Energy & Environment


Advanced Grid Technologies: Governor Leadership to Spur Innovation and Adoption

Advanced Grid Technologies: Governor Leadership to Spur Innovation and Adoption

This paper is part of a series published by the National Governors Association (NGA) to identify actions Governors can take ...
2024 State Experts Roundtable on Protecting Energy Infrastructure from Physical Attacks

2024 State Experts Roundtable on Protecting Energy Infrastructure from Physical Attacks

On September 12, 2024, the National Governors Association (NGA), in partnership with the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC), ...
Ensuring Clarity and Transparency in Radioactive Waste Definitions

Ensuring Clarity and Transparency in Radioactive Waste Definitions

The purpose of this document is to help states impacted by cleanup at U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) nuclear weapons ...

Meet the Team

  • Daniel Lauf, Program Director
  • Chris Fletcher, Program Director
  • Henry Ashley, Policy Analyst
  • Fiona Forrester, Policy Analyst
  • Jenna Johnston, Policy Analyst
  • Alex Sherwood, Policy Coordinator

Program Overview ↗


Energy Library

Energy development and use affects the nation’s economy, environment and national security. States play an important role in shaping our energy choices through a range of policy, regulatory and budgetary actions including: prioritizing resource use; setting prices; permitting generation, production and transmission; funding and performing research and technology development; providing financing and incentives; developing refueling infrastructure; sponsoring demonstration projects; and promoting economic development initiatives.

State Learning Lab on Energy and Critical Infrastructure Resilience

State Learning Lab on Energy and Critical Infrastructure Resilience

Governors' staff and state leaders across the country collaborate and recognize the importance of resilient energy and critical infrastructure, while discussing how to best bolster state energy plans with new ...
Opportunities For Cybersecurity Investment In The Bipartisan Infrastructure Investment And Jobs Act

Opportunities For Cybersecurity Investment In The Bipartisan Infrastructure Investment And Jobs Act

In an increasingly modernized and interconnected world, the cybersecurity risk continues to grow, and our nation’s infrastructure is not impervious. For states looking to elevate their cybersecurity posture, the IIJA ...
Governors Start 2022 With A Focus On Electric And Alternative Fuel Vehicles And Networks

Governors Start 2022 With A Focus On Electric And Alternative Fuel Vehicles And Networks

In Governors’ 2022 State of the State addresses, a common theme has been the adoption and manufacture of electric and alternative fuel vehicles and fueling/charging infrastructure as a priority area ...
Infrastructure, Energy, and Broadband

Infrastructure, Energy, and Broadband

At the 2022 State of the Union, President Biden, highlighting the bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), which he signed into law last November, touted: “We’re done talking about ...
States’ Role in Addressing Foreign Threats in U.S. Critical Energy Infrastructure Sectors

States’ Role in Addressing Foreign Threats in U.S. Critical Energy Infrastructure Sectors

This issue brief examines the vulnerabilities of critical energy infrastructure sectors and assets to foreign threats and identify possible actions to address those vulnerabilities. (Download) Executive Summary The safety and ...
State Governance, Planning, and Financing to Enhance Energy Resilience

State Governance, Planning, and Financing to Enhance Energy Resilience

This guide provides examples of state-wide resilience considerations, important actions for states to enhance energy resilience planning, and potential funding and financing options to consider for energy resilience projects. (Download) ...

environment Library

States serve as environmental stewards through their roles in managing state parks and forests, energy production and distribution, wildlife protection, land use and waste management. States also directly affect natural resources through their preservation and conservation strategies. To be effective environmental stewards, states must seek to balance efforts to maintain a healthy environment with efforts to develop and utilize natural resources.

State Resilience Assessment and Planning Tool Demonstration

State Resilience Assessment and Planning Tool Demonstration

The SRAP tool is meant to help Governors and their staff assess state resilience, identify gaps, and plan for disasters. Nov 16, 2020 NGA hosted a webinar to provide an ...
Wastewater Testing to Track and Respond to COVID-19

Wastewater Testing to Track and Respond to COVID-19

State review of how wastewater COVID-19 surveillance programs are organized, deployed, and funded and how they plan to use the data to inform their response to COVID-19. Nov 4, 2020 02:00 PM Wastewater testing has been ...
Governors Leading on Energy Transitions:   An Overview of State Energy Goals

Governors Leading on Energy Transitions: An Overview of State Energy Goals

This paper provides an overview of current Governor leadership on advancing clean energy. (View/Download) Introduction Governors are leading on incentivizing and investing in clean energy. As of this writing, 30 ...
State Resilience Assessment and Planning Tool

State Resilience Assessment and Planning Tool

The State Resilience Assessment and Planning Tool was created to help Governors and their staffs assess state resilience, identify gaps, and plan for natural and man-made disasters. Background | Vision/Goals ...
Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities

Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities

This webinar highlights state energy and infrastructure resilience solutions and funding opportunities through the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities grant program. 29 September 2020 Between ...
Planning For The Future Workshop: Strategies To Meet Governor's Clean Energy Goals

Planning For The Future Workshop: Strategies To Meet Governor’s Clean Energy Goals

This Workshop provided governors’ staff with policy and regulatory solutions to help meet their state energy goals, address areas for regional collaboration, and allow time for small group discussions among ...