Public Health

Governors play an important role in improving health outcomes for their residents. With an emphasis on finding equitable solutions to some of the most pressing public health issues, governors establish partnerships, utilize state resources, and work across multiple sectors and state agencies to develop and promote relationships to improve public health. The Public Health team supports Governors on various public health topics, including public health infrastructure, chronic and infectious diseases, population health, maternal and child health, and rural health. In addition to providing timely and individualized state-focused technical assistance to governors, their health advisors, and state agency leadership, our team is working to aid governors and public health leaders in statewide transformation efforts to build and improve public health through transformation efforts.

Our Focus Areas 

  • Disease Prevention and Management
  • Maternal and Child Health
  • Medicaid
  • Population Health
  • Public Health Infrastructure
  • Social Drivers of Health

Meet the Team

  • Brittney Roy, Program Director
  • Asia Riviere, Policy Analyst
  • Chyenne Tran, Policy Analyst
  • Grace Burns, Policy Coordinator


NGA Public Health Library

Governors’ Urge Swift Passage of the Coronavirus Preparedness and Response Supplemental Appropriations Act

March 4, 2020 The Honorable Mitch McConnell Majority Leader United States Senate U.S. Capitol Building, Room S-230 Washington, D.C. 20510The Honorable Chuck Schumer Minority Leader United States Senate U.S. Capitol ...

Joint Statement From Governors Hogan And Cuomo On Coronavirus

WASHINGTON – “Yesterday, the nation’s governors joined Vice President Pence for a teleconference to discuss the coordinated federal-state response to the 2019 novel coronavirus. We appreciate the vice president’s commitment ...
U.S. Health Policy Scans

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2019 Novel Coronavirus: Public Health Legal Preparedness

Click here to view fullscreen The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Governors Association, and the American Bar Association hosted the first webinar of the 2019-nCoV legal preparedness webinar ...

Resources for Tracking the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) and Assessing State Authorities

The following memo outlines the current situation regarding the novel coronavirus, recently named COVID-19,and provides an overview of select legal authorities that may be exercised to prevent and respond to ...


States have a unique role in public health emergency management. They develop policies and authorities that govern strategy and activities for public health emergency preparedness, response and recovery activities. This ...