Governors Education Symposium

June 11 – 12, 2017 | Denver, CO

The National Governors Association Center for Best Practices (NGA Center) and the Hunt Institute hosted a Governors Education Symposium, which provided the opportunity to:

  • Strengthen the knowledge of governors on a range of key education issues—from early care and education to K-12 education. Each session provided governors with the opportunity to engage with nationally recognized experts from around the country on these issues;
  • Provide governors with “ideas that work”—critical data and research-based strategies and solutions to ensure governors have the best information for making decisions; and
  • Facilitate the exchange of ideas and promising practices among governors, providing a space for them to engage in candid dialogue and share critical challenges facing their states and the strategies they are using to help solve them.


Day 1: June 11th, 2017

Session 1: Opening


  • Governor James B. Hunt, Jr., chair, The Hunt Institute Foundation; Governor of North Carolina 1977–1985; 1993–2001
  • Governor Asa Hutchinson, Arkansas, 2015–present
  • Governor John Hickenlooper, Colorado, 2011–present
Session 2: A Governor’s Guide to Advancing Early Care and Education


  • Sharon Lynn Kagan, Virginia and Leonard Marx professor of early childhood and family policy; co-director, National Center for Children and Families, Teachers College, Columbia University


Session 3: Promoting 3rd Grade Reading Proficiency: A Key Lever for Ensuring Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness


  • Aaliyah Samuel, Ed.D., director, Education Division, NGA Center


Session 4: Education Governors and the Every Student Succeeds Act


  • Governor Dannel Malloy, Connecticut, 2011–present


  • Stephen Parker, legislative director, Education & Workforce Committee, NGA
Session 5: Remarks from U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos (via Skype)


  • Betsy DeVos, U.S. Secretary of Education, 2017–present

Day 2: June 12th, 2017

Session 1: Voices from the Field: Leveraging the Professional Expertise of Teachers & Principals in Policy


  • Javaid Siddiqi, Ph.D., executive director and chief executive officer, The Hunt Institute


  • Dr. Lynne Wright, principal, Oakridge Elementary School
  • Sean Jones, principal, Oakridge Elementary School
  • Ronald Fay, principal, Rangeview High School
  • Joe Dillon, teacher, Rangeview High School
  • Julia Miller Shepherd, principal, C3: Creativity Challenge Community
  • Ashley Bromstrup, teacher, C3: Creativity Challenge Community
  • Melissa Rickey, principal, Binford Middle School
  • Jonathan Walker, teacher, Binford Middle School
Session 2: Building a System That Prepares and Supports Great Teaching and Learning


  • Javaid Siddiqi, Ph.D., executive director and chief executive officer, The Hunt Institute


  • Linda Fandel, special assistant for education to Governor Kim Reynolds and Lieutenant Governor Adam Gregg, Iowa
  • Anissa Listak, founder and chief executive officer, National Center for Teacher Residencies
  • Jal Mehta, associate professor, Harvard Graduate School of Education
Session 3: Connecting Education to the Workforce


  • Governor Asa Hutchinson, Arkansas, 2015-present


Session 4: Next Steps, Opportunities for Ongoing Support & Closing Remarks


  • Javaid Siddiqi, Ph.D., executive director and chief executive officer, The Hunt Institute
  • Scott Pattison, executive director and chief executive officer, NGA
  • Governor Asa Hutchinson, Arkansas, 2015–present
  • Governor James B. Hunt, Jr., chair, The Hunt Institute Foundation, Governor of North Carolina 1977–1985; 1993–2001