Strategies for Supporting Effective Afterschool and Summer Learning & Enrichment Strategies

This webinar showcases effective strategies and high quality models for afterschool and summer learning and enrichment programs. Governors across the country are emphasizing the importance of afterschool and summer learning and enrichment strategies as levers to further support academic supports and well-being. This webinar is a follow-up to our previous webinar, Lessons Learned from Afterschool and Summer Learning Enrichment in 2021, which provided strategies for leveraging afterschool and summer learning and enrichment programs to help accelerate learning and re-engage students through the disruption of COVID-19.


  • Aaron Dworkin, Chief Executive Officer, National Summer Learning Association
  • Jodi Grant, Executive Director, Afterschool Alliance
  • Moderator: Jillian Meinhardt, Policy Analyst for K-12 Education, National Governors Association
