Photos from the Outdoor Recreation Learning Network Summit and Confluence Accords Signing Ceremony.
Outdoor recreation leaders from five states participated in the ceremonial signing of the Confluence Accords in Utah. Front row from left: Brad Garmon (Michigan), Dominique Etchegoyhen (Nevada), Cassidy Rasnick (Virginia), Carolann Ouellette (Maine) and Axie Navas (New Mexico). Nevada Department of Conservation and Natural Resources Deputy Director Dominique Etchegoyhen after signing the Confluence Accords on behalf of his state. New Mexico Outdoor Recreation Division Director Axie Navas takes a photo of Confluence Accords signers after a ceremony in Utah. Representatives of Michigan, Nevada, Virginia, Maine and New Mexico display the signed Outdoor Recreation Industry Confluence Accords at a signing ceremony in Utah. From left: Brad Garmon (Michigan), Dominique Etchegoyhen (Nevada), Cassidy Rasnick (Virginia), Carolann Ouellette (Maine) and Axie Navas (New Mexico) participate in a signing ceremony in Utah for the Confluence Accords. Virginia Deputy Secretary of Commerce and Trade Cassidy Rasnick signs the Confluence Accords on behalf of her state. To her left is Nevada’s Dominique Etchegoyhen. Signing the Outdoor Recreation Industry Confluence Accords in Utah. Signing the Outdoor Recreation Industry Confluence Accords in Utah. Members of the Outdoor Recreation Learning Network tour Zion National Park as part of the Utah summit. Jeff Bradybaugh, superintendent of Zion National Park, leads a tour of the park for participants in the Outdoor Recreation Learning Network Summit in Utah.