NGA Library
Our nation’s Governors are dedicated to leading bipartisan solutions that improve citizens’ lives. Through NGA, Governors identify priority issues and deal with matters of public policy and governance at the state, national and global levels. NGA teams work side-by-side with state leaders to identify challenges and develop solutions. View NGA products below, filterable by content type and topic.

Governors’ Initiatives To Enhance Planning, Delivery And Success Of Major Infrastructure Projects

State Targeted Violence Prevention: Programming & Key Performance Indicators

Using Data to Advance Digital Skills: A State Playbook

State Efforts to Improve the Continuum of Care for Substance Use Disorder and Opioid Use Disorder

Governors Leading to Strengthen Traffic Safety by Reducing Impaired Driving

States’ Role in Addressing Foreign Threats in U.S. Critical Energy Infrastructure Sectors

Balancing Stormwater Infrastructure Costs

American Rescue Plan State Funding Profiles

Lessons Learned in Workforce Innovation: How Ten Governors are Redesigning Workforce Systems for Better Employment Outcomes

Diversifying Partnerships for Success in Work-Based Learning

State Governance, Planning, and Financing to Enhance Energy Resilience