NGA Library
Our nation’s Governors are dedicated to leading bipartisan solutions that improve citizens’ lives. Through NGA, Governors identify priority issues and deal with matters of public policy and governance at the state, national and global levels. NGA teams work side-by-side with state leaders to identify challenges and develop solutions. View NGA products below, filterable by content type and topic.

Equity and Policy Preparedness During Public Health Emergencies

Putting Policy Into Practice: State Actions For The Postsecondary Success Of Student Parents

Partnering With Tribal Nations For Covid-19 Vaccinations: A Case Study Of Alaska

Governors Hail FDA Approval of Pfizer-BioNTech Vaccine

State Strategies to Increase COVID-19 Vaccine Uptake in Rural Communities

Information Campaigns and COVID-19 Vaccine Messaging: Applying Lessons Learned from the 2020 Election

A Case Study of The Virginia Covid-19 Equity Leadership Task Force And Health Equity Working Group

Memorandum on State Utility Disconnection Moratoriums and Utility Affordability

State Strategies for Engaging and Leveraging Primary Care Providers as COVID-19 Vaccinators

State Solutions for Supporting the Return to Work and Filling Open Jobs

Getting #VaxToNormal