To help Governors navigate the broad and complex policy ecosystem surrounding skills-based education/training, credentials, and related lifelong learning infrastructure, NGA is engaged on a variety of projects to develop resources, tools, and recommendations to help craft and implement effective state policies and practices. To inform this work, the NGA Center is collaborating with funders, experts, practitioners, representatives from key state and federal agencies and representatives from private industry to develop and provide strategic technical assistance opportunities.
NGA Resources
- State Strategies for Skills and Lifelong Learning Systems – Virtual Convening
- Understanding Quality: The Role Of States In Supporting Quality Non-Degree Credentials
- The States’ Role in Higher Education Quality Assurance
- State Guide for Preparing the Future Workforce Now
- Governors’ Principles To Renew The Federal Workforce System
Credential Engine State Policy Briefs
- Credential Transparency: An Essential Part of Attaining State Goals
- Making Information About Credentials More Actionable Through Increased Transparency and Quality Assurance
- Creating Equitable Futures for All Learners Through Credential Transparency
- The Role of States in Credential Transparency
- Credential Transparency & P-20W Data Systems: Aligning Education and Employment Information to Meet State Talent Goals