days to borrowers;
    • Financial institutions will not report derogatory tradelines (e.g., late payments) to credit reporting agencies, consistent with applicable guidelines;
    • For at least 60 days, financial institutions will not initiate foreclosure sales or evictions, consistent with applicable guidelines; and
    • For at least 90 days, financial institutions will waive or refund for select fees and charges.
  • March 27, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order banning the enforcement of eviction orders for renters through May 31, 2020.
  • March 27, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order to enhance the authority of California’s Judicial Branch to take emergency action to conduct business and continue to operate.
  • March 27 – The California Labor & Workforce Development Agency removed waiting periods for unemployment and disability insurance and developed a chart of benefits available for workers affected by COVID-19.
  • March 29, 2020 – The Governor announced leading social media companies, businesses, leaders and individuals from across the state have leapt into action to partner and support the COVID-19 public awareness campaign.
  • March 30, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order that will provide tax, regulatory and licensing extensions for businesses.
  • March 30, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order that will temporarily expand the health care workforce and allow health care facilities to staff at least an additional 50,000 hospital beds known as the California Health Corps.
  • March 31, 2020 – The Governor announced the “Stay Home. Save Lives. Check In.” campaign urging Californians to help combat social isolation and food insecurity among Californians who are over the age of 65.
  • April 1, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order that allows for the immediate use of funds from the state’s Disaster Response-Emergency Operations Account.
  • April 1, 2020 – The Governor announced an agreement between teachers, classified employees, school boards, superintendents, and principals to work together to provide distance learning to students as a result of school closures.
  • April 2, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order that will restrict water shutoffs to homes and small businesses.
  • April 2, 2020 – The Governor announced that the state is allocating $50 million to the California Infrastructure and Economic Development Bank for loan guarantees to small businesses to help eliminate barriers to capital for individuals who do not qualify for federal funds, including low wealth and undocumented immigrant communities.
  • April 2,2020 – In response to a large rise in unemployment claims, the Governor announced that small businesses will be able to defer up to $50,000 in owed sales tax for up to one year to help stabilize them financially until federal aid is available.    
  • April 3, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order to expand protections to medical providers as they amplify the use of video chats and similar applications to provide routine and non-emergency medical appointments.
  • April 3, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order expanding consumer protection against price gouging.
  • April 3, 2020 – The Governor announced that California has become the first state in the nation to secure FEMA approval to provide safe isolation capacity for tens of thousands of people experiencing homelessness.
  • April 3, 2020 – The Governor announced the launch of Project Roomkey, a first-in-the-nation initiative to secure hotel and motel rooms to protect people experiencing homelessness.
  • April 4, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order that will facilitate child care for children of essential critical infrastructure workers by allowing the California Department of Education and California Department of Social Services the flexibility to waive certain programmatic and administrative requirements.
  • April 4, 2020 – The Governor announced the launch of a new website,, to get critical medical supplies.
    • The Governor also announced the COVID-19 Testing Task Force, a public-private collaboration that will work with stakeholders across the state to quickly and significantly boost California’s testing capacity.
  • April 6, 2020 – The Governor announced that California will loan 500 state-owned ventilators to the Strategic National Stockpile inventory.
  • April 7, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order that provides additional support for older adults and vulnerable young children by allowing for a 60-day waiver for In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) program caseworkers to continue their work.
  • April 7, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order to help the state procure necessary medical supplies.
  • April 9, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order to address upcoming local elections requiring all mail-in ballot elections.
  • April 9, 2020 – The Governor announced California workers who are receiving unemployment benefits will begin receiving an extra $600 on top of their weekly amount, as part of the new Pandemic Additional Compensation (PAC) initiated by the CARES Act.
  • April 9, 2020 – The Governor announced a new program to provide doctors, nurses and other critical front-line health care workers access to no-cost or low-cost hotel rooms.
  • April 9, 2020 – The Governor announced a partnership with United Airlines, which will provide free, round-trip flights for volunteer medical professionals from across California and the country who join the state’s health care workforce.
  • April 10, 2020 – The Governor announced the release of $100 million to support child care services, and to support child care providers who are stepping up to serve essential infrastructure workers and vulnerable populations and their children during this critical time.
  • April 10, 2020 – The Governor announced 600 nurses have been retrained to support facility compliance with COVID-19 guidance and to assist facilities with positive cases.
    • The state will call each facility daily to understand needs and get early warning of any symptomatic patients as well.
  • April 13, 2020 – The Governor announced $42 million in new investments to protect younger residents who are at heightened risk for abuse and mistreatment. The Governor is making more than $27 million available to help families stay together, nearly $7 million to support social workers and $3 million to support Family Resource Centers.
  • April 13, 2020 – The Governor announced a Western States Pact with Oregon Governor Kate Brown and Washington Governor Jay Inslee to focus on reopening their economies and controlling COVID-19 into the future.
  • April 14, 2020 – The Governor signed an executive order that addresses the release and reentry process at the Division of Juvenile Justice (DJJ) so that eligible youth serving time at DJJ can be discharged safely and expeditiously.
  • April 14, 2020 – The Governor outlined six critical indicators the state will consider before modifying the stay-at-home order and other interventions.
  • April 15, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order taking the following actions:
    • Expanding call center hours at the Employment Development Department (EDD) to better assist Californians with unemployment insurance applications; and
    • Implementing a one-stop shop for those applying for Pandemic Unemployment Assistance, including the self-employed and independent contractors.
  • April 15, 2020 – The Governor announced the allocation of $75 million in statewide Disaster Relief Assistance funding to provide financial support for immigrant workers.
  • April 15, 2020 – The Governor announced the release of an immigrant resource guide to provide information about COVID-19 related assistance, including public benefits, that are available to immigrant Californians.
  • April 16, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order taking the following actions allowing:
    • The California State University system will be able to waive hearing requirements to be able to make adjustments to admissions criteria for students applying this coming fall to enter as freshmen in the fall of 2021;
    • The California Department of Justice will develop procedures to perform name-based background checks to protect health and safety and avoid delays in processing employment for critical sectors, such as health care services and care and support for vulnerable populations; and
    • Federal stimulus checks will flow directly to custodial parents owed back child support payments and will additionally allow for commercially licensed food trucks to be able to temporarily operate in roadside rest areas for a period of 60 days, to ensure essential infrastructure workers have access to food.
  • April 16, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order to support California workers from large employers in the food sector industry impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic with two weeks of paid sick leave.
    • Also providing health and safety standards to increase worker and customer protection by permitting workers at food facilities to wash their hands every 30 minutes, or as needed, to increase proper sanitation measures.
  • April 17, 2020 – The Governor announced the formation of a state Task Force on Business and Jobs Recovery that will work to develop actions government and businesses can take to help residents recover swiftly and safely.
  • April 17, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order allowing for temporary waivers for county child welfare agencies and probation departments to perform necessary functions using alternative processes other than face-to-face interactions.
  • April 18, 2020 – The Governor announced the state has reached agreement with the Motel 6 chain to make available all of its corporate-owned locations to counties with a master agreement template.
  • April 20, 2020 – The Governor announced commitments from companies, business leaders and philanthropists to provide Internet access for hundreds of thousands of households as well as laptops, Chromebooks and tablets for over 70,000 students.
  • April 20, 2020 – The California Public Utilities Commission announced $30 million in funding to help school districts ensure that families have Internet access and computing devices for distance learning.
  • April 20, 2020 – The California State Transportation Agency announced a partnership with the City of Sacramento to convert and deploy seven transit buses to be used as “super hotspots” for enhanced Internet connectivity.
  • April 21, 2020 – The Governor announced California Volunteers’ #CaliforniansForAll service initiative to connect Californians with safe volunteer opportunities and encourage those unable to physically volunteer to think creatively about ways to make a difference in their communities.
  • April 22, 2020 – The Governor announced plans to allow hospitals and health systems to resume delayed medical care such as heart valve replacements, angioplasty and tumor removals, and key preventive care services, such as colonoscopies.
  • April 23, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order modifying previous orders, including the granting of a 60-day extension for customers on several Department of Motor Vehicles deadlines, including those for recently expired drivers’ licenses and identification cards, to reflect public compliance with the COVID-19 stay-at-home order.
  • April 23, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order offering flexibility to the California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) and Medi-Cal providers on a variety of deadlines and requirements to ensure continuity of service to patients and customers.
  • April 23, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order requiring local education agencies, including school districts, to publish a written report to their communities explaining how they have responded to COVID-19, including steps taken to deliver distance learning and meet the needs of disadvantaged students.
  • April 23, 2020 – The Governor announced that most private student loan servicers have agreed to provide payment and other relief to borrowers, including more than 1.1 million Californians with privately held student loans.
  • April 23, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order that exempts garnishment for any individuals receiving federal, state or local government financial assistance in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • April 24, 2020 – The Governor announced the launch of the first-in-the nation meal delivery program, a partnership to make wellness check-in calls, and the expansion of Friendship Line California to help combat social isolation. These actions will support the approximately 1.2 million Californians over the age of 65 who live alone.
  • April 29, 2020 – The Governor announced the expansion of the Farm to Family program to help meet the growing demand at California food banks and CalFresh and EBT programs, including new Pandemic-EBT, and EBT for online purchasing.
  • April 30, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order today that will allow adults to obtain marriage licenses at the discretion of their local county clerk, through videoconferencing.
  • April 30, 2020 – The Governor announced a new online portal to expand childcare subsidies and after-school programs for essential workers and vulnerable families.
  • April 30, 2020 – The Governor ordered all beaches and state parks in Orange County to temporarily close on April 30, after violations of the state’s physical distancing rules.
  • May 1, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order that temporarily broadens the capability of counties to enroll persons into the California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (CalWORKs) program using various eligibility verification methods due to social distancing requirements.
  • May 4, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order directing the State Public Health Officer to establish criteria to determine whether and how, in light of local conditions, local health officers may implement public health measures less restrictive than the statewide public health directives.
  • May 4, 2020 – The Governor announced a partnership with the University of California, San Francisco and University of California, Los Angeles to immediately begin training workers for a landmark contact tracing program that will help contain the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic while the state looks to modify the stay at home order.
  • May 4, 2020 – The Governor announced that based on the state’s progress in meeting metrics tied to indicators, the state can begin to move into the early phase of Stage 2 of reopening this Friday, May 8 allowing for gradual reopening of lower-risk workplaces with adaptations including bookstores, clothing stores, florists and sporting goods stores.
  • May 6, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order that creates a time-limited rebuttable presumption for accessing workers’ compensation benefits applicable to residents who must work outside of their homes during the stay at home order.
  • May 6, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order that waives penalties for property taxes paid after April 10 for taxpayers who demonstrate they have experienced financial hardship through May 6, 2021.
  • May 6, 2020 – The Governor announced a new site that will allow residents to find testing sites statewide by their zip code.
  • May 7, 2020 —  The Governor released updated industry guidance – including for retail, manufacturing and logistics – to begin reopening with modifications that reduce risk and establish a safer environment for workers and customers.
  • May 8, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order that extends the following critical deadlines:
    • Certification requirements for public school project inspectors and Certified Access Specialists;
    • State Marshal to publish lists of building materials requirements and registration renewals;
    • Expiration dates for notaries public;
    • Retired peace officers to temporarily be reemployed for up to a year they left the agency in good standing; and
    • Procedural deadlines of the Department of Industrial Relations, including the deadline for workers to file wage claims with the Labor Commissioner; the deadline for employers to appeal Cal/OSHA citations; and the deadline for Workers’ Compensation Administrative Law Judges to issue decisions.
  • May 8, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order requiring that each county’s elections officials send vote-by-mail ballots for the November 3, 2020 General Election to all registered voters.
  • May 8, 2020- The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) approved California’s additional request for a Medicaid 1135 waiver. The waiver allows California to lift prior authorization requirements, waive consent requirements for Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS), and to allow for HCBS in additional settings
  • May 11, 2020 – The Governor along with governors and legislative leaders from five western states requested $1 trillion in direct and flexible relief to states and local governments.
  • May 12, 2020 – The Governor announced that the Department of Consumer Affairs and State Board of Pharmacy will allow pharmacists to collect specimens for COVID-19 tests and order tests for consumers.
  • May 12, 2020 – The Governor announced the state has also created a new “Medi-Nurse” line available for Medi-Cal patients without a health plan (fee for service) and uninsured Californians.
  • May 14, 2020 – The Governor submitted his 2020-21 May Revision budget proposal to the Legislature – a balanced plan to close a budget gap of more than $54 billion brought on by the COVID-19 recession.
  • May 18, 2020 – The Governor announced the easing of criteria for counties that want to reopen faster than the rest of the state. Counties must demonstrate stable hospitalization rates and low numbers of positive cases, but no longer are required to meet the criteria of no deaths in the last 14 days.
  • May 19, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order addressing a variety of issues relating to domestic violence, Cal Grant applicant requirements, Energy Commission funding deadlines, and extending claims for reimbursement by local governments.
  • May 22, 2020 – The Governor announced the launch of California Connected, the state’s comprehensive contact tracing program and public awareness campaign.
  • May 25, 2020 – The Governor announced counties can now begin re-opening houses of worship and in-store shopping for retail.
  • May 26, 2020 – The Governor announced counties can choose to reopen hair salons and barbershops with certain modifications.
  • May 29, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order extending authorization for local governments to halt evictions for renters impacted through July 28.
  • May 29, 2020 – The Governor and First Partner announced a series of new initiatives to support victims of domestic violence amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, including $5 million in state funding and a new partnership to secure private funding with $3 million in seed funding.
  • May 29, 2020 – The Governor and First Partner announced the state is partnering with the California Partnership to End Domestic Violence (CPEDV), Airbnb, and Uber to provide free accommodation and transportation to victims of domestic violence.
  • June 3, 2020 – The Governor issued a proclamation declaring a statewide General Election on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, and issued an executive order to ensure that Californians can exercise their right to vote in a safe, secure, and accessible manner during the upcoming election.
  • June 5, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order that will help increase the availability of over-the-counter drugs, such as hand sanitizer, and medical devices, such as respirators, ventilators and masks.
  • June 8, 2020 – The Governor announced that California-based BYD North America has received certification from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) to produce N95 respirators for the state.
  • June 15, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order taking the following actions:
    • Extending waivers temporarily broadening the capability of counties to enroll persons into the California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (CalWORKs) program; and
    • Extending permission for commercially-licensed food trucks to operate in roadside rest areas.
  • June 22, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order extends a waiver that allows retailers to temporarily pause in-store redemption of beverage containers.
    • The order also temporarily suspends the requirement for recycling centers to hold a minimum number of hours of operation.
  • June 18, 2020 – The Governor issued a mandate requiring residents to wear face coverings in common and public indoor spaces and outdoors when physical distancing is not possible.
  • June 24, 2020 – The State Superintendent of Public Instruction, First Partner, and State Board President announced the launch of Advance Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) to engage teachers, school leaders, and families across the state how they can address the social and emotional needs of students both in response to COVID-19 and over the long term.
  • June 25, 2020 – The Governor issued a proclamation of a budget emergency to make additional resources available to fund the state’s ongoing emergency response.
  • June 25, 2020 – The Governor unveiled the COVID Assessment Tool, an open-source “model of models” that will allow scientists, researchers, and public to access the most current data and model future scenarios.
    • The Governor also directed state agencies and departments to make accessible nearly all COVID-19 data and information.
  • June 29, 2020 – The Governor signed the 2020 Budget Act – a $202.1 billion spending plan that strengthens emergency response, protects public health and safety, and promotes economic recovery while closing a $54.3 billion budget shortfall caused by the COVID-19 recession.
  • June 30, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order taking the following actions:
    • Extending authorization for local governments to halt evictions for renters impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, through September 30.
    • Extending provisions in earlier orders which allow adults to obtain marriage licenses via videoconferencing rather than in-person during the pandemic;
    • Waiving eligibility re-determinations for Californians who participate in Medi-Cal, to ensure they maintain their health coverage; suspend face-to-face visits for eligibility for foster care;
    • Extending waivers temporarily broadening the capability of counties to enroll persons into the California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (CalWORKs) program;
    • Extending provisions allowing for mail-in renewals of driver’s licenses and identification cards, to limit in-person transactions at the Department of Motor Vehicles; and
    • Extending timeframes related to the payment of real estate license application and renewal fees and continuing education requirements for licensees.
  • June 30, 2020 – The Governor announced the Homekey initiative that will spend upwards of $1 billion to purchase hotels, motels, vacant apartment buildings and tiny homes and provide services to the homeless.
  • July 2, 2020 – The Governor announced the “Wear A Mask” public awareness campaign encouraging residents to use face coverings.
  • July 6, 2020 – The Governor ordered a second shutdown of restaurants and indoor business in more than 19 counties that have seen a recent surge in cases.
  • July 9, 2020 – The Governor announced new efforts to protect emergency personnel and evacuees from the virus during wildfires including the hiring of additional firefighters, holding virtual briefings, and updating mass care and sheltering protocols.
  • July 13, 2020 – The Governor ordered all counties in the state to close all bars and the indoor operations of businesses including restaurants, movie theaters and museums.
    • The Governor also closed indoor operations for fitness centers, worship services, personal care services, malls, offices, hair salons and barbershops for 30 counties on California’s monitoring list.
  • July 24, 2020 – The Governor announced the allocation of existing federal funds to local public health departments and community-based organizations to assist with supportive services for isolation and quarantine.
  • July 24, 2020 – The Governor announced the expansion of the state’s public awareness campaign to #WearAMask and #StoptheSpread, to employers, to workers and to their families to inform them of ways they can break the cycle of spread and reduce their risk for COVID-19 at work, at home, and in their community.
  • July 24, 2020 – The Governor announced a new Employer Playbook released today will guide them on how to provide a clean environment for workers and customers to reduce risk.
  • July 24, 2020 – The Governor announced the state has expanded testing and health plan reimbursement for the essential workforce, in addition to requiring health plans to reimburse all testing for high-risk essential workers.
  • July 27, 2020 – The Governor announced targeted actions to support the Central Valley by providing $52 million to help expand disease investigation, contact tracing and quarantine efforts. In addition, the state will deploy three Unified Support Teams to evaluate on-the-ground needs and develop strategies and interventions to address them.
  • July 29, 2020 – The Governor announced a series of actions to better serve workers that have experienced job loss and the formation of an Employment Development Department (EDD) strike team, and a renewed focus on processing unpaid claims.


Colorado Department fo Public Health & Environment coronavirus resource page.

Stay Healthy at Home Using Virtual Care

  • March 2, 2020—In response to new coronavirus cases, Governor Polis announced that the state has raised its emergency preparedness level to level 2, with 10 state agencies having a representative available for contact at all hours of the day. 
  • March 10, 2020—Governor Polis signed an executive order declaring a state of emergency and requesting certain actions:
    • The Colorado Department of Labor and Employment (CDLE) is directed to engage in emergency rulemaking to ensure workers in food handling, hospitality, child care, health care, and education can get paid sick leave. 
    • For workers who test positive and lack access to paid leave, the Governor is directing CDLE to identify additional supports and wage replacement such as access to unemployment insurance.   
    • The Colorado Department of Personnel and Administration will engage in emergency rulemaking regarding state employees.  
    • The Department of Revenue is directed to temporarily allow Coloradans over the age of 65 to extend their driver’s licenses online to avoid having to congregate at DMVs. 
    • The Colorado Department of Public Health and the Environment will be opening a drive-up lab at their facility in Lowry to test anyone who has a note from their doctor stating that they meet the criteria for testing.  
    • Governor Polis also encouraged the private sector to voluntarily offer paid sick leave. 
  • March 11, 2020—Governor Polis issued guidance to all K-12 schools recommending that if they have a student or faculty member who tests positive that they close for 72 hours, allowing for schools to be disinfected and for the epidemiologists to conduct an investigation and recommend next steps for those schools. More details on the guidance are available here.  
  • March 11, 2020—Governor Polis also instructed the Colorado Department of Public Health and the Environment and the Colorado Department of Human Services to engage in emergency rulemaking to limit visitation to facilities that serve older Coloradans, to screen all employees and visitors to these facilities, and to take necessary steps to protect those in these facilities.
  • March 13, 2020 – The Governor issued guidance for large gatherings, recommending canceling or postponing any events with more than 250 people unless there are steps taken to ensure a distance of at least six feet between smaller parties at the event. The Governor’s update also highlighted the following actions:
    • The Division of Insurance has made allowances for seniors to get an extra month’s supply of prescription medications.
    • The state activated the National Guard to provide additional testing capacity around the state and train other community medical providers on standing up their own mobile testing labs.
    • The Governor instructed the Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies to cut through red tape on licensing medical professionals so that medical professionals with licenses in other states can be licensed in Colorado as quickly as possible. The state has already contracted to have dozens of nurses from out-of-state arrive on Monday to help with Colorado communities that have been hit the hardest. CDPHE has also authorized every EMT and paramedic in the state to administer the test.
  • March 14, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order directing downhill ski resorts to suspend operations for one week to slow the spread of COVID-19 and conserve medical resources in the state’s mountain communities.
  • March 14, 2020 – The Governor and the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment is restricted all visitors at skilled nursing, assisted living, and intermediate care facilities to protect the health of the residents and health care workers at those facilities.
  • March 16, 2020 – The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment issued a public health order to close bars, restaurants, gyms, theaters, and casinos to slow the spread of COVID-19, effective at 8:00 AM on March 17 for the duration of 30 days.
  • March 16, 2020 –The Governor announced Department of Motor Vehicles and all Department of Revenue facilities will be closed to the public for one month from March 18 – April 18. All state driver license offices will be closed to the public but will continue to process online license and ID renewals and other DMV online services.
  • March 16, 2020 – The Colorado Department of Education has received a waiver from the US Department of Agriculture to continue serving free and reduced meals to r students while schools are closed.
  • March 16, 2020 – The State of Colorado welcomed 50 nurses dedicated to help with the state’s COVID-19 response. This was made possible with funding from the Disaster Emergency Fund freed up by the Governor’s March 11 Executive Order.
  • March 16, 2020 – The Governor announced the launch of the Doing My Part CO digital campaign to encourage residents to practice proper hygiene and social distancing, as well as getting groceries or medicine for elderly neighbors.
  • March 17, 2020 – The Governor signed an executive order and House Bill 20-1359 allowing Colorado’s political parties to amend certain rules and procedures governing the conduct of their assemblies and conventions and to limit in-person contact during nominating assemblies and conventions.
  • March 18, 2020 – The Governor announced the launch of the Help Colorado Now effort where Coloradans can donate or volunteer, as well as the Colorado COVID Relief Fund, which has already raised nearly $3 million to help Coloradans impacted by COVID-19.
  • March 18, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order suspending in-person learning in public and private schools across the state from March 23 to April 17. The executive order also directs the following actions:
    • Colorado school districts and the Charter School Institute will make every effort to provide alternative learning opportunities while taking into account the needs of local communities.
    • The Commissioner of Education will issue guidance to support P-12 school systems in developing and implementing plans to assist families and students in accessing alternative learning, providing free and reduced lunch and breakfast, and offering waivers for instructional time as appropriate.
  • March 18, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order extending the suspension of downhill ski area operations through April 6. The order extends his previous order suspending ski area operations until March 22.
  • March 18, 2020 – The Colorado Department of Public Health issued a public health order prohibiting gatherings of more than 10 people.
  • March 18, 2020 – The Governor signed two bills:
    • HB 20-1301: Allowing local school district boards of education to adopt policies allowing board members to participate in meetings electronically, as long as a quorum of board members is physically present.
    • SB 20-091: Setting the minimum pay for a member of the Colorado National Guard to be equivalent to the pay rate of an enlisted person holding the rank of E-4 with over six years of service.
  • March 19, 2020 – The Governor signed an executive order temporarily suspending elective and nonessential surgeries and procedures to preserve important medical equipment, like personal protective equipment and ventilators.
  • March 19, 2020 – The Governor issued an updated executive to limit in-person contact concerning elections operations of the Secretary of State’s Office.
  • March 19, 2020 – The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment issued an updated public health order closing bars, restaurants, theaters, gyms, and casinos to include nonessential personal services facilities, horse track, and off-track betting facilities statewide.
  • March 19, 2020 – The Division of Insurance and Connect for Health Colorado announced Emergency Regulation 20-E-02 will establish a special enrollment period for uninsured Coloradans to get health insurance.
  • March 19, 2020 – The Governor secured a federal loan valued at $2 Million for small businesses as part of the Small Business Administration’s Economic Injury Disaster Loan program.  
  • March 20, 2020 – The Governor established the Colorado Emergency Childcare Collaborative, which will create a system of emergency childcare for essential workers, including healthcare and public safety workers.
  • March 20, 2020 – The Governor announced the Department of Regulatory Agencies (DORA) is working with state-chartered financial institutions to address the threat of residential and commercial foreclosures and displacement.
  • March 20, 2020 – The Governor announced the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment’s (CDLE) Unemployment Insurance Division to expedite claim payments during this state of emergency.
  • March 20, 2020 – The Governor announced an executive order extending the income tax payment deadline for all Colorado taxpayers by 90 days until July 15, 2020, without penalty or interest. The order includes the following provisions:
    • Does not impose any caps on the amount of tax that can be deferred.
    • Grants an extension for taxpayers who are required to make estimated income tax payments for the 2020 tax year.
    • Directs the Department of  Revenue (DOR) to coordinate with local governments that choose to extend tax payment deadlines for property, sales, and use taxes.
  • March 20, 2020 – The Governor announced the Governor’s Economic Stabilization and Growth Council.
  • March 20, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order allowing retailers licensed for the sale of on-premises alcohol consumption to sell, deliver or provide takeout for sealed alcoholic beverages if the customer also purchases food. The order includes the following provisions:  
    • Suspends the requirement of a physical examination for a medical marijuana card to be issued; and
    • Suspends the prohibition on online sales for retail marijuana stores.
  • March 22, 2020 – The Governor signed an executive order directing all of Colorado’s non-critical employers to reduce their in-person workforce by 50 percent. The order includes the following provisions:  
    • Directs all employers to implement telework options to the greatest extent possible.
  • March 22, 2020 – The Governor launched the state’s Innovation Response Team (IRT) to bring together public and private sector resources and innovations.
  • March 25, 2020 – The Governor announced a statewide stay-at-home order beginning on Thursday, March 26 at 6:00 a.m. that will last until April 11, 2020.
  • March 26, 2020 – The Governor released an updated public health order in accordance with his executive order implementing a statewide stay-at-home order to include other critical services.
  • March 26, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order authorizing certain state agencies to promulgate and issue emergency rules extending the expiration date for certain licenses and other documents to limit in-person renewals.
  • March 26, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order updating protocol for state prisons and community corrections facilities by providing flexibility to suspend certain requirements.
  • March 26, 2020 – The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) approved Colorado’s request for a Section 1135 Medicaid waiver. The approved waiver enables Colorado to provide flexibilities in Medicaid provider screening and enrollment, forgo certain pre-admission screening and annual resident review assessments, lift prior authorization requirements, allow for reimbursement facility services in alternative settings, extend fair hearing timelines, and waive public comment and tribal consultation requirements for certain changes to the Medicaid state plan.
  • March 26, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order temporarily suspending the personal appearance requirement before notarial officers to perform notarizations. The order also authorizes the Secretary of State to promulgate and issue temporary emergency rules in order to facilitate remote notarization. 
  • March 26, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order allowing Coloradans to get their marriage licenses without going in person.
  • March 27, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order allowing the state to access additional funds from the Disaster Emergency Fund.
  • March 27, 2020 – The Colorado Division of Insurance (DOI), part of the Department of Regulatory Agencies (DORA), took action to reduce insurance delays for restaurants and workers. The emergency regulation 20-E-03 removes restrictions on two different types of auto insurance for the duration of Public Health Order 20-22.
  • March 27, 2020 – The Governor announced an updated public health order corresponding with the stay-at-home executive order. The changes include:
    • Critical businesses must comply with a stay at home and social distancing requirements and should minimize staff to those who are critical to the functioning of the business;
    • Necessary travel now includes transporting children between separate households pursuant to a parenting plan or other agreement governing parental responsibilities and non-residents returning to their place of residence;
    • Essential government services now include airports, activities related to the conduct of elections, and local governments; and
    • Minimum basic operations now include filling online product orders and to process customer orders remotely.
  • March 29, 2020 – The Governor announced that President Donald Trump has approved his request in declaring a Major Disaster for the State of Colorado.
  • March 31, 2020 – The Governor urged the Acting Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security to request automatic extensions of work authorizations for all Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) recipients whose grants expire in 2020.
  • April 1, 2020 – The Governor announced that he would extend the suspension of normal in-person learning at all public and private elementary and secondary schools until April 30.
  • April 1, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order expanding the use of telehealth services.
  • April 2, 2020 – The Governor announced the Special Enrollment Period for individual health insurance will be extended to run through April 30, 2020. The original period that was announced on March 19 was set to end on Friday, April 3.
  • April 3, 2020 – The Governor announced that he is asking all Coloradans to wear cloth face coverings when they go out of the house for essential functions like grocery shopping. The state has partnered with, where people can find patterns for making their own masks and ideas for how to help others, who can’t make their own, get one.
  • April 6, 2020 – The Governor announced an extension to the stay-at-home executive order until April 26.
  • April 6, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order allowing for a one-month extension for filing and remitting state and state-administered local sales tax.
  • April 9, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order today extending the disaster emergency declaration for COVID-19 for an additional 30 days.
    • The executive order also extends deadlines for state severance taxes from April 15 until May 15, 2020.
  • April 9, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order suspending certain regulatory statutes concerning juvenile justice, regional centers, and behavioral health to provide the Colorado Department of Human Services with flexibility to respond to COVID-19.
  • April 12, 2020 – The Governor unveiled a new state website with free resources, It has health resources, education, entertainment, and more to make staying at home more bearable.
  • April 13, 2020 – The Governor sent a letter encouraging hotel and motel owners and operators to rise to the challenge in addressing COVID-19 by entering agreements to temporarily house homeless Coloradans, along with some of the state’s most vulnerable.
    • The Governor also sent a letter in response to the General Assembly, Denver City Council and RTD Board, saying that he will mobilize 250 Colorado National Guard (CONG) members to support existing shelters in the City and County of Denver with staffing shortages for those who are experiencing homelessness.
  • April 14, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order, amending previous orders which supports emergency childcare for essential workers and temporarily suspends certain statutes, enabling schools and school districts to focus on delivering instruction and student services.
  • April 14, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order, extending and amending previous orders which limits in-person contact for the 2020 elections and the secretary of state’s operations. The executive order is extended by an additional 30 days.
  • April 15, 2020 – The Governor announced the key indicators that are guiding Colorado’s process for ongoing updates to policies, guidance, and requirements on statewide social distancing measures. The indicators are:
    • Implementing social distancing measures in an economically and psychologically sustainable manner;
    • Ensuring the capacity to care for those who are ill (COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 related illnesses) without sacrificing the quality of care; and
    • Increasing efforts to prevent infection in vulnerable Coloradans.
  • April 15, 2020 – The Governor issued anexecutive order providing hospitals and health care providers more flexibility to expand the trained medical personnel available to provide health care services within inpatient facilities.
  • April 15, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order temporarily suspending a statute concerning fire bans in order to provide boards of county commissioners with broader discretion and greater flexibility to implement restrictions on open burning.
  • April 17, 2020 – The Governor and the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment issued an updated public health order that will require long-term care facilities to create a detailed isolation plan and submit it to CDPHE for review by May 1.
  • April 17, 2020 – The Governor announced that the Colorado National Guard will deploy to conduct testing at the three largest nursing homes in the state, and that the state will be deploying additional testing and human resources to other facilities as needed.
  • April 17, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order requiring that staff at critical businesses wear non-medical face coverings while at work and wear gloves (if gloves are provided by an employer) when in contact with customers or goods.
  • April 17, 2020 – The Governor’s Council on Economic Stabilization and Growth allocated $2.5 million from the Colorado Economic Development Commission as seed money for the Energize Colorado Gap Fund. This assistance fund will ask foundations, corporations and wealthy individuals to provide money that can be provided to struggling enterprises in the forms of loans and grants.  
  • April 17, 2020 – The Governor established the COVID Health Equity Response Team to address racial inequities regarding positive cases and deaths related to COVID-19. The Response Team will:
    • Ensure equity as a factor in decision-making around logistics and resources;
    • Increase access to testing and care services;
    • Ensure racial and ethnicity COVID-19 data are accessible, transparent and used in decision-making; and
    • Share time-sensitive information about how Colorado communities are experiencing particular challenges related to the COVID-19 response.
  • April 19, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order amending and extending Executive Order D 2020 010, which suspended statute to extend the income tax payment deadlines to July 15, 2020 for all Colorado taxpayers to quickly provide relief from payment and penalties. The new executive order extends Executive Order D 2020 010 for another thirty days and aligns with the IRS filing date extension.
  • April 20, 2020 – The Governor announced that starting April 27, the state will move onto the “Safer at Home” phase. During this phase, Coloradans will no longer be ordered to stay home but are still strongly encouraged to do so.
  • April 22, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order extending the suspension of normal in-person instruction at all public and private elementary and secondary schools until the end of the 2019-2020 school year.
  • April 23, 2020 – The Governor extended an executive order authorizing certain state agencies to promulgate and issue emergency rules extending the expiration date for certain licenses and other documents to limit in-person renewals.
  • April 23, 2020 – The Governor amended and extended an executive order that suspends certain criminal justice statutes to give the Colorado Department of Corrections discretion to combat the spread of COVID-19 in state prisons.
  • April 25, 2020 – The Colorado Office of Economic Development extended funds to the state’s three nonprofit microlenders allowing them to provide loans through the federal Paycheck Protection Program. 
  • April 26, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order outlining a new level in Colorado’s response including a more sustainable way of living for Coloradans while slowing the spread of the virus and allowing more Coloradans to return to work.
  • April 26, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order allowing medical, dental, and veterinary voluntary or elective surgeries and procedures to resume as long as the health care facility or other setting is following the required safety protocols.
  • April 26, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order establishing the New Normal Advisory Board that will coordinating and harmonizing policies and rules designed to maximize social distancing during the Safer at Home phase.
  • April 27, 2020 – The Governor announced Colorado along with Nevada has joined California, Oregon and Washington in the Western States Pact – a working group of Western state governors with a shared vision for modifying stay at home and fighting COVID-19.
  • April 27, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order implementing a number of measures for the “safer-at-home” phase that will allow many Coloradans to return to work while we maintain a sustainable level of social distancing.
  • April 30, 2020 – The Office of eHealth Innovation (OeHI) announced the state is expanding access to telehealth resources for Coloradans.
  • April 30, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order restricting spending for the current fiscal year ending June 30, 2020.
  • April 30, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order directing the Department of Health Care Policy and Financing to provide additional funds to nursing homes and other congregate care facilities.
  • April 30, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order extending the date that unaffiliated candidates may begin collecting signatures.
  • April 30, 2020 – The Governor extended executive orders for the following actions:
    • Temporarily suspending the personal appearance requirement before notarial officers to perform notarizations;
    • Temporarily suspending requirements preventing issuance of marriage licenses;
    • Extending the closure of downhill ski areas until May 23;
    • Temporarily suspending certain statutes to provide State agencies with flexibility to fulfill their duties, and
    • Limiting evictions, foreclosures, and public utility disconnections to provide relief to Coloradans.
  • May 1, 2020 – The Governor announced a new special assignment committee within the Behavioral Health Task Force that will focus on the effects of COVID-19 on behavioral health in Colorado.
  • May 1, 2020 – The Governor announced that FEMA has activated the Crisis Care Program (CCP) for the State of Colorado. The CCP provides reimbursements to local organizations that support individuals and communities as they recover from the psychological effects of disasters.
  • May 1, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order temporarily suspending certain statutes concerning taxpayer filing requirements for certain taxable property.
  • May 1, 2020 – The Governor announced 2-1-1, Colorado’s free information hotline, will now be answering questions about worker protections and health care discrimination.
  • May 4, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order to allow food trucks to operate at Colorado’s rest areas to support truckers and the movement of commercial vehicle activities.
  • May 4, 2020 – The Governor unveiled a new interactive map of community-based testing sites that local public health departments have set up across the state.
  • May 4, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order continuing the extension for filing and remitting state and state-administered local sales tax until May 20, 2020.
  • May 6, 2020 – The Governor announced the Center for Medicaid & Medicare Services (CMS) approved an emergency funding request for $7.9 million to telemedicine and other critical health innovation and infrastructure projects to ensure clinicians and patients are safe and healthy during this uncertain time.
  • May 8, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order extending the Disaster Emergency Declaration for COVID-19.
    • The order also extends the employment of the Colorado National Guard to support and provide planning resources to state and local authorities.
  • May 8, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order extending the Disaster Emergency Declaration for COVID-19.
  • May 8, 2020 – The Governor announced a new initiative: Can Do Colorado. This will provide guidance and tips to businesses about increasing teleworking capabilities and highlight businesses that are being creative and going above and beyond to run their businesses safely and remotely.
  • May 8, 2020 – The Governor launchedConnect to Care Jobs” through the Department of Health Care Policy and Financing (HCPF), in partnership with ADvancing States, to match health care job seekers with immediate openings in residential care settings.
  • May 8, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order extending the temporary suspension of certain statutes to provide an extension for filing and remitting state severance tax until May 15, 2020.
  • May 10, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order amending and extending previous and temporarily suspending certain regulatory statutes related to the Colorado Department of Human Services (CDHS).
  • May 11, 2020 – The Governor announced the Colorado Department of Education and the Colorado Education Initiative are partnering with Rocky Mountain Public Media (RMPBS, KUVO JAZZ, The DROP) to provide K-3 learners, and their families and caregivers with direct-to-home remote literacy learning though “Colorado Classroom – Read With Me at Home” starting May 18.
  • May 11, 2020 – The Governor announced that starting May 12, residents may begin booking campsites at campgrounds in state parks where host counties that would like them open. Sites must observe social distance and sanitation guidelines and accept campers by reservation only.
  • May 12, 2020 – The Governor launched Spanish language Facebook and Twitter pages to help disseminate important information related to COVID-19.
  • May 14, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order continuing the temporary suspension of statute in order to provide boards of county commissioners with broader discretion and greater flexibility to implement restrictions on open burning
  • May 14, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order continuing the temporary suspension of certain statutes and rules to expand the health care workforce for hospitals and other inpatient treatment facilities.
  • May 17, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order authorizing the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) to reallocate existing funds from contracts with local public health agencies to COVID-19 response activities.
    • CDPHE was also authorized to redirect certain state funds to behavioral research designed to inform COVID-19 recommendations and educational campaigns focused on minority and traditionally disadvantaged communities.
  • May 17, 2020 – The Governor extended an executive order to help protect workers and residents in long-term care facilities and many other critical industries.
  • May 17, 2020 –  The Governor issued an executive order suspending certain statutes that will allow Coloradans to remain eligible for critical programs like Medicaid and the Children’s Basic Health Plan. 
  • May 17, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order extending certain state income tax payment deadlines until July 15, 2020 for all Colorado taxpayers to quickly provide relief from payment and penalties. 
  • May 17, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order concerning signature collection for ballot issues, which authorizes the Secretary of State to create temporary rules for registered electors to receive and return issue petitions over mail and email, and to support safe in-person signature gathering. 
  • May 17, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order which temporarily suspends the statutory provisions requiring registered electors to sign petitions for unaffiliated and independent candidates in the presence of a petition circulator, and authorizes the Secretary of State to issue rules that allow for signature collection in a manner that protects public health.
  • May 17, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order limiting in-person contact for the 2020 elections while allowing the elections to proceed safely and without interruption to the Secretary of State’s operations.
    • Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment  (CDPHE) also updated the state’s Safer At Home Public Health Order (PHO) to further clarify that elections are a critical government function. The order adds to its list election operations, including election judges, signature gatherers and circulators, campaign workers, and volunteers.
  • May 18, 2020 – The Governor announced how the state will spend $1.67 billion in federal coronavirus aid, directing more than half of it to the state’s schools, colleges and universities.
  • May 20, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order allowing the operation of alternate care sites.
  • May 22, 2020 –  The Governor issued an executive order that increases Colorado’s Medicaid home health workforce and eliminates copays for COVID-19 testing for individuals who rely on Medicaid.  
  • May 22, 2020 –The Governor issued an executive order extending the state’s disaster declaration. 
  • May 22, 2020 – The Governor amended an executive order concerning criminal justice, extending provisions related to the Department of Corrections’ (DOC) duty to receive and take custody of individuals.
  • May 24, 2020 – The Governor amended and extended an executive order authorizing certain state agencies to promulgate and issue emergency rules extending the expiration date of licenses and other documents.
  • May 25, 2020 – The Governor updated and extended the Safer at Home Executive Order. The executive order also directs the relevant agencies to develop and issue guidance related to restaurants and summer camps.
    • Beginning on May 27, restaurants will be able to open for in-person dining at 50% capacity of the indoor posted occupancy code limit, but they cannot exceed 50 people, whichever is less.
    • Children’s day camps and youth sports camps will open on Monday, June 1, 2020. Residential overnight camps will be closed in June. Decisions for July and August overnight camps will be made in mid-June.
    • Effective May 25, 2020 private campsites are open.
  • May 25, 2020 – The Governor announced the expiration of the executive order closing ski resorts. Ski resorts may work to secure approval from their local authorities to open.
  • May 26, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order allowing voluntary or elective surgeries and procedures to proceed under certain conditions.
  • May 28, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order changing the fund source for the accounting of certain CARES Act Fund dollars for education and clarifies the permissible uses of CARES Act Fund dollars for units of local government.
  • May 28, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order amending Executive Order D 2020 070 directing the expenditure of federal funds pursuant to the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act of 2020 (CARES Act).
  • May 29, 2020 – The Governor extended the executive order limiting evictions, foreclosures, and public utility disconnections and expediting unemployment insurance claim processing for 15 days. 
  • May 29, 2020 – The Governor signed an extension for the Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and Financing (HCPF) to provide additional funds to nursing homes and other congregate care facilities that care for vulnerable older and disabled populations.
  • May 29, 2020 – The Governor signed an extension and amended the following executive orders:
    • Suspending certain statutes preventing the issuance of marriage licenses when county clerk and recorder offices are closed; and 
  • June 3, 2020 – The Governor announced that the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) will mobilize more than 800 AmeriCorps and Senior Corps members to support the State of Colorado’s COVID-19 response.
  • June 3, 2020 – The Governor announced the opening up of playgrounds and swimming pools at limited capacity, and has also released draft guidance on reopening houses of worship, certain forms of outdoor recreation and personal recreation, and updates to the child care and personal services guidance.
  • June 5, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order allowing restaurants to obtain temporary approval from state and local licensing authorities to modify their licensed premises to include outdoor dining areas within 1,000 feet of the restaurant, and also allowing for the consumption of alcoholic beverages on a public right of way.
  • June 8, 2020 – The Governor announced a partnership with Kinsa, a public health company, to distribute 15,000 Kinsa smart thermometers to families of first responders and essential workers in Aurora, Montrose, and Edwards.
  • June 8, 2020 – The Governor sent a letter to the Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention requesting assistance in ensuring Colorado is prepared to respond during flu season, without overwhelming the health care system.
  • June 9, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order amending and extending prior executive orders suspending certain regulatory statutes concerning juvenile justice, regional centers, and behavioral health.
  • June 11, 2020 – The Governor announced the Can Do Colorado Community Challenge, an extension of Can Do Colorado, which spotlights and supports innovative businesses that are finding creative ways to continue serving their customers safely, implementing teleworking, and reducing in-person interactions during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • June 12, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order extending changes to the 2020 primary election to limit in-person contact while allowing the elections to proceed safely and without interruption to the Secretary of State’s operations.
  • June 12, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order expanding the health care workforce for hospitals and other inpatient treatment facilities. 
  • June 14, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order requiring state agencies to help prevent evictions of tenants economically harmed by the coronavirus pandemic.
  • June 14, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order allowing the Department of Local Affairs to continue to provide rental and mortgage assistance and encourages local governments to loosen housing restrictions. 
  • June 14, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order continuing expedited unemployment insurance claims processing and another providing relief to public utility customers.
  • June 14, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order temporarily suspending certain statutes around signature collection for unaffiliated and independent candidates who are required to file petition.
  • June 14, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order requiring the temporary suspension of certain regulatory statutes concerning the signature collection for ballot issues and authorizing the Secretary of State to create temporary rules to allow for mail and email signature collection.
  • June 14, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order temporarily suspending certain statutes to maintain eligibility for Coloradans enrolled in Medicaid and the Children’s Basic Health Plan.
  • June 15, 2020 – The Governor announced Protect Our Neighbors, a framework that will empower local governments that can demonstrate strong public health and health care systems, paired with low virus levels, to make decisions about how they should reopen.
  • June 15, 2020 – The Governor announced a new round of Safer at Home guidelines to further relax restrictions on the economy and society in as safe a way as possible.
  • June 16, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order extending certain state income tax payment deadlines for all Colorado taxpayers to quickly provide relief from payment and penalties.
  • June 27, 2020 – The Governor took the following actions:
    • Issuing an executive order directing the Colorado Department of Human Services to access federal funds for childcare services during the COVID-19 pandemic to ensure stability and consistency for childcare providers and protect the vital role they play for children and families.
    • Extending an executive order for the use of telehealth services.
    • Extending an executive order concerning the temporary suspension of certain requirements preventing the issuance of marriage licenses.
    • Extending an executive order concerning the suspension of certain regulatory statutes. 
    • Extending an executive order ordering the temporary suspension of certain regulatory statutes concerning petition gathering for Unaffiliated and Independent candidates for office. 
  • June 29, 2020 – The Governor extended an executive order allowing food trucks to operate at Colorado’s rest areas to support truckers and the movement of commercial vehicle activities.
  • June 29, 2020 – The Governor also amended and extended an executive order ordering the temporary suspension of certain statutes concerning taxpayer filing requirements for certain taxable property.
  • June 30, 2020 – The Governor extended the Safer at Home and in the Vast, Great Outdoors Executive Order, and provided an update on Colorado’s next steps during the COVID-19 pandemic, introducing more details on the Protect Our Neighbors framework.
  • June 30, 2020 – The Governor ordered bars and nightclubs to close once again to in-person service lasting for 30 days.
  • July 7, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order extending the disaster emergency declaration for COVID-19 for an additional 30 days.
  • July 9, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order directing the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment to create a certification process to allow local communities to move from Safer at Home in the Vast, Great Outdoors to Protect Our Neighbors.
  • July 9, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order extending the temporary suspension of certain regulatory statutes concerning juvenile justice, regional centers, and behavioral health.
  • July 12, 2020 – The Governor extended an executive order to expedite the processing of unemployment insurance claims.
  • July 12, 2020 – The Governor extended an executive order to ensure that hospitals and other inpatient treatment facilities have sufficient healthcare resources and personnel to treat patients.
  • July 12, 2020 – The Governor extended an executive order to maintain eligibility for Coloradans enrolled in Medicaid and the Children’s Basic Health Plan.
  • July 12, 2020 – The Governor extended an executive order to provide relief to public utility customers to mitigate, respond to, and recover from the current economic disruption.
  • July 12, 2020 – The Governor extended and amended an executive order ordering state agencies to help prevent evictions of tenants economically harmed by the pandemic.
  • July 12, 2020 – The Governor extended an executive order to provide boards of county commissioners with broader discretion and greater flexibility to implement restrictions on open burning.
  • July 12, 2020 – The Governor amended and extended an executive order in light of the Colorado Supreme Court’s decision in Ritchie v. Polis. The Governor also extended and amended an executive order limiting in-person contact for the Secretary of State’s operations.
  • July 12, 2020 – The Governor extended an executive order concerning signature collection for Unaffiliated and Independent Candidates and authorizing the Secretary of State to create temporary rules for registered electors to receive and return candidate petitions over mail and email.
  • July 15, 2020 – The Governor amended and extended an executive order suspending certain statutes allowing the operation of alternate care sites in Colorado.
  • July 16, 2020 – The Governor announced a statewide indoor mask order effective for thirty days.
  • July 17, 2020 – The Governor and the Department of Local Affairs (DOLA) announced the Property Owner Preservation (POP) Program providing $19,650,000 in housing assistance, including rental assistance, mortgage assistance, and guidance on how to access other housing services for Coloradans facing financial hardship.
  • July 20, 2020 – The Governor extended an executive order increasing the Medicaid home health workforce and eliminating cost sharing for COVID-19 testing and treatment for Medicaid enrollees.
  • July 20, 2020 – The Governor extended an executive order temporarily suspending certain regulatory statutes concerning criminal justice.
  • July 20, 2020 – The Governor extended an executive order authorizing the executive directors of certain state agencies to promulgate and issue emergency rules extending the expiration date of licenses and other documents.
  • July 23, 2020 – The Governor The Governor released an update to the executive order requiring a cease in alcohol beverage sales to end consumers at 10:00 p.m. MDT each day. Rather than applying to all who are licensed to sell alcohol, the order has been amended to apply to only those who are licensed to sell alcohol for on-premises consumption.
  • July 23, 2020 – The Governor extended an executive order allowing voluntary or elective surgeries.
  • July 27, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order directing the Colorado Department of Human Services to access federal funds for child care services.
  • July 27, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order extending the ability for Coloradans to continue getting marriage licenses while clerk and recorder offices are closed.
  • July 27, 2020 – The Governor extended executive orders suspending certain regulatory statutes due to COVID-19, and concerning petition collection for unaffiliated and independent candidates.
  • July 28, 2020 – The Governor announced that Coloradans with school-enrolled children will begin to receive food benefits through the Pandemic Electronic Benefit Transfer (P-EBT) program, which began last week.
  • July 28, 2020 – The Governor extended an executive order suspending certain statutes concerning taxpayer filing requirements for certain taxable property.
  • July 28, 2020 – The Governor extended an executive order allowing food trucks to operate at Colorado’s rest areas to support the movement of commercial vehicle activities. 


Connecticut coronavirus resource page

  • March 7, 2020—Governor Lamont announced that Connecticut is partnering with United Way of Connecticut to launch an information hotline for questions from the public regarding issues related to the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19). 
  • March 9, 2020—The Governor also issued an immediate freeze on state employee travel on state business outside of Connecticut until further notice. 
  • March 9, 2020—The Department of Insurance has a bulletin which encourages insurers to consider waiving cost sharing for COVID-19 testing and also highlights other related benefits. 
  • March 10, 2020—Governor Lamont declared civil preparedness and public health emergencies. The declarations trigger price gouging laws, and make clear that municipal leaders have emergency powers to mitigate disasters and emergencies 
  • March 10, 2020—The Connecticut Insurance Department is notifying travel insurance companies about the emergency declarations and will be monitoring their compliance with the terms of their policies. 
  • March 10, 2020—Governor Lamont announced that his administration is working with health insurance carriers in Connecticut to cover the costs for COVID-19 testing and to assure access to maintenance prescription drug medications (excluding controlled substances). 
  • March 11, 2020—Connecticut Insurance Department Commissioner Mais issued a notice to all travel insurers conducting business in Connecticut. The notice instructs insurers to accommodate travel cancellation requests under the terms of the policies taking into account the seriousness of the circumstances and the civil preparedness and public health emergencies issued by Governor Lamont. 
  • March 11, 2020—Governor Lamont made an emergency request from the Strategic National Supply for a total of 540,000 additional N-95 protective masks. 
  • March 12, 2020 – Connecticut signed an executive order that takes several actions:
    • Prohibits all events in the state with over 250 people; 
    • Modifies the state law requiring schools to be in for 180 days; 
    • Clarifies visitor restrictions at all nursing and convalescent homes; 
    • Authorizes DMV to extend renewal deadlines to reduce crowds at DMV branches; and 
    • Relaxes attendance rules for police academy trainees. 
    • The Connecticut Department of Motor Vehicles ordered a 90-day extension on all license renewals. 
    • Connecticut has made an emergency request from the Strategic National Supply for a total of 540,000 additional N-95 protective masks. 
  • March 13, 2020 – The Governor signed an executive order granting the commissioner of the Department of Public Health additional authority to restrict visitation to facilitates such as nursing home facilities, residential care homes, and chronic disease hospitals.
  • March 14, 2020 – The Governor signed his third executive order since the enactment of the emergency declarations earlier in the week. The latest order:
    • Relaxes in-person open meeting requirements to minimize large gatherings, with safeguards to provide remote public access;
    • Allows pharmacists to compound and sell hand sanitizer;
    • Waives requirements for pharmacists to use certain personal protective equipment when working with non-hazardous, sterile compounds;
    • Authorizes refunds of liquor permit fees for special events that have since been canceled;
    • Waives face-to-face interview requirements for Temporary Family Assistance;
    • Authorizes the Commissioner of Early Childhood to waive certain licensing and other requirements to maintain and increase the availability of childcare; and
    • Authorizes the Office of Health Strategy to waive Certificates of Need and other requirements to ensure adequate availability of healthcare resources and facilities.
  • March 14, 2020 – The Governor directed telework requirements to be eased for certain executive branch state employees, allowing an increased number of employees to work from home. He is also providing executive branch state employees who cannot report to work due to COVID-19 14 days of paid time off.
  • March 14, 2020 – The Connecticut National Guard is aiding the state with requests for assistance.
  • March 15, 2020 – The Governor signed an executive order taking the following actions:
    • Cancels classes at all public schools statewide effective March 17 through at least March 31, 2020.
    • Provides flexibility for municipal budget deadlines and related issues.
    • Authorizes the DMV commissioner to close branches to the public, conduct business remotely, and extend deadlines.
    • Allows restrictions on visitor access to psychiatric facilities in order to protect vulnerable residents, patients, and staff.
    • Requests the Small Business Administration issue a declaration enabling Connecticut’s small business owners to receive disaster assistance.
    • Extends the Department of Revenue Services filing deadline for certain annual state business tax returns.
    • Releases a set of rules to pharmacies so they can begin producing and selling their own hand sanitizer while ensuring its effectiveness and safety.
  • March 15, 2020 – The State Department of Education received a waiver from the federal government allowing students who receive meals under the school lunch program to continue receiving those meals during school closures and consume them at home.
  • March 15 – The Connecticut Department of Economic and Community Development offered business resources through the state’s Coronavirus website, including: A Small Business “hotline” phone number; tax filing extensions from the Department of Revenue Services; information on business interruption insurance from the state’s Insurance Department; and information on SBA assistance and unemployment assistance.
  • March 16, 2020 – The Governor announced that small businesses and nonprofit organizations in Connecticut that have been negatively impacted by the global COVID-19 outbreak are now eligible for disaster relief loans of up to $2 million from the U.S. Small Business Administration.
  • March 16, 2020 – The Governor signed his fifth executive order, which directs the following actions:
    • Revises the previously enacted prohibition on large gatherings to a capacity of 50 people, and adds religious gatherings to the list of activities subject to the limit.
    • Limits restaurants to non-alcoholic beverage and take-out/delivery services only, effective 8:00 PM on March 16;
    • Requires closure of on-side operations at off-track betting facility operations, effective 8:00 PM on March 16; and
    • Requires closure of gyms, fitness studios, and movie theaters, effective 8:00 PM on March 16.
  • March 16, 2020 – Drive-through testing has been approved at seven Connecticut hospitals.
  • March 16, 2020 – The Connecticut Office of Health Strategy provided guidelines for a streamlined application, review, and approval process so healthcare providers can adjust treatment services for those afflicted with COVID-19.
  • March 16, 2020 – The Mashantucket Pequot and Mohegan Tribal Nations will temporarily close casino and resort properties on sovereign reservation lands in eastern Connecticut amid concerns about the coronavirus. The casinos will close at 8PM on Tuesday, March 17 for a two-week period.
  • March 16, 2020 – The Governors of Connecticut, New York and New Jersey announced a regional approach to combatting the novel coronavirus throughout the tri-state area.
  • March 17, 2020 – The Governor signed his sixth executive order building upon his efforts to encourage mitigation strategies that slow down transmission of the virus. The provisions of the order include the following:
    • Modifies previously enacted waiver of 180-day school year to grant broader flexibility to school districts;
    • Allows police departments to limit or eliminate fingerprinting for background checks;
    • Extends expiration dates for permits, licenses, and other credentials administered by the Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection; and
    • Suspends the requirement that public assistance benefit overpayments be immediately recouped.
  • March 17, 2020 – The Department of Economic and Community Development launched the COVID-19 Business Emergency Response Unit to aid businesses in economic recovery.
  • March 17, 2020 – The Department of Motor Vehicles and Revenue Services suspended in-person visits at all of their branches. Certain deadlines are being extended, and customers are also encouraged to conduct transactions online.
  • March 17, 2020 – The Department of Energy and Environmental Protection suspended enforcement activities at bottle collection facilities, giving stores discretion to shut them down. They are also suspending in-person visits at their main office.
  • March 18, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order to:
    • Closed large indoor malls and places of amusement (but not parks and open space areas) effective 8:00 p.m. on March 19;
    • Allow Medicaid to cover audio-only telehealth services;
    • Provide flexibility for critical legal functions regarding conservators and competency hearings to ensure the safety of nursing home patients; and
    • Exempt certain schools inside state facilities from the school cancellation order.
  • March 18, 2020 – Connecticut’s health insurance marketplace announced a new special enrollment period for residents who are uninsured.
  • March 18, 2020 – The Governors of Connecticut, New York and New Jersey announced that the Governor of Pennsylvania is joining their coalition to implement a regional approach to combatting COVID-19. The Governors expanded their previous orders to include:
    • Limiting crowd capacity for social and recreational gatherings to 50 people;
    • Closing restaurants and bars for on premise service and move to take-out and delivery services only; and
    • Temporary closing of movie theaters, gyms, and casinos.
  • March 19, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order taking the following actions:
    • Postponing Connecticut’s presidential primary from April 28 to June 2, 2020.
    • Suspending non-critical court operations and associated requirements, deadlines, and statutes of limitations.
    • Permitting certain restaurants and other eating establishments to sell alcohol with takeout food orders and certain other licensees to sell for off-premise beverages.
    • Directing the temporary closure of barbershops, hair salons, tattoo or piercing parlors, and related businesses.
    • Expanding the ability of patients and doctors to use telehealth for healthcare services.
    • Temporarily suspending in-person investigation visits regarding suspected elder abuse and extending timelines for reporting investigation results.
  • March 19, 2020 – The Governor announced Connecticut’s 2020 presidential primary election will be rescheduled to June 2.
  • March 20, 2020 – The Governor launched a framework for the donation of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
  • March 20, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order directing all non-essential businesses and not-for-profit entities in Connecticut to prohibit all in-person functions if they are able to, effective March 23, 2020 at 8:00 PM.
  • March 20, 2020 – The Connecticut Department of Revenue Services announced it is extending filing and payment deadlines for personal income tax returns to July 15, 2020.
  • March 20, 2020 – The Connecticut Department of Motor Vehicles announced a series of new extensions and waivers on several credentials, including vehicle registrations, emissions testing, and other items.
  • March 21, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order providing broad relief for municipalities regarding procedures, notice requirements, and deadlines for various proceedings and decisions. In addition, the executive order enacts several necessary changes related to Medicare Part D and HUSKY B costs, student privacy, visitation in the Department of Children and Families facilities, pharmacy regulations, and corporate meetings.
  • March 22, 2020 – The Governor delivered a recorded voice message to more than four million phone numbers in Connecticut through the state’s CTAlert system in an effort to urge all residents to “Stay Safe, Stay Home” as part of a larger initiative.
  • March 23, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order taking the following actions:
    • Suspends non-critical probate court operations;
    • Suspends non-critical Workers’ Compensation Commission operations;
    • Authorizes remote notarization;
    • Modifies regulatory requirements to protect public health and safety; and
    • Suspends certain requirements regarding the temporary hire of care workers at long-term care facilities.
  • March 23, 2020 – The Governor’s “Stay Safe, Stay Home” executive order directed non-essential workers statewide to work from home.
  • March 23, 2020 – The Governor announced drive-through testing sites have been added at 5 more hospitals, bringing the statewide total of these alternate testing locations to 21.
  • March 23, 2020 – The Connecticut Department of Public Health signed an order easing the rules for out-of-state practitioners to provide services in Connecticut.
  • March 24, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order taking the following actions:
    • Extends the cancellation of classes at public schools statewide through at least April 20;
    • Orders the early opening of the fishing season;
    • Suspends restrictions on the re-employment of retired municipal employees;
    • Permits flexibility to maintain adequate medical marijuana access for patients;
    • Extends the time period for nursing home transfers;
    • Enacts flexibility in availability and registration of vital records;
    • Suspends in-person purchase of copies of vital records at the Department of Public Health; and
    • Modifies the requirement that marriage licenses be obtained in the town where the marriage will be celebrated.
  • March 24, 2020 – The Governor announced the creation of a task force of superintendents to oversee distribution of remote learning resources.
  • March 25, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order with the following actions:
    • Authorizing state agencies to extend statutory regulatory administrative deadlines by 90 days;
    • Suspending mandatory statutory filing requirements for Freedom of Information Act appeals and decisions by the Freedom of Information Commission; and
    • Tolling of time periods for Department of Transportation final determinations on permits.
  • March 25, 2020 – The Governor announced the launch of the Connecticut Recovery Bridge Loan Program to provide zero-interest loan programs to Connecticut small businesses and nonprofits.
  • March 25, 2020 – The Connecticut’s Office of Healthcare Strategy (OHS) issued an order further streamlining the approval and licensure process for the state’s hospitals to simply complete a notification form, rather than apply for a Certificate of Need waiver.
  • March 26, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order taking the following actions:
    • Restricts all social and recreational gatherings to no more than five people;
    • Restricts restaurant payment and pickup operations;
    • Further restricts retail operations;
    • Requires firearm transactions to be conducted by appointment only;
    • Suspends tax on single-use checkout bags;
    • Prohibits employers from requiring employees to place items in customers’ reusable bags;
    • Suspends 21-month limit on Temporary Family Assistance; and
    • Suspends school testing assessments for the 2019-2020 school year.
  • March 26, 2020 – The Governor submitted a request for a Presidential Major Disaster Declaration to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
  • March 27, 2020 – The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) approved Connecticut’s request for a Section 1135 Medicaid waiver. The approved waiver enables Connecticut to provide flexibilities in Medicaid provider screening and enrollment, lift prior authorization requirements, allow for reimbursement facility services in alternative settings, extend fair hearing timelines, and waive public comment and tribal consultation requirements for certain changes to the Medicaid state plan
  • March 27, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order taking the following actions:
    • Suspending of license renewals and inspections by the Department of Public Health, modifying certain state statutes to authorize the Commissioner of Public Health to waive licensing, renewal, and inspection requirements;
    • Modifying certain state statutes to allow health care providers to provide direct patient care at a health care facility or institution, with the permission of such facility or institution, using the identification badge from their own healthcare facility or institution;
    • Waiving certain state statutes to permit the compounding of alcohol-based hand sanitizer production and the production of medical devices, including personal protective equipment used to assist in the treatment of COVID-19, without being required to register as a manufacturer; and
    • Authorizing the Commissioner of Early Childhood to waive the fees required to be paid by the parents or legal guardians of children eligible for remote early intervention services such as the Birth-to-Three program.
  • March 27, 2020 – The Connecticut Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) approved a request from licensed driving schools in the state to provide online classroom training to their students.
  • March 28, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order authorizing to provide for non-congregant housing for persons at risk.
  • March 29, 2020 – The Governor announced that the President has approved his request in declaring a Major Disaster for the State of Connecticut.
  • March 29, 2020 – The Connecticut Department of Public Health issued an order directing state, local, and private sector partners to transition the homeless population into alternative, less congested housing for the purpose of providing adequate social distancing between all individuals.
  • March 30, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order taking the following actions:
    • Requirement of limited group sizes in childcare: The order requires all childcare facilities to limit group sizes to no more than 10 children in one space.
    • Enhancement of health procedures for all operating childcare programs: The order requires all children and childcare staff to be checked at the entrance of childcare facilities for any observable illness, including cough or respiratory distress, and to confirm temperature below 100 degrees Fahrenheit.
    • Authorization of remote notarization: The order eliminates all existing legal requirements to have a signature on any document witnessed by a third party, except in the case of a last will and testament.
  • March 30, 2020 – The Department of Public Health (DPH) issued an order suspending the need for all DPH licensees to renew their licenses throughout the duration of the declared COVID-19 emergency.
    • DPH also temporarily modified the authority of sub registrars of vital statistics, who are appointed by the local registrars of vital statistics, allowing them to issue burial transit, removal, and cremation permits for any death occurring in any town within the state for the duration of the public health and civil preparedness emergency.
  • March 30, 2020 – The Department of Revenue Services (DRS) announced that it will be granting a two-month extension of filing and payment deadlines for certain small businesses.
  • March 30, 2020 – The Governor announced the Governor’s Health System Response Team who will advise on the proper allocation and distribution of needed resources, supplies, and personnel.
  • March 31, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order taking the following actions:
    • Continuation of funding for boards of education;
    • Continuation of payment of public school staff;
    • Preservation of student transportation services and special education providers;
    • Restrictions on entrance to state parks, forests, and other lands; and
    • Permitting curbside pickup of alcoholic beverages. 
  • March 31, 2020 – The Governor announced an agreement with more than 50 credit unions and banks in Connecticut to offer mortgage relief to the state’s residents and businesses. Under the agreement, the following relief policies are being offered by participating financial institutions:
    • 90-day grace period for all mortgage payments;
    • Relief from fees and charges for 90 days;
    • No new foreclosures for 60 days; and
    • No credit score changes for accessing relief.
  • March 31, 2020 – The Connecticut Office of Health Strategy (OHS) released revised guidance and is now including outpatient surgical facilities among those required to simply complete a notification form, rather than apply for a Certificate of Need (CON) waiver.
  • April 1, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order taking the following actions:
    • Requiring retail establishment to take additional protective measures to reduce the risk of transmission;
    • Establishing a 60-day grace period for premium payments, policy cancellations, and non-renewals of insurance policies;
    • Extending the 30-day period of credit for liquor permittees;
    • Changing daily payment of certain taxes to weekly;
    • Providing flexibility to amend Medicaid waivers and state plan;
    • Relieving certain municipal tax deadlines and collection efforts;
    • Allowing suspension of in-person voting requirements for critical and time sensitive municipal fiscal deadlines;
    • Suspending of reapplication filing requirement for the homeowners’ elderly/disabled circuit breaker tax relief program and for the homeowners’ elderly/disabled freeze tax relief program;
    • Substituting full inspection requirements pertaining to October 1, 2020 grand list revaluations;
    • Extending of deadline to file income and expense statement to August 15; and
    • Suspending of non-judicial tax sales.
  • April 1, 2020 – The Governor announcedthe creation of 4-CT charitable organization uniting donors with nonprofit providers.
  • April 2, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order taking the following actions:
    • Prohibition on non-essential lodging except in the case for certain populations;
    • Further clarification of limits on restaurants, bars, and private clubs;
    • Suspension of notarization requirement related to Connecticut Recovery Bridge Loan Program;
    • Flexibility to maintain adequate child care infrastructure;
    • Suspension of rehearing rights for temporary rate increases for certain health care providers; and
    • Alternative to affidavits in relation to orders of protection and relief.
  • April 2, 2020 – Access Health CT, Connecticut’s health insurance marketplace, announced that it is extending the deadline for the new special enrollment period for uninsured residents to enroll in health insurance plans.
  • April 2, 2020 – The Department of Social Services announced that it is extending the application period for the Connecticut Energy Assistance Program.
  • April 2, 2020 – The Department of Social Services extended the Emergency Supplemental Nutrition Program (SNAP) benefits to nearly half of Connecticut SNAP participants on April 9 and April 20.
  • April 2, 2020 – The Department of Revenue Services announced that the filing and payment deadline for gift tax returns is being extended until July 15, 2020.
  • April 3, 2020 – The Governor announced that the state’s 213 nursing homes are receiving a 10 percent across-the-board increase in Medicaid payments to help meet extraordinary costs from the public health emergency.
  • April 4, 2020 – The Governor announced FEMA approved Connecticut’s request to include domestic violence survivors in non-congregate housing guidelines.
  • April 5, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order taking the following actions:
    • Protecting health care professionals and health care facilities, including nursing homes and field hospitals, from lawsuits for acts or omissions undertaken in good faith in support of the state’s COVID-19 response; and
    • Protecting those who are uninsured and those who are insured and are treated by an out-of-network emergency services health care provider from surprise bills and other significant costs.
  • April 7, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order taking the following actions:
    • Prescribing additional protective measures for essential businesses;
    • Waiving the application fees for temporary permits for each of the health care professions;
    • Allowing recent medical school and other medical profession graduates who are not yet licensed to participate in the state’s COVID-19 response for the duration of the public health and civil preparedness emergency;
    • Allowing for those who have recently completed an accredited graduate degree program in marital and family therapy offered by a postgraduate clinical training program to practice without a license for the duration of the public health and civil preparedness emergency;
    • Allowing recent graduates with a degree in clinical mental health counseling who are not yet licensed to practice as a professional counselor associate without obtaining a license for the duration of the public health and civil preparedness emergency; and
    • Replacing the section of Executive Order No. 7U which adds protection from liability for common law claims – in addition to the previously enacted protection from liability for statutory claims – for healthcare workers and providers.
  • April 7, 2020 – The Governor announced that manufacturers can apply for grants of up to $75,000 to assist in the production of critical equipment and supplies.
  • April 8, 2020 – The Governor announced a partnership with Connecticut’s long-term care facilities to collaborate on a medical surge plan that includes the establishment of COVID-19 recovery centers in nursing homes to accept patients who can be discharged from acute care hospitals, but are still impacted by COVID-19 infection.
  • April 9, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order that takes several actions:
    • Suspending and modifying tax deadlines and collection efforts pursuant to Executive Order No. 7S, Section 6;
    • Preventing an increased experience rating based on COVID-19 unemployment claims;
    • Limiting the coil cleaning requirements for certain establishments;
    • Suspending the delivery signature requirement suspended;
    • Waiving the requirement that businesses with certain permits that have closed for sixty days or less notify the Department of Consumer Protection of the closure;
    • Providing an ninety-day provisional permits for Liquor Control Commission;
    • Extending the renewal date for on-premise liquor permits; and
    • Waving the need for an permit to be recorded with the town clerk.
  • April 9, 2020 – The Governor announced minority and women-owned businesses with 20 or fewer employees can now apply for a zero-interest line of credit up to $20,000 to help them navigate the economic downturn caused by the coronavirus pandemic.
  • April 9, 2020 – The Governor announced plans to sign an executive order extending the date for which classes at all public schools statewide remain canceled until at least May 20.
  • April 10, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order that enacts a series of protections for residential renters struggling to pay their housing costs and allowing them to receive grace periods over the next several months. The order also takes the following actions:
    • Extending all previously enacted closures, distancing, and safety measures – including for schools, restaurants, bars, retail stores, gyms, and other establishments – through at least May 20, 2020.
    • Lifting restrictions on commercial activity in Connecticut highway rest areas and permits food trucks to set up in these locations with the goal of feeding hungry truckers and other essential workers.
    • Modifying state statutes to authorize the commissioner of the Department of Education to temporarily defer any requirements regarding certification testing for educators as he deems necessary to address the impact of COVID-19 risks.
  • April 11, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order implementing the medical surge plan for long-term care facilities, which will establish COVID-19 recovery centers in certain nursing homes throughout the state that will accept patients who can be discharged from acute care hospitals but are still impacted by COVID-19 infection.
  • April 13, 2020 – The Connecticut Department of Social Services (DSS) announced the allocation of over $3.8 million in federal food assistance to two of the state’s largest food banks, including the Connecticut Food Bank, which will receive $1.9 million for food and nearly $650,000 for administrative costs, and Foodshare, which will receive nearly $1 million for food and $300,00 for administrative costs.
  • April 13, 2020 – The Governor announced the creation of a group of health and business experts, the Reopen Connecticut Advisory Group, who will consult and advise the Governor on reopening Connecticut’s economy.
  • April 14, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order taking the following actions:
    • Temporarily waiving certain requirements related to state contracts in order to expedite the procurement of essential goods and services, including personal protective equipment (PPE);
    • Allowing property owners or their attorney or agent to appear before a board of assessment appeals using remote technology instead of in person;
    • Suspending of license requirements for unarmed security officers who may be licensed in another state to work in Connecticut.
  • April 14, 2020 – The Connecticut Department of Revenue Services extended the filing and payment deadlines of certain returns until July 15, 2020.
  • April 15, 2020 – To Governor issued an executive order permitting the Department of Social Services to temporarily waive the statutory moratorium on new beds at certain nursing homes.
  • April 15, 2020 – The Connecticut Insurance Commissioner approved up to $25,000 no-cost life insurance coverage for front-line health care workers and fully-insured health plan members can receive COVID-19 treatment with no out-of-pocket costs
  • April 15, 2020 – The Governor announced that he has submitted a supplementary request to the President of the United States requesting the Federal Emergency Management (FEMA) cover 100 percent of the costs Connecticut has incurred to save lives and protect public health and safety and to extend financial assistance directly to affected Connecticut residents.
  • April 17, 2020 – The Governor announced that the State of Connecticut has formed a partnership with CVS Health in an initiative that will make free, rapid COVID-19 tests available to eligible Connecticut residents.
  • April 17, 2020 – The Governor ordered that Connecticut’s 2020 presidential primary election be rescheduled to Tuesday, August 11, 2020.
  • April 17, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order requiring cloth face coverings or higher level of protection for  any person in a public place in Connecticut who is unable to or does not maintain a safe social distance of approximately six feet.
  • April 17, 2020 – The Governor announced the launch of a “Talk It Out” hotline for families to relieve the stress of caring for children during pandemic.
  • April 17, 2020 – The Connecticut Department of Revenue Services (DRS) launched a new assistance program designed to help taxpayers subject to current DRS collections matters who have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • April 18, 2020 – The Connecticut Department of Economic and Community Development formed partnerships with SoFi, a leading online personal finance company, and Equifax, a global data, analytics and technology company, to lower costs and expedite loan processing and payments under the Connecticut Recovery Bridge Loan Program.
  • April 18, 2020 – The Governor, along with New York Governor Cuomo and New Jersey Governor Murphy, announced that marinas, boatyards and marine manufacturers in their states will be allowed to open for personal use as long as strict social distancing and sanitization protocols are followed.
  • April 19, 2020 – The Governor announced that he is directing his administration to boost Medicaid payments for all of the state’s 215 nursing homes by an additional five percent above the recently announced ten percent increase.
  • April 19, 2020 – The Governor, along with the governors of New York, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Delaware, announced their appointees that will serve on the multi-state, regional council to restore the economy and get people back to work. The appointees include a health expert, an economic development expert and the respective chief of staff from each state.
  • April 20, 2020 – The Governor announced a partnership with the developers of the How We Feel app to anonymously provide scientists with critical health information needed to understand the spread of COVID-19.
  • April 21, 2020 – The Governor announced a new initiative between Hartford HealthCare and Quest Diagnostics, with support from the State of Connecticut, that will significantly increase the capacity of COVID-19 testing in the state from 500 tests per day to 2,500.
  • April 21, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order taking the following actions:
    • Extension of applicability of Executive Order No. 7S, Section 7 to include additional critical and time-sensitive municipal fiscal actions;
    • Clarification of time periods regarding suspension and modification of non-judicial tax sales pursuant to Executive Order No. 7S, Section 11;
    • Exclusion of federal stimulus payments in evaluating eligibility for state or local programs financed in whole or in part using state funds;
    • Alternative to physical presence in court for finding of irretrievable breakdown of marriage;
    • Alternative to in-person waiver of right to file motion or petition for educational support;
    • Alternative to physical appearance of petitioner regarding decree of dissolution after entry of decree of legal separation;
    • Alternative to in-court canvas prior to entrance of final agreement;
    • Alternative to physical presence when findings on the record are required; and
    • Revised financial protections for people covered by insurance who receive out-of-network health care services during the public health emergency.
  • April 21, 2020 – The Governor, in collaboration with other states, announced that the State of Connecticut has secured relief options with many private student loan servicers whose borrowers are not covered by the recently adopted federal CARES Act. This new initiative will benefit Connecticut residents with privately held student loans.
  • April 21, 2020 – The Governor announced an Request for Applications (RFP) seeking organizations to partner with the state in its efforts to significantly scale-up its daily COVID-19 testing capacity as part of its efforts to reopen the state’s economy.
  • April 22, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order taking the following actions:
    • Additions to the definition of telehealth provider;
    • Flexibility for Medicaid-enrolled providers and in-network providers for commercial fully insured health insurance to perform telehealth through additional methods;
    • Additions to permissible out-of-state healthcare providers;
    • Participation in intern, resident physician, or United States Medical Officer candidate training programs prior to permit issuance;
    • Participation in resident physician assistant program prior to permit issuance;
    • Temporary suspension of physician assistant supervision restrictions;
    • Temporary suspension of in-person supervision requirement for advanced practice registered nurses;
    • Provision of services by respiratory care therapist and respiratory care technician students;
    • Suspension of continuing education requirement for health care providers; and
    • Modification of 36-month age limit for Birth-to-Three services
  • April 22, 2020 – The Governor announced the Connecticut Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services (DMHAS) received a $2 million grant from the U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. The funding will be used by DMHAS to launch the Connecticut COVID-19 Behavioral Health Response and Assistance (Connecticut COBHRA) initiative.
  • April 23, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order taking the following actions:
    • Mandatory reporting by managed residential communities;
    • Mandatory reporting by nursing homes;
    • Civil penalties for failure to comply with mandatory reporting;
    • Waiving certain Medicaid prior authorization requirements;
    • Waiving Medicaid bed reservation requirements for residents who are on leave from intermediate care facilities for individuals with intellectual disabilities; and
    • Waiving requirements for signed delivery receipt for medical equipment, devices and supplies
  • April 23, 2020 – The Governor announced the members who will serve on the Reopen Connecticut Advisory Group. The group  will act in consultation with his administration and legislative leadership on the reopening of Connecticut’s economy and education system.
  • April 23, 2020 – The Governor announced the launch of a program to coordinate housing solutions for individuals re-entering society. The program will assist recently discharged individuals, who would otherwise be homeless, identify and secure alternative housing solutions.
  • April 24, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order providing additional flexibility for Medicaid-enrolled providers to perform telehealth through audio-only methods for new patients.
  • April 25, 2020 – The Governor announced his administration is partnering with the Connecticut Business and Industry Association (CBIA) on an initiative to distribute free face coverings to eligible, essential small businesses with fewer than 50 employees.
  • April 27, 2020 – The Office of Early Childhood has launched the CTCARES for Frontline Workers Program, which was created to help frontline workers struggling with the costs of child care.
  • April 28, 2020 – The Governor announced the Department of Labor has begun issuing supplemental $600 stimulus payments for unemployment benefits.
  • April 29, 2020 – The Department of Labor launched a website that breaks down information on people who have filed for unemployment in the state by age, industry, gender, and town to assist state and municipal governments develop responsible re-opening strategies.
  • April 30, 2020 – The Governor announced the state’s phased-in approach to reopening Connecticut’s economy beginning May 20, 2020.
  • April 30, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order taking the following actions:
    • Extension of payment time for sealed ticket revenue due to the state;
    • Waiver of notarization requirement for embalmer’s affidavit accompanying death certificates;
    • Temporary suspension of controlled substance registration;
    • Modification of state contracting statutes to facilitate the emergency procurement of essential services;
    • Modification of state contracting authorities to facilitate the emergency procurement of essential services;
    • Modification of state construction requirements to facilitate the emergency provision of construction and construction-related services; and
    • Extension of existing contracts to prevent gaps in necessary services.
  • April 30, 2020 – The Department of Social Services announced its preparing to implement new coverage for uninsured children and adults in the HUSKY Health program.
  • April 30, 2020 – The Department of Labor launched new system for self-employed to apply for federal unemployment benefits under the federal Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) Program.
  • April 30, 2020 – The Judicial Branch announced that effective immediately, parties who have an agreement may have their family court cases resolved without having to come to court.
  • May 1, 2020 – The Governor announced that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has approved another portion of his ongoing request for disaster assistance as part of the State of Connecticut’s Major Disaster Declaration for funding for crisis counseling.
  • May 1, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order taking the following actions:
    • Mandatory suspension of annual town meeting or referendum to adopt budget; and
    • Authorization for common-interest communities to hold meetings remotely.
  • May 3, 2020 – The Governor along with New York Governor Andrew M. Cuomo, New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy, Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker, Rhode Island Governor Gina Raimondo, Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf, and Delaware Governor John Carney announced a joint multi-state agreement to develop a regional supply chain for personal protective equipment, other medical equipment and testing.
  • May 4, 2020 – The Governor announced the statewide expansion of a program that will make free online learning licenses available to recipients of unemployment insurance, including those who have been impacted by the economic fallout of the public health crisis.
  • May 5, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order taking the following actions:
    • Extension of school class cancellations for remainder of school year;
    • Authorization for the Department of Social Services commissioner to temporarily waive, modify, or suspend home health regulatory requirements;
    • Extension of the start date for imposition of a late fee for obtaining dog licenses from July 1, 2020 to August 1, 2020; and
    • Authority to waive certain requirements for the issuance of vouchers under the Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children.
  • May 5, 2020 – The Governor ordered in-person classes at all K-12 public school facilities to remain canceled for the rest of the 2019-2020 academic year and continue providing distance learning during this period. 
  • May 5, 2020 – The Connecticut Department of Revenue Services (DRS) extended the application deadline for municipalities to submit their locally approved Neighborhood Assistance Act project proposals until July 31, 2020.
  • May 6, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order taking the following actions:
    • Suspension of reapplication filing requirement for the Homeowners’ Elderly/Disabled, Circuit Breaker Tax Relief Program, and for the Homeowners’ Elderly/Disabled Freeze Tax Relief Program;
    • Permitting distance learning and remote testing certification for Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) programs;
    • Extending the period of validity of approval for tolling of land use and building permits; and
    • Allowance of suspension of in-person voting requirements by members of the public for critical and time-sensitive municipal decisions.
  • May 6, 2020 – The Attorney General William Tong, U.S. Attorney John Durham, representatives of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and Chief State’s Attorney Richard Colangelo announced the formation of a joint federal-state task force combatting COVID-19-related fraud in Connecticut.
  • May 6, 2020 – The Governor announced that Summer, a social enterprise that assists student loan borrowers, is providing Connecticut residents financially impacted by the COVID-19 crisis with free assistance managing their student loans.
  • May 6, 2020 – The Governor announced the Education Committee of the Reopen Connecticut Advisory Group is recommending a gradual reopening of higher education campuses – at the discretion of each institution and depending on health conditions.
  • May 7, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order permitting pharmacists to order and administer Food and Drug Administration tests.
  • May 7, 2020 –The Connecticut Department of Labor announced that it has made active the filing site so those who are self-employed can complete the necessary filing applications for Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA).
  • May 7, 2020 – The Governor announced his administration is utilizing seven criteria in its consideration for Phase 1 of Connecticut’s reopening efforts
  • May 7, 2020 – The Governor announced his administration is suspending the requirement that patients receive a referral from a physician or other prescribing medical provider prior to being administered a test.
  • May 8, 2020 – The Department of Economic and Community Development (DECD) committed an additional $3 million to the COVID-19 Business Response Program, which provides financial relief to minority-owned and women-owned small businesses negatively impacted by the coronavirus pandemic.
  • May 8, 2020 – The Department of Revenue Services announced that it is extending the deadline for filing certain protests with its appellate division by 90 days.
  • May 9, 2020 – The Governor announced that his administration has released documents detailing specific rules that eligible businesses falling under phase 1 of Connecticut’s reopening plans must follow amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
    • The Department of Economic and Community Development (DECD) announced the formation of the Reopen Connecticut Small Business Implementation Task Force to support small business on how to implement the new guidelines.
  • May 9, 2020 – The Governor issued an order implementing standards at nursing homes to ensure loved ones can speak with their families either through windows or video conferencing
  • May 11, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order making modifications to the petitioning process for the August primary.
  • May 11, 2020 – The Governor announced the state has opened an COVID-19 only nursing home designed to handle patients elderly patients discharged from hospitals and to help prevent outbreaks at other nursing homes.
  • May 12, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order taking the following actions:
    • Allowing municipalities to expedite changes to their zoning rules or other ordinances to expand outdoor dining;
    • Creating an expedited approval process for restaurants and other establishments that serve food to get fast-tracked permission to create or expand outdoor dining areas;
    • Allowing other businesses such as retail stores to get fast-tracked permission to sell goods on the sidewalk or in other outdoor areas, including shared spaces or spaces provided by municipalities;
    • Allowing restaurants and other businesses who already have liquor permits to serve alcohol only with food without applying for a separate patio or extension of use permit; and
    • Allowing private clubs to sell alcohol only to their members for delivery or pickup.
  • May 13, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order taking the following actions:
    • Waiving of statutory vote on supplemental federal block grant;
    • Permitting remote participation in member meetings;
    • Waiving of certain regulatory limitations on the amount of support that can be provided to caregiver relatives;
    • Modifying the grace period for April and May rent;
    • Authorizing the Office of Policy and Management (OPM) to direct Department of Social Services (DSS) to provide Coronavirus Relief Fund distributions to nursing home facilities;
    • Authorizing the OPM to direct DSS to provide Coronavirus Relief Fund distributions to COVID recovery facilities and alternate COVID recovery facilities;
    • Authorizing additional COVID-19 related hardship relief funding under the Coronavirus Relief Fund to nursing home facilities;
    • Protecting Coronavirus Relief Fund distribution determinations from rehearing or appeal; and
    • Extending and sunset of suspension of tax on single-use plastic checkout bags.
  • May 13, 2020 – The Connecticut Office of Early Childhood announced that it has launched “CTCARES for Family Child Care” to provide support to licensed family child care providers during the COVID-19 public health emergency and beyond.
  • May 14, 2020 – The Governor announced CVS Health is opening 12 new COVID-19 test sites at select CVS Pharmacy drive-thru locations in Connecticut.
  • May 13, 2020- The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) approved Connecticut’s second request for a Medicaid 1135 waiver. The waiver allows Connecticut to reimburse for Home and Community-Based Services(HCBS) in additional settings
  • May 14, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order requiring procedures for local appointments and elections requiring in-person vote.
  • May 14, 2020 – The Governor announced Connecticut businesses eligible to open on or soon after May 20 are required to self-certify to demonstrate they understand and will comply with COVID-19 rules and regulations set by the state.
  • May 14, 2020 – The Governor announced that the State of Connecticut is receiving $111 million in federal coronavirus relief aid for the state’s school districts that will be used to support continued learning and address educational disruptions.
  • May 14, 2020 – The Governor submitted his 2020-21 May Revision budget proposal to the Legislature – a balanced plan to close a budget gap of more than $54 billion brought on by the COVID-19 recession.
  • May 15, 2020 – The Governor announced that the first wave of Dell laptops – part of a total 60,000 that are being donated to Connecticut high schools by the Partnership for Connecticut – are arriving slightly ahead of schedule and will begin to be distributed to districts starting next week.
  • May 15, 2020 – The Governor announced that the state will be distributing 50,000 infrared thermometers it has secured for small businesses, nonprofits, and places of worship to support safe reopening activities.
  • May 15, 2020 – The Governor announced that Connecticut state parks that feature beaches along the state’s shoreline will be open Friday, May 22, though with capacity limitations. Visitors are advised to follow social distancing guidelines.
  • May 16, 2020 – The Governor announced a partnership with UnitedHealth Group, United Way 211, and DoorDash to pilot a free meal delivery service for higher risk populations, The pilot will begin in the Greater Hartford area.
  • May 18, 2020 – The Governor announced an executive order taking the following actions:
    • Reopening Phase 1;
    • Enforcement of sector rules governing the reopening of businesses;
    • Extension of prohibition on large gatherings to June 20, 2020;
    • Extension of restrictions on off-track betting, indoor fitness, and movie theaters to June 20;
    • Further clarification of limits on restaurants, bars, and private clubs – mixed drinks permitted for takeout or delivery;
    • Limitation on the operation of day camps;
    • Enhanced health procedures for all day camps;
    • Cancellation of resident camp operations;
    • Limitation on the operation of summer and educational programs operated by local or regional boards of education; and
    • Suspension or modification of regulatory requirements to protect public health and safety.
  • May 18, 2020 – The Governor and Governor Gina Raimondo of Rhode Island announced their intention to align the reopening of hair salons and barbershops in their respective states in early June.
  • May 18, 2020 – The Governor released a guidance document that was developed through a collaborative working group organized by his administration and provides best practices for dentist offices that are considering expanding their operations beyond emergency care in the coming days.
  • May 18, 2020 – The Governor released an online guide to help small businesses comply with COVID-19 safety guidance and manage the broader reopening process.
  • May 20, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order allowing all registered voters in Connecticut to vote absentee in the August 11, 2020 primary elections.
  • May 20, 2020 – The Governor announced the establishment of new enforcement protocols to ensure businesses follow the Sector Rules for May 20th Reopen.
  • May 20, 2020 – The Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) released a plan that outlines current guidelines around the operation and use of Connecticut state park grounds, trails, beaches, boat launches, and other areas.
  • May 20, 2020 – The Connecticut Insurance Commissioner announced that additional frontline health care workers and volunteers in Connecticut are now eligible to receive up to $25,000 of free term life insurance.
  • May 21, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order taking the following actions:
    • Authority for the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) to issue rental refunds for events taking place in state parks;
    • Modification of age limit for early intervention coverage; and
    • Waiver of requirement for guest books at private clubs.
  • May 21, 2020 – The Connecticut Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) announced its previously enacted 90-day extension for residents with expiring credentials is being extended to a total of 180 days.
  • May 21, 2020 – The Governor announced that CVS Health is opening 13 new COVID-19 test sites at select CVS Pharmacy drive-thru locations in Connecticut. These test sites, which are set to open on Friday, May 22, 2020, come in addition to the 12 locations the company previously opened in the state on May 15.
  • May 23, 2020 – The Governor announced that the Connecticut Department of Transportation has approved a permit for Mystic Pizza to use a state highway right-of-way to add outdoor dining as the restaurant makes efforts to comply with the requirements of phase 1 of Connecticut’s reopening plans.
  • May 22, 2020 – The Connecticut Department of Social Services announced children enrolled in school meals program will soon receive additional, emergency SNAP benefits.
  • May 22, 2020 – The Connecticut Department of Labor was awarded $2.33 million federal grant to create disaster relief jobs, employment and training services.
  • May 26, 2020 – The Governor released their Reopen Connecticut report, which contains recommendations from the Reopen Connecticut Advisory Group on the reopening of Connecticut’s economy and education system.
  • May 26, 2020 – The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) approved the Lamont administration’s request to provide an extension for its non-congregate housing programs until July 2, 2020.
  • May 27, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order permitting the creation of a temporary nurse aide position to assist health care providers and other health-related services.
  • May 29, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order taking the following actions:
    • Reopening of barbershops and hair salons on June 1; and
    • Amending prohibitions on large gatherings.
  • May 29, 2020 – The Connecticut Public Utility Regulatory Authority (PURA) announced that the utility shut-off moratorium for non-residential customers in the state will continue through July 1, 2020.
  • June 1, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order taking the following actions:
    • Mandatory COVID-19 testing for staff of private and municipal nursing homes, residential communities, and assisted living agencies; and
    • Allows the Connecticut Department of Labor to consider, when determining a worker’s eligibility for unemployment benefits, whether COVID-19 means returning to work would pose an unreasonable risk to the health of a member of that worker’s household.
  • June 2, 2020 – The Governor announced that the State of Connecticut is partnering in a first-of-its-kind, statewide project to quantify the spread of COVID-19 within the state by conducting a seroprevalence study of 1,400 randomized, representative Connecticut residents.
  • June 2, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order amending the limitation on program sizes in child care.
  • June 3, 2020 – The Governor announced that the state is partnering with philanthropic organizations in an effort to provide emergency assistance to vulnerable residents who are otherwise ineligible from receiving assistance through federal pandemic relief programs, including those from within the undocumented community.
  • June 4, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order taking the following actions:
    • Technical clarifications regarding the ballot petitioning process for the August 2020 primary and November 2020 general election; and
    • Further clarification of limits on alcohol service and sales related to catering.
  • June 4, 2020 – The Governor and Banking Commissioner announced that over 45 banks and credit unions have agreed to extend their voluntary participation in the Connecticut Mortgage Relief Program, which provides relief to consumers facing financial hardship due to COVID-19.
  • June 4, 2020 – The Governor announced that his administration is establishing the Connecticut Municipal Coronavirus Relief Fund Program, which will set a process by which municipal governments will receive reimbursements from the state using the federally supported Coronavirus Relief Fund to offset their expenses.
  • June 5, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order taking the following actions:
    • Modification of safety rules for drive-in religious gatherings;
    • Safety rules for drive-in graduations; and
    • Suspension of the involuntary discharge of nursing facility residents and residential care home residents who may be discharged to homeless shelters, except during emergency situations or with respect to COVID-19 recovered discharges.
  • June 7, 2020 – The Governor announced that his administration has released documents detailing specific rules that eligible businesses falling under phase 2 of Connecticut’s reopening plans must follow amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The second phase takes effect Wednesday, June 17.
  • June 8, 2020 – The Governor announced that he is ordering an independent, third-party review to be conducted of the preparation and response to the COVID-19 pandemic inside of Connecticut’s nursing homes and assisted living facilities.
  • June 9, 2020 – The Connecticut Department of Public Health released an order ensuring that people with disabilities have reasonable access to support personnel in hospital settings in a manner that is consistent with disability rights laws and the health and safety of patients, health care providers, and support persons.
  • June 10, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order taking the following actions:
    • Resumption of court filing deadlines;
    • Modifications to DMV functions; and
    • Modifications to Executive Order No. 7E.
  • June 11, 2020 – The Governor announced the launch of the CT Back to Work Initiative that will provide workers and businesses with high-quality, user-friendly career tools to assist those who have been impacted by the economic fallout from the public health emergency.
  • June 17, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order taking the following actions:
    • Modifications to adapt to Phase 2 reopening efforts;
    • Restrictions on large gatherings and events;
    • Further clarification of limits on alcohol sales by restaurants, bars, and private clubs;
    • Restrictions of off-track betting extended;
    • Extension of essential business rules;
    • Clarification of Executive Order No. 7MM; and
    • Extension of remote notarization.
  • June 17, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order taking the following actions:
    • Technical correction to Executive Order No. 7ZZ, Section 8;
    • Authority to modify limitation on group sizes in child care;
    • Waiver of requirement to hold annual agricultural fair and reporting requirement to maintain agricultural society property tax exemption; and
    • Mandatory COVID-19 testing for staff of private and municipal nursing home facilities, managed residential communities, and assisted living services agencies.
  • June 18, 2020 – The Governor announced employees of five Connecticut state agencies (Department of Correction, the Department of Veterans Affairs, the Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services, the Department of Children and Families, and the Department of Developmental Services) who have frequent contact with constituents in congregate settings, hospitals, and nursing homes will receive mandatory COVID-19 testing.
  • June 19, 2020 – The Governor announced the extension from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for approval to apply for reimbursement for statewide emergency feeding efforts until July 20.
  • June 24, 2020 – The Governor Connecticut, Governor of New York, and Governor of New Jersey announced a joint incoming travel advisory that all individuals traveling from states with significant community spread of COVID-19 self-quarantine for a 14-day period from the time of last contact within the identified state.
  • June 25, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order taking the following actions:
    • Clarifying the authority granted to allow boards of assessment appeals to extend deadlines to file tax assessment appeals to ensure that grand lists are completed on time;
    • Extending the time for fire service personnelexaminations; and
    • Modifying regulations in order to waive for six months the requirement that customers appear in person at the Department of Motor Vehicles to obtain a duplicate license or identification.
  • June 25, 2020 – The Governor, in partnership with the Connecticut Community Nonprofit Alliance and the Hartford Foundation for Public Giving, announced the launch of ConnectiCorps, a new community service program set to launch in August that will help address the growing demand on essential services provided by Connecticut’s nonprofits in the areas of food security, housing, and antipoverty assistance.
  • June 26, 2020 – The Connecticut Health and Educational Facilities Authority (CHEFA) approved $3 million in grants to assist Connecticut health care, education, child care, and cultural organizations.
  • June 29, 2020 – The Governor announced a comprehensive plan to put more than $33 million in state and federal resources to work providing emergency assistance to renters, homeowners, and residential landlords.
  • June 29, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order taking the following actions:
    • Extended protections for residential renters; and
    • Authority to extend statutory and regulatory administrative deadlines by an additional 90 days.
  • June 29, 2020 – TheState Department of Education released a comprehensive plan for returning to in-school, full-time instruction for the 2020-21 academic year.
  • June 30, 2020 – The Governor announced the release of $2 million from the Coronavirus Relief Funds to expand the Connecticut Youth Employment Program, an ongoing initiative that provides year-round employment opportunities with community-based agencies throughout the state.
  • June 30, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order taking the following actions:
    • Authorizing the Department of Social Services to provide funding from the Coronavirus Relief Fund to additional providers; and
    • Allowing continuing education classes for electricians and plumbers to be conducted online.
  • June 30, 2020 – The Governor along with the Governors of New Jersey and New York expanded the regional travel advisory to eight additional states requiring travelers to self-quarantine for a 14-day period.
  • July 2, 2020 – The Governor updated the guidance if someone arrives to Connecticut from an impacted state, self-quarantining for 14 days remains the best option, however the updated guidance permits travelers to enter the state if they test negative for COVID-19 within 72 hours prior to arriving.
  • July 2, 2020 – The state launched the “Connecticut Respect” PSA campaign to reinforce practices that will help reduce the spread of COVID-19.
  • July 6, 2020 – The Governor announced that the state will pause Phase 3 reopening amid a jump in COVID-19 cases in different areas across the United States.
  • July 7, 2020 – The Governor, along with the Governor of New Jersey and New York released an updated regional travel advisory to include three additional states (Delaware, Kansas, and Oklahoma).  
  • July 8, 2020 – The Governor announced that all campgrounds at Connecticut State Parks have opened for the 2020 season with restrictions.  
  • July 9, 2020 – The Governor announced the reinstatement of the Small Town Economic Assistance Program (STEAP) – a state initiative that funds infrastructure improvement projects for towns that are otherwise ineligible to receive urban action bonds. The initiative will have a special provision to support towns with expenditures related to their response to the pandemic, including for new construction, expansion, renovation, or replacement for existing facilities.
  • July 13, 2020 – The Governor announced the state, in partnership with New York, is implementing a certification process that would require travelers to provide information on where they are staying, how they will quarantine and who they are traveling with, among other yet to be determined requirements.
  • July 13, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order taking the following actions:
    • Authorizing temporary rental housing program;
    • Authorizing temporary creation of a mortgage relief program; and
    • Extending online continuing education for plumbers and electricians.
  • July 14, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order authorizing the continued temporary suspension of the requirements for licensure, certification, or registration of out-of-state providers.
  • July 14, 2020 – The Governor, along with the Governors of New Jersey and New York, released an updated regional travel advisory to include four additional states (Minnesota, New Mexico, Ohio, and Wisconsin). 
  • July 15, 2020 – The Governor announced that he has submitted a request to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to extend support for the Connecticut National Guard’s statewide response to the COVID-19 pandemic through December 31, 2020.
  • July 17, 2020 – The Governor issued a proclamation calling the Connecticut General Assembly to meet in special session beginning Tuesday, July 21 to discuss legislation on the upcoming election, transparency in law enforcement, relaxed restrictions on telehealth services, and affordable access to medical resources.
  • July 17, 2020 – The Connecticut’s Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) announced plans to re-open inland swimming areas at eight state parks, Seaside State Park, and the marsh boardwalk at Silver Sands State Park effective Saturday, July 18, 2020.
  • July 20, 2020 – The Governor announced new restrictions in place for those traveling to the state who fail to comply with travel restrictions.
  • July 24, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order creating a rebuttable presumption that workers who contracted COVID-19 in the early days of the pandemic contracted it on the job and are eligible for workers’ compensation benefits.
  • July 24, 2020 – The Connecticut Department of Economic and Community Development announced updates have been made to the state’s previously announced industry-specific rules.
  • July 27, 2020 – The Connecticut Department of Motor Vehicles announced that it has added to its list of extended deadlines for residents with expiring credentials. In addition to extending the expiration date of DMV credentials, late fees associated with eligible expired credentials will be waived during this time period of the extension for qualifying credentials.
  • July 27, 2020 – The Governor said the state will not dictate the opening date of the school year or how instruction will be offered, leaving to local school systems a choice of classroom instruction, distant learning or a mix of the two.
  • July 28, 2020 – The Governor, along with the Governors of New Jersey and New York, released an updated regional travel advisory to include Illinois, Kentucky, Minnesota, Puerto Rico, and Washington, DC.
  • July 28, 2020 – The Governor announced the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has approved a 30 day extension of the non-congregate sheltering authorization under the FEMA Public Assistance program until September 1, 2020.
  • July 28, 2020 – The Governor and Department of Public Health (DPH) Acting Commissioner announced youth sports teams who travel to states on Connecticut travel advisory list need to cancel practices and competition for the 14 days after their return to Connecticut in order to comply with the order. Failure to comply may result in a $1,000 penalty.
  • July 29, 2020 – The Governor amended executive order No. 7G, Section 2 to end the suspension of requirements or deadlines related to child protection matters pending before the Superior Court.


Delaware DHSS coronavirus resource page

  • March 12, 2020–Governor Carney issued a State of Emergency declaration to prepare for the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19). The emergency declaration also:
    • Requires the Delaware National Guard to take precautionary and responsive actions to assist with Delaware’s response to the coronavirus; 
    • Advises event organizers in Delaware to cancel non-essential public gatherings of 100 people or more, to prevent community spread of coronavirus; 
    • Allows the State of Delaware to conduct public meetings electronically to prevent unnecessary public gatherings; 
    • Prohibits price gouging, or an excessive price increase of goods or services, during the coronavirus outbreak. 
  • March 13, 2020–The Governor directed a two-week closure of Delaware public schools
  • March 16, 2020 – The Delaware Department of Education received a waiver from the federal government to allow school nutrition programs to provide meals to students during the closure.
  • March 14, 2020 – The Governor authorized all executive branch agencies to conduct public meetings electronically to prevent unnecessary public gatherings until further notice.
  • March 16, 2020 – The Delaware Department of Transportation announced at the state’s three toll plazas there will be no toll collectors working to collect cash payments. All traffic will be directed through the EZPass lanes and motorists without EZPass will receive a bill in the mail for the toll with no penalty or processing fee.
  • March 16, 2020 – The Governor modified the March 12 emergency declaration to limit Delaware restaurants, taverns and bars to take-out and delivery service. The declaration that took effect at 8:00 PM on March 16 also bans public gatherings of 50 or more people, consistent with updated guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and closes gaming activity at Delaware casinos. The modification also provides Delaware’s Secretary of Labor authorization to develop emergency rules to protect Delaware workers and ensure that unemployment benefits are available for Delawareans whose jobs are affected by the coronavirus outbreak.
  • March 18, 2020 – The Governor announced the Hospitality Emergency Loan Program to provide financial relief for restaurants, bars and other hospitality industry businesses.
  • March 18, 2020 – The Governor approved the following changes to Delaware’s unemployment benefits program for the hospitality industry:
    • The Department of Labor (DOL) will begin processing unemployment claims as they are received with the goal of benefits becoming available within a week;
    • DOL will allow part-time income while collecting benefits as long as employees can demonstrate their decreased hours and earnings; and
    • DOL will not classify tipped employees as minimum wage earners as long as their tips are reported as wages.
  • March 18, 2020 – The Governor issued a second modification to his emergency declaration that allows any restaurant, brewpub, tavern or taproom with a valid on-premise license to sell alcoholic beverages as part of transactions for take-out food or drive through food service.  The modification also requires the closure of bowling alleys, movie theaters, fitness centers and health spas.
  • March 19, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order to allow flexibility to provide child care options for Delaware families and health care workers.
  • March 20, 2020 – The Governor announced a coordinated statewide plan to ensure individuals have access to safe and efficient testing in Delaware. Tests will be administered at no cost to patients.
  • March 20, 2020 – The Governor announced the state and Dogfish Head Craft Brewery are partnering to make more, much-needed hand sanitizer available to the state government.
  • March 21, 2020 – The Governor issued a third modification to his emergency declaration, ordering Delaware beaches closed. The public is prohibited from accessing the beach except to exercise or walk dogs where dogs are permitted.
  • March 22, 2020 – The Governor issued the fourth and fifth modifications to his emergency declaration, ordering Delawareans to stay at home whenever possible and closing all non-essential businesses in Delaware to help fight the spread of COVID-19.
  • March 23, 2020 – The Governor declared a Public Health Emergency and the Delaware Emergency Management Agency (DEMA) and the Delaware Division of Public Health (DPH) issued a companion order focused on the following:
    • Nurses, doctors, mental health care providers, pharmacists and other health care professionals who have active licenses or certificates of good standing in any U.S. jurisdiction are authorized to provide in-person health care services in Delaware throughout the emergency, as well as telemedicine services; and
    • Delaware health care professionals whose licenses expired in the last five years are authorized to provide health care services in Delaware, assuming their licenses were in good standing for the five-year period.
  • March 23, 2020 – The Governor ordered all Delaware schools to remain closed through at least Friday, May 15, 2020.
  • March 24, 2020 – The Governor issued the sixth modification to his State of Emergency declaration, moving Delaware’s presidential primary to June 2, and suspending residential foreclosures and evictions.
  • March 25, 2020 – The Governor announced a modified state of emergency requiring insurers not to cancel or fail to renew the insurance policies of those people and business facing economic impacts.
  • March 26, 2020 – The Governor announced the expansion of the Hospitality Emergency Loan Program (H.E.L.P.) to provide financial relief for additional industries impacted and makes personal care services businesses.
  • March 26, 2020 – The Governor announced a new program to provide emergency housing assistance to renters affected by shutdowns, closures, layoffs, reduced work hours, or unpaid leave.
  • March 27, 2020 – The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) approved Delaware’s request for a Section 1135 Medicaid waiver. The approved waiver enables Delaware to provide flexibilities in Medicaid provider screening and enrollment, forgo certain pre-admission screening and annual resident review assessments, lift prior authorization requirements and extend fair hearing timelines
  • March 29, 2020 – The Governor Sunday signed the seventh modification to his State of Emergency declaration, ordering all out-of-state travelers into Delaware to immediately self-quarantine for 14 days to fight the spread of COVID-19.
  • March 30, 2020 – The Governor signed the eighth modification to his State of Emergency declaration, which allows child care programs in Delaware to be designated as emergency child care sites.
  • April 1, 2020 – The Governor signed the ninth modification to his State of Emergency declaration, further limiting public gatherings and ordering essential businesses to limit public gatherings to 10 people through May 15, or until the public health threat has been eliminated. The order includes public gatherings include weddings, funerals, and related activities.
  • April 2, 2020 – The State of Delaware launched an online tool to connect Delawareans offering materials and supplies with organizations, medical providers and others in need of assistance.
  • April 2, 2020 – The Governor announced three dozen inmates who are employed in the James T. Vaughn Correctional Center garment shop began producing cotton face masks for the correctional system and first responders as the Delaware Department of Correction.
  • April 4, 2020 – The Delaware Division of Public Health announced a new collaboration with the United Way of Delaware to increase call center services.
  • April 5, 2020 – The Department of Health and Social Services (DHSS) announced that all walk-in access to its public offices will end beginning on Monday, April 6, 2020, customer service needs will be met by appointment, phone, e-mail or online. 
  • April 6, 2020 – The Governor issued the tenth modification to his State of Emergency declaration, banning all short-term rental units – including vacation home rentals, hotels, motels, and condo rentals.
  • April 8, 2020 – The Delaware Division of Public Health (DPH) recommended residents should wear cloth face coverings in public settings where social distancing measures are difficult to maintain.
  • April 10, 2020 – The Governor announced the extension of the State of Emergency declaration in place to limit the spread of COVID-19, and announced a partnership with the social network Nextdoor to keep Delawareans informed on the neighborhood level.
  • April 15, 2020 – The Governor issued the eleventh modification to his State of Emergency declaration, requiring stricter guidelines to prevent COVID-19 infections in nursing facilities and other long-term care facilities.
  • April 23, 2020 – The Governor issued the twelfth modification to his State of Emergency declaration, which allows the Public Health Authority to activate more out-of-state health care workers.
  • April 23, 2020 – The Governor announced a statewide public engagement strategy focused on Delaware’s economic reopening and recovery effort.
  • April 24, 2020 – The Governor announced schools will be closed through the academic year.
  • April 25, 2020 – The Governor issued the thirteenth modification to his State of Emergency declaration, requiring Delawareans to wear face coverings in public settings, including in grocery stores, convenience stores, pharmacies, doctor’s offices, and on public transportation.
  • April 30, 2020 – The Governor issued the fourteenth modification to his State of Emergency declaration, providing additional protections for Delaware renters and extending the application deadline for Delaware’s Senior School Property Tax Credit Program until June 1.
  • May 3, 2020 – The Governor along with New York Governor Andrew M. Cuomo, New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy, Connecticut Governor Ned Lamont, Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf, Rhode Island Governor Gina Raimondo and Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker announced a joint multi-state agreement to develop a regional supply chain for personal protective equipment, other medical equipment and testing.
  • May 5, 2020 – The Governor announced a series of interim steps allowing small businesses retailers to resume limited operations effective 8:00 AM on Friday, May 8.
  • May 5, 2020 – The Governor announced a plan to test all residents and staff of Delaware long-term care facilities for COVID-19.
  • May 7, 2020 – The Governor signed the fifteenth modification to his State of Emergency declaration, rescheduling Delaware’s presidential primary to July 7. The Delaware Department of Elections will mail absentee ballot applications to all eligible voters for the presidential primary election.
  • May 8, 2020 – The Governor announced June 1 as the target date for Phase I of Delaware’s economic reopening. Carney also extended Delaware’s State of Emergency declaration, including the stay-at-home order and its other modifications, through May 31.
  • May 8, 2020 – The Governor announced a significant expansion of Delaware’s statewide testing program for COVID-19 as Delaware moves toward Phase I of an economic reopening.
  • May 10, 2020 – The Governor signed the sixteenth modification to his State of Emergency declaration, suspending end-of-year evaluations for educators, professional development requirements and assessments due to the suspension of the school year.
  • May 11, 2020 – The Governor announced the Delaware Farmers’ Market Coalition, a group of market managers from across the state, the Delaware Department of Agriculture (DDA) is issuing protocols to help farmers’ markets safely begin opening starting May 15.
  • May 12, 2020 – The Governor announced that the State of Delaware entered into an agreement with the nonpartisan research institution NORC at the University of Chicago to build Delaware’s statewide contact tracing program to contain COVID-19, limit Delawareans’ exposure to the disease, and restart Delaware’s economy.
  • May 14, 2020 – The Governor announced that the State of Delaware will lift restrictions on Delaware beaches and community pools at 5:00 p.m. on Friday, May 22, subject to strict social distancing requirements and other restrictions. Ice cream shops and trucks will reopen with restrictions effective 5:00 p.m. this Friday, May 15.
  • May 15, 2020 – The Governor released guidance for Phase 1 of Delaware’s rolling reopening. Delaware’s Phase 1 reopening plan provides general and sector-specific guidance for Delawareans and Delaware businesses. Phase 1 of Delaware’s economic reopening will begin on June 1.
  • May 18, 2020 – The Governor issued guidance encouraging virtual services for churches and houses of worship while expanding their ability to conduct in-person services with restrictions.
  • May 18, 2020 – The Governor announced a public strategy to plan for the safe reopening of Delaware school buildings. Three COVID-19 School Reopening Working Groups (Health and Wellness, Academics and Equity, and Operations and Services) will advise the Delaware Department of Education (DOE), Delaware school districts and charter schools on ways to safely and effectively reopen Delaware school buildings.
  • May 19, 2020 – The Governor announced additional interim steps for retail and restaurant businesses to expand operations by appointment beginning tomorrow; restaurants can apply to expand outdoor seating effective June 1.
  • May 21, 2020 – The Division of Public Health (DPH) announced it was awarded a $67 million Epidemiology Laboratory Capacity (ELC) grant from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to implement expanded testing capacity for COVID-19, and support the establishment of a modernized public health epidemiologic surveillance system.
  • May 22, 2020 – The Governor issued an modification to his State of Emergency declaration, formalizing steps to allow restaurants to expand outdoor seating capacity.
  • May 22, 2020 – The Governor launched an public education campaign with beach towns as Delaware beaches reopen.
  • May 22, 2020 – The Governor announced an proactive Community-based COVID-19 testing strategy working with partners state-wide.
  • May 26, 2020 – The Governor announced the state will lift the ban on short-term rental units and the mandatory 14-day quarantine for out-of-state travelers on June 1.
  • May 29, 2020 – The Governor issued guidance for summer camps and summer school as Delaware continues a rolling reopening of the economy.
  • June 1, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order creating a Pandemic Resurgence Advisory Committee (PRAC) to plan for a potential resurgence of COVID-19 in fall 2020.
  • June 2, 2020 – The Governor announced that Phase 2 of Delaware’s economic reopening will begin at 8:00 a.m. on Monday June 15. Retail establishments, restaurants and other businesses that were permitted to open at 30 percent of stated fire capacity in Phase 1 may expand to 60 percent of stated fire occupancy in Phase 2.
  • June 6, 2020– The Governor extended the State of Emergency declaration in place to limit the spread of COVID-19.
  • June 19, 2020 – The Governor issued the 22nd modification to his State of Emergency Order, permitting an expansion of youth sports activities and personal care services to 60 percent if safety guidelines.
  • June 25, 2020 – The Governor announced a delay in moving to Phase 3 of Delaware’s economic reopening.
  • June 30, 2020 – The Governor issued a modification to the State of Emergency declaration closing bars in eastern Sussex County to limit spread of COVID-19 in Delaware’s beach communities.
  • June 30, 2020 – The Governor announced the closure of bars in beach towns indefinitely starting July 3, 2020.
  • July 1, 2020 – The Governor announced a joint effort across executive agencies to create a comprehensive plan to educate Delaware homeowners and renters on the foreclosure and eviction process and provide integrated services, including financial assistance.
  • July 1, 2020 – The Governor signed legislation to make voting by mail an alternative to in-person voting and establishes procedures for voting by mail which mirror the procedures for absentee voting.
  • July 6, 2020 – The  Governor announced the formal extension of the State of Emergency declaration another 30 days.
  • July 15, 2020 – The Secretary of Education released guidance for the reopening of schools for the 2020-21 academic year with three different learning scenarios.
  • July 24, 2020 – The Governor issued the 24th modification to his State of Emergency declaration, allowing driver education services to resume immediately, with safety measures. The modification also allows senior centers to open with safety precautions at 30 percent capacity.

  • Florida Department of Health coronavirus resource page.
  • March 1, 2020—Governor DeSantis signed an executive order directing the state health officer to declare a public health emergency and take any actions needed to protect the public health.
    • The order directs the Florida Department of Health to actively monitor all persons meeting the CDC definition of a Person Under Investigation (PUI) for at least 14 days or until the PUI tests negative for COVID-19. Active monitoring will include at least: a) a risk assessment within 24 hours of when the individual meets the criteria for a PUI and b) twice daily temperature checks. 
    • The executive order also designated the Florida Department of Health as the lead agency to coordinate emergency response activities. 
  • March 9, 2020—Governor DeSantis declared a state of emergency allowing nurses and doctors from other states to work in Florida and pharmacists to issue emergency 30-day prescriptions. The order also allows officials to activate the Florida National Guard, purchase medical supplies more swiftly, and establish field hospitals. 
  • March 12, 2020 – Florida activated of the Business Damage Assessment survey to assess the impact of COVID-19 on Florida’s local business operations. 
  • March 16, 2020 – The Governor activated the Florida Small Business Emergency Bridge Loan Program to support small businesses impacted by COVID-19. The bridge loan program, managed by the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity, will provide short-term, interest-free loans to small businesses that experienced economic injury from COVID-19.
  • March 17, 2020 – The Florida Division of Emergency Management under direction of the Governor deployed three field hospitals across the state to help combat the spread of COVID-19.
  • March 17, 20202 – The Governor ordered bars and nightclubs in Florida to close for 30 days and directed restaurants to operate at 50% of their maximum capacity to allow for social distancing.
  • March 17, 2020 – Florida state school officials closed K-12 public schools until April 15 and announced the suspension of mass campus gatherings, including sports events.
  • March 17 – Florida received federal approval for a Section 1135 waiver to provide more flexibility for the health care delivery system to respond to increased cases of COVID-19. The waiver allows Florida to provide flexibilities in Medicaid provider screening, forgo certain pre-admission screening and annual resident review assessments, lift prior authorization requirements, allow the provision of facility services in alternative settings, and extend fair hearing timelines.
  • March 23, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order requiring those who travel to Florida from New York, New Jersey and Connecticut to self-isolate for 14 days upon entering the state.
  • March 23, 2020 – The Governor sent a letter to President Donald Trump formally requesting that he declare a Major Disaster.
  • March 25, 2020 – The Governor announced President Donald J. Trump has declared a major disaster exists in the State of Florida and ordered federal assistance to supplement the state, tribal, and local recovery efforts. 
  • March 24, 2020 – The Governor directed the Department of Children and Families to waive work requirements to allow more participation in Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) & Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF).  
  • March 27, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order expanding a previous directive that airline travelers from the New York City area self-quarantine for 14 days to include people from Louisiana who enter the state on Interstate 10.
  • March 27, 2020 – The Governor announced he would suspend vacation rentals for two weeks.
  • March 30, 2020 – The Governor announced that he is issuing a stay-at-home order for the southern portion of the state including Broward, Miami-Dade, Palm Beach and Monroe counties through the middle of May.
  • April 1, 2020 – The Governor issued a statewide stay-at-home that will go into effect Thursday, April 2 at midnight and last for at least 30 days.
  • April 2, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order to override restrictions put in place by local governments from shuttering churches and synagogues during the outbreak.
  • April 3, 2020 – The Governor ordered all foreclosures and residential evictions in the state halted for 45 days. In addition, blocking the evictions of Florida renters for nonpayment of rent.
  • April 6, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order on documentary stamps for SBA Loans suspending the assessment and collection of taxes.
  • April 7, 2020 – The Governor announced Project: VITAL to provide elders in assisted living facilities and nursing homes with tablets to safely connect them with their loved ones.
  • April 2, 2020 — The state chief financial officer and the Governor announced that first responders who are exposed to COVID-19 on the job will be eligible for workers compensation.   
  • April 10, 2020 – The Governor issued executive order, extending his suspension of vacations rentals in the state to April 30, 2020.
  • April 11, 2020 – The Governor announced more than 32,000 laptop computers are being distributed to 34 mostly small, rural school districts throughout Florida and the Florida A&M University Developmental Research School to support distance learning.
  • April 14, 2020 – The Governor announced an “stage two” task force to explore what stage two of the state’s coronavirus response will be, including reopening of the state’s schools, restaurants and other businesses will look like after weeks of lockdown.
  • April 16, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order suspending biweekly reporting requirements for unemployment compensation recipients.
  • April 20, 2020 – The Governor announced the executive committee of the Re-Open Task Force.
  • April 21, 2020 – The Governor announced the members of the Re-Open Task Force Industry Working Group on Tourism, Construction, Real Estate, Recreation, Retail and Transportation.
  • April 29, 2020 – The Governor announced phase one of Florida’s “Safe. Smart. Step-by-Step.” Plan for recovery. 
  • April 30, 2020 – The Governor announced the extension of good cause for the month of May and the submission of a federal waiver, to assist Floridians participating in Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF).
  • May 1, 2020 – The Governor announced that, beginning May 4, 2020, Florida State Parks will re-open access to trails, and some day use areas, including some beach access with limited facilities. Visitors will be asked to practice proper social distancing and to limit group size to 10 or less and to stay six feet apart.
  • May 6, 2020 – The Governor announced that Florida has launched the only state-sponsored rapid-test mobile lab that they are aware of in the country.
  • May 6, 2020 – The Governor directed the Health Care Administration to issue an emergency rule requiring hospitals to test all individuals that will be discharged to a long-term care facility and requiring long-term care facilities to transfer COVID-19 positive residents if the facility is not equipped for appropriate care.
  • May 8, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order extending the ongoing state of emergency for another 60 days.
  • May 14, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order that extends mortgage foreclosure and eviction relief until June 2.
  • May 15, 2020 – The Governor announced Florida’s Full Phase 1 begins Monday, May 18. All 67 counties can now begin re-opening as the state continues to implement the #SafeSmartStepbyStep Plan for Florida’s recovery.
  • May 15, 2020 – The Governor announced Florida’s Department of Elder Affairs has partnered with Department of Business & Professional Regulation and Restaurant & Lodging Association to match the needs of the elderly and meal delivery services.
  • May 18, 2020 – The First Lady announced that the Department of Children and Families (DCF) has received a $1.9 million emergency grant to address behavioral health disorders resulting from the current public health emergency.
  • May 27, 2020 – The Governor announced federal approval for the implementation of Florida’s Pandemic EBT Program (P-EBT) to automatically issue benefits during the month of June to more than 2.1 million children who have temporarily lost access to free and reduced-price school meals during COVID-19-related school closures.
  • May 27, 2020 – The Governor announced federal approval for the implementation of Florida’s Pandemic EBT Program (P-EBT) to automatically issue benefits during the month of June to more than 2.1 million children who have temporarily lost access to free and reduced-price school meals during COVID-19-related school closures.
  • May 29, 2020 – The Governor announced the Florida Division of Emergency Management (FDEM) has partnered with Home Depot and Publix to establish six additional COVID-19 testing sites.
  • June 1, 2020 – The Governor announced the extension of his statewide moratorium on evictions and foreclosures to July 1.
  • June 3, 2020 – The Governor announced bars, tattoo shops, massage parlors, tanning salons, and movie theaters are allowed to open in select areas at half capacity starting Friday as most of Florida moves into the second of the state’s three-phase re-opening.
  • June 11, 2020 – The Governor announced recommendations for local communities to safely reopen their education systems.
  • June 17, 2020 – The Florida Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA) announced the waiving of service limits and expanding coverage for Medicaid recipients.
  • June 17, 2020 – The Florida Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA) announced the waiving of service limits and expanding coverage for Medicaid recipients.
  • June 25, 2020 – The Governor announced $250 million in CARES Act funding for rental and mortgage assistance for Florida families.
  • June 26, 2020 – The Governor ordered the shutdown of bars with the spike of cases across the state.
  • June 25, 2020 – The Governor announced $250 million in CARES Act funding for rental and mortgage assistance for Florida families.
  • June 26, 2020 – The Governor ordered the shutdown of bars with the spike of cases across the state.
  • June 30, 2020 – The Florida Department of Health issued an emergency order allowing the suspension of statues, rules, and orders made necessary.
  • July 7, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order extending the State of Emergency for another 60 days.
  • July 17, 2020 – The Governor announced that the Florida Housing Finance Corporation (Florida Housing) Board of Directors unanimously approved the release of $75 million to local governments to assist Floridians in need of rental and mortgage assistance.

  • March 12, 2020—Governor Kemp ordered most state employees to work from home, but has not shut down the state capitol. He also initiated a “call to order” for schools and daycare, which allows them to shutdown if local administrators are in agreement to do so.  
  • March 12, 2020—Governor Kemp requested 100 million in state funds to combat COVID-19. 
  • March 13, 2020 – Governor Kemp issued a public health emergency for the state.
  • March, 14, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order calling National Guard troops to active duty. The order calls up 2,000 National Guard troops to active duty to assist in response to the coronavirus outbreak in the state.
  • March 16, 2020 – The Georgia General Assembly granted the Governor expansive new emergency powers to combat COVID-19, including the ability to:
    • Suspend laws and regulations prescribing state agency procedures;
    • Compel a health care facility to provide services or transfer management to the state;
    • Commandeer or utilize private property;
    • Transfer state treasury funds; and
    • Direct evacuations if necessary.
  • March 17, 2020 – The Governor ordered all public elementary, secondary, and post-secondary schools to be closed by March 18 through at least March 31.
  • March 17, 2020 – The Governor in a press conference encouraged Georgians to support local businesses and drive-in/thru restaurants and take out options to bolster the local economy. 
  • March 17, 2020 – The Governor signed the amended fiscal year 2020 budget  to tap into the state’s rainy-day fund for $100 million to combat COVID-19.
  • March 18, 2020 – The Governor submitted a letter requesting a U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) declaration to provide SBA Economic Injury Disaster Loans to the State of Georgia.
  • March 19, 2020 – The Governor urged hospitals to cancel elective surgery in order to save life-saving supplies.
  • March 19, 2020 – The Governor, in consultation with the Georgia Department of Public Health and the Georgia Emergency Management and Homeland Security Agency, asked healthcare providers and the public to conserve COVID-19 test for the most vulnerable populations.
  • March 19, 2020 – The Governor received an official statewide disaster declaration from the U.S. Small Business Administration.
  • March 20, 2020 – The Governor announced and named members of the Georgia’s Coronavirus Task Force Committees. The task force is comprised of the following committees:
    • Economic Impact
    • Primary Care Providers
    • Emergency Preparedness
    •  Homeland and Displaced
  • March 20. 2020 – The Governor issued two executive orders. One executive order authorized the transfer of over 19 million to the Governor’s Emergency Fund to purchase medical supplies and equipment and the other executive order aimed at reducing regulations surrounding COVID-19 response.
  • March 23, 2020 – The Governor signed an executive order expanding temporary licensing of certain medical professions assisting in the state’s response.
  • March 23, 2020 – The Governor signed an executive order that limited large gatherings, ordered a “shelter-in-place” for specific populations, and closed bars, nightclubs for 14 days.
  • March 23, 2020 – The Governor increased the maximum SNAP benefit level per month per household.  
  • March 24, 2020 – The Governor called on all Georgia businesses who are able to help the state provide, produce, distribute, or store critical health care items.
  • March 25, 2020 – The Governor announced that the state’s coronavirus task force will participate in a live town hall.
  • March 25, 2020 – The Governor signed an executive order that adopted emergency rules and waivers with respect to renewal and suspensions of driver’s licenses and identification cards.
  • March 26, 2020 – The Governor signed an executive order extending the closure of public schools through April 24.
  • March 26, 2020 – The Governor signed an executive order to assist the with the state’s response to unemployment insurance claims.
  • March 27, 2020 – The Governor deployed the national guard medical support team to support the state’s efforts in battling COVID-19.
  • March 27, 2020 – The President approved Georgia’s disaster declaration and ordered Federal assistance to supplement State and local recovery efforts in Georgia.
  • March 30, 2020 – The Governor ordered the enforcement of social distancing measures at parks and lakes.
  • March 30, 2020 – The Governor submitted a request to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) for an 1135 Medicaid waiver.
  • March 31, 2020 – The Governor announced a laboratory surge capacity plan to quickly increase the availability of COVID-19 testing. This plan is in partnership with various university and health systems in Georgia.
  • April 1, 2020 – The Governor announced that the Georgia National Guard will deploy over 100 Guardsmen to any long-term care facility/assisted living facility or nursing home with COVID-19 cases.
  • April 1, 2020 – The Governor ordered K-12 schools to be closed for the remainder of the school year.
  • April 1, 2020 – The Governor signed an executive order that authorized the use of real-time audio-visual communication technology to assist in notarizing real estate documents.
  • April 2, 2020- The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) approved Georgia’s request for a Section 1135 Medicaid waiver. The approved waiver enables Georgia to provide flexibilities in Medicaid provider screening and enrollment, forgo certain pre-admission screening and annual resident review assessments, lift prior authorization requirements, allow for reimbursement facility services in alternative settings, and extend fair hearing timelines.
  • April 3, 2020 – The Governor announced that the University System of Georgia (USG) and the Georgia Emergency Management and Homeland Security Agency, will offer temporary housing to traveling nurses assisting at Phoebe Putney Memorial Hospital in Albany.
  • April 3, 2020 – The Governor signed an executive order to deputizing sheriffs for enforcement of Executive Order involving businesses, establishments, for-profit and non-profit corporations, and organizations requiring shelter-in-place.
  • April 5, 2020 – The Governor announced a new Community Outreach Committee as a part of his Coronavirus Task Force Committee.
  • April 5, 2020 – The Governor issued new guidance to retailers and consumers organization in the state.
  • April 7, 2020 – The Governor announced that the state would be working with CVS Health to increase access to rapid COVID-19 testing. CVS will be operating drive-thru rapid COVID-19 testing, offered by Abbott Laboratories, at a site on Georgia Tech’s campus. At full capacity, the site will be able to conduct up to 1,000 tests per day.
  • April 8, 2020 – The Governor announced that he would be extending Georgia’s public health state of emergency through May 13, 2020.
  • April 8, 2020 – The Governor signed an executive order regarding the safety of employees and residents of nursing homes and long-term care facilities.
  • April 8, 2020 – The Governor signed an executive order suspending short term rental homes.
  • April 8, 2020 – The Governor signed an executive order deploying an additional 1,000 national guard soldiers to assist with relief efforts. 
  • April 12, 2020 – The Governor announced that the state has executed a contract with Pacific Architects and Engineers (PAE) to build a 200-hospital bed alternate care facility at the Georgia World Congress Center (GWCC).
  • April 14, 2020 – The Governor announced that the Georgia Emergency Management and Homeland Security Agency, in collaboration with the Georgia Department of Public Health, will begin to provide a list of COVID-19 cases in each jurisdiction to 911 centers.
  • April 14, 2020 – The Governor signed an executive order which designated healthcare institutions and medical facility employees, staff, and contractors as “auxiliary emergency management workers.” This order will limit the civil liability of “auxiliary emergency management workers” engaging in “emergency management activities” while providing patient care if such care results in the death or injury of a patient.
  • April 14, 2020 – The Governor announced the state’s plans to augment staffing levels for healthcare facilities in various parts of Georgia. The state is working with Jackson Healthcare through its subsidiary Healthcare Workforce Logistics to bring roughly 570 additional healthcare professionals to health systems.
  • April 14, 2020 – The Governor released a long-term care facility report which tracks the number of COVID-19 cases in these facilities.
  • April 17, 2020 – The Governor announced the completion of an alternate care facility at the Georgia World Congress Center that can accommodate 200 patients and is operating in cooperation with the Grady Health System.
  • April 17, 2020 – The Governor urged Congress to pass additional funding for the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP).
  • April 17, 2020 – The Governor announced that the Georgia Emergency Management and Homeland Security Agency (GEMA/HS) received a donation of 330,000 N-95 masks from Cisco.
  • April 20, 2020 – The Governor signed an executive order granting certain businesses permission to reopen later in the week. The designated businesses include  barbershops, gyms, and other close contact businesses.
  • April 21, 2020 – The Governor and the Georgia State Board of Cosmetology and Barbers issued guidance for the safe reopening of Georgia’s salons and spas. The guidance includes:
    • Temperature checks
    • Screening questions of customers
    • Limits to the amount of people in each shop at one time
    • Social distancing
    • Use of PPE
    • Disinfection
  • April 22, 2020 – The Georgia Department of Labor announced options that unemployed individuals and small businesses may use as the state incrementally reopens. 
  • April 24, 2020 – The Governor announced that Walgreens will open a drive-thru rapid COVID-19 testing site at a location in Alpharetta that will be able to conduct 150 tests a day.
  • April 26, 2020 – The Governor announced the launch of a mobile COVID-19 testing initiative to set up drive-thru sites in communities without access to testing.
  • April 28, 2020 – The Governor announced that the state had administered nearly 13,000 new test in a single day, recording the largest single day in new tests reported.
  • April 28, 2020 – The Governor stated that he has not made a decision regarding the shelter-in-place order to expire on Thursday, April 30th.
  • April 28, 2020 – The Governor signed  an executive order further outlining specific protective measures food service, entertainment, and other entities must maintain during their reopening, some of this includes:
    • Inspection timelines of restaurants
    • Further defining food establishments
    • Regulating indoor seating of movie theaters
  • April 29, 2020 – The Governor announced that ninety-five facilities have signed up to use the free Battelle Critical Care Decontamination System (CCDS), a self-contained device that uses concentrated hydrogen peroxide to decontaminate N95 masks.
  • April 30, 2020 – The Governor signed an executive order requiring business to operate with social distancing measures through May 31st. Additionally, the executive order requires medically fragile and elderly individuals to shelter in place until June 12th
  • April 30, 2020 – The Governor announced that he is suspending the road test requirement for acquiring a driver’s license.
  • May 1, 2020 – The Governor urged all Georgians to continue to follow safe daily habits to reduce our risk of exposure and to continue to wear masks in public.
  • May 1, 2020 – The Governor’s Coronavirus Task Force Community Outreach Committee partnered with Georgia Department of Public Health and the DeKalb County Board of Public Health to establish free testing at a pop-up site at the House of Hope in Decatur for May 4, 2020.
  • May 5, 2020 – The Governor and the Georgia Department of Public Health announced there are currently sixty-six active COVID-19 specimen collection sites across Georgia. The state added nineteen sites in the past eleven days, including one-day-only sites.
  • May 5, 2020 –The Governor announced the largest shipment of personal protective equipment to date has been distributed by the Georgia Emergency Management and Homeland Security Agency (GEMA/HS) in cooperation with the Georgia Department of Public Health (DPH). Altogether, GEMA/HS shipped 38,420 face shields, 423,000 gloves, 432,150 surgical masks, and 81,120 coveralls to frontline healthcare workers.
  • May 8, 2020 – The Governor called for all individuals who have symptoms to get tested.
  • May 8, 2020 – The Governor announced that Peach Bowl Inc. will be partnering with the governor’s office to provide funding that will help make COVID-19 screenings available statewide.
  • May 8, 2020 – The Governor signed an executive order suspending the mandatory 30-day renewal period requirement for firearms owners to renew their licenses due to the extension of the public health emergency.
  • May 11, 2020 – The Governor reported the lowest number of ventilators in use and COVID-19 positive patients hospitalized in Georgia since hospitals began submitting data to the Georgia Emergency Management and Homeland Security Agency (GEMA) on April 8.
  • May 12, 2020 – The Governor signed an executive order requiring bars, nightclubs and live performance venues to remain shuttered through the end of May and relaxed capacity limits on restaurants that resume dine-in service, increasing the maximum table size from six patrons to 10. The order also doubled the number of children allowed in a single classroom at a child care facility from 10 to 20. Finally, the executive order allowed summer camps to resume to resume if they follow 32 regulations.
  • May 13, 2020- The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) approved Georgia’s second request for a Medicaid 1135 waiver. The waiver allows Georgia to reimburse for personal care provided by legally responsible individuals, including family caregivers
  • May 14, 2020 – The Governor announced the launch of Augusta University’s COVID-19 telemedicine app and that Augusta University received a $400,000 donation from SK innovation to support Augusta University and Augusta University Health’s response and associated expenses pertaining to the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • May 14, 2020 – The Governor announced that the Technical College System of Georgia’s (TCSG) Office of Workforce Development was awarded a 12 Million Dislocated Worker Grant by the U.S. Department of Labor.
  • May 15, 2020 – The Governor announced that 301,874 COVID-19 tests have been completed and reported to the Georgia Department of Public Health (DPH).
  • May 18, 2020 – The Governor announced a list and interactive map of Georgia companies that have signed up to help businesses obtain personal protective equipment and health care supplies to fight COVID-19.
  • May 18, 2020 – The Governor announced that Georgia now ranks twenty-first out of fifty-four states and territories on the current percentage of total population tested.
  • May 19, 2020 – The Governor announced that Georgia reached its lowest number of COVID-19 positive patients hospitalized since hospitals started reporting data to the Georgia Emergency Management and Homeland Security Agency (GEMA/HS) on April 8.
  • May 22, 2020 – The Governor announced a filming “best practices” guide for Georgia that offers guidance for Georgia’s film and television industries to help reduce the spread of COVID-19 when productions resume in Georgia. The recommendations were developed in close cooperation with officials from studio and production companies who maintain a presence in Georgia.
  • May 26, 2020 – The Governor announced that to date Georgia has received over 2.5 billion in COVID-19 related support from federal partners.
  • May 26, 2020 – The Governor announced that Georgia Emergency Management has sent 5,013 test kits to nursing homes throughout the state.
  • June 12, 2020 – The Governor announced that the Georgia Department of Community Health’s (DCH) June 11th Long-Term Care Facility COVID-19 report indicated that 97% of nursing home residents in facilities with 25 or more beds have now been tested for COVID-19.
  • June 15, 2020 – The Governor announced that the state will begin COVID-19 priority testing for first responders at all specimen points of collection (SPOC) sites across the state.
  • June 16, 2020 – The Governor announced that Georgia will submit a waiver to the U.S. Department of Education for the suspension of the 2020-21 Georgia Milestones assessment and CCRPI school and district rating. Additionally, effective immediately, the Georgia Department of Education is suspending the teacher evaluation (TKES) summative rating for 2020-21.
  • June 18, 2020 – The Governor announced that the state has received 22,188 resource requests to date. In response to these resource requests, including 3,860 from skilled nursing homes, the Georgia Emergency Management Agency has distributed 5,868,241 N95 masks, 8,894,220 surgical masks, 1,065,692 face shields, 1,468,628 gowns, 17,697,420 gloves, 428,880 Tyvek coveralls, 138,992 test kits, and 154 ventilators to date.
  • June 18, 2020 – The Governor announced that he will be seeking a standardized testing waiver for 2020-21.
  • June 18, 2020 – The Governor announced that the Georgia Professional Standards Commission (GaPSC) voted to remove the edTPA assessment as a requirement for the certification of educators in Georgia, making it easier and less costly for teachers to get certified in the state.
  • June 29, 2020 – The Governor issued guidance on CARES Act funding for various communities in Georgia.
  • June 29, 2020 – The Governor signed two executive orders extending the Public Health State of Emergency and existing COVID-19 safety measures.
  • July 1, 2020 – The Governor signed a bill that provides greater protections for assisted living facility and personal care home residents, strengthens staffing requirements, and increases maximum fines for violations.
  • July 6, 2020 – The Governor announced the Georgia Safety Promise, a safety campaign to remind Georgia businesses and the public of the importance of following COVID-19 safety guidelines.
  • July 13, 2020 – The Governor issued a press release announcing that June net tax collections approached $1.94 billion, for a decrease of $187 million, or -8.8 percent, compared to June 2019 when net tax collections totaled roughly $2.12 billion. Net tax collections for FY 2020 currently total almost $22.75 billion, a decrease of roughly $1.04 billion, or -4.4 percent, compared to FY 2019, when net tax revenues totaled more than $23.79 billion.
  • July 8, 2020 – The Governor released a public notice request regarding Section 1332 Waiver previously submitted to the Department of Treasury and Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services in the Department of Health and Human Services for a Reinsurance Program and the Georgia Access Model.
  • July 15, 2020 – The Governor signed an executive order prohibiting local municipalities across the state from mandating that masks be worn in public to mitigate the spread of the coronavirus.
  • July 15, 2020 – The Governor  announced a partnership to provide additional hospital bed surge capacity to treat COVID-19 patients at the Marcus Tower of the Piedmont Atlanta campus.
  • July 15, 2020 – The Governor announced Georgia Emergency Management and Homeland Security Agency (GEMA/HS) is leveraging an existing state contract with Georgia-based UPS to deliver personal protective equipment to medical facilities across Georgia.
  • July 16, 2020 – The Governor announced that 744 Georgia businesses, local authorities, officials, and individuals from across the state have committed to the Georgia Safety Promise.
  • July 17. 2020 – The Governor is suing Atlanta authorities to prevent the US city from enforcing its requirement to wear masks in public, along with other coronavirus-related restrictions.
  • July 18, 2020 – The Governor stated he will not order in-person school attendance.
  • July 20, 2020 – The Governor and the Georgia Department of Public Health today announced a new testing partnership with Mako Medical to provide testing supplies and services to process 10,000 SARS-CoV-2 PCR tests per day.
  • July 28, 2020 – The Governor withdrew his emergency request for a court to stop enforcement of Atlanta’s requirement that faces masks be worn in all public places, while mediation over the state’s legal effort to block the mandate proceeds.

  • January 29, 2020—Governor Guerrero established a Central Interagency Task Force comprised of local, federal, and military partners.  
  • March 9, 2020—Governor Guerrero implemented a Temporary Economic Assistance and Mitigation (TEAM) Plan to help small businesses:
    • Deferred 40% of BPT access to loans and 90 day interest only  
    • Financial Institutes are deferring loan payments to interest only 
  • March 15, 2020 – The Governor  declared a public health emergency.
  • March 15, 2020 – The Governor and the Guam Department of Public Health and Social Services implemented a 14-day suspension of non-essential Government of Guam Operations effective Monday March 16.
  • March 16, 2020 – The Governor signed a bill that prevents price gouging during a state of emergency.
  • March 18, 2020 – The Governor signed an executive order which instituted COVID-19 Mandatory Quarantine Protocol measures for all incoming travelers from the Philippines effective immediately. Other non-residents attempting to enter Guam not from the Philippines will also be subject to mandatory quarantine unless they have documentation confirming they have not been exposed to COVID-19.
  • March 19, 2020 – The Governor ordered that all public spaces in which people come together for food and beverage, entertainment, recreation, and leisure will be closed until March 30. The order goes into effect March 20.
  • March 20, 2020 – The Guam Department of Education launched a “Grab-N-Go” school meal distribution program. The program will remain in effect through the duration of school closures.
  • March 22, 2020 – The Governor’s Homeland Security Office of Civil Defense announced that the U.S. Small Business Administration is offering low-interest federal disaster loans to small business in Guam.
  • March 22, 2020 – The Guam Department of Revenue and Taxes announced it would be aligning its income tax filing date with the federal government and pushing back its filling date to July 15. 
  • March 22, 2020 – The Governor announced that the Department of Revenue and Taxes has issued nine (9) Notices of Violation (NOV) as part of its efforts to enforce compliance with the Governor’s Executive Order No. 2020-05 (non-essential business remaining in operation).
  • March 22, 2020 – The Governor announced that Guam will be seeking a major disaster declaration form the federal government.
  • March 22, 2020 – The Guam Department of Labor submitted an application for the Disaster Dislocated Worker grant in an effort to maximize Guam’s eligibility for federal assistance related to unemployment benefits.
  • March 23, 2020 – The Governor announced that she will be extending the Public Health Emergency for Guam, an additional 14-days beyond March 30, 2020. She also ordered all public beaches and parks closed immediately and extended school closures until April 13th.
  • March 26, 2020 – The Guam Memorial Hospital Authority suspended viewing of deceased loved ones effective immediately in accordance with the governor’s executive order.
  • March 26, 2020 – The Guam Behavioral Health and Wellness Center (GBHWC) has launched telehealth counseling services for medical professionals, frontline heroes, and first responders during this pandemic.
  • March 26, 2020 – The Governor temporarily suspended parts of the Open Government Law, including the public’s right to attend government meetings.
  • March 27, 2020 – The President approved Guam’s request for a Presidential Disaster Declaration.
  • March 29, 2020 – The Governor signed an agreement between the state government and the U.S. Department of Labor to move forward with the Pandemic Unemployment Assistance Program.
  • April 3, 2020 – The Governor along with the Guam Department of Labor (GDOL), is working with the U.S. Department of Labor (USDOL) to create the guidelines and application process for the Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) program; the program will provide weekly benefit payments to workers who traditionally would not qualify for unemployment benefits, and who are unable to work.
  • April 5, 2020 – The Governor signed an executive order to establish COVID-19 Response differential pay policy for employees working in support of the public health emergency.
  • April 5, 2020 – The Governor signed an executive order to extend the public health emergency to May 5th.
  • April 7, 2020 – The Guam Department of Education (GDOE) closed all GDOE school facilities and canceled daily classes through the end of School Year.
  • April 7, 2020 – The Governor signed an executive order further outlining social distancing measures and defining acceptable face covering required to be worn by essential workers.
  • April 9, 2020 – The government of Guam received approval from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) for a total estimated cost of $134.8 million of federal Economic Impact Payments to be paid to the Government of Guam.
  • April 9, 2020 – The Department of Public Health and Social Services (DPSS) has waived the requirement for food-handlers to obtain and possess a Health Certificate when employed at a food facility.
  • April 9, 2020 – The Guam Housing and Urban Renewal Authority (GHURA) was awarded over $2.6 million in Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act funds to be used for non-profit and government service providers to reinforce efforts to bring relief and services to the homeless, individuals with disabilities, renters and homeowners.
  • April 9, 2020 — The Guam Visitors Bureau (GVB), the Guam Hotel & Restaurant Association (GHRA) and the Guam Chamber of Commerce will conduct outreach to businesses impacted by COVID-19 through the Membership Outreach Movement (MOM), hybrid teams from the three membership based organizations will contact an estimated 800 businesses to help with organizing information for economic relief options available.
  • April 10, 2020 – The Guam Urban Renewal Authority (GHURA) has been awarded over $2.6 million in Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act to be used for non-profit and government service providers to reinforce their efforts to bring relief and services to the homeless, individuals with disabilities, renters and homeowners.
  • April 11, 2020 – The Governor wrote a letter to Congressman Bobby Scott, the Chair of the House Committee on Education and Labor, regarding Guam’s eligibility for Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation (FPUC). Guam was later approved by the U.S. Department of Labor for FPUC.
  • April 20, 2020 – The Guam Fire Department developed a plan to commission a COVID Transport Unit (CTU): two teams dedicated to transporting symptomatic, but otherwise stable, ambulatory patients.
  • April 21, 2020 – The Guam Environmental Protection Agency in partnership with the Department of Taxation and Revenue, identified at least five businesses for the retail and distribution of illegal disinfectants that claim to combat SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. Stop sale orders were issued to these businesses.
  • April 23, 2020 – The Governor and the Department of Public Health and Social Services (DPHSS) in partnership with the federal government and private partners, launched a COVID-19 Pilot Project Drive-Through/Walk-In Testing of COVID-19 for residents who live in Sagan Linhanyan and Lower Astumbo, Dededo.
  • April 24, 2020 – The Governor stated that as long as the data remains favorable, restrictions would likely be lifted gradually on various orders. Other mandates will remain in place on a phased-out basis – likely requiring a 30-day extension of the public health emergency which expires on May 5. Details will be offered in conjunction with the Governor’s recovery plan next week.
  • April 24, 2020 – The Department pf Public Health and Social Services announced that the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Emergency Allotment for the month of April 2020 will be released on April 24, 2020.
  • April 27, 2020 – The Department of Public Health and Social Services (DPHSS) in collaboration with state, federal and private partners, is expanding the COVID-19 testing drive-through/walk-in.
  • April 28, 2020 – The Department of Education suspended Grab-N-Go school meal program at the a middle school where a worker has tested positive for COVID-19.
  • April 28, 2020 – The Governor announced  her intent to extend the public health emergency while lifting some restrictions implemented through the Social Isolation Directive and Department of Public Health and Social Services (DPHSS) Guidance Memoranda 2020-01, 02, and 05.
  • May 1, 2020 – The state has announced that the Safe Haven Project, an initiative to address Guam’s homeless population during the COVID-19 pandemic, has been delayed since the site selected would not effectively limit the spread of COVID-19.
  • April 30, 2020 – The Governor outlined her recovery plan and set a goal of May 9 to slowly reopen.
  • May 4, 2020 — Guam Department of Labor (GDOL) sent a budget request of more than $924 million dollars to help those on the island impacted by COVID-19.
  • May 4, 2020 — The Governor is scheduled to announce two new initiatives: one aimed at helping residents impacted by the health crisis; and the other related to providing transparency for government pandemic spending.
  • May 5, 2020 – The Governor signed an executive order a direct disaster aid program that will be paid for with the Coronavirus Relief Funds authorized under the CARES Act. This local program supplements and is in addition to the Economic Impact Payment and is not subject to local income taxation. Individuals applying for this program will be given a one-time payment of $300 per eligible person not to exceed $1,200 per household. Factors that determine the household payment are as follows:
    • Household size
    • Gross monthly income equal to or below 165% of the federal poverty level
    • Heads of household 18 years of age or older
    • Residency on Guam for at least 6 months
  • May 5, 2020 – The Governor signed an executive order that establishes steps to increasing transparency with the use of federal funds relative to COVID-19 by establishing the COVID-19 Pandemic Recovery Office. The Recovery Office is responsible for working with the Federal Emergency Management Agency relative to the current disaster and is authorized to provide information, assurances, requests, or justifications on behalf of the Governor of Guam. Executive branch line agencies will also be required to publish their responses to requests for documents under the Sunshine Reform Act of 1999
  • May 5, 2020 – The Guam Department of Revenue and Taxation (DRT) announced that the Guam Economic Impact Payment (EIP) Implementation Plan has been approved by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and the U.S. Treasury.
  • May 7, 2020 – The Department of Public Health and Social Services (DPHSS) issued a Guidance Memo that identifies businesses that are to re-open and operate on a limited basis once Pandemic Condition of Readiness Level 2 (PCOR2) has been declared.
  • May 7, 2020 – The Department of Public Health and Social Services (DPHSS) advises the community that block grant recipients of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Cash Assistance Programs (CAP), and Child Care Development Fund (CCDF) will have their certification end-date for June 2020 extend up to December 2020.
  • May 7, 2020 – The Governor signed Executive Order 2020-14, related to the declaration of Pandemic Condition of Readiness (PCOR) 2. The Executive order covers the following:
    • All businesses are to operate by implementing measures as outlined in the document, Minimum Pandemic Workplace Operational Requirements, as issued by the DPHSS.
    • Social gatherings or congregations are limited to no more than ten (10) people.
    • All Government of Guam parks and beaches continue to be closed to all activities except for individual use.
    • All businesses that were allowed to operate during PCOR 1 may continue to operate. Businesses that are allowed to operate will no longer be restricted to selling only essential items.
    • Any place of business or public accommodation shall operate at no greater than 50% occupancy. 
    • Regardless of operational status of an agency/department, all government of Guam employees remain on regular work status and are expected to report for duty within two (2) hours of receiving notice from his/her supervisor.
  • May 9, 2020 – The Governor has stated that the government of Guam cannot afford to pay essential workers double pay, stating that these employees are already receiving differential pay for their work during the COVID-19 response.
  • May 9, 2020 – The Guam Department of Labor (GDOL) was notified of the approval of its initial increment of funds in the amount of $276 million toward the Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) and Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation (FPUC) Programs.
  • May 12, 2020 – The Guam Joint Information Center reported that Guam remains in Pandemic Condition of Readiness (PCOR) 2. PCOR 2 is the level with moderate restrictions and is intended to signal a positive movement toward normalcy.
  • May 12, 2020 – The Governor urged residents to remain vigilant to avoid a potential second wave of COVID-19.
  • May 13, 2020 – The Guam Joint Information Center announced the following quarantine mandates remain in effect but are subject to change with little to no notice:
    • All inbound passengers to Guam will serve a mandatory quarantine at a government-approved facility for 14 days upon arrival.
    • Travelers may be exempt from the mandatory quarantine at a government-approved facility, with the opportunity to self-quarantine from home, under the following conditions:
    • The traveler obtains a diagnostic specimen test for COVID-19 in the country of origin prior to arrival in Guam. The specimen must be collected and tested no more than 72 hours prior to arrival in Guam.
  • May 15, 2020 – The Governor signed Executive Order 2020-15 relative to the extension of the Disaster Relief Program – Prugråman Salåppe’ Ayudon I Taotao application period to June 12, 2020.
  • May 18, 2020 – The Governor announced her support of Bill 359-35, a legislative measure that will compensate classified workers called to work during the COVID-19 pandemic. Under  Bill 359-35, any classified employee that worked during the emergency period of March 20th to May 10th, 2020 will be entitled to one hour of additional annual leave—for every hour worked—not to exceed 240 hours of annual leave, provided that the classified employee:
    • was required to physically report to work during the emergency period; and
    • did not receive any additional compensation, administrative leave, or compensatory time off aside from what was provided in Executive Order 2020-08 or any applicable hazardous, night, or overtime differential pay.
  • May 18, 2020 — The Guam Department of Revenue and Taxation (DRT) processed and released over 50,000 Economic Impact Payments (EIP) totaling $95.9 million.
  • May 19, 2020 – The Guam Economic Development Authority (GEDA) launched the Guam Small Business Pandemic Assistance Grant to aid small businesses affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. The Office of the Governor directed GEDA to administer the grant program utilizing $20 million set aside under the CARES Act and checks will be made by the Department of Administration to grantees. 
  • May 19, 2020 – The Governor ordered more than 40 Guam National Guard Soldiers and Airmen to oversee operations of the island’s COVID-19 quarantine facilities under Task Force Shield.
  • May 21, 2020 – The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Food Nutrition Service (FNS) granted the Guam Department of Education (GDOE) an extension to distribute food commodities through Disaster Household Distribution (DHD).
  • May 21, 2020 – The Guam Department of Education, through approval from USDA, is extending the Grab-N-Go School Meal Program through July 31, 2020.
  • May 22, 2020 – The Department of Public Health and Social Services (DPHSS) announced that island businesses with COVID-19 related commodities, such as hand sanitizers, alcohol, antiseptic wipes, masks, and test kits are all regulated items pursuant to local and federal laws. Although some regulatory requirements have been relaxed due to the current emergency, minimum requirements must still be met to import and sell these items.
  • May 22, 2020 – The Guam Department of Labor (GDOL) has prepared to launch its employee application module for the Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) program and Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation (FPUC) program, which will allow thousands of Guam residents to receive unemployment assistance funds.
  • May 25, 2020 – The Governor has delayed and cautioned against the reopening of certain aspects of Guam, including dine-restaurants. The Governor has stated that she will not reopen these items until she ahs more information on the recent increase in COVID-19 cases. 
  • May 27, 2020 – The Guam Department of Public Health and Social Services issued a guidance memo for dine-in restaurants. They stipulate that dine-ins are able to operate with required additional measures in order to reduce the risk of the spread of COVID-19. Salad bars, buffets, and self-service operations of any kind remain prohibited. Outdoor dining is allowed and recommended.
  • May 28, 2020 – The Governor signed Executive Order (EO) 2020-16 relative to allowing additional activities during Pandemic Condition of Readiness (PCOR) 2. EO 2020-16 extends the public health emergency originally set to expire on May 30 to June 30, 2020. Furthermore:
    • Effective at 8 a.m. on Friday, May 29, 2020, social gatherings or congregations shall be limited to no more than 25 people regardless of whether the individuals are of a single household unit.
    • Effective at 8 a.m. on Friday, May 29, 2020, all Government of Guam (GovGuam) parks and beaches shall be open to the public.
    • Effective June 1, 2020, all GovGuam offices, agencies, and departments will recommence public operations. Employees who have yet to be recalled to their workplaces will be expected to return. To the extent possible and where appropriate, agencies will encourage teleworking by employees. GovGuam agencies will abide by the applicable Public Health Guidance in their operations.
    • Effective June 1, 2020, Category 3 of the COVID-19 Response Differential Pay Plan expires.
  • May 29, 2020 – The Department of Public Health and Social Services (DPHSS) has issued DPHSS Guidance Memo 2020-11 relative to the new protocol for the quarantine of travelers into Guam to be effective Monday, June 1, 2020. Current, returning, and intended residents of Guam, persons who are essential healthcare or other essential workers as defined in DPHSS Guidance Memo 2020-11, or persons who traveled to Guam because of an emergency or personal hardship situation may be allowed to complete the 14-day quarantine requirement at their home residence or rented lodging location.
  • May 29, 2020 – The Governor announced that $4.7 million in the federally-funded emergency impact payment checks have been processed, there are a total of 3,000 checks, which were transmitted to Treasurer of Guam.
  • June 1, 2020 – The Governor signed Executive Order No. 2020-17 relative to Guam’s launching of the Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) and Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation Programs (FPUC).
  • June 1, 2020 – The Governor signed Executive Order No. 2020-18 relative to launching the Guam Small Business Pandemic Assistance Grant Program. A total of $20 million in Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act funding will be directed to Guam’s small businesses who have suffered financial hardship as a result of COVID-19 due to business closure, reduced consumer spending, and a decline in visitor arrivals. The Guam Economic Development Authority (GEDA) is designated as the official responsible for overseeing the program.
  • June 2, 2020 – The Governor signed Executive Order (EO) 2020-19 relative to safely addressing the critical shortage of personal protective equipment necessary for responding to the COVID-19 public health emergency. This guidance will be limited in duration and will expire no later than July 15, 2020. 
  • June 2, 2020 — The Department of Public Health and Social Services (DPHSS) announced it will be using a remote monitoring system known as Symptoms Monitoring Service to monitor individuals identified as close contacts to confirmed COVID-19 cases and returning residents in 14-day home quarantine.
  • June 4, 2020 — The Guam Department of Education (GDOE), State Agency for the Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP) under the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Food Nutrition Service (FNS), in collaboration with Pacific Unlimited Incorporated and Matson, Guam, will be issuing USDA Families to Farmers food boxes and Disaster Household Distribution food commodity bags at three locations
  • June 4, 2020 – The Department of Revenue and Taxes announced that all late fees will be waived for expired driver’s licenses and vehicle registrations as long as renewal is done by August 3, 2020. Driver’s licenses which expired prior to March 16, late fees for the period from March 16 – June 30, will be waived as long as renewal is done by July 15, 2020. Any vehicle registrations which expire in March, April, May, and June 2020 will be extended through July 31, 2020. Late fees will be waived for the period as long as renewal is done by August 3, 2020. For vehicle registrations which expired prior to March 2020, late fees will apply
  • June 4, 2020 — The Department of Public Health and Social Services (DPHSS) has developed a temporary policy for COVID-19 related commodities to address the shortage of these products in the market, which adversely impacts the public’s ability to protect themselves during this COVID-19 emergency.
  • June 5, 2020 – The Governor signed Executive Order (EO) No. 2020-20 relative to setting conditions for entry into Guam, permitting limited school operations, and clarifying the occupancy limit.
  • June 11, 2020 — The Department of Public Health and Social Services (DPHSS) issued Guidance Memo 2020-18 to provide clarification for the occupancy limit language set forth by Executive Order 2020-20, which states that any place of business, place of worship, or public accommodation that are permitted to resume operations may do so at no more than 50% capacity OR up to ten people, whichever is greater. The occupancy limit provision includes employees working in the establishment. 
  • June 11, 2020 — The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP) Disaster Household Distribution (DHD) is available to all families impacted by COVID-19. TEFAP-DHD began in May, and the Guam Department of Education (GDOE) was approved by USDA to distribute a total of 12,000 TEFAP-DHD commodity bags.
  • June 11, 2020 – The Guam Office of Homeland Security and Civil Defense announced that the Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP) regular operations will be suspended from June 15-19 in order to replenish commodity resources and to transition back to operations at the Piti warehouse.
  • June 18, 2020 – The Guam Department of Public Health and Social Services (DPHSS) released Guidance Memos 2020-21 and 2020-22. DPHSS Guidance Memo 2020-21 is relative to additional businesses that have been authorized to operate during Pandemic Condition of Readiness (PCOR) 2.
  • June 18, 2020 – The Guam Department of Public Health and Social Services issued Guidance Memo 2020-23 relative to the minimum requirements for the operations of bars and taverns. The additional requirements supplement the Guam Food Code (GFC), which is the regulations that govern the operation of food establishments, such as bars and taverns, on island. The purpose of this guidance is to require additional measures, which must be taken to reduce the risk of transmitting COVID-19 from person-to-person spread and touching contact surfaces in bars and taverns.
  • June 18, 2020 – The Department of Public Health and Social Services (DPHSS) released Guidance Memos 2020-21 and 2020-22. DPHSS Guidance Memo 2020-21 is relative to additional businesses that have been authorized to operate during Pandemic Condition of Readiness (PCOR) 2.
  • June 23, 2020 — The Department of Public Health and Social Services (DPHSS) released DPHSS Guidance Memo 2020-24 relative to expanding and clarifying allowable and unallowable activities for non-organized, contact physical activities and sports.
  • June 24, 2020 — The Department of Public Health and Social Services (DPHSS) released Guidance Memo 2020-26 relative to the minimum requirements for employee health, cleaning and disinfecting, ventilation, social distancing, and other protective measures for the operation of cosmetology establishments, including school of cosmetology, which is now authorized to operate.
  • June 27, 2020 – The Governor and The Department of Public Health and Social Services (DPHSS) has updated protocols relative to the quarantine, testing, and monitoring requirements for all travelers entering Guam.
  • June 29, 2020 – The Governor signed Executive Order (EO) 2020-22, relative to extending the public health emergency declared to respond to COVID-19. The public health emergency is now set to expire on July 30, 2020. EO 2020-22 also allows for DPHSS to implement quarantine protocols regarding the conditions for entry into Guam.
  • June 30, 2020 – The Governor signed Executive Order 2020-23, relative to reconstituting the interagency council for coordinating homeless programs, establishing the Office of Homelessness Assistance and Poverty Prevention at the Mayors’ Council of Guam, and providing shelter and protection for unsheltered homeless families and individuals. 
  • July 1, 2020 – The Department of Health and Social Services issued Guidance Memo 2020-11 Revision 3 relative to the new protocol for the quarantine of travelers into Guam, all persons entering Guam by air or sea from “high risk areas” will be subject to quarantine locations for a period of 14 days.
  • July 8, 2020 – The Department of Public Health and Social Services issued Guidance Memo 2020-28 relative to the minimum general requirements, employee health, cleaning and disinfecting, ventilation, social distancing, and other protective measures for the operation of Government of Guam agencies, departments, and other entities of the government.
  • July 15, 2020 — The Department of Public Health and Social Services (DPHSS) issued Guidance Memo 2020-27 relative to the minimum requirements for reopening K-12 schools and institutions of higher education. The guidance looks to establish a process by which schools and educational institutions are authorized to operate during Pandemic Condition of Readiness (PCOR) 3. This authorization is contingent upon the promulgation of an executive order authorizing such activity during PCOR 3. No schools or educational institutions may reopen until PCOR 3 is declared by the Governor, unless previously authorized by DPHSS.
  • July19, 2020 – The Governor signed Executive Order (EO) 2020-24. Under EO 2020-24, the public health emergency has been extended until August 29, 2020.
  • July 25, 2020 — The Department of Public Health and Social Services (DPHSS) issued Guidance Memo 2020-11 Rev. 4, relative to clarification on the voluntary quarantine requirements for all persons arriving in Guam. As part of Guam’s ongoing effort to contain the introduction and spread of COVID-19, all persons entering Guam by air or sea from Non-Low Risk Areas (“At Risk”) shall be subject to quarantine locations for a period of 14 days. Incoming travelers whose point of origin is from a low-risk area and whose stay on Guam is less than 5 nights will not be subject to quarantine. Incoming travelers who will be staying on Guam for more than 5 nights will be required to take a COVID-19 test on the fifth day of their stay, unless they show proof of a negative COVID-19 test within 5 days of their arrival on Guam.
  • July 25, 2020 – The Governor’s Physician Advisory Group announced that the COVID-19 Area Risk (CAR) Score is now the primary tool used to assess the risk of an area’s potential to spread COVID-19 to other states or countries through travel.


Hawaii Department of Health coronavirus resource page.

  • March 17, 2020 – The Governor at a press conference issued the following new orders and guidelines:
    • Directing all bars and clubs to close. Restaurants should go to take-out only, and tour companies should limit or shut down operations immediately.
    • Asking tourists to stay away for at least 30 days.
    • Bolstering screening of cruise ship passengers, with temperature checks and questions about symptoms and recent travel. Airports would also be bolstering their procedures.
    • Stopping all non-essential state travel, including inter-island travel. Those who do have to travel will have to go into self-isolation for 14 days.
    • Directing all movie theaters, visitor attractions and places of worship to close.
    • Closing all state libraries, parks, events at the state capitol building, Aloha Stadium and Hawaii Convention Center.
  • March 19, 2020 – The Governor supported the decision of the Hawaii Department of Education to continue school closures in the state and provide alternative meals plans for students.
  • March 20, 2020 – The Governor announced the following measures to address the economic impacts of COVID-19:
    • Hawaii small businesses may now file for low-interest working capital loans from the U.S. Small Business Administration (US SBA).
    • The US SBA approved the Governor’s certification request for access to the Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) Assistance Program for Hawaii small businesses.
    • Benefits will be paid to individuals who file their initial unemployment claims late.
    • The state will interpret Hawai‘i’s unemployment laws to the broadest extent possible to cover those who are out of work because of COVID-19.
    • Allocating additional staff to support the influx to facilitate claims filing, processing, and benefits.
    • Making the adjustments necessary to loosen eligibility requirements for claimants and reduce or eliminate experience rate adjustments for employers because of employees who receive unemployment benefits because of COVID-19.
  • March 20, 2020 – The Governor and the Department of Labor and Industrial Relations announced the launch of the Reducing Unemployment Disruption & Driving Economic Regeneration (RUDDER) program. RUDDER is an economic regeneration initiative that provides State Employment & Training Funds that serve as the foundational strategy for aligning federal workforce programs, such as the Disaster Recovery grants, in a unified effort to train and transfer labor into Hawaii’s businesses that can help reduce job losses and dampen the economic slide.  
  • March 21, 2020 – The Governor issued a second supplemental emergency declaration ordering all individuals arriving or returning to the State of Hawaii to a mandatory 14-day self-quarantine. The order states that any individual violating the quarantine may be fined up to 5,000 dollars or imprisoned up to one year, or both.  
  • March 22, 2020 – The Hawaii Department of Public Safety announced the following updates:  
    • Correctional facilities are implementing enhanced screening at entry points . 
    • All correctional facilities are expanding outside visitor suspensions to volunteers.  
    • Increased phone call duration, increased out of cell time, and increased access to stores/commissary for inmates. 
    • The Hawaii Paroling Authority is suspending all parole hearings for 2 weeks. 
  • March 23, 2020 – The Governor signed a third supplementary proclamation ordering the entire state to stay at home and work from home starting at 12:01 a.m. Wednesday, Mar. 25 through Apr. 30. Essential workers are exempt. Non-compliance would be a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $5,000, or up to one year in jail, or both.
  • March 24, 2020 – The Hawaii State Department of Education announced school facilities will remain closed to students through April 30.
  • March 24, 2020 – The Hawaii Department of Health waived routine TB clearance requirements for selected groups, the suspension will remain in effect through May 31, 2020. These groups include:
    • Annual clearance for healthcare workers
    • Annual clearance for patients in long-term care facilities
    • Food handlers
    • Children entering childcare, preschool or school (K-12th grade)
    • Post-secondary school students and employees
  • March 30, 2020 – The Governor announced a 14-day quarantine for interisland travelers in April.
  • April 3, 2020 – The Governor activated four units of the Hawaii National Guard to provide assistance to the Hawaii Emergency Management Operations Center, the State of Hawaii’s Joint Information Center, and support the receiving and distribution of medical supplies and PPE (Personal Protective Equipment).
  • April 8, 2020 – The Governor appointed Alan M. Oshima to lead Hawaii’s efforts to develop and implement a plan for economic and community stabilization, recovery and resiliency.
  • April 15, 2020 – The Governor has proposed 20% pay cuts for teachers and other public workers to help offset what is expected to be a reduction in the collection of state taxes.
  • April 17, 2020 – The Governor signed a fifth emergency supplementary proclamation which includes the following items:
    • Enhanced social distancing requirements
    • Eviction moratorium
    • The extension of the disaster emergency relief period to April 30, 2020
  • April 17, 2020 – The Governor signed an executive order enabling the county liquor commissions to allow the sale of unopened beer or wine with food take out or delivery and gives the commissions flexibility to deal with deadlines or other administrative procedures.
  • April 17, 2020 – The Governor signed an executive order giving greater flexibility for healthcare systems to respond to the ongoing crisis including:
    • Defining the term “healthcare volunteer”
    • Defining “rendering assistance” to the state
    • Immunities for certain civil liabilities
  • April 26, 2020 – The Governor signed a 6th supplementary emergency proclamation extending the stay-at-home order across the state through May 31.
  • April 27, 2020 – The Governor announced that florists will be able to begin operations on May 1, as long as they can do so in a way that is safe for employees and customers.
  • April 29, 2020 – The Governor discussed early plans to reopen the economy as case numbers continue to decline. The governor identified that it would be gradual phased-in approach.
  • April 30, 2020 — The Hawai‘i Department of Health (DOH) is using a new digital tool to follow up with individuals who have had close contact with a person identified by DOH as having COVID-19.
  • May 1, 2020 — The Department of Labor and Industrial Relations (DLIR) announced that it distributed $87,521,534 in unemployment insurance benefits.
  • May 5, 2020 – The Governor announced that he is ready to issue a new emergency order that would allow for “low-contact retail” to resume operations while maintain social distancing guidelines.
  • May 5, 2020 – The Governor signed a 7th Supplementary Emergency Proclamation that authorizes the first group of businesses to re-open. The latest proclamation also allows residents to leave their homes to patronize certain businesses and activities under the new “Safer-at-Home” order. Under Phase 1 of the state’s re-opening, the following businesses and operations can re-open starting May 7, 2020 at 12:01 a.m.:
    • Agriculture (non-food), such as landscape, ornamental plant growers, and nurseries
    • Auto Dealerships
    • Car Washes
    • Childcare services, licensed or authorized under the law
    • Pet Grooming Services
    • Observatories & Support Facilities
    • Retail & Repair Services, such as apparel, florists, watch & surfboard repair (Note: retail does not re-open in City & County of Honolulu until May 15, and retail & most repair will not re-open in Maui county.)
    • Shopping malls – limited to retail and repair services (Note: shopping malls are not reopening in Maui county.)
  • May 5, 2020 – The Governor authorized shopping malls and a variety of retail businesses to reopen provided they minimize contact between employees and customers. However, he clarified that Maui and Oahu will not be reopening their malls and retail outlets.
  • May 8, 2020 — The Department of Labor and Industrial Relations (DLIR) announced that it distributed $140,300,082 in unemployment insurance benefits.
  • May 12, 2020 – The Governor announced a new program to provide rental relief for Department of Hawaiian Home Lands (DHHL) Applicant Waiting List beneficiaries will launch on May 11, 2020, in partnership with Aloha United Way (AUW). DHHL’s COVID-19 Emergency Rental Assistance Program will provide eligible beneficiaries with rental assistance using $7 million in Native Hawaiian Housing Block Grant (NHHBG) funds.
  • May 12, 2020 – The Governor said during a press conference that his office is exploring a plan to improve screening of non-residents arriving at Hawaii airports that may include photographing them.
  • May 12, 2020 – Lawmakers announced they plan to plug a projected $1 billion hole in the state budget for the upcoming fiscal year by using money from the rainy day fund, reducing vacancies in state bureaucracies and issuing bonds.
  • May 13, 2020 – The Governor’s office announced the University of Hawaiʻi (UH) is partnering with the Hawaiʻi Department of Health (DOH) to create a program to train personnel and community health workers to support DOH in conducting COVID-19 contact tracing.
  • May 16, 2020 – The Governor stated that he is considering extending the his stay at home order until the end of June.
  • May 19, 2020 – The Governor signed the 8th supplemental emergency proclamation, extending the 14-day quarantine for travelers arriving in the state, as well as for inter-island travelers through June 30. The governor also extended through June 30 the eviction moratorium that prevents evictions from residential dwellings for failure to pay rent.
  • May 19, 2020 – The Governor further detailed his reopening plan. It includes:
    • Phase 1: Stabilization focusing on healing Hawai‘i by saving lives and flattening the curve in the community. Hawai‘i has transitioned through this phase by re-opening low-risk businesses in the last few weeks.
    • Phase 2: Re-opening Hawai‘i’s Kama‘āina Economy, where the state starts to re-open medium-risk businesses and activities, and later – re-opening high-risk businesses and activities.
    • Phase 3: Long-term recovery – where the state renews and rebuilds its economy through planning and policy discussions, incorporating transitional workforce modernization opportunities, supporting economic diversification initiatives, targeting the development of emerging industries, and advancing long-term resiliency planning. At this level, the state will focus on re-opening highest risk businesses and activities, while remaining cautious and adjusting Safe Practices as needed. This phase is expected to take much longer, since this phase covers the reshaping of Hawai‘i’s economy.
    • Phase 4:  Resilience
  • May 19, 2020 – The Governor approved the reopening of county beach parks island wide in the County of Hawaii with social distancing restrictions.
  • May 27, 2020 – The Governor approved the Mayor of O’ahu’s  proposal to safely re-open more businesses and operations on O‘ahu, under guidelines that will ensure the safety of employees and customers.
  • May 28, 2020 – The Governor announced that he would extend the state’s 14-day quarantine requirement for travelers arriving in the state beyond June 30.
  • May 29, 2020 – The Governor signed Hawai‘i County’s Emergency Rule No. 7, submitted by Hawai‘i County Mayor Harry Kim, allowing certain county parks and recreational facilities to re-open, with modifications.
  • June 1, 2020 – The Governor announced that the state will be lifting the 14-day quarantine requirement for inter-island travelers, effective June 16. The state Department of Transportation will require thermal screening at the airport for everyone traveling inter-island. HDOT will also require travelers to fill out a new form that will now also ask for health-related information to assist the state in tracking and responding to new COVID-19 cases.
  • June 8, 2020 – The Governor announced that the Division of State Parks is lessening restrictions and reopening park areas.
  • June 8, 2020 – The Hawai‘i Department of Health is disbursing a total of $30,000 to 23 skilled nursing facilities in the state for communications devices that will allow seniors at these facilities to stay in touch with their family and friends during the current pandemic.
  • June 10, 2020 – The Governor signed a ninth supplementary emergency proclamation that extends the COVID-19 emergency period through July 31. The emergency proclamation lifts the quarantine requirement for inter-island travelers effective 12:01 a.m. on June 16, 2020. However, it also leaves in place the quarantine requirement for out-of-state travelers.
    • June 10, 2020 – The Governor approved a request from Mayor Derek S.K. Kawakami to safely re-open more businesses, operations or activities under guidelines that will ensure the health, safety and welfare of the people of Kauaʻi county, effective June 16, 2020.
    • June 10, 2020 – The Hawai’i Department of Health reinstated Tuberculosis (TB) clearance requirements for childcare, school, post-secondary institutions and for food handlers. Routine TB clearance requirements had been waived temporarily through May 31 to support COVID-19 social distancing and mitigation efforts.
  • June 24, 2020 – The Governor announced all travelers arriving in Hawai‘i from out-of-state will be required to get a valid COVID-19 test prior to their arrival, and to show proof of a negative test result, to avoid the 14-day quarantine. The pre-travel testing program begins Aug. 1.
  • June 24, 2020 – The Governor approved Mayor Kirk Caldwell’s proposal to allow singing and/or playing of wind instruments at indoor and outdoor restaurants/bars, with some restrictions.
  • July 6, 2020 – The Governor stated that cuts to for Hawaii public employees is inevitable if the state does not receive federal coronavirus relief funding.
  • July 7, 2020 — The Governor stated that the state will be hit with a nearly half-billion dollar loss in projected tax revenues when compared to the year $7 billion collected the year before. 
  • July 13, 2020 – The Governor announced he will delay the launch of the pre-travel testing program for incoming travelers to Hawai‘i. The program is now scheduled to begin on Sept. 1. This means all travelers entering the State of Hawai‘i will be subject to the mandatory 14-day quarantine until Sept. 1, when the pre-travel testing program is scheduled to begin.
  • July 15, 2020 – The Attorney General joined a coalition of 22 attorneys general urging the US Senate to provide robust financial support for childcare providers in the next federal stimulus bill amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic in a letter sent to the Senate.
  • July 17, 2020 – The Governor signed the 10th Emergency Proclamation, which keeps the mandatory 14-day quarantine in effect for travelers entering the State of Hawai‘i. Under the proclamation, travelers arriving in Hawai‘i will continue to undergo a mandatory screening process at the airport.
  • July 20, 2020 – The Governor confirmed the state’s plans to move ahead with school reopening for students on Tuesday, Aug. 4.
  • July 24, 2020 – The Governor announced that The State of Hawai‘i’s mandatory 14-day quarantine rule for travelers is being modified temporarily in consideration of the impacts of Tropical Cyclone Douglas.
  • July 29, 2020 – The Governor announced he will take action to “reinstate some of the measures we’ve relaxed over the last few weeks” in the fight against COVID-19 in Hawaii.


Idaho coronavirus resource page.

  • March 4, 2020—Governor Brad Little announced the creation of new Coronavirus Working Group that will support Idaho’s public health agencies and increase coordination and communication.
  • March 6, 2020—The Idaho Legislature approved Governor Little’s request to transfer $2 million to the Governor’s Emergency Fund to help in Idaho’s response to the coronavirus.
  • March 13, 2020—Governor Little declared a state of emergency. 
  • March 16, 2020 – The legislature approved the Governor’s request to allocate an additional $1.3 million to ensure essential government services.
  • March 16, 2020- Idaho Department of Health and Welfare provided care providers payment for eligible children if they remained open during the public health emergency.
  • March 18, 2020 – The Governor announced the State of Idaho is seeking responses from small, non-farm businesses across Idaho whose operations and ability to conduct business have been disrupted by the coronavirus. The information received will determine whether impacted businesses will be eligible for disaster assistance in the form of low interest loans from the U.S. Small Business Administration.
  • March 18, 2020 – The Governor announced that Idaho is adopting the latest guidance from the White House and U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to slow the spread of coronavirus. This includes recommendations to avoid discretionary travel and social gatherings of 10 or more people.
  • March 19, 2020 – The Governor issued a mandatory isolation order for Blaine County.
  • March 23, 2020 – The Governor signed two proclamations today – one lifting restrictions in 125 administrative rules to increase healthcare provider capacity and reduce barriers to healthcare access and another extending the state income tax filing and payment deadline to June 15, 2020.
  • March 23, 2020 – The Governor’s request of the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) was approved and the SBA is now offering low-interest federal disaster loans for working capital to Idaho small businesses suffering substantial economic injury.
  • March 23, 2020 – The Idaho State Board of Education directed all public school districts and charter schools to immediately start a “soft closure” of all classroom facilities through April 20.
  • March 25, 2020 –The Governor issued a statewide stay-home order for the state of Idaho.
  • March 25, 2020 – The Governor signed an extreme emergency declaration allowing the state to increase health care capacity, take steps to reduce and slow coronavirus spread, and take rapid steps to improve the condition of unemployed individuals impacted by the pandemic.
  • March 27, 2020 – The Governor indicated that the state will receive close to $1.25 billion in federal aid to offset the impacts of COVID-19 to the state’s economy.
  • March 27, 2020 – The Governor signed multiple executive orders and proclamations that undertake the following actions:
    • Transferring $39.3 million to the Disaster Emergency Account, the maximum allowable amount under the law.
    • Reducing non-COVID-19 related General Fund spending in the fiscal year by 1-percent, which will save approximately $40 million statewide.
    • Helping Idahoans who are temporarily unable to work because of illness, quarantines, layoff or reduction of work related to COVID-19.
  • March 30, 2020 – The Governor announced that there will be no change to the date of Idaho’s primary election date.
  • March 31, 2020 – The Governor stated during a virtual town hall that landlords in Idaho should avoid evicting residents during the outbreak and that he is considering taking action on this issue.
  • April 8, 2020 – The Governor signed an executive order forming a new Coronavirus Financial Advisory Committee to oversee the approximately $1.25 billion in federal funds that Idaho will receive to fight the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • April 14, 2020 – The Governor announced that Idaho lenders and the small business administration are now accepting Paycheck Protection Program applications. 
  • April 15, 2020 – The Governor announced that he would be extending the stay-at-home order until April 30th.
  • April 16, 2020 – The Governor launched Recreate Responsibly Idaho, a new campaign aimed at making outdoor activities safe during the spread of COVID-19.
  • April 23, 2020 – The Governor announced a new plan to reopen Idaho’s economy. The plan will occur in four stages and individuals can track the progress in reopening by visiting the website,, set up by the governor’s team.
  • April 23, 2020 – The Governor announced the creation of his Economic Recovery Advisory Committee, made up of business leaders across the state. The group will provide recommendations on rebuilding employee and consumer confidence, providing for business stability and growth and eventually, business promotion and attraction.
  • April 24, 2020 – The Governor announced a new public-private task force to create a COVID-19 testing strategy for the State of Idaho moving forward. Their immediate focus includes:
    • Safe and efficient screening and testing sites for symptomatic individuals, including those with mild symptoms
    • Screening and testing locations in all regions of the state, including places that serve older individuals, rural and lower income populations, and racial and ethnic minorities
    • Robust COVID-19 testing programs for at-risk healthcare workers
  • April 24, 2020 – The Governor issued two new proclamations:
    • Extending the disaster emergency and extreme emergency declarations
    • Waiving further regulations to improve and maintain access to care
  • April 30, 2020 – The Governor announced plans for more than 30,000 small businesses to receive Idaho Rebound cash grants, a $300 million investment in Idaho’s small business employers.
  • April 30, 2020 – The Governor announced that the state will move forward with the first stage of its plan to reopen businesses. Nearly all retail stores and houses of worship will open in the first stage.
  • May 1, 2020 – The Governor announced a new Idaho Child Care Emergency Grant to provide childcare business owners with the financial resources to reopen and continue operating during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • May 4, 2020 – The Governor announced the full eligibility criteria and process for small businesses to apply for an Idaho Rebound cash grant.
  • May 6, 2020 – The Governor announced that Battelle will decontaminate N95 masks at no cost.
  • May 7, 2020 – The Governor made protocols available for indoor gym and recreational facilities managers to implement in order to open in stage 2 of the Idaho Rebounds plan.
  • May 8, 2020 – The Governor stated that salons, bars, and other retail business that violate the phased reopening plan are at risk of losing their operating license for those violations.
  • May 12, 2020 – The Governor stated that he decides the standard for when bars and restaurants may reopen in various cities in the state.
  • May 14, 2020 – The Governor approved the states movement to Stage Two of reopening Idaho as scheduled on Saturday, May 16.
  • May 14, 2020 – The Governor announced that small businesses have a new resource to access masks, gloves, and sanitizer as the state enters Stage 2 of the four-stage Idaho Rebounds plan to safely and responsibly open Idaho’s economy. Idaho small businesses can obtain a 30-day supply of personal protective equipment (PPE) for their employees and patrons at
  • May 18, 2020 – The Governor’s Coronavirus Financial Advisory Committee approved the eligibility expansion for cash grants to the self-employed.
  • May 18, 2020 – The Governor announced that protocols are now available for bars/breweries/wineries/distilleries and outdoor pools/splashpads/waterparks to open in Stage 3 of the Idaho Rebounds plan.
  • May 21, 2020 – The Governor announced that the State of Idaho will not borrow money in the bond market to meet anticipated cash flow requirements for the current fiscal year.
  • May 22, 2020 – The Governor announced that the Testing Task Force assembled one month ago has completed its recommendations. They include:
    • Who should be tested and how often.
    • Investment in local testing capacity must be significantly increased.
    • Expansion of molecular diagnostic testing now, which in combination with proven public health practices such as tracing, physical distancing, enhanced sanitation, hand hygiene, and instructing ill people to stay home to protect others, will help stop the spread of COVID-19.
    • A limited use of serologic (antibody) testing, which detects human antibodies to the virus.
  • May 27, 2020 – The Idaho Department of Labor has released data that shows that continued claims are down 8% from the previous week it measured but that unemployment remains at 11.5%.
  • May 27, 2020 – The Governor announced state and local public health experts have created a new guidance document to assist with decisions about gatherings during the COVID-19 pandemic, the guidance is known as the Interim Guidance for Safe Gatherings and Public Events in Idaho.
  • May 28, 2020 – The Governor announced that after consultation with movie theater operators and public health officials, he decided to move up the opening of movie theaters by two weeks – from Stage 4 to Stage 3– as long as protocols are followed.
  • June 8, 2020 – The Governor announced his plan to offer up to $1,500 cash to Idahoans who return to work. The Governor’s plan includes one-time cash bonuses of $1,500 for full-time work and $750 for part-time work and will be provided to the worker after return to the workplace. The funds will be available on a first-come, first-served basis for qualified applicants.
  • June 8, 2020 – The Governor announced the state is leveraging federal coronavirus relief funds to cover local public safety personnel salaries, and giving cities and counties the opportunity to pass on the savings to property taxpayers. The move is expected to provide up to $200 million in property tax relief.
  • June 9, 2020 – The Governor announced the launch of ONE Idaho, an initiative to highlight the resilience and adaptability of Idaho businesses, employees and consumers as the state moves through stages of reopening and rebounding.
  • June 13, 2020 – The Governor announced that Idaho would be moving to Stage 4 of the reopening plan. Under Stage 4, gatherings of more than 50 people are permitted as long as social distancing is practiced.
  • June 17, 2020 – The Governor announced the formation of two new committees to create a plan for reopening public schools this fall and a plan to address the “digital divide”. The committee will make guidance and resources available to school districts and charter schools in the coming weeks.
  • June 17, 2020 – The Governor signed an executive order establishing the authority for the administration of “Return to Work” bonuses.
  • June 18, 2020 – The Governor signed an executive order easing telehealth restrictions.
  • June 25, 2020 – The Governor announced that Idaho will transition to a regional response to COVID-19, and the state did not meet metrics to move out of the final stage of the Idaho Rebounds plan.
  • June 30, 2020 – The Governor stated during a town hall that he has not ruled out mandating mask wearing for the state if COVID-19 cases continue to rise.
  • July 7, 2020 – The Governor ordered 200 million in cuts to the states budget due to the shortfall in revenue as a result of the coronavirus.
  • July 9, 2020 – The Governor and education leaders rolled out the new Idaho Back to School Framework, providing guidance to local officials in their decisions about the safe reopening of schools for the 2020-2021 school year.
  • July 13, 2020 – The Governor announced that more than 10,000 Idaho Return to Work bonuses were sought for employees by nearly 2,000 Idaho businesses – the first day of the application window opening.
  • July 13, 2020 – The Governor and the Idaho Department of Commerce announced they are seeking applicants for the Economic Advisory Council, the group that outlines goals and objectives that further economic development within the state.
  • July 20, 2020 — Fifty-four cities and twenty-eight counties submitted letters of intent to participate in the Governor’s plan that leverages federal coronavirus relief funds to cover local public safety personnel salaries and gives cities and counties the opportunity to pass on the savings to property taxpayers.
  • July 23, 2020 – The Governor announced Idaho will remain in Stage 4 of the Idaho Rebounds plan for at least another two weeks.
  • July 24, 2020 – The Governor and the Coronavirus Financial Advisory Committee approved an additional $40 million to increase and improve COVID-19 testing in Idaho and an additional $10 million to equip schools with supplies needed to open safely. New funds include:
  • $21 million to test school staff, who are identified as a priority group by the Testing Task Force;
    • $10 million to cover additional masks, gloves, sanitizer, and plexiglass for Idaho schools as they reopen;
    • $13 million to improve testing in long-term care facilities;
    • $3 million to increase testing lab turnaround time and capacity as well as lab upgrades; and,
    • $3 million to increase access to testing in rural Idaho by leveraging Idaho pharmacists and pharmacies in testing efforts.
  • July 24, 2020 – The Governor wrote an op-ed describing how the state budget is well positioned to handle the ongoing impacts of COVID-19.

  • Illinois state coronavirus response page.
  • Illinois Department of Public Health coronavirus resource page.
  • March 2, 2020—The Illinois Department of Insurance issued a bulletin reinforcing the critical role that health insurance coverage plays during the COVID-19 outbreak. The bulletin encourages providers to be flexible when filling prescriptions in the event of quarantine.
  • March 8, 2020—The Illinois Department of Insurance has released an FAQ document about insurance coverage related to COVID-19.
  • March 10, 2020—In a press conference, Governor Pritzker announced that his office would file emergency rules to allow those who are unemployed because they are sick to collect unemployment insurance if permitted under federal law.
  • March 12, 2020—Governor Pritzker ordered the closure of public events of more than 1000 people for 30 days. 
  • March 13, 2020—Governor Pritzker announces two-week statewide school closure to minimize covid-19 spread, additional economic measures to reduce burden on Illinois families.
  • March 15, 2020 – The Governor announced all restaurants and bars will close for on-site consumption starting at 9 PM on Monday March 16.
  • March 15, 2020 – The Governor, in response to the overcrowding and wait times at Chicago airports, announced that the federal government will be doubling U.S. CBP staff at O’Hare Airport.
  • March 18, 2020 — The Governor activated the national guard to address the anticipated need for logistical support and medical staff.
  • March 18, 2020 – The Governor stated he is prepared to order travel and quarantine restrictions in Illinois to limit the spread of coronavirus if scientific guidance recommends it.
  • March 19, 2020 – The Governor signed an executive order to expand telemedicine for individuals with Medicaid and private insurance.
  • March 19, 2020 – The Governor ordered the Department of Revenue to defer sales tax payments for 24,000 small and medium sized bars and restaurants.
  • March 20, 2020 – The Governor issued Executive Order Number 20-10 implementing stay at home and social distancing requirements.
  • March 20, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order requiring all individuals currently living in the state of Illinois to stay at home.
  • March 21, 2020 – The Governor announced that healthcare license reinstatement would be processed on an expedited basis and that medical professionals whose licenses are expiring will have their licenses extended through the end of September.
  • March 22, 2020 – The Governor called for healthy individuals to assist with the state’s efforts during the crisis by going to to be matched with service organizations to support the response effort.
  • March 23, 2020 – The Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation issued a proclamation to allow out-of-state physicians, nurses, physician assistants, and respiratory care therapists to provide care to Illinois residents.
  • March 23, 2020- The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) approved Illinois’s request for a Section 1135 Medicaid waiver. The approved waiver enables Illinois to provide flexibilities in Medicaid provider screening and enrollment, forgo certain pre-admission screening and annual resident review assessments, lift prior authorization requirements, allow for reimbursement facility services in alternative settings, and extend fair hearing and appeals timelines.
  • March 24, 2020 – The Governor signed an executive order suspending healthcare worker background checks for individuals who are certified as a nurse assistant, but are currently inactive on the Health Care Worker Registry, may be hired under certain provisions.
  • March 25, 2020 – Under the leadership of the Governor, the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity launched emergency small business assistance initiatives including the: 
    • Hospitality Emergency Grant Program to support hospitality businesses during COVID-19.  
    • Illinois Small Business Emergency Loan Fund to offer small businesses low interest loans of up to $50,000.  
    • Downstate Small Business Stabilization Program to support small businesses in downstate/rural counties in Illinois – repurposing $20 million in Community Development Block Grant funds for small businesses of up to 50 employees to partner with local governments to obtain grants of $25,000.  
  • March 26, 2020 – The Governor announced a partnership with United Way of Illinois and Alliance of Illinois Community Foundations to launch the Illinois COVID-19 Response Fund to support nonprofit organizations who are serving those who lives have been upended by this pandemic.
  • March 27, 2020 – The Governor signed an executive order relaxing the approval process schools would need to adjust their school term, suspending the method of the calculation for pupil school attendance, granting the Illinois State Board of Education the ability to define “Remote Learning Days”, allowing schools that receive grant funds around early-childhood education to provide childcare services to essential employees, and other provisions.
  • March 28, 2020 – The Governor suspended the repossession of vehicles and in-person training for private security personnel during the ongoing COVID-19 outbreak.
  • March 29, 2020 – The Governor signed an executive order extending the deadline for various cannabis grower, transporter, and infuser licenses due to the impacts of COVID-19. 
  • March 30, 2020 – The Governor announced plans for 3,000-bed alternate care setting at McCormick Place to treat COVID-19 patients with mild symptoms.
  • March 30, 2020 – The Governor announced a series of actions in the area of consumer borrowing, servicing, and collections. The governor also provided guidance to its regulated entities, state banks, credit unions, installment lenders, payday lenders, title loan lenders, sales finance lenders including auto loans, currency exchanges, student loan servicers, mortgage servicers, and collection agencies concerning their lending, servicing, and collection during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • April 1, 2020 – The Governor signed a proclamation extending the stay-at-home order in the state to April 30th.
  • April 3, 2020 – The Governor recommended that individuals wear masks for the duration of the pandemic.
  • April 5, 2020- The Governor announced the expansion of emergency childcare and additional financial support for emergency childcare centers. 
  • April 8, 2020 – The Governor expanded how real-time electronic technologies may be utilized. Remote notarization can be used for the duration of governor’s stay at home order.
  • April 9, 2020 – The Governor signed executive order 23 that allows the Secretary of the Department of Financial & Professional Regulation to take certain actions to increase the number of licensed professionals responding to the disaster, and ensure that any impacted licensed professionals are aiding in the response to the disaster.
  • April 14, 2020 – The Illinois Emergency Management Agency (IEMA) and the Illinois Department of Public Health launched a new public service campaign to remind Illinois residents to continue to follow the Stay at Home order enacted by the governor’s executive order.
  • April 16, 2020 – The Governor has joined a partnership with 6 other states in the region (Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Indiana, and Kentucky) to develop a plan for reopening the region economy.
  • April 17, 2020 – The Governor announced that all Illinois schools will remain closed for the remainder of the school year.
  • April 22, 2020 – The Governor announced that given that new modeling data suggests the state’s peak may be mid-May, there will likely be changes to the state’s stay-at-home orders.
  • April 23, 2020 – The Governor announced that he would sign a modified version of the state’s stay-at-home order that will go into effect May 1. The order will strengthen the state’s social distancing requirements while allowing residents additional flexibility and provide measured relief to non-essential businesses. Its provisions include:           
    • State parks will begin a phased re-opening under guidance from the Department of Natural Resources.
    • Greenhouses, garden centers and nurseries may re-open as essential businesses.
    • Retail stores not designated as non-essential businesses and operations may re-open to fulfill telephone and online orders through pick-up outside the store and delivery.
    • Individuals will be required to wear a face-covering or a mask when in public places where they are unable to maintain six-feet of social distancing.
    • Essential businesses and manufacturers will be required to provide face-coverings to all employees who are not able to maintain six-feet of social distancing.
    • Educational institutions may allow and establish procedures for pick-up of necessary supplies or student belongings.
  • April 27, 2020 – The Governor announced that the Attorney General will appeal a judge’s recent ruling that the governor does not have the authority to extend his stay-at-home executive order beyond 30 days.
  • May 1, 2020 – The Governor proposed an $80 million program to hire nearly 4,000 state workers to track anyone who came into contact with people who test positive for COVID-19.
  • May 1, 2020 — The Illinois Department of Professional and Financial Regulation (IDFPR) announced new options for unbanked Illinoisans seeking to cash their stimulus checks without incurring check cashing fees.
  • May 2, 2020 – The Governor announced increasing COVID-19 testing capabilities in the State of Illinois continues to be an operational priority during the state’s response to this ongoing pandemic. The state is announcing a new drive-thru COVID-19 testing facility will be open to the public in the coming days.
  • May 3, 2020 – A U.S. district judge issued a ruling upholding the Governor’s stay-at-home order for Illinois as constitutional.
  • May 5, 2020 – The Governor announced a five-part tentative plan for reopening businesses and institutions in the state.
  • May 6, 2020 – The Governor highlighted significant efforts taken to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 in vulnerable Latino communities, focusing on:
    • Testing site availability and medical access
    • Housing Support
    • Using Illinois Welcome Centers as a hub for free resources
    • Worker’s Rights
  • May 11, 2020 –The Governor and several employees in his office will self-quarantine for an “appropriate isolation period” after a staffer tested positive for COVID-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus.
  • May 11, 2020 – The Governor stated that the peak for Illinois will no longer be in mid-June but has been pushed back by a month.
  • May 12, 2020 – The Governor and the Department of Healthcare and Family Services (HFS) announced that they will be providing $75 million to hospitals to continue the fight against COVID-19.
  • May 12, 2020 – The Governor and the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) today announced Fast-Track Public Infrastructure Grants, an initiative to accelerate work on planned public infrastructure projects around the state.  The State is expediting $25 million of existing Rebuild Illinois funding to local public infrastructure projects that are ready to begin work this summer.
  • May 13, 2020 – The Illinois Department of Veterans’ Affairs announced that all state veteran’s home residents and employees have received COVID-19 testing.
  • May 14, 2020 – The Governor, the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO), and the Illinois Department of Employment Services (IDES) launched Get Hired Illinois – a new portal designed to connect workers with available job and career training opportunities across the state of Illinois.
  • May 15, 2020 – The Governor stated that the state is focused on expanding tests performed each day, stating that the expansion of testing is critical to reopening the economy in Illinois.
  • May 15, 2020 – The Illinois Board of Higher Education (IBHE) has convened a committee to shape guidance on how campuses across the state can open safely in the fall semester.
  • May 18, 2020 – The Governor filed an emergency rule making it a class A misdemeanor for owners of restaurants, bars and other establishments in Illinois to open too soon.
  • May 20, 2020 – The Governor announced that he was withdrawing his rule that charges business owners with a misdemeanor if they disregard regulations amid COVID-19.
  • May 21, 2020 – The Illinois Department of Employment Security (IDES) announced that the unemployment rate jumped 12.2 percentage points to 16.4 percent,  as the COVID-19 pandemic continued to impact Illinois businesses and households, based on preliminary data provided by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and released by IDES.
  • May 22, 2020 – The Governor and the Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS) announced the state’s plan to enable 1.8 million SNAP recipients to purchase food from participating grocery retailers online has been approved by the federal government.
  • May 24, 2020 – The Governor has released guidelines for businesses and workplaces to reopen in the state after the stay-at-home executive order set to expire on May 29, paving the way for an estimated 700,000 Illinoisans to return to work. The guidelines came with a set of industry-specific toolkits.
  • May 27, 2020 – The Governor announced that the statewide positivity rate for COVID-19 has now averaged 9.2% for the past 7 days, COVID hospitalizations are at a 6 week low, and  hospital bed and ICU bed availability is above 30%.
  • May 27, 2020 — The Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) announced a new $7.3 million investment from the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) for the Illinois Small Business Development Center (SBDC) program – a statewide network focused solely on supporting Illinois businesses and entrepreneurs in starting, growing and maintaining their businesses at no cost.
  • May 28, 2020 – The Governor has lifted the ban related to worship services.
  • May 29, 2020 — The Illinois Department on Aging (IDoA) and Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS) received $1.7 million from the federal Administration for Community Living to provide services to older adults and persons with disabilities who are disproportionally affected by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
  • June 5, 2020 – The Governor announced that more than 1 million tests have been performed in Illinois.
  • June 9, 2020 — The Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS) announced two COVID-19 response programs
    • A summer youth program for more than 2,000 at-risk youth
      • An Immigrant Family Support Project for more than 3,600 families who have been generally excluded from or ineligible for federal COVID-19 relief and unemployment insurance.
  • June 15, 2020 – The Governor stated that he is not yet ready to allow hotels to operate and reopen ballrooms at half-capacity.
  • June 15, 2020 – The Governor announced $275 million in funding for the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) and Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) programs. This funding includes an additional $90 million allocated via the CARES Act, allowing the state to increase eligibility for these programs to 1 million income-qualified Illinoisans.
  • June 18, 2020 – The Illinois Commerce Commission voted unanimously in favor of a stipulated agreement negotiated by Commission Staff, the Attorney General’s Office and other consumer advocate groups, and the state’s largest utilities, offering temporary, more flexible credit and collection procedures to customers financially hard hit by COVID-19. A separate agreement was also approved with smaller electricity, gas and water utilities that serve Illinois residents.
  • June 24, 2020 — The Illinois Commerce Commission recently approved a resolution to raise awareness about the federal Lifeline program which offers discounts on broadband and phone services.
  • June 30, 2020 – The Governor and the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) announced the State will expedite a portion of Coronavirus Relief Fund (CRF) dollars designated for local governments by the federal CARES Act. Through the Local Coronavirus Urgent Remediation Emergency (Local CURE) Support Program, the State will take steps to deploy $250 million to local governments in the coming months.
  • July 1, 2020 — The Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity announced an $11.5 million investment to the SBDC program will add new community-based centers and expand the reach of existing SBDCs – bringing the statewide network to a total of 42 locations and making Illinois’ one of the largest SBDC networks in the nation.
  • July 2, 2020 – A judge in Southern Illinois declared void the Governor’s orders aimed at slowing the spread of the new coronavirus, saying state law doesn’t allow governors to extend disaster proclamations beyond 30 days or restrict the activities of residents and businesses by executive order.
  • July 8, 2020 – The Governor announced that the state has created 12 new mobile testing sites that can serves various parts of the state that may be experiencing a surge in outbreaks.   
  • July 8, 2020 – The Governor called on the federal government to implement a national masking mandate.  
  • July 13, 2020 – The Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority (ICJIA) announced it will make $7.1 million in funding available to organizations providing support services and resources to communities hit hardest by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
  • require children to wear masks when schools reopen in the fall.
  • July 16, 2020 – The Governor has preemptively sued to obtain court approval to require children to wear masks when schools reopen in the fall.
  • July 29, 2020 – The Governor announced guidance for youth and adult recreational sports, including, but not limited to, school-based sports, travel clubs, private leagues and clubs, recreational leagues and centers, and park district sports programs. Collegiate sports and professional leagues are not impacted by these restrictions. The guidance was developed by the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH), the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO), and the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) following consultation with a number of stakeholders including the Illinois High School Association (IHSA) and the Illinois Elementary School Association (IESA).


Indiana State Department of Health coronavirus resource page.

  • March 6, 2020—Governor Holcomb signed an executive order declaring a public health emergency to increase coordination across all levels of government in the state’s response 
  • March 12, 2020—Governor Holcomb initiated several actions on March 12, including requiring that that non-essential gatherings be limited to 250 people, schools provide a 20-day waiver of the required 180 days of instructions, nursing homes restrict and screen visitors, and daycare facilities implement social distancing practices. The Indiana Department of Corrections has suspended visitation at all facilities. Those who run senior centers and congregate meal services are advised to consider suspending congregate meals and services and arrange for home delivery. The Governor is also encouraging businesses to utilize telework policies, if available. 
  • March 13, 2020 – The Governor announced additional steps the state is taking to assist with its COVID-19 response:
    • All state agencies are evaluating rules and regulations that should be suspended or modified to assist Hoosiers during this public emergency.
    • The Family Social Services Administration has asked federal officials to approve a request to temporarily waive the renewal process for Hoosiers who need SNAP or TANF benefits.
    • State officials are collaborating with the Indiana Department of Education to discuss solutions regarding student assessments and meals for children whose schools have closed.
  • March 16 – The Governor announced the following updates regarding COVID-19: 
    • Indiana will adhere to CDC guidance for large events and mass gatherings. The guidance recommends canceling or postponing in-person events of more than 50 people during the next eight weeks. 
    • Under the current guidance for schools, 273 public school districts are closed, using e-learning days, or on spring break and have announced a future closure. The Department of Education is working with the remaining 16 school corporations to determine their next steps and needs. 
    • Bars, nightclubs and restaurants are required to close to in-person patrons and may provide take-out and delivery services through the end of March. 
    • Hospitals and ambulatory surgical centers should cancel and/or postpone elective and non-urgent surgical procedures immediately. 
    • The state’s Emergency Operations Center has been raised to a Level 1 status and will work in conjunction with the incident command center at the Indiana State Department of Health for planning, coordination, predictive analysis and other functions. 
    • State employees will maximize the use of remote work and meet virtually whenever possible while maintaining operations. Non-essential in-person meetings will be limited to 10 persons or less and should meet virtually whenever possible. High-risk individuals should not attend meetings in person. 
    • State employees over the age of 60 with underlying health conditions are advised to work from home, and agencies should identify work that can be accomplished remotely for those individuals. 
    • The Department of Workforce Development (DWD) suspended rules requiring certain unemployment insurance claimants to physically appear at a Work One location to engage in reemployment services for the next four weeks. The DWD will also request flexibility under federal and state law to expand eligibility for claimants and ease burdens on employers. 
    • The Indiana Economic Development Corporation will postpone the inaugural Indiana Global Economic Summit, scheduled for April 26-28. 
    • Communities are encouraged to work together to provide child care options for all who need assistance and delivery services of meals and other necessities for senior citizens. 
  • March 18, 2020 – The Governor and the Indiana State Department of Health announced a new partnership with Eli Lilly and Company, with support from the Food and Drug Administration, to accelerate testing in Indiana for COVID-19.
  • March 18, 2020 – The Governor requested the U.S. Small Business Administration issue an Economic Injury Disaster Loan declaration to support small businesses impacted by the coronavirus outbreak in Indiana.
  • March 18, 2020 – The Governor announced that all Indiana public schools are now closed and are using alternative learning options like e-learning.
  • March 19, 2020 – The Governor took the following actions:
    • Extended the current state of emergency for an additional 30 days.
    • Ordered all K-12 school to remain closed until May 1. Private schools are also ordered closed.
    • Coordinated with the U.S. Department of Education to receive federal waivers needed to cancel the requirements for accountability, chronic absenteeism and state-mandated assessments.
    • Aligned with the federal government for the collection date of state income tax.
    • Halted several capital projects that would have used $300 million from the state’s reserves.
    • Prohibited utilities from cutting off services.
    • Prohibited evictions from residential homes and communities.
    • Ordered the state Insurance Commissioner to request health insurers to cover COVID-19 testing costs and to not increase prices or coverage costs for medical care for COVID-19.
    • Ordered the DMV to limit the number of in-branch transactions.
    • Eased licensure requirements for health care professionals and promoted tele-health support.
    • Relaxed requirements for veterans to qualify for awards under the Military Relief Fund.
  • March 20, 2020 – The Governor announced that Indiana will move its primary election from May 5th to June 2nd.
  • March 23, 2020 – The Governor signed an executive order requiring residents to stay at home, unless they are engaging in essential activities including: Activities for health and safety, necessary supplies and services, outdoor activity, certain types of essential work, and taking care of others
  • March 23, 2020 – The Governor signed an executive order that ceases in-person dining.
  • March 23, 2020 – The Governor signed an executive order allowing restaurants that have a liquor permit to conduct the sale of alcohol for carryout/delivery.
  • March 25, 2020 – The Governor announced the following actions:
    • The Indiana State Department of Education (DOE) and Family and Social Services Administration (FSSA) have teamed to encourage school corporations in Indiana to open schools on a limited basis to provide childcare services for emergency workers.
    • Office of Community and Rural Affairs announced Community Development Block Grant funds may be redirected to assist with COVID-19 needs based on guidance from the United States Housing and Urban Development.
  • March 25, 2020- The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) approved Indiana’s request for a Section 1135 Medicaid waiver. The approved waiver enables Indiana to provide flexibilities in Medicaid provider screening and enrollment, forgo certain pre-admission screening and annual resident review assessments, lift prior authorization requirements, allow for reimbursement facility services in alternative settings, and extend fair hearing  and appeals timelines.
  • March 27, 2020 – The Governor announced incarcerated individuals at the Miami Correctional Facility are producing face masks, personal protection gowns, face shields and hand sanitizer to be used in the fight against COVID-19.
  • March 30, 2020 – The Governor announced the following actions:
    • Signed an executive order that removes all regulatory barriers to prepare for surge capacity and allow for authorized medical professionals to practice, including students and those who have retired.
    • Sent a letter to issue disaster relief for Indiana
  • March 31, 2020 – The Governor signed an executive order extending the carry-out only order for restaurants and bars through April 6th.
  • March 31, 2020 – The Governor signed an executive order with the following provisions:
    • Lottery winners will be given an additional 60 days to claim prizes
    • Indian Horse Racing Rules will be suspended
    • The Alumni Trustee Election for Indiana University will be postponed
  • April 3, 2020 – The Governor signed an executive order concerning remote education for K-12 school for the remainder of the year, graduation requirements, and the extension of the renewal/expiration date of teacher’s licenses.
  • April 3, 2020 – The Governor signed an executive order extending the public health emergency and stay-at-home order through April 20.
  • April 6, 2020 – The Governor announced the following actions:
    • Essential businesses are being directed to limit their store hours and limit the number of patrons in stores to comply with social distancing, as well as being encouraged to have specific hours for at-risk and elderly patrons.
    • All gatherings, public or private, of 10 or more people will continue to be prohibited.
    • Campgrounds are closed, including at state parks. People living in RVs with no other place to go can stay there.
    • The sale of firearms and ammunition will not be restricted.
  • April 7, 2020 – The Governor emphasized in a press conference that people should not be crossing state lines for pleasure or leisure, and the state will make more stringent policies if needed.
  • April 7, 2020 – The Governor signed an executive order allowing retired healthcare workers to receive temporary licenses to practice in the state, allow home health agencies to accept written orders for home health services, and other provisions.
  • April 8, 2020 – The Governor announced the following updates and actions in a press conferences:
    • Cautioned citizens not to have large Easter gatherings
    • The state has exhausted its federal stockpile of personal protective equipment
    • There were 133,600 unemployment claims to date
    • There had been 214 complaints and 80 citations to businesses not following his essential business order.
  • April 9, 2020 – The Governor issued guidance for places of worship.
  • April 10, 2020 – The Governor announced a task force to plan, administer and account for federal relief funds the state of Indiana receives from the CARES Act.
  • April 10, 2020 – The Governor signed an executive order to waive education requirements that cannot be met due to school buildings being closed.
  • April 10, 2020 – The Governor announced the following items in a press conference:
    • the Indiana Economic Relief and Recovery Team will plan, administer and account for relief funds for state and local government, businesses and individuals
    • $2.4 billion from the U.S. Treasury Coronavirus Relief Fund will be used towards costs the state incurred from March-December 2020
    • $500 million from the CARES Act will be allocated to K-12 and higher education programs
    • 12,000 Indianans have joined the volunteer health care registry
  • April 13, 2020 – The Governor announced that the Indiana Economic Development Corporation (IEDC) has secured commitments for more than 2.6 million pieces of PPE, with more than 1.9 million items being made by 15 Indiana manufacturers.
  • April 13, 2020 – The Governor announced Indiana businesses across the state are answering the call to support the COVID-19 response effort. The state’s manufacturers are leveraging their resources, supply chains and Hoosier workers to produce personal protection equipment (PPE) for health care providers.
  • April 13, 2020 – The Governor announced the following items at a press conference:
    • He will revisit the state’s stay-at-home order on Friday, April 17th and adjust as necessary
    • Indicated that models are demonstrating an upcoming surge of cases
  • April 14, 2020 – The Governor announced that the easing of restrictions and re-opening of certain sectors in Indiana will not happen all at once but will happen in waves.
  • April 14, 2020 – The Governor announced that if a healthcare worker or a first responder has someone symptomatic in their home, they can have those people tested at ISDH drive-thru testing centers.
  • April 15, 2020 – The Governor announced that he would be making decisions end the stay-at-home order based on what is occurring throughout the state and region.
  • April 16, 2020 – The Governor has joined a partnership with 6 other states in the region (Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Illinois, and Kentucky) to develop a plan for reopening the region economy.
  • April 17, 2020 – The Governor announced that the stay-at-home order would be extended to May 1st.
  • April 20, 2020 – The Governor further clarified aspects of his stay-at-home order include items related to reopening of businesses:
    • As long as sufficient personal protective equipment (PPE), staff and other supplies are available for the COVID-19 response, hospitals should conduct medically necessary procedures, such as those determining cancer diagnosis and cardiac issues, respiratory procedures, and procedures to reduce significant pain or symptoms making quality of life unacceptable.
      • Any restrictions involving medical procedures will be evaluated every seven days for appropriate and timely modifications that could be implemented.
    • Permitted outdoor activity as described in the executive order includes yard work, gardening, planting and landscaping at residential, commercial and industrial properties and farms.
      • Nurseries and garden centers may be open for business as long as they limit the number of customers in their facility at any given time to achieve the Centers for Disease Control’s required social distancing, limit their hours of operation and consider implementing separate operating hours for the elderly and other vulnerable customers, and comply with the social distancing, sanitation and other mitigation measure to protect its employees and the public.
    • Pet grooming at a pet salon, store or mobile unit is permitted.
  • April 21, 2020 – The Governor eased restrictions on hospitals from performing elective surgeries.
  • April 22, 2020 – The Governor announced that the state will send a “testing strike team” to Tama County to help control an outbreak of COVID-19 at a long-term care facility.
  • April 23, 2020 – The Governor and his staff announced the following:
    • The U.S. Food and Drug Administration authorized home collection tests that will be available in most states via doctor’s order in the coming weeks.
    • The state has purchased 50,000 swabs for use in testing. Eli Lilly and Co. donated 32,000, the Federal Emergency Management Agency provided 20,000 and 4,000 have been donated.
    • The state is partnering with the Indiana University Richard M. Fairbanks School of Public Health on a study regarding antibodies showing past COVID-19 infection. Participants will be chosen from a list of tax filers and their dependents.
  • April 23, 2020 – The Governor signed an executive order outlining several measures, including:
    • Extending the deadline for business personal property tax returns.
    • Suspending the 5-year limitation on business reinstatement and the requirements for a business to submit a certificate of clearance when applying, allowing them to qualify for seeking federal assistance programs.
    • Allowing corporations registered in Indiana to hold remote board meetings via notification to its shareholders.
    • Expediting unemployment insurance claims adjudication
  • April 24, 2020 – The Governor stated he is not considering extending the state’s stay at home order until the end of May. He said he is focusing on May 1 and will continue to operate in two and three-week increments.
  • April 24, 2020 – The Governor signed and executive order to allow health care providers and facilities to resume elective medical procedures provided they have sufficient quantities of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and consult the best practices and recommendations developed by their medical associations or industries.
  • April 24, 2020 – The Governor signed an executive order to speed up the review of unemployment insurance claim appeals during the fight against COVID-19.
  • April 25, 2020 – The Governor announced that the Indiana Economic Development Corporation (IEDC) has secured commitments for more than 6.3 million pieces of personal protective equipment (PPE). Of these, more than 2.9 million items, including face masks, face shields, gloves, gowns, goggles and bottles of hand sanitizer, are being made and sourced by 18 Indiana manufacturers.
  • April 27, 2020 – The Governor announced that the Family and Social Services Administration has launched a new website,, that will provide free mental health resources that have been vetted by experts. The site is designed to help with the increase in anxiety, depression and other mental health issues caused by the pandemic, including both first-time issues as well as pre-existing mental health concerns.
  • April 27, 2020 – The Governor announced that twelve safe recovery sites have been established to help people who are recovering from COVID-19 and also experiencing homelessness.
  • April 27, 2020 – The Governor announced the following items regarding the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP):
    • 400,000 Indiana children will receive additional benefits on their existing SNAP cards as part of SNAP-Pandemic EBT benefits, or will receive cards for the first time.
    • In mid-May, grocery delivery will be available for those receiving SNAP benefits.
  • April 27, 2020 – The Governor announced that essential workers seeking childcare options should contact Bright Futures Indiana.
  • April 28, 2020 – The Governor announced that OptumServe Health Services would be opening sites across Indiana in the next seven days to begin large-scale testing.
  • April 28, 2020 – The Department of Health announced that 3,700 people have signed up for a study conducted by the state and Indiana University public health researchers. The study will test 5,000 to 7,000 randomly chosen people in four phases over the next year.
  • April 28, 2020 – The Department of Health announced that a strike team tested all employees at a Tyson plant in Cass County, where there was an outbreak of the coronavirus.
  • April 29, 2020 – The Governor announced the state is partnering with Maximus to centralize contact tracing and investigations for Indianans who test positive for COVID-19.
  • April 29, 2020 – The Health Commissioner announced Kroger will launch free drive-thru testing in Fort Wayne on Thursday and plans to open a site in Marion County.
  • April 29, 2020 – The Governor announced the state has acquired a critical care decontamination system that will allow health care providers to conserve N95 masks by sending them off to be professionally decontaminated. The masks can be decontaminated up to 20 times.
  • April 29, 2020 – The Health Commissioner announced that a centralized contact tracing system will begin May 11. All positive patients and close contacts will be asked to contact a call center. The center will complete initial phone interviews. If a person does not contact the center, the center will contact them. The center will also send daily texts or emails to monitor a person’s symptoms.
  • April 30, 2020 – The Workforce Development Commissioner stated that a person who is out of work due to COVID-19 must return to work if called back to remain eligible for benefits. Not returning could be considered a “refusal to work” and potentially disqualify claimants. If the person returns to work but works a reduced number of hours, they can still file for partial benefits. Further, the commissioner clarified that the workforce department does not regulate workplaces, but that it will evaluate on a case by case basis every claim that comes in. If a person claims the employer’s place is unfit, the department will consider that as part of a refusal to work determination.
  • May 1, 2020 – The Governor announced the Back On Track Indiana plan to safely open the economy and remain vigilant about protecting health and wellbeing. The state will move to reopen while continuing to monitor and respond to these four guiding principles:
    • The number of hospitalized COVID-19 patients statewide has decreased for 14 days;
    • The state retains its surge capacity for critical care beds and ventilators;
    • The state retains its ability to test all individuals who are COVID-19 symptomatic as well as health care workers, first responders, and frontline employees; and,
    • Health officials have systems in place to contact all individuals who test positive for COVID-19 and expand contact tracing.
  • May 4, 2020 — The Indiana Retired Teachers Association set up a hotline to assist students and parents each weekday from 1-5 p.m.
  • May, 4 2020 – The Governor announced that Indiana is working closely with counties in Kentucky regarding the state’s reopening procedures.
  • May 8, 2020 – The State Health Commissioner stated the state has received an initial shipment of Remdesivir, shipped to a state hotspot. Remdesivir is an antiviral medication that has received clearance from the Food and Drug Administration to be used with COVID-19 patients.
  • May 8, 2020 – The Office of Management and Budget stated that Indiana missed its revenue projections by 6 percent ($70 million), which offset the revenues from the previous eight months.
  • May 8, 2020 – Indiana has made $119 million in payments to 57,000 claimants through the state’s Pandemic Unemployment Assistance program
  • May 8, 2020 – The Governor signed an executive order that included:
    • Encourages the hiring of poll workers by prohibiting the that the stipend poll workers receive from qualifying as deductible income for those receiving unemployment benefits
    • The extension of Waiver of Late Fees and Penalties by the Bureau of Motor Vehicles
    • The extension of certain tax deadlines 
  • May 11, 2020 – The Governor announced that his daily press briefings on COVID-19 would be now occurring Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays. Additionally, his team announced that contact tracing is now occurring on a larger scale in the state.
  • May 11, 2020 – The Governor stated that there have been over 1,400 compliance complaints submitted about businesses across the state. A total of 138 verbal warnings have been issued to businesses, and most businesses have complied after verbal warning. Only one cease and desist order has had to be issued in the state.
  • May 13, 2020 – The Indiana State Health Department Commissioner announced that 2.3 million pieces of PPE are being delivered to hospitals. Local health departments are receiving 1.3 million pieces of PPE.
  • May 13, 2020 – The Governor’s office announced they had received two shipments of Remdesivir. One shipment was delivered to a hotspot in northern Indiana. The second was sent to the state health department. Indiana will start receiving weekly shipments of the antiviral drug.
  • May 13, 2020- The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) approved Indiana’s second request for a Medicaid 1135 waiver. The waiver allows Indiana to reimburse for Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) in additional settings
  • May 15, 2020 – The Indiana Economic Development Corporation announced that to date, Indiana has procured commitments for more than 16 million pieces of PPE. More than 12 million pieces have already been delivered and 20,000 orders have been received through the PPE Marketplace. 10,000 orders have been shipped, and 12,000 orders are anticipated to go out next week.
  • May 15, 2020 – The Secretary of State office announced it will supply all Indiana county election offices with PPE. The Indiana National Guard will handle distribution.
  • May 15, 2020 – The Indiana Department of Workforce Development Commissioner said Indiana has paid out more than $1.4 million in unemployment insurance payments since March.
  • May 18, 2020 – The Governor and the Indiana Family and Social Services Administration announced the state will fund a nearly $1 million distribution of the opioid reversal agent naloxone.
  • May 20, 2020 – The Governor announced that Indiana will begin stage 3 of its “Back on Track” plan two days ahead of schedule. Stage 3 was originally slated to begin the day before Memorial Day. The following activities may open: community pools, gyms, playgrounds, campgrounds and basketball courts (and similar facilities). Mall common areas and movie theaters will be able to open at 50% capacity, and retail stores can up capacity to 75%.
  • May 21, 2020 – The Governor signed an executive order moving the state into Phase 3 of reopening.
  • May 22, 2020 — The Indiana Department of Homeland Security stated the agency’s is continuing its code enforcement arm visits businesses every day to monitor safety codes and occupancy rates.
  • May 22, 2020 – The Indiana Economic Development Corporation stated that over 20,000 bundles of personal protective equipment have been shipped to businesses through the IEDC’s marketplace. Another 15,000 are set to go out.
  • May 27, 2020 – The Governor announced the second phase of the IU School of Health Fairbanks research study will begin next week. The study found that the current statewide population prevalence rate is 2.8%, and 44.8% of those who tested positive were asymptomatic.
  • May 27, 2020 – The Family and Social Services Administration Secretary said 26% of all Medicaid mental health services from March-April of this year were provided through telehealth, as compared to 6% from March-April of last year.
  • May 27, 2020 – The Director of the Office of Budget & Management said $5 billion has been awarded to Indiana from the federal government. About $2.4 billion is for coronavirus relief.
  • May 28, 2020 – The Governor announced that he is currently working with local schools and the Indiana Department of Education (IDOE) to finalize details on what the fall semester will look like for K-12 students and that schools will likely reopen in the fall.
  • May 29, 2020 – The Governor announced several new economic recovery initiatives designed to bolster critical relief efforts while encouraging long-term planning and investments to stimulate Indiana’s economy well into the future. Through these initiatives, the state will allocate nearly $44 million to provide support and resources including approximately $37 million in direct funding through grants and investments to small businesses and manufacturers.
  • June 1, 2020 – The Governor signed Executive Order 20-29 to lift restrictions on local declarations of emergency that had been instituted as a part of the stay at home and back on track orders pertaining to COVID-19. This order allows local governments to place more stringent travel restrictions than the state has in place.
  • June 3, 2020 – The Governor announced the second phase of the Fairbanks study has started.
  • June 3, 2020 – The Indiana State Department of Health announced PPE supply chains for hospitals and suppliers have opened up, which has allowed Indiana to build its own inventory in case of a second wave of the virus in the fall.
  • June 3, 2020 – The Governor announced Indiana received $17 million in additional funding through the CARES Act for the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program.
  • June 5, 2020 –- The Governor announced that $50 million in federal funding is being provided through the CARES Act to help Indianans get jobs. The funding will provide free access to online courses and training and will also create an online network that can connect people with career coaches. The Employer Training Grant will also be expanded, with a portion of funds dedicated to supporting minority, women and veteran-owned businesses.
  • June 10, 2020 – The Governor announced plans for the state to enter Stage 4 of reopening, which is set to begin June 14.
    • June 10, 2020 – The Governor announced that officials are still discussing whether to extend the moratorium on evictions.
    • June 10, 2020 – The Indiana Department of Health announced that the state has partnered with Eli Lilly and the Indiana Hospital Association to launch a lab testing network to increase daily testing capacity. The network will include 10 labs across the state. The network will leverage the state’s “buying power” to better compete for testing supplies.
  • June 15, 2020 – The Indiana State Department of Health announced that OptumServe testing sites will be open to anyone regardless of whether they are high-risk or symptomatic.
  • June 15, 2020 – The State Office of Management and Budget predicted that the state would be $2 billion behind its revenue forecast due to COVID-19 impacts.
  • June 15, 2020 – The Governor announced that the state COVID-19 briefings will be reduced only  once per week. 
  • June 17, 2020 – The Governor announced a 183 million increase in K-12 spending and that Indiana school corporations will get an additional $192 million out of the federal CARES Act. $61 million from the governor’s emergency fund will help with eLearning.
  • June 22, 2020 – The Governor announced that Indiana PK-12 schools and higher education institutions can now apply for a needs-based, competitive $61.6 million grant program providing funding to improve remote learning.
  • June 24, 2020 – The Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority Executive Director announced a new rental assistance program will provide up to $500 a month per household for those who are unable to pay rent due to a COVID-19 related job loss. Households can qualify for up to four months of assistance, or $2,000. An estimated 12,000 household renters will be served.
  • July 1, 2020 – The Governor announced the state will modify the Back On Track Indiana plan through at least July 17. Most restrictions will stay in place, including the following:
    • Social gatherings following the CDC’s social distancing guidelines will be limited to up to 250 people. This limit applies to wedding receptions, parties, and other events where people are in close physical contact for extended periods of time, particularly indoors.
    • Dining room food service may continue operations at up to 75 percent capacity as long as social distancing is observed. Bar seating in restaurants may continue operations at 50 percent capacity. Bars and nightclubs may continue operations open at 50 percent capacity as long as they adhere to social distancing guidelines.
    • Cultural, entertainment, and tourism sites may continue operations open at 50 percent capacity.
    • Movie theaters, bowling alleys, and similar facilities may continue operations open at 50 percent capacity.
    • Amusement parks, water parks and similar facilities may continue operations open at 50 percent capacity. Reservations are encouraged to limit the number of customers at any one time.
    • Raceways may continue operations open at 50 percent grandstand capacity.
  • July 8, 2020 – State public health officials announced that the state’s ICU bed and ventilator capacity remain steady and that the state’s hospitalization rate, ICU admittance rate and discharge rate remained steady.  
  • July 8, 2020 – State public health officials announced that they are concerned that the state’s rate of positive tests is rising. The state is also seeing the hospitalization rate tick up over the last few days. 
  • July 8, 2020 – The Indiana Economic Development Commission announced that they will launch a directory of Indiana companies that make or distribute PPE.  
  • July 8, 2020 – The Governor announced that he will continue to support mask requirements in places they are instituted, though he did not say he would mandate them statewide. 
  • July 15, 2020 – The Governor announced that Indiana will stay in reopening Stage 4.5 for at least two more weeks. Stage 4.5 largely extended Stage 4 and pushed off the beginning of the final reopening phase: Stage 5.
  • July15, 2020 – The Governor announced that effective July 23, events with more than 250 people will need to submit a plan to their local health department for approval. This applies to fairs, festivals, parades, graduations and more. The plan must address capacity limits, guest information, social distancing measures and more.
  • July 15, 2020 – The Governor announced that  the state will provide rental assistance to 91 counties — all Indiana counties except Marion, which has started its own program.
  • July 24, 2020 – The Governor signed Executive Order 20-37 to require face coverings beginning 7/27 to slow the spread of Coronavirus.
  • July 29, 2020 – The Governor announced Indiana will remain in Stage 4.5 until Aug. 27. The state was supposed to enter Stage 5 on July 4, but increased numbers led officials to hold back.
  • July 29. 2020 – The Governor announced the moratorium on evictions and foreclosures will extend through Aug. 14, which aligns with the moratorium on utility disconnections.
  • July 29, 2020 – The Department of Workforce Development Director said 17,938 new unemployment claims were filed for the most recent week. It was the first time the numbers of initial claims dropped below 20,000. The state’s unemployment rate stands at 11.2%, down from 16.9% in April.


Iowa Department of Public Health coronavirus resource page.

  • March 10, 2020—Governor Reynolds announced in a news conference that 18 of the 22 Iowans quarantined on the Grand Princess cruise ship will be returning home on a chartered flight to Iowa. The Department of Public Health will screen the returning people before they begin their travel back to Iowa and direct people to a screening center when they arrive.  
  • March 15, 2020 – The Governor recommended Iowa schools close for four weeks.
  • March 16, 2020– The Governor announced various forms of assistance to workers and employers in the face of potential COVID-19 layoffs or furloughs.
  • March 17, 2020 – The Governor signed legislation that creates emergency measures and supplemental appropriations for key government services to combat the spread of COVID-19. Supplemental appropriations and emergency measurers include:
    • Supplemental appropriations for Medicaid ($88.98 million).
    • Supplemental appropriations other health programs ($1.8 million).
    • Supplemental appropriations for state hygienic lab ($525,000).
    • Limits some standing appropriations (non-public school transportation, instructional support, AEA funding).
    • Requires the Department of Management and the Legislative Service Agency to review FY 2020 appropriations and to make appropriations for the first two months of FY 2021.
    • Emergency appropriations from the Economic Emergency Fund of up to 10% to the DOM for purposes approved by the Governor, through August 31.
    • Authorizes the Governor to waive school instructional time requirements for schools that close due to COVID-19.
  • March 17, 2020 – The Governor issued state of public health disaster emergency. The measure closes all restaurants and bars to the public until March 31, excluding take-out and drive thru options.
  • March 18, 2020 – The Governor signed legislation that expands the roles of physician assistants in Iowa. The legislation aimed at combating COVID-19 makes changes related to the practice of a PA by allowing for full prescriptive rights, legal protections similar to other health care professions, the ability to be reimbursed by Medicaid and a range of other changes.
  • March 20, 2020 – The Governor signed an additional State Public Health Emergency Declaration, its provisions include:
    • Temporarily suspends penalties and interest related to collection of property taxes until the end of this proclamation.
    • Temporarily suspends some evictions under the Iowa Uniform Residential Landlord and Tenant Act or the Manufactured Home Communities or Mobile Home Parks Residential Landlord and Tenant Act in certain circumstances.
    • Extends expiration deadline for a permit to carry and a permit to acquire a firearm and additional measures.
    • Permits the sale of carry-out, delivery, drive-thru alcohol for unopened bottles of alcohol for bars and restaurants and suspends some fees.
    • Permits public meetings or hearings by electronic means to improve the functions of government while maintaining social distancing practices.
    • Suspends certain regulations to ease the transportation of agricultural supplies and commodities, food, medical supplies, cleaning products, and other household goods on all highways in Iowa.
    • The proclamation also allows related state agencies to implement the state’s public health emergency plan.
  • March 20, 2020 – The Economic Development Authority announced that federally-funded Community Development Block Grant funds are available to counties for new or expanded public services in support of the state’s infectious disease response such as: job training to expand the pool of health care workers; providing additional testing, diagnosis or other services at a fixed or mobile location; providing additional equipment, supplies and materials necessary to carry-out a public service; or creating an expanded meal delivery service for quarantined individuals.
  • March 21, 2020 – The Governor announced the U.S. Small Business Administration will issue an Economic Injury Disaster Loan declaration for Iowa.
  • March 22, 2020 – The Governor signed a new proclamation continuing the State Public Health Emergency Declaration. Components include:
    •  The closure of salons, medical spas, barbershops, tattoo establishments, tanning facilities, massage therapy establishments, and swimming pools until March 31.
    • Suspends all foreclosures on residential, commercial, and agricultural real property.
    • Professional licensing relief.
  • March 23, 2020 – The Governor announced a Small Business Relief Grant Program to assist small businesses and tax deferrals to Iowa businesses impacted by COVID-19. Deadline of March 31.  
  • March 23, 2020 – The Governor announced that first quarter unemployment tax payments that are due April 30th will be delayed till the end of the 2nd quarter, July 31, 2020. Eligible employers include those employers with 50 or fewer employees.
  • March 25, 2020 – The Governor received notification that President Trump has approved her request for a Presidential Major Disaster Declaration for COVID-19, removing a $5 million cap on federal funds as well as making available the Community Disaster Loan program.
  • March 25, 2020- The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) approved Iowa’s request for a Section 1135 Medicaid waiver. The approved waiver enables Iowa to forgo certain pre-admission screening and annual resident review assessments in its Medicaid program.
  • March 26, 2020 – The Economic Development Authority created a COVID-19 Targeted Small Business Sole Operator Fund to support small businesses with zero employees – designed to help women, individuals with minority status, service-connected disabled veterans and individuals with disabilities overcome hurdles to start or grow a small business.
  • March 26, 2020 – The Governor signed a new proclamation continuing the State Public Health Emergency Declaration, suspending elective and nonessential medical and dental procedures, extending and expanding retail business closures, ordering health care facilities and nursing homes to engage in advanced health care screenings.
  • March 31, 2020 – The Governor signed a new proclamation continuing the state public health emergency declaration.
  • April 2, 2020 – The Governor signed a new proclamation continuing the State Public Health Emergency Declaration. The proclamation orders the closure of schools, waiving time requirements as long as school districts put in place a continuous learning plan until April 30th.
  • April 4, 2020 – The Governor announced that $44 million has been obligated to the State of Iowa for reimbursement of expenses related to the COVID-19 response.
  • April 6, 2020 – The Governor signed a new proclamation continuing the State Public Health Emergency Declaration, ordering additional closures and relaxing additional regulations.
  • April 8, 2020 – The Governor announced the state is expanding a grant program for small businesses, after receiving thousands of applications requesting assistance
  • April 16, 2020 – The Governor signed new proclamation continuing theState Public Health Emergency Declaration and requiring additional protective measures in Region 6 (Northeastern Iowa). These restrictions include:
    • Limiting social, community, recreational, leisure, and sporting gatherings in Region 6 to only people who live together in the same household
    • Continuing to limit weddings, funerals, and other spiritual or religious gatherings to no more than 10 people
  • April 16, 2020 – The Governor has released an updated dashboard on that will be updated daily to include comprehensive tracking of COVID-19 in Iowa. The new dashboard includes cases, deaths, and tests conducted in each county. The state will also be providing demographic information that was not previously provided as well as Iowa’s epidemiological curve.
  • April 17, 2020 – The Governor announced plans to reopen Iowa through a “phased-in manner” following the guidelines issued by the president.
  • April 19, 2020 – The Governor announced that all school districts and nonpublic schools will be closed for the remainder of the school year.
  • April 20, 2020 – The Governor announced that Iowa meatpacking plants will stay open.
  • April 21, 2020 – The Governor launched  the Test Iowa Initiative to expand testing capacity to limit the spread of COVID-19 in Iowa. The state is partnering with Nomi Health and DOMO, which are part of a partnership that launched a similar initiative in the state of Utah.
  • April 24, 2020 – The Governor signed a new proclamation continuing the State Public Health Emergency Declaration. The proclamation permits health care providers to begin the process of resuming some elective surgeries and procedures through a phased approach, permits farmers markets to begin limited operations with appropriate public health precautions, and outlines other measures.
  • April 27, 2020 – The Governor signed a new proclamation continuing the State Public Health Emergency Declaration until May 27, 2020. The proclamation loosens social distancing measures in 77 Iowa counties effective Friday, May 1 and continues other restrictions until 11:50 p.m. on Friday, May 15, 2020. In the 77 counties, the proclamation permits restaurants, fitness centers, malls, libraries, racetracks, and certain other retail establishments to reopen in a limited fashion with public health measures in place.
  • April 27, 2020 – The Governor, U.S. Senators Joni Ernst and Chuck Grassley, and Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Mike Naig wrote a letter to the Vice President asking for additional support from the administration for the state’s pork producers.
  • April 29, 2020 – The Governor’s Iowa Workforce Development Agency, stated that during gradual reopen procedures if an employee refuses to return to work at a business that is opening again, that it would be considered as a “voluntary quit”, this would disqualify them from receiving unemployment benefits.
  • May 4, 2020 – The Governor has pledged that the state would clear its backlog of COVID-19 test results at the State Hygienic Laboratory by the end of Monday May 4th.
  • May 5, 2020 – The Governor announced that she will travel to Washington to meet with President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence to discuss Iowa’s response to the coronavirus pandemic.
  • May 6, 2020 – The Governor signed a new proclamation continuing the Public Health Disaster Emergency. The proclamation permits dental services to resume in compliance with guidelines adopted by the Iowa Dental Board, permits some additional businesses and establishments to reopen throughout Iowa in a limited fashion with appropriate public health measures in place, and provides additional regulatory relief to assist Iowans affected by this disaster.
  • May 7, 2020- The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) approved Iowa’s second request for a Medicaid 1135 waiver. The waiver allows Iowa to provide flexibilities in Medicaid provider screening and enrollment, forgo evaluation and assessment requirements for home and community-based services, and allow for reimbursement facility services in alternative settings.
  • May 11, 2020 – The Governor announced that she will be following modified quarantine plan after learning a member of Vice President Mike Pence’s staff tested positive for the virus. Gov. Reynolds says her temperature is being taken before she enters the building prior to her press briefing and she is being tested everyday.
  • May 11, 2020 – The Governor will update her office’s public health guidelines in an updated proclamation, according to information provided during her daily coronavirus briefing.
  • May 13, 2020 – The Governor signed a new proclamation continuing the Public Health Disaster Emergency. The proclamation permits salons, barbershops, and massage and tattoo establishments to reopen throughout Iowa in a limited fashion with appropriate public health measures in place. It also permits restaurants (but not bars), fitness centers, libraries, and racetracks to reopen in the 22 counties where they have remained closed. The proclamation continues the other ongoing closures and public health measures, including the prohibition on social, community, recreational, leisure, and sporting gatherings and events of more than 10 people, until 11:59 p.m. on May 27, 2020.
  • May 14, 2020 – The Governor announced Test Iowa’s equipment has been validated and believes the state “has the capacity” to do 5,000 tests per day — 3,000 via the Test Iowa program and another 2,000 through the state hygienic lab.
  • May 20, 2020 – The Governor signed a new proclamation continuing the Public Health Disaster Emergency. The proclamation permits summer school activities, including baseball and softball, to resume on June 1. Effective May 22, Movie theaters, zoos, aquariums, museums, and wedding reception venues will be permitted to reopen with appropriate public health measures in place. Swimming pools will also be permitted to reopen for lap swimming and swimming lessons.
  • May 20, 2020—The Governor announced that on Thursday, May 28, bars and other alcohol-related establishments that have been limited to carryout and delivery will be permitted to reopen for indoor or outdoor seating. These establishments will follow the same public health measures that restaurants have been implementing for the past several weeks.
  • May 26, 2020 – The Governor signed a new proclamation continuing the Public Health Disaster Emergency until June 25, 2020. The proclamation permits bars, wineries, breweries, distilleries, and social and fraternal clubs may reopen on May 28 with the same public health measures as restaurants in place. The proclamation also permits the reopening on June 1 of additional establishments, including outdoor performance venues, casinos, bowling alleys, amusement parks, skating rinks, skate parks, outdoor playgrounds. 
  • May 26, 2020 – The Governor announced that effective June 1, speedways, and racetracks can open events to spectators. Outdoor venues like grandstands and amphitheaters may hold performances. Casinos may reopen, along with amusement parks, bowling alleys, pool halls, and arcades. All must maintain 50% capacity while keeping social distancing and hygiene protocols going.
  • May 27, 2020 – The Governor announced that confirmed cases of COVID-19 are trending toward the western side of the state.
  • May 27, 2020 – The Governor announced that 150 National Guard soldiers are assisting with contact tracing.
  • June 1, 2020 – The Governor and the Iowa Department of Education announced the state has received $26.2 million in federal relief to ensure education continues for students of all ages impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • June 8, 2020 – The Governor announced will further expand access to COVID-19 testing with new sites opening this week, including one in Dallas County to better serve the Des Moines metro area, and four clinic sites in rural communities.
  • June 15, 2020 – The Governor wrote a letter to Iowa Senators and the Secretary of the Department of Agriculture asking for more federal support for state turkey producers due to disruptions occurring in the supply chain.
  • June 18, 2020 – The Governor signed an Executive Order establishing the Governor’s Economic Recovery Advisory Board. The advisory board will focus on modernizing Iowa’s economy as well as education, health care, workforce and quality of life.
  • July 1, 2020 – The Governor announced she has directed $490 million of the $1.25 billion in Coronavirus relief funds Iowa was provided through the CARES Act, to be deposited into Iowa’s Unemployment Insurance Trust Fund.  The deposit will ensure that eligible Iowans continue to receive unemployment insurance benefits, and will also enable Iowa employers to remain in Tax Table 7 for 2021. 
  • July 7, 2020 – The Governor announced that $50 million in federal funds allocated through the CARES Act will be invested in Iowa’s mental health care system. 
  • July 17, 2020 – The Governor signed a new proclamation continuing the Public Health Disaster Emergency and taking a number of actions to advance Iowa’s Return to Learn strategy.
  • July 24, 2020 – The Governor signed a new proclamation continuing the Public Health Disaster Emergency for another 30 days. The proclamation extends public health mitigation measures currently in place for businesses and other establishments.
  • March 17, 2020 – The Governor ordered, effective Monday, March 23, that state employees state home for two weeks on administrative leave to minimize additional risk of exposure to the virus.
  • March 17, 2020 – The Governor ordered the closure of all K-12 schools in the state until the end of the school year.
  • March 17, 2020 – The Governor signed an executive order limiting public gathering to no more than 50 people and asked the Kansas Corporation Commission (KCC) to suspend utility disconnects until April 15. This directive covers all electrical, natural gas, water and telecommunications utilities under the KCC’s jurisdiction.
  • March 18, 2020 – The Governor announced Executive Order #20-06 to temporarily prohibit evictions and foreclosures across the state.
  • March 19, 2020 – The Governor signed three bills:
    • Senate Bill 27 extends unemployment eligibility for workers who filed after January 1, 2020.
    • Senate Bill 142 expands education waiver authorities during disaster emergencies.
    • Senate Bill 102 expands authorities of the judicial branch during disasters.
  • March 20, 2020- The Department of Commerce, identified $6.3 million in Community Development Block Grant funds that currently reside with 36 Kansas communities and who use them for revolving loan programs for small businesses.  The Department is providing environmental certifications within 24 hours and the public notice period has also been shortened to 24 hours so that communities can issue working capital loans for small businesses in as little as two days.
  • March 20, 2020 – The Governor announced that under the state’s disaster declaration Kansas has applied for, and expects to receive, disaster assistance loans from the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) to supplement small businesses.
  • March 20, 2020 – The Governor announced the allocation of 5 million of state funds to establish the Hospitality Industry Relief Emergency (HIRE) Fund to provide short-term, zero-interest loans for Kansas’ hospitality sector
  • March 22, 2020 – The Governor signed an executive order temporarily expanding telemedicine and addressing certain licensing requirements.
  • March 22, 2020 – The Governor signed an executive order for conditional and temporary relief from certain motor carrier rules and regulations.
  • March 23, 2020 – The Governor signed an executive order limiting mass gathering to 10 people.
  • March 23, 2020 – The Governor signed an executive order preventing all Kansas waste removal providers, trash and recycling, from cancelling or suspending commercial or residential waste or recycling removal services for Kansas residences and businesses as a result of nonpayment due to significant loss of income or increase in expenses resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • March 23, 2020 – The Governor signed an executive order extending tax filing deadlines to July 15, 2020, and waiving any interest and penalties for returns and payments made on or before July 15, 2020.
  • March 25, 2020 – The Governor signed the state budget which also approves $65 million for Kansas coronavirus response.
  • March 25, 2020 – The Governor signed an executive order establishing the Kansas Essential Function Framework for the COVID-19 response. 
  • March 25, 2020- The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) approved Kansas’ request for a Section 1135 Medicaid waiver. The approved waiver enables Kansas to provide flexibilities in Medicaid provider screening and enrollment, forgo certain pre-admission screening and annual resident review assessments, lift prior authorization requirements, and extend fair hearing and appeals timelines.
  • March 28, 2020 – The Governor signed an executive order instituting a temporary, statewide stay-home order until Sunday, April 19.
  • March 31, 2020 – The Governor signed a new executive order making the following changes to the state’s employment security law:
    • The waiting week requirement for unemployment benefits will be temporarily waived for all claimants;
    • The requirement that Kansans receiving unemployment benefits actively seek work each week will be temporarily waived for all claimants to allow Kansans to continue the necessary social distancing practices;
    • All Kansas employers, as required by the federal Department of Labor, will be required to notify separated employees if they qualify for unemployment insurance.
  • April 7, 2020 – The Governor signed an executive order which primarily brings religious institutions and religious and non-religious funerals in line with the a previous order that limited public gatherings to 10 or fewer people.
  • April 8, 2020 – The Governor announced legal action against members of the Legislative Coordinating Council (LCC) over its revocation of an executive order she issued that limited mass gatherings to 10 or fewer people.
    • April 9, 2020 – The Governor signed an executive order extending professional and occupational licensing.
    • April 9,  2020 – The Governor signed an executive order temporary allowing notaries and witnesses to act via audio-video technology.
  • April 11, 2020 – The Kansas Supreme Court upheld the Governor’s executive order limiting the size of mass gathering to 10 people, including that of church services and funerals.
  • April 13, 2020 – The Governor signed an executive order extending the temporary relief for motor carriers from certain rules and regulations.
  • April 15, 2020 – The Governor has extended the stay-at-home order until May 1st.
  • April 15, 2020 – The Governor has signed an executive order that brings adult care homes in line with other occupational licensing exemptions. All state agencies working or collaborating with the Kansas Department for Aging and Disability Services shall extend renewal deadlines for any occupational or professional license, certificate or registration as needed.
  • April 16, 2020 – The Governor has signed an executive order extending the stay-at-home order to May 3.
  • April 16, 2020 – The Governor stated that her state and other rural states have struggled to get medical supplies which her public health teams identifies as a prerequisite to easing social distancing requirements.
  • April 20, 2020 – The Governor announced Kansas received additional supplies and personal protective equipment (PPE) from federal partners to expand COVID-19 testing in Finney, Ford, Lyon and Seward counties.
  • April 22, 2020 – The Governor announced that the Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) has released new guidelines on COVID-19 testing. People exhibiting two symptoms will now be able to get tested.
  • April 22, 2020 – The Governor announced that her administration has been in communication with the state’s impacted meat processing facilities’ representatives, their employees and local health officials and those facilities have taken several steps to modify their production and shipping systems.
  • April 21, 2020 – The state has coordinated with local agencies to secure temporary emergency housing for some people who have been isolated for observation or quarantined for two weeks in four counties with large meatpacking plants affected by the virus.
  • April 22, 2020 – The Governor signed an executive order temporarily waiving physician supervision or collaboration requirements for certain medical licensees, including advanced practice registered nurses, physician assistants and licensed practical nurses. The order also allows out-of-state health care providers to practice in Kansas.
  • April 22, 2020 – The Governor signed an executive order allowing for the sale of alcoholic beverages for carryout consumption and permits the sale of liquor in a container that is not the original container for any establishment holding a class A club license, class B club license or drinking establishment license.
  • April 28, 2020 – The Governor announced the launch of a new and comprehensive  website for resources regarding COVID-19.
  • April 30, 2020 – The Governor presented her detailed framework for gradually, safely re-opening the economy and getting Kansas back to work. Phase One will take effect on Monday, May 4, 2020, via Executive Order 20-29, when the statewide stay-home order outlined in Executive Order 20-16 officially lifts.
  • May 7, 2020 – The Governor announced the appointment of two individuals who will head the team charged with leading Kansas forward in recovery from the far-reaching effects of COVID-19. The Governor selected Cheryl Harrison-Lee as the Recovery Office’s executive director and Lyle Butler as the chair.
  • May 14, 2020 – The Governor signed Executive Order 20-31, which establishes a new phase to the “Ad Astra: Plan to Reopen Kansas.” The new “1.5” Phase, effective May 18, 2020, continues reopening efforts while preserving some data-driven restrictions necessary to prevent community transmission of COVID-19.
  • May 15, 2020 – The Governor signed an executive order that provides temporary relief from certain restrictions concerning shared work programs. The order waives a provision in the law that prohibited a contributing negative account employer to participate in a shared work plan.
  • May 15, 2020 – The Governor signed an executive order to extend temporary relief for motor carriers from certain rules and regulations until rescinded, on June 15, 2020, or until the statewide State of Disaster Emergency expires, whichever is earlier. It is an extension of measures put in place by Executive Order #20-22.
  • May 17, 2020 – The Governor will meet with President Trump at the White House on Wednesday to discuss how to protect the U.S. food supply and agricultural sector amid COVID-19.
  • May 19, 2020 – The Governor announced the Strengthening People and Revitalizing Kansas (SPARK) Taskforce to lead the state’s economic recovery. The Recovery Office team will be responsible for the statewide distribution of significant CARES Act funding. A five-member executive committee will oversee the process, and the office will have a steering committee with an additional 15 members who will form three subcommittees. The three subcommittees will focus on communication and engagement, finance and policy development and implementation and accountability. 
  • May 19, 2020 – The Governor signed Executive Order 20-34, which moves Kansas into Phase 2 of Ad Astra: A Plan to Reopen Kansas.
  • May 26, 2020 – The Governor announced a series of actions her administration took to respond to the emergency situation COVID-19 they include:
    • Vetoing House Bill 2054
    • Signed a new state disaster declaration
    • Called for a special session starting June 3 and deliver an emergency management bill
  • June 1, 2020 – The Governor announced that the team she appointed to help her plan for the state’s economic recovery from the coronavirus pandemic will begin discussing this week how to spend $1.25 billion in federal relief funds.
  • June 2, 2020 – The Governor’s Strengthening People and Revitalizing Kansas (SPARK) Taskforce Executive Committee reviewed and approved a proposal to distribute $400 million to local governments to help address the health and economic challenges inflicted by COVID-19.
  • June 2, 2020 – The Governor announced an award of nearly $9 million in Community Development Block Grant Coronavirus Response Supplement (CDBG-CV) funds to 66 Kansas communities.
  • June 8, 2020 – The Governor announced that her administration, as well as officials with the Kansas Department of Health and Environment, recommend that most local communities consider moving into Phase 3 of “Ad Astra: A Plan to Reopen Kansas.”
  • June 16, 2020 – The State Finance Council approved the distribution of $400 million in funding from the Coronavirus Relief Fund to local Kansas governments to help combat the health and economic challenges COVID-19 has brought on their communities, and to help prepare for possible future outbreaks of the disease. 
  • June 17, 2020 – The Governor signed an executive order to help make renewing driver’s licenses easier for people across the state. Executive Order #20-46 offers temporary relief from age restrictions that prohibit applicants 50 years of age or older from applying to renew their driver’s license online. Under the new order, all drivers under the age of 65 are permitted to use the online renewal system.
  • June 22, 2020 – The Governor announced her recommendation  that communities do not move into Phase Out of “Ad Astra: A Plan to Reopen Kansas,” which was originally planned to begin June 22, and instead stay in Phase 3 for at least two more weeks.
  • June 24, 2020 – The Governor announced a new customer service hotline and email for Kansans who have been affected by the recent duplicate payments.
    • June 24, 2020 – The Governor directed the Kansas Department of Revenue to begin phasing in the availability of drive tests.
    • June 29, 2020 – The Governor announced that she will sign an Executive Order requiring that most Kansans in a public space must wear a mask, beginning 12:01 a.m. Friday, July 3.
  • June 30, 2020 – The Governor signed multiple executive orders which provide temporary relief from various requirements. They include:
    • Drivers’ license and vehicle registration and regulation during state of disaster emergency;
    • Allowing certain deferred tax deadlines and payments during state of disaster emergency;
    • Extending professional and occupational licenses during state of disaster emergency;
    • Temporarily allowing notaries and witnesses to act via audio-video communication technology during state of disaster emergency;
    • Licensure, Certification, and Registration for persons and Licensure of “Adult Care Homes” during state of disaster emergency;
    • Temporarily suspending certain rules relating to the sale of alcoholic beverages during state of disaster emergency; and
    • Temporary relief from certain restrictions concerning shared work programs during state of disaster emergency.
  • June 30, 2020 – The Governor signed an executive order requiring that masks be worn statewide.
  • July 6, 2020 – The Governor announced that her administration, and officials with the Kansas Department of Health and Environment, recommend that most local communities again do not move into Phase Out of “Ad Astra: A Plan to Reopen Kansas” at this time, and instead stay in Phase 3.
  • July 8, 2020 – The Governor signed Executive Orders #20-55 and #20-56:  
    • E.O. #20-55 provides for the extension of drivers’ licenses that would expire before September 15, 2020, and also sets a staggered deadline for vehicle registrations depending on when a vehicle was purchased. 
    • E.O. #20-56 amends regulations on licensure, certification, and registration for persons and Licensure of adult care homes in Kansas put in place by earlier executive orders. The new order narrows the relaxation of regulatory provisions put in place previously, and limits those provisions more specifically to adult care homes that have been granted provisional licenses for the purpose of cohorting or isolating residents in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. 
  • July 14, 2020 – The Governor announced $6,202,603 in grant awards to state and local jurisdictions in preventing, preparing for, and responding to the coronavirus, as well as funds to support families impacted by domestic violence.
  • July 15, 2020 – The Governor announced that she will sign an executive order to delay opening schools until after the Labor Day holiday.
  • July 17, 2020 – The Governor announced the Office of Recovery’s disbursement of CARES Act funds to Kansas counties.
  • July 20, 2020 – The Governor signed Executive Order #20-59 and shared the details for Executive Order #20-58. Executive Order #20-58 can only be signed if the Kansas Board of Education votes to approve her order. Executive Order #20-58 delays schools from beginning any student instruction from August through September 8. Executive Order #20-59 outlines mitigation procedures schools must take to ensure the safety and wellbeing of Kansas students and teachers.
  • July 23, 2020 – The Governor announced a second round of Community Development Block Grant Coronavirus Response Supplement (CDBG-CV) funds to 56 Kansas communities. A total of more than $7.2 million is being disbursed to assist communities affected by the pandemic and its economic effects.
  • July 27, 2020 – The Governor announced Secretary Julie Lorenz of the Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT) will serve as Executive Director of the Recovery Office, in addition to serving as Secretary for KDOT. The Recovery Office, alongside the Strengthening People and Revitalizing Kansas (SPARK) Taskforce, is charged with the statewide distribution of over a billion dollars in federal funds Kansas received under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act.
  • July 29, 2020 – The Governor announced she signed an Executive Order that will extend Executive Order #20-46, which helps make renewing driver’s licenses easier for people across the state. Executive Order #20-60 offers temporary relief from age restrictions that prohibit applicants 50 years of age or older from applying to renew their driver’s license online. Under the new order, all drivers under the age of 65 are permitted to use the online renewal system.


Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services coronavirus resource page.

  • March 6, 2020—Governor Beshear declared a state of emergency to ensure all state entities have the necessary resources to respond. 
  • March 7, 2020—The Governor issued guidance for high risk populations, as well as state employees on how to protect themselves and others. This includes modification to state sick leave policies. 
  • March 10, 2020—Governor Beshear announced in a press conference that Kentucky nursing homes will be limiting patient visits. Patients receiving end-of-life-care are the only group allowed to receive visitors to help prevent and limit the spread of COVID-19.
  • March 11, 2020—Governor Beshear instructed school districts to be prepared to close schools on short notice, closed all state prisons to visitors, suspended out-of-state travel for state employees, urged more businesses to allow employees to tele-commute and to provide paid sick leave, and asked places of worship to temporarily cancel services. 
  • March 15, 2020 – The Governor asked all Kentucky hospitals to cease providing elective surgery and for daycare facilities to begin planning for closures.
  • March 16, 2020 – The Governor ordered all bars and restaurant and dining rooms to close. The order will take effect at 5 PM on March 16.
  • March 17, 2020 – The Governor announced the following steps to continue to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic:
    • All childcare centers, with the exception of those providing services to health care workers and some on-site employers, will close by March 20.
    • All public-facing businesses that encourage public congregation or, that by the nature of the service to the public, cannot comply with CDC guidelines concerning social distancing, shall cease all in-person operations. These public-facing businesses that must close include entertainment, hospitality and recreational facilities, community and recreation centers, gyms and exercise facilities, hair salons, nail salons, spas, concert venues, theaters, and sporting event facilities.
    • All acute care facilities should discourage all visitors except for visits in end-of-life circumstances. The Governor also advised psychiatric facilities to restrict visitation, only allowing it if deemed medically necessary by the attending physician, administrator and the medical director.
    • The Governor recommended personal care homes, assisted living, senior care facilities and intermediate care facilities limit visitation only to loved ones that are receiving end-of-life care.
    • The Governor also announced a three-month extension of driver’s licenses and the postponement of primary elections.
  • March 18, 2020 – The Governor announced several new actions to supplement previous guidance for closing public-facing businesses, including the suspension of all charitable gaming licenses and temporary closing of bingo halls.
  • March 18, 2020–The Governor announced that the state is working with federal partners to continue Child Care Assistance Program payments on behalf of qualified families during the mandatory closure period. The state will also be covering copayments typically covered by families.
  • March 19, 2020 – The Governor signed an order allowing restaurants that have food delivery options and a liquor license to deliver sealed alcoholic beverages in their original containers to customers.
  • March 20, 2020 – The Governor announced Kentucky unemployment insurance implements new procedures to manage the influx of claims including new phonelines and video conference services.
  • March 20, 2020 – The Governor requested school superintendents keep schools closed for in-person classes until at least April 20 and delayed the state’s income tax filing deadline until July 15.
  • March 22, 2020 – The Governor ordered all nonessential retailers to close within 24 hours and that he is mandating all elective medical procedures to end.
  • March 23, 2020 – The Governor announced the new following actions:
    • Changes in mass layoff parameters. Any employer with at least 50 employees, who is laying off at least 15 employees, is encouraged to file a claim on behalf of their employees through the E-Claims process.
    • Establish the Team Kentucky Fund, a fundraising platform designed to provide financial assistance to Kentuckians whose employment has been affected by COVID-19
  • March 24, 2020 – The Governor ordered all non-life sustaining business to close in-person service.
  • March 24, 2020 – The Governor announced that state workers would begin helping at food banks.
  • March 24, 2020 – The Governor announced many businesses, including food and beverage industries, are making barrels of hand sanitizers for hospitals and first responders.
  • March 25, 2020- The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) approved Kentucky’s request for a Section 1135 Medicaid waiver. The approved waiver enables Kentucky to provide flexibilities in Medicaid provider screening and enrollment, forgo certain pre-admission screening and annual resident review assessments, lift prior authorization requirements, allow for reimbursement facility services in alternative settings, and extend fair hearing and appeals timelines.
  • March 25, 2020 — The Governor signed legislation waiving in-person school attendance requirements and giving school districts permission to engage in nontraditional/remote learning.
  • March 26, 2020 — The Governor asked mayors and county judge-executives to monitor people gathering in public places such as parks and stop them if people are not practicing social distancing.
  • March 27, 2020 – The Governor urged residents to avoid crossing into Tennessee to limit their exposure to COVID-19.
  • March 30, 2020 – The Governor signed an executive order limiting out of state travel for residents of Kentucky, except when required for employment, to obtain medicine or groceries, to seek or obtain care by a healthcare provider, to provide care to dependents or when mandated by court order.
  • April 1, 2020 – The Governor stated that the National Guard would be assisting to help feed seniors and displaced workers.
  • April 2, 2020 – The Governor announced the following:
    • Recommendation for school districts to extend their suspension of in-person instruction to at least May 1;
    • Plans to commute the sentences of hundreds of non-violent offenders;
    • All state parks would be closed for overnight stays; and
    • Move plans forward to convert state fairgrounds in Louisville into a 2,000 hospital makeshift bed.
  • April 3, 2020 – The Governor announced the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) approved Kentucky’s request to recover Medicaid federal match rates and provide federal funds for a payment benefiting over 50 rural hospitals.
  • April 3, 2020 – The Governor announced a new initiative aimed at making it easier for people to donate personal protective equipment (PPE).
  • April 6, 2020 – The Governor issued a call to action for any person, organization or business that can donate more personal protective equipment (PPE) for frontline workers.
  • April 6, 2020 – The Governor announced that he would allow first responders and front-line health care workers to quarantine in cabins at state parks in five locations across the commonwealth, which would allow them to quarantine away from their families and other loved ones if necessary.
  • April 8, 2020 – The Governor announced Kentucky received the federal funding stream to begin making the additional $600 per week payment to those Kentuckians receiving unemployment insurance benefits.
  • April 8, 2020 – The Governor extended a previous executive order that allows pharmacists to dispense emergency refills for up to another 30-day supply of non-scheduled medications to Kentucky residents.
  • April 11, 2020 – The Governor announced that all individuals who attend an in-person worship service or mass gathering of any kind Easter Weekend will face quarantine orders.
  • April 13, 2020 – The Governor announced that the United Postal Service (UPS) donated 16,000 N95 masks.
  • April 14, 2020 – The Governor announced that the Honorable Order of Kentucky Colonels made $1 million gift to the Team Kentucky Fund.
  • April 16, 2020 — The Governor has joined a partnership with 6 other states in the region (Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Illinois, and Indiana) to develop a plan for reopening the region economy.
  • April 16, 2020 – The Governor announced an expansion of the state’s partnership with Kroger to provide drive-through testing for the coronavirus.
  • April 18, 2020 – The Governor announced seven benchmarks that must be met in order to start reopening the state’s economy. They include:
    • 14 days where cases are decreasing
    • Increased testing capacity and contact tracing
    • Personal protective equipment (PPE) availability
    • Ability to protect at-risk populations
    • Ability to social distance and follow Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines on large gatherings
    • Preparedness for a possible future spike
    • Status of vaccine and treatment
  • April 18, 2020 – The Governor announced the creation of a new Long-Term Care Task Force that will assist the Kentuckians most vulnerable to COVID-19 and the healthcare workers who serve them.
  • April 20, 2020 – The Governor advised the commonwealth’s education leaders to keep facilities closed to in-person instruction for the rest of the school year.
  • April 22, 2020 – The Governor announced the launch of “Healthy at Work,” a new initiative to help Kentucky businesses reopen safely. Healthy at Work offers a phased approach to reopening Kentucky’s economy, based on criteria set by public health experts and advice from industry experts.
  • April 22, 2020 – The Governor announced that the phased restart of Kentucky’s economy will begin on Monday, April 27th, with a segment of the health care services industry. Initially, the easing of restrictions will allow for diagnostic and radiology testing, as well as non-urgent, emergent, in-person office and ambulatory visits.
  • April 23, 2020 – The Governor announced that on April 27, the state will begin the gradual restart and reopening of the Phase 1 health care services and facilities, although they will operate differently than prior to the outbreak of COVID-19.
  • April 24, 2020 – The Governor announced that Kentucky has received more than $450,000 in funding to provide novel coronavirus (COVID-19) prevention, preparedness and response assistance to non-profit arts organizations.
  • April 24, 2020 – The Governor and Secretary of State Michael Adams have reached an agreement on how the state’s primary elections, special elections and local option elections scheduled for June 23, 2020.
    • The Governor signed an executive order on the issue outlining:
      • The expansion and promotion of absentee ballots
      • Prioritizing voting by appointment
      • PPE for clerks and poll workers
  • April 24, 2020 – The Governor announced Kentucky’s local public safety agencies and eligible local governments can apply for part of more than $9 million in grant funding from the U.S. Department of Justice’s (USDOJ) Coronavirus Emergency Supplemental Funding Program (CESF).
  • April 24, 2020 – The Governor announced the expansion of testing sites across the state
  • April 27, 2020 – The Governor announced that by May 11 everybody working for an essential business that is reopening should be wearing a mask.
  • April 27, 2020 – The Governor detailed Phase 1 in reopening of the healthcare industry in the state with practitioners being able to resume non-urgent/emergent health care services, diagnostic radiology and lab services in:
    • Hospital outpatient settings;
    • Health care clinics and medical offices;
    • Physical therapy settings, chiropractic offices and optometrists;
    • Dental offices (but with enhanced aerosol protections)
  • April 27, 2020 – The Governor announced that the state is preparing to hire more than 700 people to help with contact tracing.
  • April 28, 2020 – The Governor shared  new guidelines to help businesses reopen, a new, 10-point plan that aims to guide businesses as they prepare for a gradual reopening while continuing to keep all workers and patrons safe. They include:
    • Continue telework where possible
    • Phased return to work
    • Onsite temperature/health checks
    • Universal masks and other necessary PPE
    • Close common areas
    • Enforce social distancing
    • Limit face-to-face meetings
    • Sanitizer/hand wash stations
    • Special accommodations
    • Testing plan
  • April 29, 2020 – The Governor unveiled a tentative reopening schedule for a variety of businesses allowed to resume operations. The plan would require businesses to adhere to the 10 rules to reopening, along with industry specific requirements. The Governor also identified the following industries that will not be able to reopen yet as restaurants, gyms, movie theaters, campgrounds, youth sports, summer camps, day cares (except for essential health care workers) and public pools
  • May 4, 2020 – The Governor announced the new businesses that would be eligible to reopen operations under Phase 1 starting May 11th, they include:
    • Manufacturing, distribution and supply chain businesses
    • Construction
    • Vehicle or vessel dealerships
    • Office-based businesses (at 50% pre-pandemic capacity)
    • Horse racing (no fans in attendance)
    • Pet care, grooming and boarding
    • Photography
  • May 4, 2020 — Kentucky Department for Public Health (KDPH) Commissioner announced Health Care Phase 2 will begin Wednesday, May 6, 2020, outpatient and ambulatory surgery and invasive procedures may resume.
  • May 4, 2020 – The Governor announced a new partnership with St. Elizabeth Healthcare to bring expanded testing in Northern Kentucky.
  • May 4, 2020 – The Governor announced a partnership with the Kentucky Chamber of Commerce and the Kentucky Distillers’ Association to get personal protective equipment (PPE) and hand sanitizer to small businesses as they prepare to be Healthy at Work.
  • May 6, 2020 – The Governor urged voters to get ready to request absentee ballots and announced help from the Kentucky National Guard. National Guard leaders offered to help and members will work as poll workers and keep polling places operating safely.
  • May 6, 2020 – The Governor announced his administration is changing its travel restrictions to better comply with judicial findings and more closely mirror the guidance of neighboring states. The Governor issued a new executive order that continues to ban anyone with a positive or presumptively positive case of COVID-19 from entering Kentucky, except as ordered for medical treatment. It also keeps in place requirements of social distancing on public transportation.
  • May 6, 2020 – The Kentucky Department for Public Health (KDPH) Commissioner said Health Care Phase 2 is beginning with outpatient and ambulatory surgery and invasive procedures.
  • May 7, 2020 – The Governor announced that the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet (KYTC) has been awarded nearly $22.9 million for relief of public transit agencies that have been hit hard by the deadly COVID-19 pandemic. The funding will sustain the transit agencies by covering some operational expenses, including administrative leave for employees forced to self-isolate because of exposure to people infected with COVID-19.
  • May 7, 2020 – The Governor announced the second phase of reopening. All businesses should follow the 10 rules of staying healthy at work as well as industry-specific guidance, which will be issued as soon as possible. The new tentative dates for reopening are:
    • May 22 – Restaurants, with limited 33% capacity and outdoor seating
    • June 1 – Movie theaters, fitness centers
    • June 11 – Campgrounds, public and private
    • June 15 – Child care, with reduced capacity; and potentially low-touch and outdoor youth sports
  • May 8, 2020 – The Governor outlined the requirements to begin reopening major segments of the economy and society including houses of worship, manufacturing, construction, government offices and agencies, retail and funeral services.
  • May 8, 2020 – The Kentucky Department for Public Health (KDPH) announced a new long-term care testing strategy, in partnership with Norton Healthcare and local health departments and emergency management leaders. All long-term care facilities will be risk-stratified based on eight key metrics. There will be COVID-19 surveillance testing for residents and staff in all 286 skilled nursing facilities in the Kentucky.
  • May 8, 2020 – The Governor announced new partnerships with First Care Clinics and Bluewater Diagnostics Laboratory that will help Kentuckians get tested for COVID-19 at no cost before they go back to work, even if they do not have health insurance.
  • May 12, 2020 – The Governor issued a scam alert today warning Kentuckians of utility-related scams coming up in the midst of the novel coronavirus pandemic.
  • May 14, 2020 – The Governor announced that the Kentucky Education and Workforce Development Cabinet (KEWDC) has been awarded more than $43.7 million from the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act for education programs that have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • May 18, 2020 – The Governor announced the appointment of an executive advisor leading the contact tracing efforts in the Office of the Secretary of the Cabinet for Health and Family Services (CHFS).
  • May 20, 2020 – The Governor announced a $300 million award to city and county governments as part of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act, which established the Coronavirus Relief Fund (CRF) to reimburse local governments for expenses incurred in response to the public health emergency caused by the novel coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19).
  • May 21, 2020 – Cabinet for Health and Family Services (CHFS) Secretary announced that in-home child care programs can open on June 8. Center-based licensed child care programs can reopen to all families on June 15.
  • May 21, 2020 – The Governor announced auctions could be held starting June 1. Horse shows can be held again starting on June 8. Bars, gatherings with 50 people or fewer, and venues that hold 50 people or fewer can reopen June 29 if they meet guidelines.
  • May 21, 2020 – The Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services (CHFS) Department for Community Based Services (DCBS) and the Kentucky Department of Education are partnering to provide food assistance to families who have lost access to free or reduced-price school meals during the COVID-19 public health emergency.
  • May 26, 2020 – The Governor encouraged all voters to use a new Absentee Ballot Application Portal now available online.
  • May 27, 2020 – The Governor announced that he is reorganizing the Executive Branch Ethics Commission in order to strengthen its mission.
  • May 28, 2020 – The Governor with the Department of Local Governments announced more than $5 million in grants to six local governments for water and sewer projects across Kentucky.
  • May 29, 2020 – The Governor announced an official order temporarily authorizing circuit court clerk offices to process expired driving credential renewals and replacement requests remotely.
  • May 29, 2020 – The Governor and Cabinet for Health and Family Services Secretary announced the Commonwealth of Kentucky has awarded the state’s Medicaid Managed Care Organization (MCO) contract to five health care companies that will manage benefits for the state’s Medicaid enrollees.
  • June 3, 2020 – The Governor announced that due to COVID-19 that he has reached an agreement with legislative leaders to avoid the need for the General Assembly to return in a special session to resolve budget matters.
  • June 15, 2020 – The Governor’s Executive Cabinet announced that the Department of Corrections is currently mass testing all inmates and staff at the Kentucky Correctional Institute for Women (KCIW) in Shelby County. The decision comes after three staffers and 11 inmates tested positive for COVID-19. More than 270 of the facility’s 639 inmates have been tested thus far.
  • June 17, 2020 – The Governor directed his administration to provide personal protective equipment (PPE) to keep voters and poll workers safe during Kentucky’s primaries. The Governor’s office is providing 5,000 masks, 4,000 gallons of hand sanitizer, 5,800 face shields and 20,000 gloves for the June 23 election. The PPE will be distributed to all 120 counties.
  • June 17, 2020 – The Governor announced his intention to move Kentucky back to the healthcare exchange.
  • June 22, 2020 – The Governor announced new guidance for venues like restaurants and bars and other venues that would have gatherings of 50 people or fewer.
  • June 22, 2020 – The Governor announced that the national guard will have plain clothes individuals assisting with polling places on election day.
  • June 23, 2020 – The Governor announced $383 million in state and federal dollars for 54 rural hospitals by settling a 13-year-old dispute regarding Medicaid funding rates.
  • June 24, 2020 – The Governor and the Commissioner for the state department of education released initial guidance on school reopening.
  • July 7, 2020 – The Governor extended his executive order prohibiting price gouging. 
  • July 13, 2020 – The Governor announced 15 local governments in western Kentucky have applied for and been granted $3.66 million in reimbursements from the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act for local governments with expenses related to COVID-19. Sixteen others have received preliminary approval, meaning they will receive reimbursements once final documentation is submitted.
  • July 9, 2020 – The Governor announced a mandate ordering residents to wear a mask when in public or certain group situations. The executive order will go into effect at 5 p.m. Friday evening and will last for at least 30 days. Places where masks will be required include retail stores, grocery stores and in any situation – indoors or outdoors – where you cannot be 6 feet away from those around you, the governor said.
  • July 16, 2020 – The Governor announced 22 eastern Kentucky governments have applied for and been granted $5,523,949 in reimbursements from the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act for local governments with expenses related to COVID-19.
  • July 17, 2020 – The Governor announced that the Kentucky Supreme Court has kept in place all executive orders related to the fight against COVID-19, including the mask order, until the court can hear full arguments from the Beshear administration and the attorney general’s office and issue a final ruling.
  • July 27, 2020 – The Governor announced the following provisions from a new order from the Cabinet for Health and Family Services:
    • Bars will be closed for two weeks, effective tomorrow, Tuesday, July 28.
    • Restaurants will be limited to 25% of pre-pandemic capacity indoors; outdoor accommodations remain limited only by the ability to provide proper social distancing.
    • Public and private schools are being asked to avoid offering in-person instruction until the third week of August.
  • July 27, 2020 – The Governor announced that the General Fund revenues ended up $104.6 million above the budgeted estimate, at a total of nearly $12 billion. The General Fund surplus will be $177.5 million.
  • July 29, 2020 – The Governor announced new order from the Cabinet for Health and Family Services: bars are closed and restaurants are limited to 25% of pre-pandemic capacity indoors. The Governor and the Kentucky Department for Public Health will monitor case numbers over the next two weeks with the goal of reopening bars and restoring restaurant capacity after that time.


Louisiana Department of Health coronavirus resource page.

  • March 2, 2020—Gov. John Bel Edwards announced the creation of a COVID-19 Task Force.
  • March 11, 2020—Governor Edwards declared a public health emergency to allow state agencies to thoroughly prepare for any eventuality related to public health needs and deploy additional resources to assist local authorities. The declaration also addresses efforts to prevent price gouging and limits state employee travel. 
  • March 13, 2020 – The Governor signed an executive order postponing elections in Louisiana, including the Louisiana Presidential Primary.
  • March 13, 2020 – The Governor signed a proclamation that immediately halts any gathering of more than 250 people until April 13 and closes all K-12 public schools statewide effective March 16 until April 13.
  • March 17,2020 – The Governor ordered bars, gyms and movie theaters to close and limited restaurants to delivery and takeout.
  • March 17, 2020 – The Governor announced measures to reduce the spread of COVID-19, including further limiting the size of gatherings to fewer than 50 people, closing casinos, bars and movie theaters and limiting restaurants to delivery, take out and drive-through orders only.
  • March 18, 2020 – The Governor requested the Small Business Administration provide Economic Injury Disaster Loans for Orleans and Jefferson parishes.
  • March 18, 2020 – The Governor announced that shelter in place may be necessary for some Louisiana localities to stem the spread of COVID-19.
  • March 18, 2020 – The Governor suspended foreclosures and evictions in the state.
  • March 18, 2020 – The Governor announced LA Wallet, the state of Louisiana’s official digital driver’s license, will be made available to residents free of charge. The all-digital identification and driver’s license app will temporarily suspend fees.
  • March 18, 2020—The Governor sent a letter to President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence requesting temporary changes to several federal programs in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, including:
    • An expansion of the Department of Agriculture’s Food and Nutrition Service hot food waiver to allow the purchase of hot food in Louisiana restaurants through the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program;
    • Statutory and administrative changes related to Community Development Block Grants for Disaster Recovery;
    • Recommendations for FEMA’s Individual Assistance Program and Public Assistance program. 
  • March 19, 2020 – The Governor warned President Donald Trump that his state could exceed capacity to treat patients in one week.
  • March 19, 2020 – The Governor updated his public health emergency declaration to provide waivers for education requirements and to speed up testing.
  • March 19, 2020 – The Governor announced that all Louisiana parishes would be eligible for small business disaster aid.
  • March 19, 2020 – The Governor signed and updated to his Public Health Emergency declaration, which waives some education requirements in the law and also suspends some laboratory requirements to speed the process of coronavirus testing.
  • March 20, 2020 – The Governor signed and updated the Public Health Emergency.  
  • March 22, 2020 – The Governor issued a statewide Stay at Home Order.
  • March 23, 2020- The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) approved Louisiana’s request for a Section 1135 Medicaid waiver. The approved waiver enables Louisiana to provide flexibilities in Medicaid provider screening and enrollment, forgo certain pre-admission screening and annual resident review assessments, allow for reimbursement facility services in alternative settings, and extend fair hearing and appeals timelines.
  • March 24, 2020 – The Governor requested a Major Disaster Declaration for the State of Louisiana as the number of cases of COVID-19 grow. The declaration would allow the federal government to provide additional support for state and local agencies in dealing with this growing public health threat.
  • March 26, 2020 – The Governor signed a proclamation outlining additional response measures in Louisiana, including provisions related to first responders, law enforcement and granting emergency authority to the insurance commissioner.
  • March 27, 2020 – The Governor announced the opening of a Louisiana Economic Development help desk, providing email and hotline support for Louisiana businesses impacted by COVID-19.
  • April 1, 2020 – The Governor announced  a new Loan Portfolio Guaranty Program, which will offer loans of up to $100,000 to Louisiana small businesses of fewer than 100 employees that are impacted by the COVID-19 crisis.
  • April 2, 2020 — The Governor announced eased eligibility requirements for the Taylor Opportunity Program for Students, which provides tuition assistance for Louisiana residents.  
  • April 2, 2020 – The Governor announced a new text alert system that will provide timely COVID-19 updates and other critical guidance directly from the governor’s office to Louisiana residents.
  • April 2, 2020 – The Governor formally extended his Stay at Home order until April 30 which extends the length of time that schools and some businesses are closed and continues limits on the size of gatherings.
  • April 7, 2020 – The Governor signed an executive order related to unemployment and other issues related to the Louisiana Workforce Commission, as it seeks to manage the influx in unemployment claims.
  • April 9, 2020 – The Governor’s response fund approved the first grant from the Governor’s COVID-19 Response Fund which will feed children in southern Louisiana.
  • April 10, 2020 – The Governor announced the creation of a Healthy Equity Task Force which will look at how health inequities are affecting communities that are most impacted by the coronavirus.
  • April 14, 2020 – The Governor postponed Louisiana’s election again and is now rescheduled for July 11th.
  • April 15, 2020 – The Governor signed a proclamation closing K-12 public schools in Louisiana to students until the end of the current school year, with students getting their education via remote learning.
  • April 16, 2020 – The Governor announced the creation of Resilient Louisiana, a state commission charged with examining Louisiana’s economy amid the COVID-19 pandemic and making recommendations for more resilient business-related activities and commerce in the coming months.
  • April 20, 2020 – The Louisiana Department of Health issued a revised order for medical and surgical procedures. The revised guidelines go into effect April 27th and state that medical and surgical procedures shall only be performed under the following conditions:
    • To treat an emergency medical condition;
    • To avoid further harms from an underlying condition or disease; and
    • To treat time sensitive conditions.
  • April 22, 2020 – The Governor announced two co-chairs and appointed members to the Louisiana COVID-19 Health Equity Task Force and several subcommittees. The chairs are:
    • Dr. Sandra C. Brown, Dean of Southern University’s College of Nursing and Allied Health
    • Dr. Thomas LaVeist, Dean of Tulane University’s School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine
  • April 27, 2020 – The Governor announced that he will extend the stay-at-home order until May 15.
  • April 29, 2020 – The Governor will be traveling to Washington, D.C. to meet with President Trump to discuss the states’ response to COVID-19.
  • May 1, 2020 – The Governor released two new PSAs encouraging Louisianans to comply with the extended Stay at Home Order to slow the spread of Covid-19 and ultimately meet the White House guidelines for entering Phase One.
  • May 4, 2020 – The Governor has activated a new, web-based program to assist businesses and religious organizations with safely resuming operations as the public health emergency due to COVID-19 continues.
  • May 5, 2020 – The Governor announced  that the State has committed $10,382,000 in community development block grant (CDBG) funds to the City of New Orleans to support nine affordable rental housing projects that were in danger of losing their funding as a result of the response to the COVID-19 outbreak.
  • May 8, 2020 – The Governor and the Louisiana Department of Health outlined a plan for COVID-19 testing and tracking that would hire as many as 700 Louisianans to serve as contact tracers. 
  • May 11, 2020 – The Governor will move to Phase One under the White House COVID-19 guidance Friday, May 15, which removes the Stay at Home order for Louisianans and allows additional businesses to open under strict occupancy, protection and social distancing guidelines.
  • May 11, 2020- The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) approved Louisiana’s second request for a Medicaid 1135 waiver. The waiver allows Louisiana to lift prior authorization requirements, waive consent requirements for Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS), to modify timelines for levels of care determinations, and to reimburse for personal care provided by legally responsible individuals, including family caregivers
  • May 14, 2020 – The Governor formally declared that Louisiana will enter into Phase One of its Roadmap to a Resilient Louisiana on Friday, May 15, when the Stay at Home order will be lifted and more businesses will be allowed to open with strict social distancing, enhanced sanitation and required masks for employees helping the public.
  • May 15, 2020 – A U.S. District Judge of the Middle District of Louisiana denied Rev. Tony Spell’s motion for a Temporary Restraining Order against Gov. John Bel Edwards’ Stay at Home order.
  • June 1, 2020 – The Governor announced that the state is ready to move to Phase 2 of the White House’s reopening strategy on June 5.
  • June 22, 2020 – The Governor announced that Louisiana will stay in Phase Two of reopening, as the number of COVID-19 cases and related hospitalizations have started to rise in several regions across the state. The Governor will extend his Phase Two order for another 28 days, keeping in place occupancy limits and other restrictions.
  • June 24, 2020 – The Governor announced that the state will be postponing Phase 3 of reopening due to the increase in COVID-19 cases.
  • July 3, 2020 – The Governor released a new PSA encouraging Louisianans to wear a mask or face covering when out in public as the state continues to see the number of new COVID-19 cases rise.
  • July 8, 2020 – The Governor announced that $50 million through the CARES Act for the Governor’s Emergency Education Relief Fund (GEER) Fund is now available for K-12 schools and Higher Education.  Approximately $35 million will be made available to the Louisiana Dept. of Education and $15 million to the Board of Regents. 
  • July 11, 2020 – The Governor announced a mandatory mask requirement for Louisiana and ordered bars in the state closed to on-premises consumption, as the state experiences increasing spread of COVID-19. The Governor also limited indoor social gatherings like wedding receptions, class reunions and parties to 50 total people. With these additional restrictions, Louisiana remains in Phase Two of the Roadmap for a Resilient Louisiana.
  • July 23, 2020 – The Governor signed a renewal of the current proclamation extending Phase Two in the state, which includes the statewide mask mandate and additional restrictions, until August 7.


Maine Department of Health and Human Services coronavirus resource page.

  • March 2, 2020—Governor Janet Mills convened an Coronavirus Response Team charged with coordinating the state’s response across departments, local agencies and health authorities to the potential spread of novel coronavirus.
  • March 12, 2020—Governor Janet Mills recommended in a press conference that gatherings with more than 250 people be postponed. The Governor also announced that she is suspending all non-essential travel by state employees.
  • March 15, 2020—Governor Janet Mills signed a proclamation of civil emergency.
  • March 17, 2020 – The Governor’s emergency legislation were approved by the House and Senate. Key provisions include the following:
    • Access to at least $11 million in state funding to respond to COVID-19.
    • Establishing a consumer loan guarantee program through the Finance Authority of Maine, in partnership with financial institutions, to provide low- or no-interest loans for eligible people in Maine.
    • Temporarily expanding eligibility for unemployment benefits for workers impacted by COVID-19.
    • Increasing the Department of Education’s ability to waive certain school-day requirements and to continue school lunch programs for all eligible children.
    • Authorizing the Governor to adjust state, county and municipal government deadlines and to permit all public entities to meet by remote participation.
    • Expanding the ability of Maine Emergency Medical Services’ Board and staff to take actions more promptly.
    • Authorizing the Governor to prohibit utilities from terminating residential electric and water service.
    • Authorizing the Governor to determine and direct the manner of the June 2020 primary, if necessary.
  • March 18, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order that closed restaurant dining rooms, bars, and limited social gatherings to no greater than 10 people.
  • March 19, 2020 – The Governor signed the Maine Health Care Coverage Act to improve private health insurance in the state.
  • March 19, 2020 – The Finance Authority of Maine (FAME) is partnering with the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) and local Maine lenders to offer special, limited time loans and loan insurance to eligible Maine businesses affected by COVID-19, including: loans up to $50,000 offered at reduced interest rates; interest-only payments; up to 75% pro-rata loan insurance on loans up to $100,000; interim financing in conjunction with the SBA wherein FAME makes loan proceeds available while approved SBA borrowers await federal funding. To allow access to those funds immediately, FAME will provide an interim loan to be paid-off with the SBA loan funds.
  • March 20, 2020 – The Governor ordered open all inland waters for fishing and waived the requirement that anglers need a recreational fishing license to fish the inland waters of Maine. The order is effective immediately and runs until April 30th.
  • March 21, 2020 – The Governor sent a letter to the president requesting that the Trump Administration consider direct financial assistance, subsidies, and operating loans or loan deferment, among other possible measures, to help the seafood industry.
  • March 24, 2020 – The Governor urged large essential businesses to limit in-store customers, enhance curbside pick-up and delivery services, and implement physical distancing measures to protect customer and employee health
  • March 24, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order that mandated all non-essential businesses and operations in Maine close their physical locations that are public facing.
  • March 25, 2020 –The Governor, through the Maine Emergency Management Agency, signed agreements with the University of Maine System and the Maine Community College System to coordinate requests for assistance and the deployment of resources.
  • March 25, 2020 – The Governor signed an insurance emergency response order allowing licensed physicians, physician assistants, and nurses greater flexibility to contribute to Maine’s response during the civil state of emergency. This includes:
    • Receive an emergency license to provide health care in person or through telehealth to Maine people, with no application fee
    • See Maine patients through telehealth without obtaining a Maine license, if already serving those patients at out-of-state locations
    • Have their licenses automatically renewed if up for renewal during the state of emergency
    • Suspend conforming to physician oversight requirements (for physician assistants and advanced practice registered nurses)
    • Reactivate their license immediately with no application fee, if retired.
  • March 25, 2020 – The Governor took action to align Maine with federal guidance and improves the affordability of needed health care services delivered through telehealth.
  • March 26, 2020 – The Governor announced new measures to help the state’s nursing facilities address financial challenges. They include:
    • Providing additional payments through MaineCare to support nursing facilities’ efforts related to infection control and visitor screening to protect workers and the residents in their care.
    • Asking nursing homes to track and submit costs beyond their normal operating expenses.
  • March 26, 2020 – The Governor extended the state income tax payment deadline to July 15, 2020
  • March 26, 2020 – The Governor launched a new online resource in the state that outlines the ways the people of Maine can support relief efforts. It outlines 4 ways help can be provided:
    • Financial assistance
    • Healthcare and medical assistance
    • Small business assistance
    • Connections with family, friends, and neighbors
  • March 27, 2020 – The Governor encouraged citizens to safely support local businesses through efforts like PayitForwardMaine while being mindful of crucial physical distancing guidelines and using online transactions or pickup and delivery services.
  • March 27, 2020 – The Governor extended boating registration renewal period until April 30 due to COVID-19.
  • March 30, 2020 – The Governor signed an executive order to fast track free online job training at Maine’s community colleges
  • March 30, 2020 – The Governor announced that her office is accelerating pay increases for personal care workers and expanding access to meals for older Mainers who are home-bound because of COVID-19.
  • March 31, 2020 – The Governor issued a stay-at-home order for the state that will continue to April 30th.
  • March 31 – The Governor signed an executive order to allow families who rely on TANF to request an emergency extension to continue receiving benefits beyond the 60-month lifetime limit. 
  • April 1, 2020 – The Governor requested a major disaster declaration from the federal government.
  • April 1, 2020 – The Governor extended the state property tax deadline.
  • April 3, 2020 – The Governor signed an executive order mandating that travelers arriving in Maine, regardless of their state of residency, self-quarantine for 14 days.
  • April 4, 2020 – The Governor announced that the President has approved her request for a major disaster declaration for the State of Maine.
  • April 7, 2020 – The Governor signed an executive order to further expand access to health care by taking additional steps to bolster the health care workforce, expand telehealth services, and temporarily alleviate certain licensing requirements.
  • April 7, 2020 – The Governor directed the Maine National Guard and the Maine Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) to work with Maine’s health care systems to open two alternative care sites in Portland and Bangor as part of the State’s preparations to bolster Maine health system capacity.
  • April 7, 2020- The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) approved Maine’s request for a Section 1135 Medicaid waiver. The approved waiver enables Maine to provide flexibilities in Medicaid provider screening and enrollment, forgo certain pre-admission screening and annual resident review assessments, lift prior authorization requirements, allow for reimbursement facility services in alternative settings, extend fair hearing timelines, and waive public comment and tribal consultation requirements for certain changes to the Medicaid state plan.
  • April 8, 2020 – The Governor signed an executive order allowing remote notarizations.
  • April 10, 2020 – The Governor signed an executive order moving Maine’s primary election from Tuesday, June 9, 2020 to Tuesday, July 14, 2020. The order allows applications for absentee ballots to be made in writing or in person, without specifying a reason, up to and including the day of the election.
  • April 13, 2020 – The Governor joined a coalition of Governors from Delaware, Illinois, Michigan, Montana, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Wisconsin in writing to U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Alex Azar and Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Administrator Seema Verma to ask the Administration to reconsider its decision and take action to allow for a special enrollment period of at least 30 days on the federal health care exchange.
  • April 14, 2020—The Governor wrote a letter urging U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue to coordinate a nationwide strategy to increase the amount of food available to emergency food programs and to address gaps in the food supply chain.
  • April 14, 2020 – The Governor signed a proclamation extending Maine’s state of civil emergency for another thirty days through May 15, 2020.
  • April 16, 2020 – The Governor signed an executive order that will prevent the immediate eviction of tenants other than those who engage in dangerous or unlawful conduct for the duration of the state of emergency. The Governor also strengthened the penalties for landlords who may try to evict tenants by unlawful means, and she extended the timeframe for the eviction process in the event that the Courts reopen before the Governor’s state of emergency is terminated.
  • April 16, 2020 – The Governor in partnership with MaineHousing, announced a new rental assistance relief program for Maine people who cannot pay their rent due to COVID-19.
  • April 22, 2020 – The Governor announced that nearly $11 million in federal funds will support access to child care for Maine’s essential workers, including health care professionals and first responders, and offer relief for child care providers.
  • April 23, 2020 – The Governor announced her vision for the gradual reopening of Maine, it includes:
    • Protecting public health
    • Maintaining healthcare readiness
    • Building reliable and accessible testing
    • Prioritizing private-public collaboration
  • April 27, 2020 – The Governor announced that the Consensus Economic Forecasting Commission (CEFC) and the Revenue Forecasting Committee (RFC) will convene off cycle to examine the economic ramifications of COVID-19 on State government’s revenues.
  • April 28, 2020 – The Governor shared  a plan to gradually and safely restart Maine’s economy. The plan establishes four gradual stages of reopening, the first of which begins May 1st. The stages focus on the ability of a business to operate or an activity to occur in a manner that protects public health and safety. The Maine CDC will be tracking three primary metrics in its evaluation of whether or not to progress through the stages: 1) a downward trajectory of influenza-like illnesses and COVID-like syndromic cases; 2) a downward trajectory of documented cases and newly hospitalized patients; and 3) the capacity of Maine’s hospital systems to treat all patients without crisis care and the ability of the state to engage in a robust testing program.
  • April 29, 2020 – The Governor signed an executive order extending the stay-at-home order until May 31st. However, it now allows citizens to visit businesses or participate in activities deemed safe to open under Stage 1 of the reopening plan.
  • May 6, 2020 – The Governor announced that she is convening an Economic Recovery Committee charged with developing recommendations to mitigate the damage to Maine’s economy caused by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and to jumpstart a long-term economic recovery for Maine people, businesses, and organizations.
  • May 7, 2020 – The Governor announced that the state has partnered with Maine-based IDEXX Laboratories, Inc. to purchase enough of the company’s recently authorized COVID-19 testing kits to more than triple the State’s testing capacity.
  • May 8, 2020 – The Governor announced a rural reopening plan aimed at reopening certain additional businesses in rural Maine over the course of the next two weeks with added health and safety measures. The plan comes after the Governor stated that her Administration was considering opportunities for regional variation as part of its Restarting Maine’s Economy plan.
  • May 13, 2020 – The Maine Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) launched a statewide campaign to promote awareness of affordable health insurance options, particularly for people whose employment or income has been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • May 13, 2020 – The Governor signed a proclamation extending Maine’s state of civil emergency for thirty days through June 11, 2020.
  • May 14, 2020 – The Governor announced that, effective immediately, Maine lodging providers can begin accepting future reservations for stays with an arrival date of June 1st and beyond for Maine residents and for non-residents who comply with the State’s 14-day quarantine requirement.
  • May 15, 2020 – The Governor and the Maine Education Commissioner announced that the Maine Department of Education has secured internet access and devices to facilitate at home learning for 100 percent of Maine school children for whom there was a reported need.
  • May 18, 2020 – The Maine Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) provided 1,900 cloth face coverings to the Maine Association of Broadcasters (MAB) for distribution to the state’s broadcast media outlets.
  • May 19, 2020 – The Governor announced the following updates to the plan to restart Maine’s economy:
    • Maine residents may enjoy campgrounds beginning Memorial Day weekend;
    • The Administration is delaying the full reopening of gyms, fitness centers, and nail salons in light of emerging research and experiences in other states of COVID-19 transmission related to these establishments.
  • May 21, 2020 – The Governor announced that the State of Maine has received $52.7 million in Federal grant funding from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (U.S. CDC) to bolster epidemiological and laboratory capacity to respond to infectious diseases, particularly COVID-19. The state will use this funding to enhance its ability to prevent, detect, and mitigate the spread of COVID-19 by expanding lab capacity and testing sites across Maine in the coming weeks and months.
  • May 26, 2020 – The Governor announced that the Maine Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) is significantly expanding contact tracing by increasing the number of skilled staff and volunteers, harnessing innovative technology, and securing social services to help people with COVID-19 maintain self-isolation.
  • May 27, 2020 – The Governor announced that she is postponing the full reopening of restaurants for dine-in services in York, Cumberland, and Androscoggin counties. The decision to limit their reopening comes amidst an increase in hospitalizations as well as an increase in case counts in these three counties.
  • May 27, 2020 – The Governor announced that Moody’s Investors Service and Standard & Poors Global Ratings (S&P) have affirmed their credit ratings and outlooks on the State of Maine’s general obligation debt. Moody’s affirmed both their ‘Aa2 rating and stable outlook on Maine’s debt. S&P affirmed their AA rating and stable outlook.
  • May 30, 2020 – The Governor has directed the Maine Department of Corrections (MDOC) to offer to purchase perishable and non-perishable food from restaurants in York, Cumberland, and Androscoggin counties that are unable to open to indoor dining as a result of measures to protect public health and mitigate the spread of COVID-19.
  • June 8, 2020 – The Governor announced that the state will quadruple COVID-19 testing capacity at the State lab, develop testing sites throughout Maine, and allow more people in Maine with elevated risk of exposure to get tested for the virus. This dramatically expanded testing capacity will come online in July.
  • June 8, 2020 – The Governor announced an alternative to the State’s 14-day quarantine requirement for people entering Maine. The plan rests on three cornerstones: 1) having visitors certify that they have received a recent negative COVID-19 test to stay in lodging establishments, such as hotels, as an alternative to quarantine; 2) increasing symptom checks at places where visitors tend to go; and 3) supporting community promotion of COVID-19 prevention best practices and public health education.
  • June 10, 2020 – The Governor signed a renewal of the state’s civil emergency for thirty days through July 10th.
  • June 12, 2020 — The Maine Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) announced that 525 essential workers have received financial help for child care and more than 1,600 child care providers have received stipends as part of the nearly $11 million in federal CARES Act funding awarded to Maine. Additional grants will be awarded to child care providers through mid-July.
  • June 12, 2020 – The Governor announced that indoor dining in Androscoggin, Cumberland, and York counties can voluntarily resume on Wednesday, June 17, 2020 with added health and safety protocols outlined in the COVID-19 Prevention Checklist.
  • June 12, 2020 – The Governor released a detailed guidance for Maine local governing bodies to hold gatherings, such as annual town meetings, school budget meetings, and elections, during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • June 22, 2020 – The Governor urged the USDA to designate maple syrup as an eligible Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP) specialty crop. Doing so will create the pathway for Maine’s maple producers to receive needed CFAP payments.
  • June 22, 2020 – The Governor announced that her administration is postponing the reopening of indoor service at bars to protect public health given the higher risk of COVID-19 transmission in such settings.
  • June 24, 2020 – The Governor posted additional COVID-19 Prevention Checklists for businesses and activities to voluntarily resume on July 1 as part of Stage 3 of the Administration’s Restarting Maine’s Economy Plan .
  • June 24, 2020 – The Governor announced that her administration is dedicating $35 million of Maine’s $1.25 billion in Coronavirus Relief Funding (CRF) provided through the CARES Act to help local and tribal governments and other qualified entities cover costs incurred as a result of COVID-19.
  • June 29, 2020 – The Governor announced that her Administration has approved almost $9 million in grant awards to nearly 100 municipalities across the state under the Keep Maine Healthy Plan to support local COVID-19 public health, education, and prevention effort.
  • July 1, 2020 – The Governor announced that she will be exempting visitors from the States of Connecticut, New York, and New Jersey from the 14-day quarantine requirement or negative COVID-19 testing alternative, effective this Friday, July 3, 2020.
  • July 8, 2020 – The Governor issued an Executive Order requiring large retail businesses, restaurants, outdoor bars, tasting rooms, and lodging establishments in Maine’s more populous cities and coastal counties to enforce the State’s face covering requirement. 
  • July 14, 2020 – The Governor announced that seven health care organizations will collectively launch nearly 20 “swab and send” COVID-19 test collection sites that will send samples to the Maine State Lab for testing, strengthening access to safe and accessible testing for residents, tourists, seasonal workers, and other visitors to Maine.
  • July 15, 2020 – The Governor announced that the Economic Recovery Committee has delivered its immediate recommendations to stabilize and support Maine’s economy through the unprecedented disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • July 17, 2020 – The Governor announced a series of steps her Administration is taking to assist and support school systems across Maine as they consider whether and how to return to in-classroom instruction this fall. Each of these actions aims to provide essential support to promote a safe return for children, teachers, and school staff.
  • July 17, 2020 – The Governor announced that her administration will invest more than $8 million from the federal Coronavirus Relief Fund to further boost access to child care and support Maine’s working families in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.


Maryland Department of Health coronavirus resource page.

  • January 29, 2020—The State Emergency Operations Center’s activation level has been raised to “Enhanced” in support of a local incident and novel coronavirus response in Maryland.
  • January 29, 2020—The Maryland Department of Health (MDH) has issued clinical guidance to the state’s 20,472 physicians, 2,786 nurse practitioners, 1,301 pharmacists, and local health departments. The department has held briefings for Maryland Strategic National Stockpile partners and public health and hospital emergency managers. In addition, the department has held an informational webinar for local health departments.
  • March 2, 2020—MDH has released public service announcements regarding statewide preparedness efforts.
  • March 3, 2020—Governor Hogan is submitting a $10 million emergency funding request to the General Assembly as part of a supplemental budget.
  • March 3, 2020—The Maryland Higher Education Commission is coordinating with University System of Maryland institutions that are bringing home students who are studying abroad in Italy and Japan.
  • March 3, 2020—MDH is coordinating with nursing homes and assisted living facilities to review and reiterate guidance on infection control and medical management.
  • March 3, 2020—MDH is coordinating with the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) to provide guidance to local school systems on protocols for school closures.
  • March 3, 2020—MDH is coordinating with the Maryland Hospital Association to work with all the local hospitals on surge plans and preparedness.
  • March 3, 2020—The Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT) is actively engaged with travelers to ensure they have information they need and are following the CDC guidelines. The Port of Baltimore is also engaged in similar screening protocols.
  • March 3, 2020—All state agencies have reviewed their Continuity of Operations (COOP) plans and submitted them to the Maryland Emergency Management Agency.
  • March 5, 2020—Governor Hogan declares a state of emergency to coordinate response after coronavirus after confirming cases in Maryland. 
  • March 6, 2020—Governor Hogan issued a bulletin for health carriers regarding coverage for COVID-19 prevention, diagnosis, and treatment.  
  • March 9, 2020—Governor Hogan signed emergency legislation allowing his state to access rainy day funds, and formed a Coronavirus Response Team to advise on health and emergency management decisions.
  • March 9, 2020—Governor Hogan suspended all business-related out-of-state travel for state employees.
  • March 11, 2020—Governor Hogan enacted several recommendations and additional state actions:
    • The Department of Motor Vehicles moved toward an all appointment system for all transactions, to reduce walk-in visits and foot traffic.  
    • The Maryland Health Benefits Exchange established a special enrollment period through Maryland Health Connection for COVID-19. 
    • The Department of Corrections and Public Safety Services discontinued visitation services for an individual in infirmaries.  
    • For long-term care communities, access is restricted to essential visits only; staff are prohibited from international travel; and it is recommended that facilities screen all individuals entering the facilities.  
    • All state veterans’ facilities are required to follow state-issued guidelines for long-term care facilities.
  • March 12, 2020—Governor Hogan announced major actions including:
    • Maryland Emergency Management Agency moving to its highest action level.
    • Activating the National Guard.
    • All state government is raised to “elevated level two” and all non-essential state employees who are approved for telework will be required to do so.
    • Closing all public schools from March 16 through March 27.
  • March 15, 2020 – The Governor issued an emergency order closing all casinos, racetracks, and betting facilities. To support these businesses, the Maryland Department of Commerce and Labor compiled resources for employer and worker assistance, financial assistance, and licensing and permitting to help support the industry.
  • March 16, 2020 – The Governor ordered the closure of bars and restaurants and banned mass gatherings of over 50 people.
  • March 16, 2020 – The Governor issued an omnibus health care order that:
    • Increases hospital bed capacity by 6,0000;
    • Activates the states medical reserve corps;
    • Establishes policies and procedures for rationing, distributing and stockpiling resources received from the Strategic National Stockpile;
    • Allows for interstate reciprocity of practice for any individual that holds a valid health care license;
    • Allows for inactive clinicians to practice without first reinstating their inactive license; and
    • Allows for actions to control, restrict, and regulate the use of health care facilities in responding to a catastrophic health emergency.
  • March 16, 2020 – The Governor issued an emergency order that prohibits utility shutoffs and prohibits evictions for individuals who can show documentation that their inability to pay was due to COVID-19.
  • March 16, 2020 – The Governor, along with the Maryland Police Force, activated the Maryland State Troopers to be deployed across the state and activated two Area Support Medical Companies (under the National Guard) to carry out emergency functions.
  • March 17, 2020 – The Governor issued a proclamation  to postpone April 28 primary elections until June 2, while moving forward with the 7th congressional general election by implementing a vote-by-mail system.
  • March 17, 2020 – The Governor announced that all vehicle emissions inspection programs will be shut down, and steps will be taken to turn these facilities into drive-through testing centers.
  • March 17 – 2020 – The Governor announced that the state is moving to cashless tolling statewide in an attempt to limit interaction between the public and toll collectors.
  • March 17, 2020 – The Governor’s legal counsel issued guidance  on the prohibition of large gatherings, and on the closure of bars, restaurants, casinos and other facilities.
  • March 18, 2020 – The Maryland Department of Commerce posted Maryland Business Express Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information for Businesses
  • March 18, 2020 – The Department of Health hosted a webinar providing guidance for businesses in preventing the spread of coronavirus in the workplace.
  • March 18, 2020 – The Maryland Office of Child Care released guidance so child care providers can begin to evaluate their programs and make decisions on how to best support children of emergency personnel.
  • March 19, 2020 – The Governor announced that no one should use public transportation except emergency personnel, front-line health-care workers, or those whose jobs are essential to the supply chain.
  • March 20, 2020 – The Governor requested that all returning spring break travelers quarantine for the next 14 days and avoid people over the age of 60.
  • March 23, 2020 – The Governor ordered the closure of all non-essential businesses.
  • March 23, 2020 – The governor announced more than $175 million to assist small businesses and workers, with $125 million in loans and grants to small businesses and nonprofits through the Maryland Small Business COVID-19 Emergency Relief Fund. Another $75 million loan fund and a $50 million grant fund, with $1 million in grants dedicated to non-profits, will provide working capital to be used for payroll, rent, fixed-debt payments and other mission critical cash operating costs
  • March 23, 2020 – The Governor announced that Maryland Commerce is also working on creating a $5 million fund to incentivize businesses to manufacture personal protective equipment and other supplies to satisfy the increasing needs of the healthcare industry.
  • March 23, 2020 – The Governor announced that he has allocated $5 million, and the Maryland Department of Labor has allocated $2 million, to collaboratively launch the COVID-19 Layoff Aversion Fund.
  • March 24, 2020 – The Governor toured the Baltimore Convention Center, which is to be turned into a field hospital and alternative care site with support from the Maryland National Guard.
  • March 25, 2020 – The Governor requested a presidential disaster declaration.
  • March 26, 2020- The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services approved Maryland’s request for a Section 1135 Medicaid waiver. The approved waiver enables Maryland to provide flexibilities in Medicaid provider screening and enrollment, forgo certain pre-admission screening and annual resident review assessments, lift prior authorization requirements, allow for reimbursement facility services in alternative settings, extend fair hearing timelines, and waive public comment and tribal consultation requirements for certain changes to the Medicaid state plan.
  • March 27, 2020 – The Governor announced a joint partnership between the Governor’s office, Bloomberg Philanthropies and John Hopkins University to fund research into the potential therapeutic uses of COVID-19 convalescent plasma. The funding consists of a $3 million gift from Bloomberg Philanthropies, in addition to $1 million in backing from the state of Maryland.
  • March 30, 2020 – The Governor issued a Stay at Home order and announced the opening of four new testing sites. Additionally, he announced updates on the state’s $175 million economic relief package for workers and small businesses, including an additional $2 million for the state’s COVID-19 Layoff Aversion Fund.
  • April 1, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order that amends the previous May 20 order regarding telehealth by expanding these services beyond audio-only methods, to methods such as email.
  • April 1, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order ensuring that workers who provide important support services to the disabled will be treated as health care providers under the recently enacted Families First Coronavirus Response Act.
  • April 5, 2020 – The Governor issued new directives that requires nursing facilities to direct all staff who interact with residents to wear personal protective equipment, create separate observation and isolation areas for residents, and expedite all testing through the Maryland State Public Health Laboratory.
  • April 7, 2020 – The Governor issued a new executive order empowering local health departments to take action against any businesses, establishments, and construction sites they deem unsafe.
  • April 7, 2020 – The Governor directed the Department of Health —through the Office of Minority Health and Health Disparities—to immediately take all actions necessary in order to provide further demographic breakdowns on race and ethnicity for all case data, including hospitalization rates and mortality.
  • April 7, 2020 – The Governor announced that the White House and federal officials have now designated the Baltimore-Washington corridor as an emerging hotspot.
  • April 10, 2020 – The Governor announced that the state is instituting a budget and hiring freeze amid estimates that Maryland is facing a projected $2.8 billion shortfall due to this public health emergency. He also announced that he has directed the Maryland Department of Labor to take steps to bolster the state’s unemployment insurance process to handle an unprecedented surge in claims.
  • April 10, 2020 – The Governor announced the launch of COVIDConnect, a new registry for Marylanders who have recovered from COVID-19. This registry will serve as a community platform to share experiences and lend support to others who are coping with the recovery process.
  • April 15, 2020 – The Governor announced that the state plans to hire 1,000 people to work in local health departments as investigators work to trace the path of the coronavirus.
  • April 15, 2020 – The Governor announced that face masks must be worn while inside any retail establishment, including grocery stores, pharmacies or convenience stores, or while riding on any public transit.
  • April 15, 2020 – The Governor announced that Maryland is now in a position to plan the gradual rollout of the state’s recovery phase. Tenets include expanding testing capacity, increasing hospital surge capacity, ramping up supply of PPE, building a robust contact tracing operation.
  • April 17, 2020 – The Governor, along with New York Governor Cuomo, issued a statement to President Trump requesting an additional $500 billion to address revenue shortfalls.
  • April 17, 2020 – The Governor  announced that the state’s roadmap to recovery will be unveiled next week.
  • April 20, 2020 – The Governor announced the successful completion of ‘Operation Enduring Friendship,’ which brought 500,000 tests to Maryland as purchased through LabGenomics, a company in South Korea.
  • April 21, 2020 – The Governor sentletter to President Trump, accepting an offer to allow the state to use federal labs for coronavirus testing and to request guidance on how to proceed.
  • April 21, 2020 – The Governor’s administration released interpretive guidance allowing barbershops and hair salons to reopen by appointment only to serve certain essential workers, such as military personnel and first responders.
  • April 22, 2020 – As part of the Governor’s hospital surge plan, he announced that Laurel Medical Center has officially reopened. The Governor also announced additional measures and updates related to his reopening plan.
  • April 24, 2020 – The Governor released his Maryland Strong: Roadmap to Recovery which outline building blocks for recovery related to expanding testing capacity, increased hospital surge capacity, ramping up supply of PPE, and improving contact tracing operations.
  • April 27, 2020 – The Governor directed the Maryland Department of Health to publish data related to COVID-19 cases and fatalities associated with nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and other facilities providing congregate living for residents.
  • April 28, 2020 – The Governor announced that Maryland awarded more than $1.6 million in a first round of grants to 20 Maryland companies for pivoting to or expanding production of Personal Protective Equipment.
  • April 29, 2020 – The Governor announced an expanded testing strategy, a multi-state, multi-agency operation to address outbreaks at poultry processing plants, and new requirements for nursing homes.
  • May 5, 2020 – The Governor announced the Maryland Manufacturing Network Supplier Portal, which is the result of a partnership between the Maryland Department of Commerce and the Maryland Manufacturing Extension Partnership  to centralize PPE resources for buyers.
  • May 6, 2020 – The Governor announced the resumption of elective medical procedures and the broadening of permitted outdoor activities.
  • May 7, 2020- The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) approved Maryland’s second request for a Medicaid 1135 waiver. The waiver allows Maryland to waive consent requirements for Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS),to allow for HCBS in additional settings, and to reimburse for personal care provided by legally responsible individuals, including family caregivers.
  • May 13, 2020 – The Governor announced the beginning of Stage One of the ‘Maryland Strong: Roadmap to Recovery,’ which includes moving from a Stay at Home order to a Safer at Home public health advisory and the gradual reopenings of retail, manufacturing, houses of worship, and some personal services.
  • May 18, 2020 – The Governor announced the launch of the Caregiver Services Corps, a program to support Maryland seniors who have been affected by the pandemic. The program will deploy volunteers and other resources to the homes of seniors who need urgent assistance with everyday tasks when their typical caregiver becomes unable to help.
  • May 19, 2020 – The Governor announced that the state has reached a critical milestone in its long-term COVID-19 testing strategy, surpassing 200,000 tests and completing testing of 3.5 percent of the state’s population, and now has the capacity and supplies to offer testing to Marylanders who may have been exposed to the disease even if they do not have symptoms.
  • May 20, 2020 – The Governor  announced that, as part of the state’s long-term testing strategy, Maryland will begin universal COVID-19 testing at all state-run correctional and juvenile facilities. He also announced that the state is delivering more than 20,000 tests per week to nursing homes, that the state’s Public Health Laboratory is producing up to 10,000 tubes of viral transport media on a weekly basis to overcome supply chain challenges and boost testing resources and that the state is distributing more than 33,000 additional swabs to local jurisdictions to help boost local testing capacity.
  • May 26, 2020 – The Governor announced that Adventist HealthCare Fort Washington Medical Center became the first hospital in the nation to install STAAT Mod TM (Strategic, Temporary, Acuity-Adaptable Treatment) modular units to care for COVID-19 and other critically ill patients.
  • May 27, 2020 – The Governor announced a new free testing site at Six Flags America on May 29.
  • May 27, 2020 – The Governor announced that due to successful Stage One reopenings across the state and improvements in key data and metrics, the State of Maryland can now safely move forward with the completion of Stage One of the ‘Maryland Strong: Roadmap to Recovery,’ which includes the resumption of outdoor dining and outdoor activities such as youth sports and youth day camps, and the reopening of outdoor pools and drive-in movie theaters.
  • May 29, 2020 – The Governor issued two additional COVID-19 emergency orders, extending a prohibition on utility shutoffs and residential late fees, and allowing breweries, wineries, and distilleries to provide service in outdoor seating areas.
  • May 31, 2020 – The Governor announced that Maryland’s COVID-19 positivity rate has dropped to 10.9%, and current total hospitalizations have fallen to their lowest level since April 15.
  • June 3, 2020 – The Governor announced that Maryland’s COVID-19 positivity rate has dropped to 9.5%—below 10% for the first time since late March—and total current hospitalizations have fallen to their lowest level since April 14.
  • June 3, 2020 – The Governor announced that Maryland will begin to move into Stage Two of the ‘Maryland Strong: Roadmap to Recovery,’ with a safe and gradual reopening of workplaces and businesses, along with additional personal services.
  • June 10, 2020 – The Governor announced additional safe and phased reopenings through Stage Two of the ‘Maryland Strong: Roadmap to Recovery’, such as reopening indoor dining and outdoor amusement parks.
  • June 15, 2020 – The Governor announced that key health metrics continue to trend in a positive direction, with the positivity rate dropping to 6.55%—and now in single digits in all 24 jurisdictions—and ICU bed metrics falling below 300 for the first time since April 6.
  • June 16, 2020 – The Governor announced that the Department of Health will begin operating a free COVID-19 testing site at the Baltimore Convention Center.
  • July 14, 2020 – The Governor directed local leaders to step up enforcement of public health requirements in bars and restaurants across the state. The Governors letter to county leaders can be found here.
  • July 15, 2020 – The Governor announced that the State of Maryland has uncovered a massive and sophisticated criminal enterprise involving more than 47,500 fraudulent unemployment insurance claims in Maryland and totaling over $501 million.
  • July 17, 2020 – The Governor announced that, unlike many states across the nation, Maryland’s key COVID-19 health metrics continue to decline or plateau.
  • July 26, 2020 – The Governor and other state officials reported a statewide drop in the positivity rate, and stressed the importance of heeding all local public health guidance.
  • July 29, 2020 – The Governor announced, based on the state’s data-driven approach, the expansion of the statewide masking order and a public health advisory for all out-of-state travel.


Massachusetts Department of Public Health coronavirus resource page.

  • February 3, 2020—A supplemental appropriations bill filed by Governor Baker would allow the Massachusetts Department of Public Health to use surplus funds in unrelated accounts in the event of unanticipated costs related to communicable diseases. The Massachusetts House and Senate have approved mid-year spending bills based on the Governor’s request, which must be reconciled.  
  • February 28, 2020—The Massachusetts Department of Public Health established an Incident Command Structure to facilitate regular dissemination of information from federal and state partners to statewide stakeholders. 
  • March 4, 2020—Governor Baker announced that due to the emergency health situation, the state is urging colleges and universities to cancel upcoming organized international trips.
  • March 10, 2020—Governor Baker declared a state of emergency . 
  • March 10, 2020—Broad restrictions are imposed on travel for many state employees
  • March 15, 2020 – The Governor announced several new steps to address COVID-19, including the following:
    • All public and private elementary and secondary schools will be closed for three weeks.
    • Gatherings of more than 25 people are prohibited.
    • Visitors are prohibited from entering long-term care facilities and nursing homes.
    • The administration is filing emergency legislation that will allow new claims to be paid more quickly by waiving the one week waiting period for unemployment benefits.
  • March 15, 2020 – The Governor announced a new legislative package aimed at supporting municipal governance that allows changes to the postponing of town meetings, adopting lower quorum rules, permitting municipal spending of revolving funds, and other measures.
  • March 16, 2020 – The Governor announced a $10 million Small Business Recovery Loan Fund that aims to provide emergency capital (up to $75,000) to businesses in the state impacted by COVID-19.
  • March 17, 2020 – The Governor announced four new emergency orders that make the following changes:
    • Licensed physicians who have retired in the last year, and who are in good standing, may be reactivated for a period of 90 days after the end of the public health emergency.
    • Providers in good standing from other states can obtain emergency licenses to practice in the state, or practice through telemedicine.
    • The ability of residents to provide critical services (under supervision) will be expanded.
    • Allows licenses for nurses, pharmacists and physician assistants, who would otherwise be up for renewal, to extend their licensure status by 90 days after the end of the public health emergency.
    • Adjusts the minimum standards for ambulance staffing to ensure capacity of EMS services.
    • Expands telehealth by facilitating those services across state lines.
  • March 17, 2020 – The Governor’s administration is distributing $5 million in initial emergency funding to address needs of community health boards. Additional funding will support public health emergency resources in cities and towns.
  • March 17, 2020 – Building off the Governor’s emergency loan fund, the Governor formally requested that the Small Business Administration issue a declaration of economic injury so as to expedite the ability for small business to obtain loans.
  • March 18, 2020 – The Governor announced that all early education and childcare centers will close on March 23, 2020.
  • March 18, 2020 – The Governor signed Senate S.2599 authorizing unemployment assistance to workers impacted by COVID-19. The legislation will allow for new claims to be paid in an expedited fashion by waiving the one week waiting period for such benefits.
  • March 19, 2020 – The Governor announced that the U.S. Small Business Administration will offer low-interest federal disaster loans for working capital to Massachusetts small businesses suffering substantial economic injury.
  • March 19, 2020 – The Governor activated the Massachusetts National Guard with up to 2,000 members who will support requests from state agencies for equipment, logistics, warehousing, and related duties.
  • March 20 – The Lieutenant Governor announced the Small Business Recovery Loan Fund will be allocated another $10 million, making the final amount $20 million, to help small businesses who sought emergency loans before the state was overrun with requests and stopped accepting applications.
  • March 23, 2020 – The Governor issued an emergency order requiring all businesses and organization who are not proving “COVID-19 Essential Services” to close their physical workplaces and facilities. Simultaneously, the Governor also stated that he is limiting mass gathering to 10 people or less. The order does not however prohibit gatherings of more than 10 people in an outdoor space.
  • March 16, 2020 –  The Massachusetts courts announced that no evictions would occur during the COVID-19 public health emergency until at least April 21.
  • March 24, 2020 – The Governor filed An Act to Further Address Challenges Faced by Municipalities and School Districts Resulting from COVID-19, which would provide administrative relief to state and local government entities in the form of modifying local permitting processes, enabling municipalities to extend tax and finance deadlines, and extending deadlines for certain education requirements. 
  • March 24, 2020 – The Governor announced the launch of a new text-based notification system to deliver important information about the Commonwealth’s COVID-19 response to Massachusetts residents.
  • March 25, 2020 – The Governor announced new actions across the commonwealth, which include extending the closure of all public and private schools and non-emergency child care programs and actions to protect homeowners and low-income tenants from eviction and foreclosure.
  • March 25, 2020 – The Governor announced the creation of a COVID-19 Advisory Board, which includes a group of medical experts that will support the Response Command Center and actions across the commonwealth.
  • March 26, 2020- The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services approved Massachusetts’ request for a Section 1135 Medicaid waiver. The approved waiver enables Massachusetts to provide flexibilities in Medicaid provider screening and enrollment, forgo certain pre-admission screening and annual resident review assessments, lift prior authorization requirements, allow for reimbursement facility services in alternative settings, extend fair hearing timelines, and waive public comment and tribal consultation requirements for certain changes to the Medicaid state plan.
  • March 27, 2020 – The Governor announced that he extended the 2019 state individual income tax filing and payment deadline from April 15 to July 15.
  • March 27, 2020 – The Governor announced new public health emergency responses, by issuing guidelines on travel and transportation and offering support for health care professionals and patients. The follow measures will go into place:
    • Travelers arriving to Massachusetts are instructed to self-quarantine for 14 days.
    • State medical schools will facilitate early graduation of their qualified fourth-year students to allow graduates to support the health care workforce.
    • The Board of Registration in Medicine will provide medical school graduates who have matched as an intern, resident or fellow with a Board-approved Massachusetts health care facility or training program with Emergency 90-Day Limited Licenses to practice medicine.
    • The launch of Buoy Health’s new online resource for residents to check their symptoms and connect with the next appropriate health care resource.
    • A public health order to provide Advanced Practice Registered Nurses, in good standing, with greater flexibility in their prescribing practices.
  • March 27, 2020 – The Governor announced a partnership with the Massachusetts Medical Society to match volunteers with communities and health care providers based on skillsets and need.
  • March 29, 2020 – The Governor announced a new online portal where individuals and companies can easily donate or sell personal protective equipment and sign up to volunteer to support COVID-19 emergency response efforts.
  • March 30, 2020 – The Governor announced new actions that will support efforts to expand the Commonwealth’s health care workforce, including expediting licensing for certain health care workers and onboarding for health care volunteers who have signed up through the Administration’s new online volunteer portal.
  • March 30, 2020 – The Department of Public Health ordered that certain MassHealth regulations regarding the transfers and discharge of long-term facility residents be waived for the purposes of moving residents to designated COVID-19 facilities.
  • March 31, 2020 – The Governor announced updates to the list of businesses deemed to provide “COVID-19 Essential Services” and extended the non-essential business emergency order to May 4.
  • April 2, 2020 – The Governor issued an emergency order requiring all coastal beach reservation parking areas managed by the Department of Conservation and Recreation to close.
  • April 2, 2020 – The Governor’s Administration, through the Response Command Center, outlined projections related to the anticipated surge of COVID-19 cases in the Commonwealth.
  • April 3, 2020 – The Governor’s Administration announced an initiative that will focus on tracing the contacts of confirmed positive COVID-19 patients, and supporting individuals in quarantine, and builds on the efforts already underway from the Command Center to leverage public health college students to augment the contact tracing being done by local boards of health.
  • April 7, 2020 – The Governor, along with CVS, announced the launch of a new rapid testing site with the capability of testing 1,000 people a day, as well as same day results. 
  • April 7, 2020 – The Governor announced a new financial package to support providers through the MassHealth program, by providing $800 million crisis stabilization funding to support health care providers impacted by and responding to the public health emergency, $80 million to nursing facilities, and $400 million to safety net hospitals.
  • April 8, 2020 – The Governor filed legislation to provide health care workers and facilities protections from civil liability while they are on the front lines of response to this public health emergency.
  • April 8, 2020 – The Governor’s Administration announced an expansion of COVID-19 testing sites for public safety personnel, new Crisis Standards of Care documentation for the Commonwealth’s health care facilities, and new guidance to further promote social distancing at grocery stores.
  • April 9, 2020 – The Governor announced details for the initial implementation of federal unemployment benefits in the CARES Act, such as an additional $600 per week for individuals collecting benefits from regular unemployment compensation and a 13-week extension of benefits for individuals who exhausted their previous benefits.
  • April 9, 2020 – The Governor announced the details for a new field medical station at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center, increased support for health care workforce and patients, expansion of COVID-19 reporting data, new guidance for workers seeking unemployment benefits and protections for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault.
  • April 10, 2020 – The Governor’s Administration provided an update on the Commonwealth’s hospital capacity and efforts to add more beds to the system to meet the expected surge.
  • April 10, 2020 – The Governor’s Administration issued further public health guidance that all residents wear a mask or face covering in public, expanded access to free priority testing sites for first responders and grocery store workers.
  • April 13, 2020 – The Governor announced a new initiative and over $10 million in funding to support manufacturers’ efforts to pivot production operations to produce personal protective equipment and other critical devices, such as ventilators, sanitizers, and thermometers. The Manufacturing Emergency Response Team (M-ERT) is a coordinated response by the Governor’s Administration and leading academic and industry stakeholders to support the Commonwealth’s manufacturers in their efforts to produce much-needed supplies for front-line workers and the health care system.
  • April 14, 2020 – The Governor’s Administration announced the expansion of COVID-19 response reporting to include statewide hospital capacity and PPE distribution data.
  • April 15, 2020 – The Governor’s Administration announced an additional $130 million in new funding to long-term care facilities, the expansion of mobile testing for these facilities, and crisis management support to assist with staffing, vendors, and implementing infectious control measures.
  • April 17, 2020 – The Governor announced the distribution of approximately 200,000 respirator masks for local law enforcement and firefighters through the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency.
  • April 17, 2020 – The Governor outlined the state’s ongoing comprehensive strategy to address homelessness during the COVID-19 pandemic through the establishment of isolation and recovery sites, deployment of supplies and supporting families in emergency assistance and domestic violence shelters.
  • April 20, 2020 – The Governor announced that residents who are not eligible for regular unemployment benefits can now apply online for the new Pandemic Unemployment Assistance program. This includes self-employed workers, independent contractors, gig economy workers, and those with limited work history.
  • April 21, 2020 – The Governor  announced new actions to support the ongoing response, including extending the closure of all public and private schools through the end of the school year, and the closure of all non-emergency child care programs until June 29, as well as further support for students and families who have been impacted.
  • April 22, 2020 – The Division of Banks joined a multi-state initiative to secure payment relief options for Massachusetts student loan borrowers and issued a Consumer Advisory with information and resources for private student loan borrowers.
  • April 22, 2020 – The Governor’s Administration announced an initiative to expand testing at Community Health Centers as well as new Wi-Fi hotspots.
  • April 24, 2020 – The Governor filed two waiver requests with CMS that will give the state and its Medicaid program, MassHealth, more flexibility to respond to this public health emergency.
  • April 27, 2020 – The Governor announced a second round of funding up to $130 million for nursing facilities to support response efforts over the next two months, as well as increased funding of $44 million for residential congregate care service providers. Additionally, the administration has implemented required testing for staff and residents of nursing facilities.
  • April 28, 2020 – The Governor extended the essential services emergency order to May 18th and launched a Reopening Advisory Board that will produce a plan to the Governor by May 18th.
  • May 1, 2020 – The Governor issued an order requiring the use of masks or face coverings in public places and announced expanded community health center testing capacity.
  • May 5, 2020 – The Governor highlighted the MERT initiative that assists local manufacturers in transitioning operations to produce personal protective equipment and other critical items.
  • May 7, 2020 – The Governor provided updates on the COVID-19 Community Tracing Collaborative launched last month.
  • May 8, 2020 – In partnership with Mass League of Community Health Centers, the Governor’s Administration announced a new public awareness campaign which aims to encourage residents to continue seeking medical care.
  • May 8, 2020- The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) approved Massachusetts’ additional request for a Medicaid 1135 waiver. The waiver allows Massachusetts to allow for home and community-based services in additional settings.
  • May 11, 2020 – The Governor announced a four-phase approach to reopening the Massachusetts economy and published Mandatory Workplace Safety Standards that will apply across all sectors and industries once reopening begins.
  • May 12, 2020 – The Governor’s Administration filed a supplemental budget bill for Fiscal Year 2020 which will authorize $1 billion in spending necessary to cover incurred and expected costs during the public health crisis, and it is expected that this spending will result in no net cost to the Commonwealth, after anticipated federal reimbursement and other federal funding sources.
  • May 13, 2020 – The Governor toured MatTek Life Sciences, who is participating in the Manufacturing Emergency Response Team that assists local manufacturers in transitioning operations to produce personal protective equipment.
  • May 13, 2020 – The Governor toured a new testing site, and reminded residents of the Department of Public Health’s updated guidance about the appropriate use of laboratory testing for COVID-19 and expanded testing recommendations in clinical and commercial laboratories.
  • May 14, 2020 – The Governor announced that his Administration will submit its plan to expand testing to the federal government this month and highlighted the delivery of over 7.5 million pieces of PPE and supplies to be delivered to front-line workers throughout the Commonwealth.
  • May 14, 2020 – The Governor’s Administration announced that it is preparing to distribute up to $502 million from the federal Coronavirus Relief Fund to local cities and towns.
  • May 15, 2020 – The Governor released a partial list of employers who are committing to continuing work from home policies for the foreseeable future as a way to provide more flexibility for their employees and greater capacity for social distancing on the state’s public transportation system.
  • May 18, 2020 – The Governor released Reopening Massachusetts, the Reopening Advisory Board’s report, which details a four-phased strategy to responsibly reopen businesses and activities. He also released a new “Safer At Home” Advisory, which instructs residents to stay at home unless engaging with newly opened activities.
  • May 20, 2020 – The Governor toured Symmons Industries, an 80-year-old Massachusetts manufacturer that has implemented the new Mandatory Workplace Safety Standards as manufacturing operations scale back up. The Governor’s Reopening Advisory Board also released new Sector Specific Protocols that describe policies, procedures and best practices that particular industries should follow to decrease the risk of transmission.
  • May 21, 2020 – The Governor announced that Massachusetts residents who are eligible for the federal CARES Act and qualify for having exhausted their regular unemployment compensation may now receive the new Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation, which provides up to 13 additional weeks of benefits.
  • June 1, 2020 – The Governor issued an Executive Order that provides a detailed list of businesses and activities that fall into Phases II, III, and IV of the Commonwealth’s Re-Opening Plan.
  • June 6, 2020 – The Governor  announced that Phase II of the Commonwealth’s reopening plan will begin on June 8.
  • June 9, 2020 – The Governor filed “An Act to Ensure the Collection of COVID-19 Data,” which will build on legislation recently signed by the governor to expand data collection during the pandemic. The Governor also signed “An Act Addressing COVID-19 Data Collection and Disparities in Treatment,” which will allow for the collection and publication of additional data to understand the impact of COVID-19 on underserved and underrepresented populations and other groups.
  • June 15, 2020 – The Governor announced the availability of pop-up testing sites throughout the Commonwealth for individuals who have recently participated in large gatherings.
  • June 18, 2020 – The Governor announced additional administrative tax relief measures for businesses, such as the postponing the collection of regular sales tax, meals tax, and room occupancy taxes for small businesses, as well as waiving all penalties and interest that would otherwise apply.
  • June 19, 2020 – The Governor announced that Step Two of Phase II of the Commonwealth’s four-phase reopening plan, Reopening Massachusetts, will begin on June 22.
  • June 26, 2020 – The Governor unveiled a $275 million COVID-19 economic recovery package to generate economic growth. It additionally proposes to amend the scope of several proposed programs, to target funding towards specific communities including those hardest hit, reallocate funding among proposed authorizations to better address the significant economic impacts, and establish new tools to promote equity and drive economic growth in communities and among businesses facing barriers to entry.
  • July 1, 2020 – Due to the food insecurity concerns caused by the pandemic, the Governor  highlighted an innovative partnership to help provide Boston’s most vulnerable residents with access to food by utilizing RIDE paratransit services.
  • July 7, 2020 – The Governor highlighted his “Stop the Spread” initiative, which is a data-driven effort to reduce the prevalence of COVID-19 in communities that are above the state average in total cases and positive test rate by providing free testing sites in those identified communities.  
  • July 13, 2020 – The Governor announced $16.1 million in relief for 32 special education residential school providers to support costs related to the pandemic.
  • July 24, 2020 – The Governor announced that effective August 1st,  all travelers entering the Commonwealth, including both out of state residents and Massachusetts residents returning home, will be required to comply with a new travel order.
  • July 27, 2020 – The Governor announced an expansion of its “Stop the Spread” initiative, which provides free COVID-19 testing in targeted communities across the Commonwealth.

Michigan coronavirus resource page.

  • February 3, 2020—The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services activated its Community Health Coordination Center (CHECC) to respond to COVID-19. The purpose of the CHECC is to develop and distribute guidelines and educational materials for coordination between local and state agencies. 
  • February 28, 2020—Governor Whitmer activated the state Emergency Operations Center to coordinate with state, local and federal agencies to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. 
  • March 3, 2020—Governor Whitmer announced the creation of four task forces to combat the spread of coronavirus and assess the impact it may have on Michiganders’ day-to-day lives.
  • March 10, 2020—Governor Whitmer declared a state of emergency . 
  • March 12, 2020—Governor Whitmer ordered closure of all K-12 school buildings, public, private, and boarding schools in the state until April 6, 2020. 
  • March 15, 2020 – The Governor signed Executive Order 2020-8, effective until April 13, 2020, which imposes enhanced restrictions on price gouging of goods, materials, emergency supplies, and consumer food items.
  • March 16, 2020 – The Governor issued guidance that limits mass gatherings of more than 50 people.
  • March 16, 2020 – The Governor signed four executive orders to address COVID-19:
    • Executive Order 2020-9 orders the temporary closure of bars, casinos and theatres, and limits restaurants to only serve carry-out and delivery orders.
    • Executive Order 2020-11 orders a temporary prohibition on large gatherings and temporary closure of elementary and secondary schools.
    • Executive Order 2020-12 orders the lifting of weight restrictions for vehicles carrying and delivering necessary items, such as medical supplies, testing and treatment equipment needed to respond to COVID-19 outbreaks in the state.
  • March 17, 2020 – The Governor signed Executive Order 2020-13 to temporarily lift regulatory requirements on hospitals and other care facilities in an effort to expand the number of health care providers able to respond to community needs.
  • March 17, 2020 – The Department of Employment and Economic Opportunity provided guidance to Michigan employers on how to avoid potential layoffs related to COVID-19.
  • March 18, 2020 – The Governor called on the state National Guard to support its Department of Health and Human Services by gathering critical personal protective gear like gloves, gowns, and face shields.
  • March 18, 2020 – The Governor signed Executive Order 2020-14 extending the deadline for residents to pay back taxes, as well as avoid foreclosure on their property.
  • March 18, 2020 – The Governor signed Executive Order 2020-15,which states that public bodies (such as boards, committees, councils, etc.) subject to the Open Meetings Act can use telephonic methods to continue meeting and conducting business.
  • March 19, 2020 – The Governor wrote a letter to President Trump requesting federal funding to support the Michigan National Guard.
  • March 19, 2020 – The Governor announced that the Small Business Administration (SBA) approved her request for a statewide Economic Injury Disaster Loan declaration, allowing small businesses to access loans from the SBA.
  • March 20, 2020 – The Governor signed Executive Order 2020-16, which expands child care access during the public health emergency.
  • March 20, 2020 – The Governor signed Executive Order 2020-17, which imposes temporary restrictions on non-essential medical and dental procedures.
  • March 20, 2020 – The Governor signed Executive Order 2020-18, which includes minor clarifications of her executive order that temporarily imposed enhanced restrictions on the excessive pricing of goods, materials, emergency supplies, and consumer food items.
  • March 20, 2020 – The Governor signed Executive Order 2020-19, which allows tenants and mobile homeowners to remain in their homes during the pandemic even if they are unable to stay current on their rent. The order also relieves courts from certain statutory restrictions to enable them to postpone eviction-related proceedings until after the public health emergency has passed.
  • March 20, 2020 – The Michigan Economic Development Corporation announced it will provide up to $20 million in support for small businesses through the Michigan Small Business Relief program. The funding is divided between $10 million in small business loans to support businesses facing drastic reductions in cash flow and $10 million in small business grants. The grant funding will go to local or nonprofit economic development organizations to provide grants up to $10,000 to support small businesses that have realized a significant financial hardship as a result of COVID-19.
  • March 21, 2020 – The Governor signed Executive Order 2020-20, which makes clear that all facilities that provide non-essential personal care services must temporarily close.
  • March 23, 2020 – The Governor signed Executive Order 2020-21, directing all Michigan businesses and operations to temporarily suspend in-person operations that are not necessary to sustain or protect life.
  • March 24, 2020 – The Governor called on residents and businesses to donate essential medical supplies and personal protective equipment to hospitals. 
  • March 25, 2020 – The Governor signed Executive Order 2020-22, which extends the deadline to complete the canvass of the March 10 primary to April 24.
  • March 25, 2020 — The Governor signed an Executive Order that allows the Michigan Employment Relations Commission to temporarily carry out more of their operations digitally. The order allows for Unemployment Insurance hearings to take place via teleconference and for e-signatures on related documents. 
  • March 26, 2020 – The Governor announced her request for a Major Disaster Declaration.
  • March 27, 2020 – The Governor signed Executive Order 2020-26, which pushes all April 2020 state and city income tax filing deadlines in Michigan to July 2020.
  • March 27, 2020 – The Governor signed Executive Order 2020-27, encouraging residents to vote absentee by allowing the Department of State to assist local jurisdictions in mailing absentee ballot applications to every registered voter, and to provide absentee ballots directly to new registrants.
  • March 28, 2020 – The state’s request for a Major Disaster declaration was approved by the President. In this request, funding was approved for the Crisis Counseling Program and for Emergency Protective Measures from the Public Assistance Category.
  • March 28, 2020 – The Governor announced the launch of a new volunteer website,, where trained medical professionals can register to serve their fellow residents by assisting hospitals in responding to this public health emergency.
  • March 28, 2020 – The Governor signed Executive Order 2020-28, which requires public water suppliers to immediately identify residences in their service area that do not currently have water service, and to make best efforts to restore service to homes where the service has been disconnected due to non-payment or damaged infrastructure. A $2-million Water Restart Grant Program will help communities comply with the order.
  • March 29, 2020 – The Governor signed Executive Order 2020-29, which protects vulnerable populations in Michigan’s county jails, local lockups and juvenile detention centers. The order also temporarily suspends transfers into and from DOC facilities until risk-reduction protocols are adequately in place, suspends provisions of the Jail Overcrowding Emergency Act to allow local officials more flexibility in releasing vulnerable populations who do not pose a threat to public safety, and orders the State Budget Office to immediately seek a legislative transfer so that jails may be reimbursed for lodging prisoners who would have been transferred to DOC.
  • March 30, 2020 – The Governor announced that the President has granted her request for a formal Mission Assignment to allocate and order up to 3,000 members of the Michigan Army and Air National Guard for up to 90 days to perform humanitarian missions across the state.
  • March 30, 2020 – The Governor signed Executive Directive 2020-3, which temporarily restricts discretionary spending by state departments and agencies.
  • March 30, 2020 – The Governor signed Executive Directive 2020-4, which temporarily suspends the hiring, creating new positions, filling vacant positions, transfers, and promotions within the executive branch of state government.
  • March 30, 2020 – The Governor issued a joint statement on the signing of two supplemental budget bills that provide $150 million in new state funding in the current fiscal year in response to this public health emergency.
  • March 30, 2020 – The Governor signed Executive Order 2020-32, which places a temporary restriction on non-essential veterinary procedures.
  • March 30, 2020 – The Governor issued Executive Order 2020-31, suspending the April 1 requirement for lower vapor pressure gasoline to ensure that gasoline supplies remain available to support essential state functions.
  • March 30, 2020 – The Governor’s office announced that the Michigan National Guard will aid Food Banks in four communities across the state.
  • March 30 – The Governor announced a new program to expand Pandemic Unemployment Insurance to self-employed and gig economy workers.
  • March 31, 2020 – The Department of Education requested a federal waiver of statutory and regulatory requirements in the Child Nutrition Programs, in accordance with federal guidance.
  • March 31, 2020 – The Michigan Department of Education requested a federal waiver of statutory and regulatory requirements in the Child Nutrition Programs, in accordance with federal guidance.
  • April 1, 2020 – The Governor signed Executive Order 2020-33, which formally declares a state of disaster, and recognizes the expanded scope of economic, educational, and civic dislocation caused by this public health emergency, and equips the administration to address fully the devastation.
  • April 2, 2020 – The Governor signed Executive Order 2020-35, which orders all K-12 school buildings to close for the remainder of the school year — unless restrictions are lifted — and ensures continuing of learning by setting guidelines for remote learning.
  • April 2, 2020 – The Governor signed Executive Order 2020-34, to clarify the temporary restrictions she placed on non-essential veterinary procedures as part of Executive Order 2020-32. 
  • April 3, 2020 – The Governor signed executive order 2020-36, prohibiting all employers from discharging, disciplining, or otherwise retaliating against an employee for staying home from work if they or one of their close contacts tests positive for COVID-19 or has symptoms of the disease. It also strengthens her “Stay Home, Stay Safe” executive order.
  • April 4, 2020 – The Governor announced a partnership with the Detroit Lions, Pistons, Red Wings, and Tigers to release a call to action video encouraging nurses and doctors to bring their skills to Michigan as a way to volunteer and help bolster the number of health care professionals on the front lines.
  • April 5, 2020 – The Governor signed executive order 2020-37, which renews the restrictions on entry into care facilities and juvenile justice facilities, and requires them to use best efforts to facilitate remote visitations between individuals under their care and their loved ones, using phone or video conferencing software.
  • April 5, 2020 – The Governor signed Executive Order 2020-38, which relaxes requirements for responding to FOIA requests made by mail or fax.
  • April 7, 2020- The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) approved Michigan’s request for a Section 1135 Medicaid waiver. The approved waiver enables Michigan to provide flexibilities in Medicaid provider screening and enrollment, lift prior authorization requirements, allow for reimbursement facility services in alternative settings, and waive public comment and tribal consultation requirements for certain changes to the Medicaid state plan.
  • April 8, 2020 – The Governor signed Executive Order 2020-39, which temporarily suspends requirements regarding licensing and regulation of emergency medical services.
  • April 9, 2020 – The Governor announced a partnership with health care providers providing critical support, such as the Henry Ford Health System, McLaren Health Care, Beaumont Health and the Detroit Medical Center.
  • April 9, 2020 – The Governor created the Michigan Coronavirus Task Force on Racial Disparities which consists of leaders across state government and health care professionals from communities most impacted by the spread of coronavirus. The task force will provide the governor with recommendations on how to address disparities as they work to slow the spread and mitigate this public health crisis for certain communities in the state.
  • April 9, 2020 – The Governor signed Executive Order 2020-41, which will protect the health and safety of residents by reducing unnecessary in-person contact, through the use of electronic signatures, remote notarizations, remote witness attestations and acknowledgments, and remote visitations.
  • April 9, 2020 – The Governor signed Executive Order 2020-42, extending her prior “Stay Home, Stay Safe” order through the end of April.
  • April 10, 2020 – The Governor announced that on April 13, self-employed workers, gig workers, 1099-independent contractors and low-wage workers affected by this public health emergency will be able to apply for federal Pandemic Unemployment Assistance.
  • April 13, 2020 – The Governor, along with 12 other Governors, sent a letter to Secretary Alex Azar and Administrator Seema Verma to ask that the Administration reconsider its decision and take swift action to allow for a special enrollment period of at least 30 days on the federal health care exchange.
  • April 14, 2020 – The Governor released a statement after Hyundai Motor America announced that the city of Detroit Department of Health will receive a $100,000 grant and 10,000 test kits to support the states drive-thru testing efforts.
  • April 15, 2020 – The Governor signed Executive Order 2020-50, to establish procedures in long-term care facilities such as establishing COVID-19 designated regional hubs. The order also protects residents from being evicted and protects employees from retaliation for staying home when exhibiting symptoms.
  • April 16, 2020 – The Governor announced a partnership with Ohio, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Illinois, Indiana and Kentucky to work in close coordination to reopen the economy in the Midwest region.
  • April 17, 2020 – The Governor  sent a letter to the Federal Emergency Management Agency requesting cost-sharing requirements for emergency work to be waived in response to the public health emergency.
  • April 17, 2020 – The Governor announced the Stay Home, Stay MIndful website in partnership with Headspace, a global leader in mindfulness and meditation, and the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services to provide a new mental health resource for residents.
  • April 17, 2020 – The Governor signed Executive Order 2020-52, which temporarily suspends requirements for in-person examinations for renewals of pesticide certifications.
  • April 17, 2020 – The Governor signed Executive Order 2020-54 and 2020-53 to extend previous orders that suspended evictions and enhanced restrictions on price gouging. 
  • April 20, 2020 – The Governor signed Executive Order No. 2020-55, creating the Michigan Coronavirus Task Force on Racial Disparities.
  • April 21, 2020 – The Governor announced a partnership with CVS Health to provide drive-through rapid testing to a select area of the state.
  • April 22, 2020 – The Governor signed Executive Order 2020-56 extending her previous order which gives pharmacists increased operational capacity and increases access to prescriptions. 
  • April 23, 2020 – The Governor announced the creation of the MiMortgage Relief Partnership with over 200 of Michigan’s financial institutions by providing affected borrowers with a 90-day grace period for all mortgage payment as well as other home ownership supports.
  • April 24, 2020 – The Governor signed executive order 2020-59, extending her “Stay Home, Stay Safe” order. The order also requires people to wear homemade masks when they are in enclosed public spaces and eases some restrictions on the public (e.g. allows motorized boating).
  • April 26, 2020 – The Governor signed Executive Order 2020-60 to establish strategies to reduce exposure between customers and employees. The order also provides temporary relief by suspending licensing requirements and regulations for food service industries.
  • April 27, 2020 – The Governor signed Executive Order 2020-63, which extends validity of existing personal protection orders that would otherwise expire.
  • April 29, 2020 – The Governor announced a new initiative, the “Futures for Frontliners” program to provide a tuition-free pathway to college or a technical certificate to essential workers who don’t have a college degree.
  • April 29, 2020 – The Governor announced that she is expanding the state’s Workshare Program to allow employers to reduce employee hours to receive weekly unemployment insurance benefits as well as the additional $600 Pandemic Unemployment Assistance weekly benefit.
  • April 29, 2020 – The Governor announced a $130 million investment to create the Child Care Relief Fund for families affected by the public health emergency. This fund allows child care providers to remain open, and ensure that costs associated with providing child care during the pandemic are not passed on to essential workers.
  • April 30, 2020 – The Governor signed Executive Order 2020-65 to extend and clarify a previous Executive Order, which ordered all K-12 school buildings to close for instructional purposes to students for the remainder of the school year.
  • April 30, 2020 – The Governor signed the following:
    • Executive Order 2020-66, which terminates the existing state of emergency and disaster declarations.
    • Executive Order 2020-67, which clarifies that a state of emergency remains in effect until May 28.
    • Executive Order 2020-68, which declares a state of emergency and a state of disaster.
  • May 1, 2020 – The Governor signed Executive Order 2020-70 which allows the May 7 resumption of some types of work that present a very low risk of infection (e.g., construction and work performed outdoors).
  • May 2, 2020 – The Governor signed Executive Order 2020-71, which extends existing safety measures to protect consumers and employees at grocery stores and pharmacies until May 29, and extends temporary relief from licensing requirements for food sellers and pharmacies.
  • May 4, 2020 – The Governor signed Executive Directive 2020-5, creating the Michigan COVID-19 Office of Accountability within the State Budget Office. The office will provide oversight of all spending to address this crisis and must report regularly on its work to the governor and the state budget director. 
  • May 5, 2020 – The Governor signed Executive Orders 2020-73 and 2020-74, which extend two previous executive orders, which continue to temporarily allow e-signatures on official documents and remote notarizations and continue to temporarily suspend licensing, decal, and trip permit requirements.
  • May 7, 2020 – The Governor signed Executive Order 2020-77 to extend Michigan’s Stay Home, Stay Safe order to May 28. In addition, this executive order requires manufacturing facilities to adopt measures to protect their workers from the spread.
  • May 7, 2020 – The Governor announced a new partnership with Kroger Health to open a free drive-thru testing site.
  • May 7, 2020 – The Governor detailed the six phases of her MI Safe Start Plan to re-engage Michigan’s economy.
  • May 13, 2020 – The Governor announced that it would participate in the federal Unemployment Insurance Agency Work Share program to help offset budget implications as a result of the state’s response to the pandemic. As part of this program, impacted state employees will take two temporary layoff days per pay period beginning Sunday, May 17th until July 25th resulting in up to $80 million in decreased wage costs.
  • May 14, 2020 – The Governor signed Executive Order 2020-83 which extends expanded disaster relief childcare services for essential workforce. She also signed Executive Order 2020-84 which extends protective measures for residents and staff in long-term care facilities.
  • May 15, 2020 – The Governor announced the creation of the Return to Learning Advisory Council via Executive Order 2020-88, formalizing a process for determining how schools may be able to reopen in the fall.
  • May 18, 2020 – The Governor signed executive order 2020-91 to ensure robust protections for Michigan workers and requires all businesses to adhere to strict safety guidelines to protect their workers, their patrons, and their communities from infection. To foster compliance, the governor also signed Executive Directive 2020-6 to appoint a Director of COVID-19 Workplace Safety within the Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity.
  • May 18, 2020 – The Governor signed Executive Order 2020-92, allowing for the reopening, in two regions, of retail businesses, office work that cannot be done remotely, and restaurants and bars with limited seating. 
  • May 19, 2020 – The Governor signed Executive Order 2020-93, which continues to allow pharmacists to dispense emergency refills of prescriptions for up to 60 days’ worth of supply for patients and require insurers to cover early refills for up to 90 days’ worth of supply during the ongoing pandemic.
  • May 20, 2020 – The Governor released a statement after the Department of Technology, Management, and Budget released Michigan’s April unemployment numbers, when the state had reached a peak number of positive cases.
  • May 21, 2020 – The Governor signed executive order 2020-96 to reopen retail businesses and auto dealerships by appointment  only.
  • May 21, 2020 – The Governor signed Executive Order 2020-97, updating a prior rule on workplace safety. Per the amended order, reopened outpatient health-care facilities, including clinics, primary care physician offices, and dental offices, will have to adopt strict protocols to prevent infection.
  • May 23, 2020 – The Governor announced a temporary, $2-per-hour pay raise for direct care workers providing Medicaid-funded in-home behavioral health and long-term care services to Michigan’s most vulnerable residents during the continuing pandemic.
  • May 26, 2020 – The Governor signed Executive Order 2020-104, which expands the types of medical personnel that can order a test, and creates a new category of community testing sites that offer testing to anyone with reason to be tested without an advance order, and without charging an out-of-pocket cost to any resident. Under this, anyone who leaves their home for work, or has symptoms of COVID-19 (even mild symptoms), may receive a test at a community testing location without securing a doctor’s order in advance.
  • May 26, 2020 – The Governor launched an online dashboard that visually illustrates COVID-19 risks and trends in Michigan, providing residents with important information about the pandemic status where they live and work. The dashboard, designed and created by faculty at U-M School of Information and School of Public Health, presents risk and capacity indicators that inform implementation of the MI Safe Start Plan.
  • May 28, 2020 – The Governor sent a letter to President Trump requesting an extension of Title 32 authority in order to use Michigan National Guard forces to combat the spread through July 31.
  • June 1, 2020 – The Governor signed Executive Order 2020-110, rescinding her Safer at Home order and moving the entire state to phase four of the MI Safe Start Plan.
  • June 3, 2020 – The Governor announced a request to extend use of Michigan National Guard to combat the pandemic.
  • June 3, 2020 – The Governor announced rescissions of executive orders on FOIA, hospital capacity, and emergency medical services, and the Michigan Department of Health and Human services loosened rules on who can visit patients in certain health care settings, as regions across Michigan continue to advance under the MI Safe Start plan.
  • June 9, 2020 – The Governor signed Executive Order 2020-117, which continues expanded access and capacity for child care services, giving priority to essential workforces such as health care workers, first responders, and others during the pandemic.
  • June 12, 2020 – The Governor signed Executive Order 2020-120, which lifts restrictions on overnight summer camps beginning June 15.
  • June 16, 2020 – The Governor signed Executive Order 2020-124 extending her previous order which gives pharmacists increased operational capacity and expands access to prescriptions for residents who need them.
  • June 17, 2020 – The Governor announced that Michigan schools may resume in-person learning in phase 4 of the MI Safe Start plan. She also announced that on June 30th, she will release an executive order and a robust document called “Michigan’s Return to School Roadmap” that will provide details on what will be required and what will be recommended for schools.
  • June 18, 2020 – The Governor signed Executive Order 2020-127, which extends the state of emergency declaration related to the COVID-19 pandemic until July 16.
  • June 24, 2020 – The Governor signed a number of bills into, which increase access to health care for Michiganders through telemedicine and remote patient monitoring services, and delays the principal residence exemption application deadline under certain circumstances related to the state of emergency.
  • June 26, 2020 – The Governor signed executive orders to protect Michigan Nursing Home residents and staff from the spread of the virus. The orders extends existing safety measures to maintain restrictions regarding entry to care facilities and creates the bipartisan Michigan Nursing Homes COVID-19 Preparedness Task Force.
  • June 26, 2020 – The Governor signed Executive Order 2020-134 extending the temporary suspension of evictions until July 15 and creating the Eviction Diversion Program, which outlines a process for renters to get fast rental assistance or establish a manageable payment plan to keep residents in their homes.
  • June 26, 2020 – The Governor as well as majority leaders released a statement after reaching a bipartisan budget agreement, which includes adjustments to the fiscal year 2020 budget and allocation of Coronavirus Relief Fund dollars.
  • July 1, 2020 – The Governor signed Senate Bill 690, which appropriates nearly $880 million in federal funding to support various COVID-19 response actions across the state, such as supporting direct care workers, small businesses restart grants, and enhanced connectivity, to respond to needs of the pandemic.
  • July 1, 2020 – The Governor signed Executive Order 2020-143 closing indoor service at bars throughout most of lower Michigan.
  • July 10, 2020 – The Governor signed Executive Order 2020-147, which reiterates that individuals are required to wear a face covering whenever they are in an indoor public space and also requires the use of face coverings in crowded outdoor spaces.
  • July 10, 2020 – The Governor announced a donation of personal protective equipment from the Kingdom of Jordan to support hospitals and front line medical workers across the state.
  • July 13, 2020 – The Governor signed Executive Orders 2020-148 and 2020-149, extending pandemic adaptation in long-term care facilities to protect residents and staff, and extending existing safety measures, including 2 hours a week of reserved shopping time for vulnerable populations.
  • July 13, 2020 – The Governor signed Executive Order 2020-150 which scales back the suspension of scope of practice laws for frontline health care workers while continuing suspension of certain licensing and certification requirements for health care professionals, life support and first aid workers, and 911 operators.
  • July 17, 2020 – The Governor signed Executive Order 2020-153, which strengthens her previous order requiring all Michiganders to wear a mask in indoor public spaces and crowded outdoor spaces. This new order clarifies that businesses may not assume that an unmasked customer cannot medically tolerate a face covering, though they can accept a customer’s verbal representation to that effect. It also requires public safety officers to wear a face covering unless doing so would seriously interfere in the performance of their responsibilities, and clarifies that wearing a mask at a polling place for purposes of voting in an election is not required, but strongly encouraged.
  • July 23, 2020 – The Governor signed Executive Order 2020-156, which continues the limited and temporary restrictions on the entry of individuals into health care facilities, residential care facilities, congregate care facilities, and juvenile justice facilities previously imposed by Executive Order 2020-136.
  • July 29, 2020 – The Governor signed Executive Order 2020-160 and Executive Order 2020-161, amending Michigan’s Safe Start Order and issuing revised workplace safeguards.


Minnesota COVID19 Information and Updates Site

Minnesota Department of Health Coronavirus Site

  • March 10, 2020—Governor Walz signed legislation authorizing the state to use an additional $21 million in state investments to support disease investigation, monitoring of the outbreak, public health information, and laboratory analysis of samples.
  • March 11, 2020—Proposed legislation would grant the Governor the authority to declare a peacetime emergency and allow employees to seek unemployment insurance or paid sick leave should they be quarantined due to COVID-19. 
  • March 12, 2020—Governor Walz  restricted all state business travel for state employees.  
  • March 15, 2020 – The Governor signed Executive Order 20-02 authorizing the closure of all prekindergarten through grade 12 schools. This order also requires schools to provide care for elementary-age children of health care professionals, first responders, and other emergency workers during previously planned school days. Additionally, the order makes provisions for the continuity of mental health services and requires schools to continue providing meals to students in need. The Department of Health also issued comprehensive guidance for public school districts and charter schools on actions to take during these closures.
  • March 15, 2020 – The Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry released guidance on worker protections for those impacted by COVID-19.
  • March 16, 2020 – The Governor issued a statement on economic conditions in the state due to COVID-19, stating that experts anticipate a U.S. recession beginning in the second quarter of 2020 and lasting until the first quarter of 2021.
  • March 17, 2020 – The Governor signed Ch 70 S.F. 4334 providing $200 million toward an emergency and long-term grant program. Roughly $50 million will go to a response contingency account and $150 million will be used to establish a health care response fund.
  • March 18, 2020 – The Governor signed three new executive orders which:
    • Protect individuals in veterans’ homes by restricting visitors;
    • Provide emergency relief to motor carries to support food supplies; and
    • Provide paid leave for state employees that are unable to work.
  • March 19, 2020 – The Governor signed Executive Order 20-09 requiring health care providers to postpone elective surgeries and procedures and focus state health care capacity and equipment on needed resources. 
  • March 19, 2020 – Minnesota designated grocery employees as emergency workers. 
  • March 20, 2020 – The Governor announced that the state will partner with the YMCA to care for the school-age children of emergency workers.
  • March 20, 2020 – The Governor announced a 30-day special enrollment period for qualified individuals who are currently without insurance during this public health emergency.
  • March 20, 2020 – The Governor signed three Executive Orders that ban price gouging, ensure critical services continue for vulnerable residents, and seek federal authority to waive or modify certain requirements for federal programs, such as the Family Investment Program, Medical Assistance, and MinnesotaCare.
  • March 21, 2020 – The Governor announced that small businesses in Minnesota are now eligible to apply for disaster assistance through the Small Business Administration loan for economic injury.
  • March 23, 2020 – The Governor announced that he will self-quarantine for 14 days after learning he had contact with an individual who tested positive. 
  • March 23, 2020 – The Governor signed Executive Orders 20-14, 20-15, 20-16, and 20-17, which suspend evictions during the peacetime emergency, establish Peacetime Emergency Loans for small businesses, direct non-hospital entities to conduct an inventory of personal protective equipment, and clarify that Executive Order 20-09 on elective surgeries and procedures applies to veterinarians.
  • March 23 – The Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development created an Emergency Loan Program for Minnesota small businesses.  
  • March 25, 2020 – The Governor signed Executive Order 20-20, directing residents to stay at home, and issued a list of activities for which it’s permissible to leave, such as for health and safety activities, necessary supplies and services, and for the care of others. The Governor also announced a Stay Home MN public service announcement campaign through local media channels.
  • March 26, 2020 – The Governor announced that six Minnesota Initiative Foundations will launch an Emergency Child Care Grant Program to provide financial support to licensed child care providers in Greater Minnesota serving families of essential workers needed to respond to this public health emergency.
  • March 27, 2020 – The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) approved Minnesota’s request for a Section 1135 Medicaid waiver. The approved waiver enables Minnesota to provide flexibilities in Medicaid provider screening and enrollment, lift prior authorization requirements, allow for reimbursement facility services in alternative settings, extend fair hearing timelines, and waive public comment and tribal consultation requirements for certain changes to the Medicaid state plan
  • March 27, 2020 – The Governor signed Executive Orders 20-2120-2220-23, and 20-24, which:
    • Keep health care workers in the workforce by giving health-related licensing boards flexibility in licensing requirements.
    • Allow the State Auditor to work with local governments to adjust reporting deadlines for various financial reports, to prevent municipalities from having to divert resources that should be used to respond to communities’ critical needs during this public health emergency.
    • Amend Executive Order 20-07 to allow constitutional officers to implement leave for both classified and unclassified employees and to reassign and redeploy staff as needed.
    • Provide hours of service and weight restriction relief for commercial vehicle drivers hauling livestock.
  • March 28, 2020 – The Governor signed HF 4531, which allocates $330 million in COVID-19 aid and includes actions such as, expanding support to small businesses, supporting food banks, providing assistance for veterans, and creating peacetime emergency child care grants.
  • March 30, 2020 – The Governor launched a Stay at Home MN public service announcement campaign.
  • March 30, 2020 – The Governor announced the Small Business Loan Guarantee Program, which temporarily provides another option for financing to help small businesses weather this difficult time by guaranteeing $20 million to $25 million in loans for Minnesota small businesses. This program:
    • Waived work requirements for able-bodied adults without children who receive Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits.
    • Temporarily suspended sanctions in the Minnesota Family Investment Program (TANF). 
  • March 31, 2020The Governor signed Executive Orders 20-25 and 20-26 to extend licenses for first responders and to allow the medical cannabis program to continue safely serving residents.
  • April 1, 2020 – The Governor granted the Department of Human Services emergency temporary authority to change administrative and regulatory requirements for food assistance, home care, public health care and other state programs in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • April 1, 2020  – The Governor announced that he will deliver his second State of the State address on April 5.
  • April 2, 2020 – The Governor announced that Minnesota’s health plans have agreed to waive cost-sharing for treatment of COVID-19.
  • April 3, 2020 – The Governor signed Executive Order 20-27 to lift hours of service requirements for truck drivers transporting livestock feed or fertilizer, in order to support Minnesota’s agriculture community while they work to keep residents fed during this public health emergency.
  • April 3, 2020 – The Governor unveiled a new State of Minnesota COVID-19 dashboard that tracks the virus in Minnesota and provides the latest available data on available ventilators, ICU beds, personal protective equipment, and testing. The dashboard will be updated daily and is available at
  • April 5, 2020 – The Governor sent a letter to President Donald Trump requesting a major disaster declaration to authorize emergency protective measures.
  • April 6, 2020 – The Governor announced that of the $6.2 million in total funding that was included in the COVID-19 response package passed by the legislature, veterans in the state may be eligible for financial assistance grants from this package.
  • April 6, 2020 – The Governor signed Executive Orders 20-28 and 20-29, that authorize out-of-state mental health providers to provide telehealth services to Minnesota patients and provide immediate relief to employers and unemployed workers through streamlined unemployment insurance and assistance in the qualifying of additional unemployment insurance funds.
  • April 6, 2020 – Due to rising discrimination against the Asian American community, the Governor announced the launch of a Discrimination Helpline to reinforce the state’s efforts to protect the civil rights of Minnesotans during this public health emergency.
  • April 7, 2020 – The Governor announced that the Governor’s Children’s Cabinet, in partnership with CUB Foods and its parent company United Natural Foods Inc., has set up an ordering process specifically for child care providers by leveraging its extensive statewide supply chain network.
  • April 8, 2020 – The Governor signed H.F. 4537, expanding workers’ compensation eligibility for emergency first responders and front-line workers by allowing them to qualify for workers’ compensation benefits if they test positive.
  • April 8, 2020 – The Governor extended the Stay Home Order until May 4 and included more occupations in his designation of what is essential. 
  • April 10, 2020 – The Governor signed Executive Order 20-34 to help protect Minnesota’s first responders by sharing information between the Minnesota Department of Health, the Minnesota Department of Public Safety, and 911 Dispatchers and first responders. It also directs the Commissioner of Health to develop protocol for the sharing of information while safeguarding patient privacy.
  • April 13, 2020 – The Governor signed Executive Order 20-35 extending the peacetime emergency in Minnesota for 30 days.
  • April 15, 2020 – The Governor  signed HF 4556, the fourth legislative package passed and signed this month that delivers funding tohelp residents with and without insurance afford COVID-19 testing and care, streamline telemedicine, and extend administrative deadlines.
  • April 15, 2020 – The Governor signed Executive Order 20-36, instituting a hiring freeze and implementing salary cuts for the Governor, his Chief of Staff, and cabinet members.
  • April 15, 2020 – The Governor announced that the state received close to $1 billion in funds from the CARES Act that will be used to help offset the state’s costs associated with responding to the coronavirus pandemic.
  • April 16, 2020 – The Governor announced a partnership with Ohio, Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois, Indiana and Kentucky to work in close coordination to reopen the economy in the Midwest region.
  • April 17, 2020 – The Governor signed Executive Order 20-37, which extends exemptions for vehicles and drivers providing assistance for COVID-19 emergency relief efforts for 30 days.
  • April 17, 2020 – The Governor issued Executive Order 20-38, which expands allowable outdoor recreational activities.
  • April 17, 2020 – The Governor signed legislation allowing takeout sales of beer and wine from bars and restaurants during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • April 17, 2020 – The Governor launched a week-long homemade mask drive to encourage Minnesotans to create homemade masks for donation and highlight the importance of frontline workers.
  • April 22, 2020 – The Governor, along with members of the health care delivery system, Mayo Clinic, and University of Minnesota, launched a statewide testing strategy to test all symptomatic people, isolate confirmed cases, and expand public health surveillance tools.
  • April 23, 2020 – The Governor outlined several items on the COVID-19 response, including the extension of distance learning through the end of the school year, plans for safely returning as many as 100,000 workers to their jobs, and an explanation of the different factors that determine the gradual re-opening.
  • April 24, 2020 – The Governor unveiled a new website to help Minnesotans find a testing location within their community. The website also provides an interactive screening tool to help users determine if they need a test.
  • April 25, 2020 – The Governor signed Executive Order 20-46, authorizing certain out-of-state healthcare professionals to provide aid in the state during peacetime emergency.
  • April 29, 2020 – The Governor finalized a lease agreement for an alternate care site in the state to provide low-level medical care for monitoring, should it be needed during the pandemic.
  • April 30, 2020 – The Governor extended the Stay Home Order in Minnesota until May 18.
  • May 4, 2020 – The Governor signed Executive Order 20-50, exempting federal, tribal, state, and local COVID-19 relief funds from being automatically intercepted by creditors and debt collectors.
  • May 5, 2020 – The Governor signed Executive Order 20-49, permitting food trucks to operate at up to six highway rest stops in Minnesota.
  • May 5, 2020 – The Governor signed Executive Order 20-51, providing a roadmap for safely restarting elective surgeries.
  • May 5, 2020 – The Governor issued a statement on the state’s economy, describing that the economy has been “badly damaged”.
  • May 7, 2020 – The Governor unveiled a new five-point plan to provide more robust support to our state’s long-term care facilities.
  • May 8, 2020 – The Governor called on the Legislature to replenish and extend the Minnesota COVID-19 fund which currently has $65 million remaining which is set to expire on May 11.
  • May 8, 2020- The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) approved Minnesota’s second request for a Medicaid 1135 waiver. The waiver allows Minnesota to waive consent requirements for Home and Community-Based Services(HCBS), reimburse for HCBS services provided at an entity that also provides case management services, allow for HCBS in additional settings, and to modify timelines for levels of care determinations.
  • May 11, 2020 – The Governor signed Executive Order 20-52, allowing students in critical care sectors to attend classes for needed in-person training or testing in order to graduate.
  • May 14, 2020 – The Governor signed Executive Order 20-57, authorizing and directing the Commissioner of Education to provide a safe and effective summer learning environment for students, with the option to provide a hybrid of distance and in-school learning or to continue distance learning.
  • May 15, 2020 – The Governor signed Executive Order 20-58, allowing the Public Utilities Commission to hold remote meetings as necessary, and Executive Order 20-59 to extend exemptions for vehicles providing assistance for COVID-19 emergency relief efforts for 30 days.
  • May 20, 2020 – The Governor announced the phases in his Stay Safe Plan, including a move to allow limited outdoor dining at restaurants and bars starting June 1.
  • May 23, 2020 – The Governor announced that his administration has partnered with Minnesota faith leaders to develop a plan for places of worship to reopen safely.
  • May 27, 2020 – The Governor signed 21 bills into law, including measures to support farmers and meat processing plants through COVID-19.
  • May 27, 2020 – The Governor signed Executive Order 20-63, which outlines the second phase of Stay Safe MN.
  • June 5, 2020 – The Governor announced Phase III of the Stay Safe MN plan, including a gradual turn of the dial to allow cautious and safe re-opening of indoor dining, gyms, and entertainment venues beginning Wednesday, June 10.
  • June 12, 2020 – The Governor signed Executive Order 20-75, extending the COVID-19 peacetime emergency.
  • June 16, 2020 – The Governor signed H.F. 5 into law, which provides $62.5 million in grants for small businesses impacted by the pandemic. Half of the funding will go to Greater Minnesota businesses, at least $10 million to go to minority-owned businesses, $2.5 million will go to veteran-owned businesses, $2.5 million will go to women-owned businesses, and $2.5 million will support cultural malls.
  • June 19, 2020 – The Governor signed Executive Order 20-76 extends the provisions outlined in Executive Order 20-60, which provide emergency relief from regulations for motor carriers and drivers operating in Minnesota in order to safely and efficiently transport livestock.
  • June 23, 2020 – The Governor announced the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development is now accepting applications for the $62.5 million Small Business Relief Grants Program for businesses impacted by the pandemic.
  • June 29, 2020 – The Governor announced the state has completed more than half a million tests and has reached the milestone of developing a daily capacity of 20,000 COVID-19 molecular tests.
  • July 7, 2020 – The Governor announced that over $56 million dollars will be provided in grants to family child care providers, child care centers, and certain eligible certified centers to support the increased costs and decreased revenue due to the pandemic.  
  • July 8, 2020 – The Governor announced $12 million in funding to combat hunger in the state amid the pandemic. 
  • July 13, 2020 – The Governor signed Executive Order 20-78, extending the COVID-19 peacetime emergency. 
  • July 14, 2020 – The Governor announced a $100 million housing assistance program, with funding from the CARES act, to help prevent evictions, prevent homelessness, and maintain housing stability for individuals and families impacted by the pandemic.
  • July 14, 2020 – The Governor signed Executive Order 20-79, which makes a technical update that will add flexibility to Executive Orders 20-14 and 20-73, by  giving residential tenants a seven-day notice of intent to file an eviction to help mitigate the impact upon residential tenants and encourage resolutions without court involvement.
  • July 17, 2020 – The Governor signed Executive Order 20-80 which extends some of the provisions outlined in Executive Order 20-76, to provide emergency relief from regulations for motor carriers and drivers operating in Minnesota in order to safely and efficiently transport livestock.
  • July 29, 2020 – The Governor  highlighted the state’s distribution of more than 4 million masks to businesses, their customers, and people who are unable to afford a mask or easily obtain one.
  • July 29, 2020 – The Governor proposed $25.8 million in Coronavirus Relief Fund spending to help contain the spread of COVID-19 and its effects among vulnerable populations, which comes from increased need for safe housing by people experiencing homelessness, victims of domestic violence or exploitation and human trafficking, elderly Minnesotans, and others at increased risk.


Mississippi State Department of Health coronavirus resource page.  

  • March 4, 2020—Governor Reeves established the Mississippi Coronavirus (COVID-19) Preparedness and Response Planning Steering Committee to coordinate efforts across state and local governments.
  • March 14, 2020—Governor Reeves declared a state of emergency
  • March 16, 2020 – The Governor signed two executive orders which:
    • Active the National Guard to support mobile testing units;
    • Require agencies to keep essential employees and send non-essential employees home;
    • Requests schools develop distance learning protocols and continue providing free or reduced lunches; and
    • Provides paid leave for state and local employees who miss work due to COVID-19.
  • March 19, 2020 – The Governor announced the closing of all public schools through April 17 as well as end-of-year tests and accountability measures.
  • March 20, 2020 – The Governor activated the National Guard.
  • March 20, 2020 – The Governor announced that the Small Business Administration approved the state’s request for an Economic Disaster Declaration. 
  • March 21, 2020 – The Governor signed Executive Order 1462 that gives the Mississippi Department of Employment Security the ability to expedite payments to unemployed Mississippians and relax collection requirements on employers.
  • March 23, 2020 – The Governor announced that he is not currently ordering businesses to close, or for individuals to stay home.
  • March 23, 2020- The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) approved Mississippi’s request for a Section 1135 Medicaid waiver. The approved waiver enables Mississippi to provide flexibilities in Medicaid provider screening and enrollment, forgo certain pre-admission screening and annual resident review assessments, lift prior authorization requirements, allow for reimbursement facility services in alternative settings, and extend fair hearing  and appeals timelines.
  • March 24, 2020 – The Governor signed Executive Order No. 1463 which:
    • Limits mass gatherings to 10 or less;
    • Suspends dine-in services at restaurants and bars;
    • Restricts visits to hospitals, nursing homes, and long-term care facilities;
    • Directs businesses to allow employees to work from home; and
    • Defines essential businesses.
  • March 26, 2020 – The Governor issued a supplement to Executive Order No. 1463 to ensure uniform statewide parameters, such that:
    • No measures can be adopted that are less restrictive than the executive order.
    • Any existing local measures can remain in effect under the executive order, as long as they provide the same minimum standards established in the executive order and do not impose restrictions that would prevent essential services from operating.
  • March 30, 2020 – The Mississippi Department of Human Services increased the maximum SNAP benefit levels for families impacted by COVID-19. 
  • March 31, 2020 – The Governor issued a shelter in place order for a county in the state due to increased cases in that region.
  • April 1, 2020 – The Governor issued a stay at home order for the entire state.
  • April 3, 2020 – The Governor requested a Presidential Major Disaster Declaration.
  • April 7, 2020 – The Governor ordered to waive the in-person requirement for notarizing documents in Mississippi for the duration of the COVID-19 emergency.
  • April 9, 2020 – The Governor issued a statewide burn ban, due to requests from the Mississippi Forestry Commission, which would ease the strain on emergency responders who are responding to the public health emergency.
  • April 10, 2020 – The Governor signed an Executive Order restricting all non-essential elective surgeries and medical procedures.
  • April 10, 2020 – The Governor signed an Executive Order which creates additional protections from civil liability for healthcare workers and facilities assisting outside their normal operations in response to this public health emergency.
  • April 14, 2020 – The Governor announced that schools in Mississippi will remain closed for the rest of the school year.
  • April 15, 2020 – The Governor announced two new programs that aim to help those at risk of losing their homes and to provide essential workers access to childcare.
  • April 17, 2020 – The Governor extended the state’s stay-at-home order by one week.
  • April 18, 2020 – The Governor announced the creation of the Governor’s Commission for Economic Recovery, also called Restart Mississippi.
  • April 21, 2020 – The Governor announced that Pandemic Unemployment Assistance is now available for residents.
  • April 26, 2020 – The Governor announced a Safer at Home order which encourages residents to stay home, but eases some restrictions on essential business closures.
  • May 4, 2020 – The Governor signed an Executive Order which amends the state’s Safer At Home order, until May 11. The Governor also laid out strict social distancing guidelines to begin the process of reopening restaurants and allowing outdoor recreation.
  • May 8, 2020 – The Governor announced a plan for salons, barbershops and gyms to reopen.
  • May 11, 2020 – The Governor signed an Executive Order which waives the one-week waiting period to receive unemployment benefits for all claims filed from March 8, 2020 to December 26, 2020. The Governor is also increasing the $40 earning allowance to $200 from May 3, 2020 until June 27, 2020. For employers, the Governor waived any interest from April 1, 2020 to June 27, 2020 on all collection activities suspended under the Executive Order.
  • May 12, 2020 – The Governor announced additional social distancing measures for seven counties identified as hotspots throughout the state.
  • May 13, 2020 – The Governor announced that he is lifting a suspension on evictions on June 1, which will allow law enforcement to restart enforcement of eviction orders.
  • May 15, 2020 – The Governor signed Executive Order 1486 which will allow more businesses to open, including dance studies, parks, and fishing tournaments.
  • May 19, 2020 – The Governor released social distancing and sanitation guidelines for in-person worship services to safely resume across the state.
  • May 21, 2020 – The Governor announced that a church in the state had been destroyed by a suspected arson fire after the pastor filed a lawsuit challenging the city on restrictions amid the pandemic.
  • May 22, 2020 – The Governor announced that he has extended the Safer at Home order for another week, while allowing outdoor recreation facilities to reopen with restrictions.
  • May 27, 2020 – The Governor announced that all businesses in the state can reopen as of June 1.
  • June 1, 2020 – The Governor lifted the final orders that had closed businesses because of the pandemic.
  • June 9, 2020 – The Governor signed two executive orders which extends the safe-return order, which went into effect June 1, by an extra two weeks, and the second order moves to get government employees back to work.
  • June 15, 2020 – Due to an increase in fraud, the Governor addressed the state’s response to unemployment fraud schemes related to the pandemic.
  • July 1, 2020 – The Governor announced that the state’s reopening plan is currently on pause.
  • July 8, 2020 – The Governor stated that residents can expect to see county-specific orders very soon, with mandated masks and social distancing.  
  • July 9, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order for 13 counties in the state to require face masks and put limits on businesses.
  • July 20, 2020 – The Governor announced that he extended his Safe Return and county-specific executive orders, adding ten counties under the tighter social distancing measures.
  • July 24, 2020 – The Governor announced new restrictions on bars, gathering limits, and added some counties to a required mask mandate.


Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services coronavirus resource page.

  • March 13, 2020—Governor Parsons signs a state of emergency declaration.
  • March 15, 2020 – The Governor issued guidance limiting mass gatherings of 50 or more individuals.
  • March 17, 2020 – The Governor announced that casinos will be closing, and that a total of 432 public school districts and charter schools either have closed or will close soon. He also encouraged facilities who have a large concentration of senior citizens to put in place restrictions on visitors or consider closures.
  • March 18, 2020 – The Governor signed Executive Order 20-04 which:
    • Enables doctors to diagnose and treat patients through telemedicine.
    • Extends the hours commercial drivers can operate on Missouri roadways in order to deliver essential supplies; and
    • Removes barriers to entering the education profession in order to mitigate teacher shortages.
  • March 19, 2020 – The Governor directed the Missouri State Emergency Management Agency and the Department of Economic Development to seek assistance through the Small Business Administration’s Economic Injury Disaster Loan Program.
  • March 21, 2020 – The Governor directed the Director of the Department of Health & Senior Services to issue an order on all residents to practice social distancing.
  • March 21, 2020 – The Governor granted flexibility for the Missouri Department of Social Services to provide reassurance and clarity regarding services for the states most vulnerable populations.
  • March 23, 2020 – The Governor signed Executive Order 20-05 suspending any prohibition on the sale of unprepared food by restaurants to the public.
  • March 23, 2020 – The Governor announced that his administration is continuing to streamline government process through a multitude of actions such as waiving some existing statutes to assist pharmacists in dispensing medications and extending the time a temporary permit is valid for nurses.
  • March 24, 2020 – The Governor, along with the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education and Department of Health and Senior Services released new guidance related to school closures, meal delivery for students, childcare, financial aid, scholarship requirements, and social distancing protocols.
  • March 25, 2020 – The Governor requested that the President approve the state’s Major Disaster Declaration. In addition to other activities, the declaration requested FEMA’s Public Assistance Program to assist local governments and qualifying nonprofit agencies with emergency response expenses. 
  • March 25, 2020- The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services approved Missouri’s request for a Section 1135 Medicaid waiver. The approved waiver enables Missouri to provide flexibilities in Medicaid provider screening and enrollment, forgo certain pre-admission screening and annual resident review assessments, lift prior authorization requirements, allow for reimbursement facility services in alternative settings, extend fair hearing  and appeals timelines, and waive certain submission deadlines and public comment requirements for Medicaid State Plan Amendments.
  • March 26, 2020 – In a press briefing, the Governor emphasized the importance of mental health during this public health emergency, and along with the Department of Transportation, announced a free, temporary overweight permit that allows haulers to transport up to 100,000 pounds on any Missouri highway.
  • March 26, 2020 – The Governor announced that the President approved his request for a major disaster declaration.
  • March 27, 2020 – The Governor signed Executive Order 20-06 which mobilized the Missouri National Guard, to assist with community-based testing, intrastate transportation of personnel and equipment for medical or testing support, logistical support for state responders, and continued assessment, and construction of temporary medical facilities. This order also directed the DHSS Director to prohibit the operation of coin-operated amusement devices, such as slot machines, and closed state park campgrounds and lodging through April 30.
  • March 30, 2020 – The Governor announced that he has approved a waiver granting full reciprocity for physicians and surgeons from other states who wish to assist Missourians during this public health emergency.
  • March 30, 2020 – The Missouri Department of Economic Development activated a statewide network of more than 400 local economic development groups to answer questions and offer assistance to employers impacted by coronavirus (COVID-19).
  • March 31, 2020 – The Governor announced that the state’s National Guard is seeking alternate care sites for COVID-19 patients and the Department of Economic Development is doing outreach to business leaders for help in procuring and producing additional personal protective equipment and other emergency supplies.
  • April 1, 2020 – The Governor announced $180 million in expenditure restrictions to ensure a balanced state budget and the necessary funds to respond to this public health emergency, which include reduced funding for several state departments including the Department of Higher Education and Workforce Development, Department of Transportation, Office of Administration, Department of Natural Resources, and the Department of Economic Development.
  • April 2, 2020 – The Governor signed Executive Order 20-07, which suspends late penalties for concealed carry license renewals.
  • April 3, 2020 – The Governor issued a statewide stay at home order.
  • April 4, 2020 – The Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services, the Missouri State Emergency Management Agency, and the Missouri Department of Economic Development’s Missouri One Start Division partnered to recruit medical professionals not currently part of the workforce to join a specialized state team that responds to critical health emergencies.
  • April 4, 2020 – The Missouri Department of Health & Senior Services, the Missouri Department of Agriculture, and President of Sysco Foods announced updates to the state’s food supply chain.
  • April 6, 2020 – The Governor signed Executive Order 20-08 suspending a statutory requirement that a notary public must conduct the notarization in person.
  • April 7, 2020 – The Governor announced that the state has received its first operational guidance related to the Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation (FPUC) program under the CARES Act. Funds will provide a $600 federal supplement to those that are unemployed.
  • April 8, 2020 – The Governor announced that Missouri is moving forward with its first alternate care site to assist hospitals in the St. Louis region treating an increased number of patients.
  • April 9, 2020 – The Governor announced that all public and charter school buildings will remain closed through the remainder of the academic year. 
  • April 10, 2020 – The Governor signed the supplemental budget passed by the Missouri General Assembly which provides access to federal funding under the CARES Act. This funding will be used to buy more personal protective equipment and provide alternate medical locations as well as staffing. A working group was also established to help make recommendations on the best use of the funding.
  • April 13, 2020 – The Governor highlighted efforts of hospitals across the state in responding to this public health emergency, along the lines of treatment and testing, and announced that DHSS is encouraging individuals who are fully recovered to donate plasma to help current COVID-19 patients.
  • April 14, 2020 – The Governor announced that Missouri is the first state in the nation to receive a federal grant for rural transit, totaling $61.7 million dollars that will be used for operating expenses and capital assistance.
  • April 15, 2020 – The Governor announced that Missouri will receive a $152.4 million grant for 75 state airports to help respond to this public health emergency, with funds available for operating costs (salaries, utilities, etc.), and airport development.
  • April 16, 2020 – The Governor announced that he is extending the state’s stay at home order until May 3. He also announced the state’s initial framework to help Missouri safely and gradually move into the recovery phase.
  • April 17, 2020 – The Governor announced that 16 broadband development projects will receive a total of $3.05 million through the state of Missouri’s broadband grant program. Along with this, the Department of Economic Development has also created a web page that lists broadband discounts, waivers and free resources available to Missourians during the pandemic.
  • April 17, 2020 – The Governor highlighted the “Show Me Strong” Recovery Plan to safely and gradually reopen the state’s economy.
  • April 20, 2020 – The Governor announced over $47 million in additional expenditure restrictions to ensure a balanced budget. Restrictions include reduced funding for nine state agencies, the Office of the Attorney General, and the General Assembly.
  • April 22, 2020 – The Governor announced the launch of a new tool developed by Google to help health care providers connect with Missouri manufacturers and suppliers of personal protective equipment.
  • April 22, 2020 – The Governor announced the deployment of Battelle Critical Care Decontamination System to assist with N95 mask shortages.
  • April 24, 2020 – The Governor signed Executive Order 20-09 extending the state of emergency
  • April 27, 2020 – The Governor announced the first phase of the “Show Me Strong Recovery” Plan to reopen economic and social activity starting May 4, 2020.
  • April 27, 2020 – The Department of Health and Senior Services issued the Economic Reopening Health Order which provides further guidance on reopening plans.
  • April 28, 2020 – The Governor highlighted data supporting the state’s “Show Me Strong Recovery” Plan and how this data helps to inform the state’s reopening as they monitor pillars of the plan and inform its decisions.
  • April 29, 2020 – The Governor highlighted the state’s COVID-19 testing capacity stating that capacity has increased as part of the Governor’s Show Me Strong Recovery plan.
  • April 30, 2020 – The Governor highlighted housing assistance and resources available to residents through the CARES Act, including community development block grants and emergency solutions grant program.
  • May 1, 2020 – The Governor highlighted the four pillars of the state’s “Show Me Strong Recovery Plan” and emphasized that Missouri is prepared to safely reopen on May 4.
  • May 4, 2020 – The Governor signed Executive Order 20-10 extending four previous Executive Orders (on regulatory burdens, food service, national guard efforts, and notary services) and announced that the state will be dispersing CARES Act funding to local governments. 
  • May 5, 2020 – The Governor highlighted the importance of safely re-engaging in the economy and supporting Missouri businesses.
  • May 5, 2020 – The Governor highlighted the importance of safely re-engaging in the economy and supporting Missouri businesses.
  • May 6, 2020 – The Governor announced that Missouri will receive $66 million for child care assistance and $1.5 million for food banks from the federal CARES Act funding.
  • May 7, 2020 – The Governor, joined by the head of the Pfizer Biotherapeutics and Pharmaceutical Sciences Department, highlighted work being done to manufacture a vaccine.
  • May 12, 2020 – The Governor discussed the economic recovery portion of the “Show Me Strong” Recovery Plan, including funding allotments from the paycheck protection program, and opportunities being explored to assist businesses with training and workforce needs.
  • May 13, 2020 – The Governor announced a series of testing priorities designed to detect and rapidly contain potential outbreaks as the state gradually reopens its economy.
  • May 14, 2020- The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) approved Missouri’s second request for a Medicaid 1135 waiver. The waiver allows Missouri to waive consent requirements for Home and Community-Based Services(HCBS)  and reimburse for HCBS in additional settings.
  • May 19, 2020 – The Governor emphasized the importance of testing to economic recovery in the state. The state’s goal within the next week is to increase testing to 7,500 tests per day.
  • May 20, 2020 – The Governor announced the launch of a new COVID-19 dashboard containing Missouri-specific data from across the state. 
  • May 21, 2020 – The Governor announced a plan to rapidly increase testing volume to 7,500 tests per day. The plan focuses on three main testing strategies – box-in outbreaks, sentinel testing, and community sampling.
  • May 28, 2020 – The Governor announced that Phase 1 of the state’s “Show Me Strong Recovery” Plan has been extended from Sunday, May 31, 2020, through Monday, June 15. Extending Phase 1 of the plan through June 15 aligns with Governor Parson’s other Executive Orders as well as the state of emergency in Missouri. 
  • June 1, 2020 – The Governor announced over $209 million in additional expenditure restrictions due to the pandemic and include reduced funding for the Office of Administration, the Department of Corrections, the Department of Health and Senior Services, the Department of Social Services, the Department of Higher Education and Workforce Development, and the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. 
  • June 4, 2020 – The Governor signed SB 631 which includes a provision giving voters who have contracted or are at-risk of contracting COVID-19 the option to cast an absentee ballot without notarization.
  • July 14, 2020 – The Governor announced $50 million in new grant programs for Missouri businesses, which includes $30 million for a small businesses grant program and another $20 million for a PPE retooling grant program.

  • Montana DPHHS coronavirus resource page.
  • March 3, 2020—Governor Bullock activated the Governors’ Coronavirus Task Force to coordinate efforts across state government responding to COVID-19.
  • March 12, 2020—Governor Bullock declared a state of emergency, which gives him the authority to use $16 million dollars in state funds and additional personnel from the National Guard to respond to COVID-19.  
  • March 15, 2020 – The Governor issued guidance closing all public elementary and secondary education schools, limiting mass gatherings of more than 50 people and suspending visitors from all nursing homes. Additionally, the guidance increases the legal weight limit for commercial vehicles by 10%, in an effort to provide more supplies and resources for the state, as well as mobilizing the National Guard to respond when necessary.
  • March 16, 2020 – The Governor activated eight Montana Army National Guard soldiers to assist in the arrival and transport of Montana residents returning from quarantine.
  • March 17, 2020 – The Governor announced that uninsured residents who receive a recommendation from their provider will be eligible to receive coverage for COVID-19 testing and treatment.
  • March 17, 2020 – The Governor announced emergency rules to make unemployment benefits accessible to workers who have been laid off due to COVID-19, while also waiving the waiting period for receiving benefits.
  • March 18, 2020 – The Governor expanded access to telemedicine services to ensure Montana Medicaid patients receive quality health care in their homes to prevent unnecessary gatherings at health care facilities.
  • March 19, 2020 – The Governor issued a quarantine advisory of 14 days to all residents who have traveled internationally.
  • March 20, 2020 – The Governor announced measures to close dine-in food services, alcoholic beverage businesses, health clubs, and other facilities across the state.
  • March 20, 2020 – The Governor extended the payment and filing deadlines for 2019 individual income taxpayers to July 15 in accordance with the new federal filing deadline.
  • March 24, 2020 – The Governor announced new measures that give local governments the flexibility they need to adhere to social distancing guidelines, such as suspending certain office hour requirements in state law to allow for limited closures where local governments cannot safely operate within social distancing guidelines.
  • March 24, 2020 – The Governor issued a directive to extend closures of public schools and dine-in food service and alcoholic beverage businesses through April 10 as well as mandating social distancing measures.
  • March 26, 2020 – The Governor requested a waiver from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services to allow Montana health care providers to adapt operations to respond to the emergency based on Montana’s specific and evolving need, such as making it easier to set up alternative testing or treatment sites, and expedited enrollment for new providers, and better information sharing and coordination to health trace and prevent the spread of COVID.
  • March 26, 2020 – The Governor issued a directive requiring Montanans to stay home and temporarily closes all nonessential businesses and operations.
  • March 30, 2020 – The Governor announced a 14-day quarantine for travelers arriving from another state or country to Montana for non-work-related purposes.
  • March 30, 2020- The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) approved Montana’s request for a Section 1135 Medicaid waiver. The approved waiver enables Montana to provide flexibilities in Medicaid provider screening and enrollment, forgo certain pre-admission screening and annual resident review assessments, lift prior authorization requirements, allow for reimbursement facility services in alternative settings, and extend fair hearing timelines.
  • March 31, 2020 – The Governor announced protections to lessen the economic impacts of this public health emergency, by stopping evictions, foreclosures and cancellation of utility services including water, heating and internet service.
  • March 31, 2020 – The Governor announced a directive that allows Montana hospitals and related facilities to receive financing, under the Montana Facility Finance Authority Act, to remain open and acquire the supplies needed to respond to this public health emergency.
  • April 2, 2020 – The Governor issued a Directive allowing residents to renew their driver’s licenses online and by mail and extended the deadline to complete title and registration paperwork.
  • April 3, 2020 – The Governor announced that, through the flexibility and funding of the CARES Act, he will extend federal food assistance to more than 100,000 Montanans, increase food supplies at emergency food pantries and food banks, and streamline nutrition assistance for new mothers and children.
  • April 7, 2020 – The Governor announced a measure that will allow first responders to be notified in advance of potential exposure to COVID-19 and ensure they can take appropriate measures to safely perform their duties and avoid exposing other patients.
  • April 7, 2020 – The Governor issued a directive to waive the current requirement that local and county governments implement a 2 mill emergency levy in order to access new funding coming to the state through the CARES Act.
  • April 7, 2020 – The Governor extended, through April 24, directives he previously issued to protect residents.
  • April 7, 2020 – The Governor announced the state successfully sold $33 million in bonds at a historically low interest rate that will allow the state to begin construction projects that will create jobs and stimulate the economy after this public health emergency.
  • April 2 — The Governor updated his essential business designation to include childcare workers in order to ensure consistent care for children of other essential workers.
  • April 13, 2020 – The Governor issued a Directive to provide emergency rental assistance to help families with limited financial resources make ends meet during this unprecedented economic situation. The program also includes relief funds specifically for households with children eligible for TANF.
  • April 14, 2020 – The Governor released a report produced by state epidemiologists examining 377 cases of COVID-19 in Montana that helps the state understand who is impacted by the new virus, how it spreads, and patient outcomes.
  • April 16, 2020 – The Governor announced a Coronavirus Relief Task Force that will provide guidance and advice on how to best use $1.25 billion appropriated to Montana through the Federal CARES Act.
  • April 20, 2020 – The Governor announced that 5,000 nasal swabs arrived to the state’s DPHHS warehouse from FEMA.
  • April 21, 2020 – The Governor announced that he secured hundreds of thousands of face masks, shields and gloves from private market distributors to fill the needs of front-line health care workers.
  • April 22, 2020 – The Governor announced a gradual and phased reopening of the state beginning Sunday, April 26 for individuals, and extending to businesses on Monday, April 27.
  • April 22, 2020 – The Governor issued two directives to increase frontline health care provider capacity to respond to COVID-19 and expand insurance coverage to allow Montanans to access routine health care services while social distancing.
  • April 27, 2020 – The Governor sent a letter U.S. Department of Agriculture Secretary to allow some local processing in order to avoid food waste and get local meat to Montana food banks for residents hardest hit by this public health emergency.
  • April 30, 2020 – The Governor announced the state received a Battelle Critical Care Decontamination System to begin cleaning and disinfecting used N95 respirators.
  • April 30, 2020 – The Governor outlined a framework to ramp up testing capacity in Montana over the next several months with a goal to eventually conduct 60,000 tests per month and prioritize testing for vulnerable populations.
  • May 6, 2020 – The Governor announced $10 million in federal CARES Act funding is now available to Montana childcare providers.
  • May 11, 2020 – The Governor announced additional Phase One guidelines that will allow gyms and fitness studios, movie theaters and museums the option to reopen beginning Friday, May 15.
  • May 11, 2020 – The Governor announced he secured 19,500 swabs and 9,000 viral transport medium that have arrived from the federal government to support the effort to continue testing symptomatic residents.
  • May 13, 2020 -The Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services is providing grants of up to $1,000 per individual to purchase equipment to assist Montanans with disabilities access telework equipment.
  • May 14, 2020 – The Governor announced he is directing $5 million in federal CARES Act funds to expand assistance to thousands of Montanans struggling to afford their home energy needs due to financial strain caused by the pandemic.
  • May 18, 2020 – The Governor announced that Montana received a shipment of 500,000 N95 masks from FEMA to the state’s warehouse. 
  • May 19, 2020 – The Governor announced the state will move to Phase Two of the Reopening the Big Sky plan and will lift the 14-day out-of-state travel quarantine beginning June 1.
  • May 22, 2020 – The Governor announced Montana’s unemployment rate was at 11.3% in April due to impacts created by the pandemic.
  • June 17, 2020 – The Governor announced the creation of the Montana Loan Deferment Program, which will allow businesses and other entities to defer payments on existing loans for six to twelve months and free up a significant amount of otherwise dedicated capital for the borrower to leverage on a monthly basis.
  • June 17, 2020 – The Governor announced $108,550 in grants to six organizations to continue operating emergency food services in response to the pandemic.
  • June 18, 2020 – The Governor visited the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes, whose community testing event marks the completion of the first round of COVID-19 community testing in Montana’s tribal communities.
  • June 26, 2020 – The Governor announced that over $1 million in grant funding has been awarded from the Montana Agriculture Adaptability Program which is designed to provide relief to small and medium-sized food and agriculture businesses.
  • July 2, 2020 – The Governor released the Governor’s Plan for Reopening Safe and Healthy Schools for Montana to provide flexible guidance for public schools to prepare to offer in-person instruction in the fall.
  • July 15, 2020 – The Governor and First Lady announced that $83,750 through Montana No Kid Hungry has been awarded to 16 organizations to help with the cost of operating local summer meal programs across the state.
  • July 15, 2020 – The Governor issued a directive requiring face coverings in certain indoor spaces and for certain organized outdoor activities in counties currently experiencing four or more active cases.


Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services coronavirus resource page

  • March 13, 2020—Gov. Ricketts issued an emergency declaration for COVID-19
  • March 13, 2020 – The Nebraska Department of Economic Development (DED) allocated Community Development Block Grant funds to assist qualified businesses impacted by the COVID-19 outbreak.
  • March 13, 2020 – The Department of Economic Development (DED) allocated Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds to assist qualified businesses impacted by the COVID-19 outbreak. This funding is available through DED’s CDBG Economic Development funding category.
  • March 16, 2020 – The Governor announced new guidance which limits mass gatherings to 50 people or less and requires bars and restaurants to move to takeout only (on a regional basis).
  • March 17, 2020 – The Governor issued an Executive Order to allow for state and local government boards, commissions and other public bodies to meet by virtual and electronic means through May 31.
  • March 17, 2020 – The Governor issued an Executive Order to relax eligibility requirements for unemployment benefits.
  • March 19, 2020 – The Governor announced the state’s first Directed Health Measure which limits mass gatherings in certain counties and requires restaurants and bars in those counties to operate delivery, dine-in, or curbside services. The announcement also directed these counties to operate without students in their buildings.
  • March 19, 2020 – The Governor issued an Executive Order which included:
    • Waiving penalties or interest with IFTA late filings of quarterly returns;
    • Extending drivers licenses and vehicle registrations to limit the number of individuals at Department of Motor Vehicle facilities;
    • Extending title requirements, registrations, or motor carrier temporary documents by 30 days; and
    • Extending ignition interlock providers by two weeks for all existing customers.
  • March 19, 2020 – The Governor issued an Executive Order to provide relief to restaurants and bars who are still serving customers (via non-dine in methods) and provided guidance to these locations that they are limited to serving 10 patrons at a time.
  • March 20, 2020 – The Governor announced that he is requesting $58.6 million of emergency funding from the state legislature for local response efforts, health and human services staffing, surge staffing for VA hospitals and care facilities, and lab testing.
  • March 20, 2020 – The Governor announced that the Small Business Administration approved the state’s request for an Economic Injury Disaster loan.
  • March 23, 2020 – The Governor announced that residents have until July 15, 2020 to pay state income taxes.
  • March 25, 2020 – The Governor discussed ideas on the flexibility of continuing business operation, in the areas of offering drive-up service to customers, delivery, and the modification of normal day-to-day interactions.
  • March 25, 2020 – The Governor signed LB 1198, which provides emergency funding to help the state during this public health emergency. He also signed an Executive Order preventing eviction of residents who have been impacted.
  • March 26, 2020 – The Governor issued an Executive Order to expand access to childcare options, which eases the licensing requirements to open and operate a temporary, non-residential child care in an alternative setting. The Governor additionally announced that the May 12 primary election will continue as scheduled.
  • March 27, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order to expedite the entry of medical professionals into the workforce, which:
    • Authorizes the credentialing of retired or inactive health professionals.
    • Defers the requirements for healthcare providers to pay initial licensing fees or to complete continuing education.
    • Temporarily waives the restrictions on licensed out-of-state medical professionals working in Nebraska.
    • Temporarily suspends the limitations on the number of physician assistants that a physician may supervise.
  • March 28, 2020 – The Governor announced new Directed Health Measures for additional counties, which includes limits on public gatherings, restaurant and bar closures, and school closures.
  • March 29, 2020 – The Governor announced new Directed Health Measures for additional counties, which includes limits on public gatherings, restaurant and bar closures, and school closures.
  • March 30, 2020 – The Governor announced extended statewide social distancing restrictions through April 30th. He also announced that the Department of Labor is preparing to roll out the unemployment programs outlined in the CARES Act through the following actions:
    • Pandemic Unemployment Assistance – Allows unemployment benefits to individuals who have exhausted all other unemployment benefits, and those not eligible for other unemployment benefits, including workers who are self-employed and independent contractors. The minimum PUA weekly payment will be $174 and top out at $440.
    • Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation – This emergency increase in Unemployment Insurance Benefits adds $600 per week in federal benefits to the unemployment benefit amount for COVID-19 unemployment claims, including PUA claims.
    • Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation – Allows 13 weeks of federally funded benefits to be added to the end of the normal 26 weeks of benefits.
    • Short Time Compensation Programs (also known as Work Share) – Provides federal funding of Short-Time Compensation, a program that allows businesses to uniformly reduce their teammates’ hours while the workers receive a partial unemployment benefit.
  • March 30, 2020 – In an effort to encourage residents to support local dining businesses, the Governor signed a proclamation to designate every Tuesday from March 31st through the end of April 2020 as “Takeout Tuesday”.
  • March 31, 2020 – The Governor signed an executive order that enables healthcare facilities to expand capacity as the need arises, through activities such as:
    • Waives time limits for how long Critical Access Hospitals and Ambulatory Surgical Centers may keep patients.
    • Waives the time limit on complex nursing interventions in assisted living facilities.
    • Modifies the training and testing requirements for nurse aides, medication aides, and dining assistants to allow individuals with sufficient training and appropriate supervision to serve temporarily in these capacities.
  • April 1, 2020 – The Governor issued an executive order to allow online notary services to take place and to provide regulatory flexibility to banks.
  • April 2, 2020 – The Governor announced that the State has entered into an agreement with the University of Nebraska System to provide bed space for the quarantining of individuals who need monitoring, for people in isolation who are waiting for testing results, and the discharging of patients who are convalescing.
  • April 2, 2020 – The Governor’s wife announced the Nebraska Impact COVID-19 Relief Fund, which aims to help individual communities meet their local needs, through financial assistance for rent, mortgage, and utilities payments; provisions for food pantries; or supplies for students from low-income families now studying from home.
  • April 2, 2020- The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) approved Nebraska’s request for a Section 1135 Medicaid waiver. The approved waiver enables Nebraska to provide flexibilities in Medicaid provider screening and enrollment, forgo certain pre-admission screening and annual resident review assessments, lift prior authorization requirements, allow for reimbursement facility services in alternative settings, extend fair hearing timelines, and waive public comment and tribal consultation requirements for certain changes to the Medicaid state plan.
  • April 6, 2020 – The Governor declared April 6-12 as Public Health Week in the state. During the same press briefing, the Governor discussed the potential for domestic violence amid this public health emergency and services available to those who need support.
  • April 7, 2020 – The Governor announced temporary changes to the State’s Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, such as extending eligibility periods and providing emergency allotments to families for the months of April and May.
  • April 9, 2020 – The Governor proclaimed April 10-30, 2020 as “21 Days to Stay Home and Stay Healthy in Nebraska”. The Governor also announced a new statewide Directed Health Measure that orders certain businesses where six feet of social distance cannot be maintained to close through April 30th.
  • April 14, 2020 – The Governor issued a statement thanking the President for approving Nebraska’s request for federal funding of the National Guard.
  • April 15, 2020 – The Governor  issued an executive order to expand childcare options for working Nebraska families and to provide relief for childcare centers participating in the State’s Child Care Subsidy Program. 
  • April 18, 2020 – The Governor encouraged Nebraskans to stay connected to friends and family and take care of their mental health.
  • April 20, 2020 – The Governor announced the state’s first step to relax the health measures implemented to slow COVID-19’s spread, which includes resuming elective surgeries as long as hospitals and healthcare facilities meet requirements for available bed capacity and have adequate supplies of personal protective equipment.
  • April 22, 2020 – The Governor encouraged Nebraskans to take an online assessment as part of the state’s Test Nebraska plan,  to help increase the state’s the rate of testing.
  • April 24, 2020 – The Governor announced that he is relaxing some restrictions related to places of worship, salons, restaurants, childcare facilities and other establishments.
  • April 27, 2020 – The Governor announced the formation of a business task force to develop guidelines that prioritize public safety and allow for the state to reopen its economy.
  • April 29, 2020 – The Governor discussed best practices to resume elective surgeries at dental offices and dining in restaurants with industry leaders and practitioners across the state. During this, the Governor also announced new guidance for restaurants.
  • April 30, 2020 – The Governor issued an Executive Order which, among other things, retroactively extends eligibility for pandemic-related unemployment benefits.
  • May 4, 2020 – The Governor announced new testing facilities, as well as  a childcare referral resource created by the Nebraska Children and Families Foundation in partnership with state agencies.
  • May 4, 2020 – The Governor announced a new shipment of PPE through the Department of Administrative Services Material Division, who works with government procurement professionals throughout the state to source and supply necessary items.
  • May 7, 2020 – The Governor announced this week as Teacher Appreciation Week.
  • May 8, 2020 – The Governor highlighted four regional directed health measures, as well as new mother friendly initiatives.
  • May 8, 2020- The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) approved Nebraska’s second request for a Medicaid 1135 waiver. The waiver allows Nebraska to lift prior authorization requirements.
  • May 11, 2020 – The Governor announced that less restrictive Directed Health Measures will take effect in three additional regions. He also issued guidance to resume baseball and softball in June and highlighted new business reopening guidelines.
  • May 13, 2020 – The Governor announced that a dedicated hotline has been set up to answer questions about the Test Nebraska initiative.
  • May 14, 2020 – The Governor outlined the contact tracing process in the state.
  • May 15, 2020 – The Governor previewed a new tool being developed by the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services to help long-term care facilities assess and improve their preparedness planning.
  • May 19, 2020 – The Governor discussed results from the Nebraska Business Response Survey which was completed by 4,500 businesses across the state to understand the impacts of the pandemic on their companies.
  • May 20, 2020 – The Governor announced that Test Nebraska sites will be in seven communities next week.
  • May 21, 2020 – The Governor announced that new directed health measures for Phase I and Phase II will take effect on June 1 for certain districts in the state.
  • May 26, 2020 -The Governor announced an executive order waiving the requirement for older Nebraskans to renew their driver’s licenses in-person.
  • May 27, 2020 – The Governor announced that he will be using CARES Act funding to stabilize businesses and livestock producers; support community institutions to meet critical needs such as food security, shelter, and mental health care; reimburse state and local governments for coronavirus-related expenses; and shore up the State’s Unemployment Insurance Trust Fund and potential General Fund budget flexibility.
  • June 15, 2020 – The Governor announced the next steps in the state’s phased plan to loosen restrictions which will take effect June 22. His administration also announced that school systems can expect to resume in-person instruction in the fall.
  • June 26, 2020 – The Governor announced that the State of Nebraska’s Community CARES program is allocating $85 million to support community organizations such as food banks, shelters, and mental health care providers as they face increased demand for their services.
  • July 15, 2020 – The Governor unveiled a new website dedicated to providing updates about the state’s response to coronavirus.  The website features information about the state’s plans for coronavirus relief funding as well as links to key public health and virus testing information.

  • Nevada coronavirus resource page.
  • March 5, 2020—In coordination with the Nevada Department of Business and Industry’s Division of Insurance, Governor Sisolak announced the adoption of an emergency regulation to ensure Nevadans covered by health insurance policies regulated by the DOI are able to obtain medical services and prescriptions related to COVID-19 at their normal costs, despite disruptions caused by the spread of the virus. The emergency regulation prohibits a health insurer from imposing an