In light of the devastating events at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, the NGA Education Division hosted a School Safety and Prevention Webinar for Governors’ Education Policy Advisors on Mar. 8, 2018. During the webinar, NGA staff provided an overview of NGA’s key considerations for public and school safety and detailed how we have, and will continue to, support governors and their staff on this issue. We also facilitated a listening session to provide participants with the opportunity to articulate questions, discuss current state efforts and learn from the experiences of their peers. The conversation focused on a broad set of comprehensive solutions including whole child parent and student supports, tracking at risk students, bullying preventions, school climate, mental health and other student and family supports.
Review of “NGA Considerations for Public and School Safety”
- Dr. Aaliyah Samuel, Director, Education Division
- Sandra Wilkniss, Program Director, Health Division
- Akeiisa Coleman, Senior Policy Analyst, Health Division
- Alisha Powell, Program Director, Homeland Security & Public Safety Division
- Jeff Locke, Program Director, Homeland Security & Public Safety Division
Guest Speaker
Paul Fennewald, Administrator, National School Safety Alliance
Listening Session
- How has the discussion around school safety and prevention evolved in your state? What have been the primary focus points?
- What are the different challenges around school safety and prevention in rural, suburban, and urban communities?
- What are the requirements for school resource officers (SRO’s) in your state? Have you faced any challenges or barriers in funding or supporting this position?
- What measures has your state taken, or plans to take, to address school safety and prevention?
- What measures has your state taken in the past that have proven effective?
- What measures would you like to hear more about?
- What supports can NGA and our partners offer you moving forward?