June 26 – 28, 2018 | Idaho Falls, ID
The National Governors Association Center for Best Practices’ (NGA Center) Federal Facilities Task Force (FFTF) held its 2018 Summer Meeting on June 26 – 28 in Idaho Falls, Idaho. The meeting provided FFTF members with an opportunity to meet with the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Environmental Management (DOE-EM) and other invited guests to discuss key issues relevant to states impacted by the ongoing cleanup of the U.S. nuclear weapons complex.
As part of the meeting, the FFTF traveled to the Idaho Nuclear Technology & Engineering Center. The group toured sites where spent nuclear fuel and high-level waste is stored and learned firsthand about the remote handled low-level waste treatment facility.
June 26, 2018
Tour of Idaho Nuclear Technology & Engineering Center
June 27, 2018
Welcome & Introductions
- Dan Lauf, program director, NGA Center for Best Practices
FFTF Group Discussion on Waste Disposition & Accelerating Cleanup Efforts
- Bevin Buchheister, senior policy analyst, NGA Center for Best Practices
Welcome Remarks from the U.S. Department of Energy
- Elizabeth Lisann, program manager, Intergovernmental and Stakeholder Programs, Office of Environmental Management, U.S. Department of Energy
Updates on Events & Issues Since Last Meeting
- Andy Chinn, associate, Ross Strategic
- Molly Spiller, research associate, Ross Strategic
- Bevin Buchheister, senior policy analyst, NGA Center
FFTF Session with Environmental Management Leadership
Discussion Participants:
- Ken Niles, Assistant director for nuclear safety, Oregon Department of Energy
- Shelly Wilson, permitting and federal facilities liaison, South Carolina Department of Health & Environmental Control
- Ken Picha, acting associate principal deputy assistant secretary for field operations, Office of Environmental Management, U.S. Department of Energy
- Dan Lauf, program director, NGA Center
Idaho Welcome & Overview of the Idaho National Laboratory
- Mayor Rebecca Casper, Idaho Falls
- Amy Lientz, director of partnerships, engagement & technology deployment, Idaho National Laboratory
- Susan Burke, INL coordinator, Idaho Department of Environmental Quality
United States Naval Nuclear Propulsion Program
- Chris Henvit, lead, Program Management & External Affairs, Naval Reactors Idaho Branch Office
- Susan Burke, INL coordinator, Idaho Department of Environmental Quality
June 28, 2018
View from U.S. Department of Energy Senior Leadership
Discussion Participants:
- Paul M. Dabbar, undersecretary for science, U.S. Department of Energy
- Ken Niles, Assistant Director for Nuclear Safety, Oregon Department of Energy
Environmental Management Program Update
- Ken Picha, acting associate principal deputy assistant secretary for field operations, Office of Environmental Management, U.S. Department of Energy
- Mark Gilbertson, associate principal deputy assistant Secretary for Regulatory & Policy Affairs, Office of Environmental Management, U.S. Department of Energy
- Ken Niles, assistant director for nuclear safety, Oregon Department of Energy
Department of Energy, States & Tribes Working Together to Advance the Cleanup Mission: Perspectives from Idaho
- Talia Martin, director of tribal/DOE-AIP, Shoshone-Bannock Tribes Tribal Department of Energy
- Kerry Martin, INL oversight program regional manager, Idaho Department of Environmental Quality
- Brad Bugger, tribal liaison, DOE Idaho Operations Office
- Mindy Bridges, STGWG coordinator and policy specialist, National Conference of State Legislatures
Long-term Stewardship & Closure for the Seventh Generation
- David Shafer, director, Office of Site Operations, DOE-LM
- Mark Gilbertson, associate principal deputy assistant secretary for regulatory & policy affairs, DOE-EM
- Peter Chestnut, attorney for Pueblo de San Ildefonso
- Branden Doster, section chief, Missouri Department of Natural Resources
Budget Update from U.S. Department of Energy Office of Environmental Management
- Mark Gilbertson, associate principal deputy assistant secretary for regulatory & policy affairs, Office of Environmental Management, U.S. Department of Energy
- Dan Lauf, program manager, NGA Center
FFTF Spring Meeting Wrap-up Discussion & Next Steps
Dan Lauf, program manager, NGA Center for Best Practices