October 23–24, 2017 | New Orleans, LA
The National Governors Association Center for Best Practices (NGA Center) hosted the Human Capital Fall Learning Lab in New Orleans, Louisiana. The learning lab was built off the Spring Learning Lab to strengthen participants’ capacity to implement an aligned human capital system for preparing, supporting and retaining teachers and principals. The meeting supported action plan implementation, highlighted effective ways to devote human and fiscal resources, and further supported an implementation community around the Every Student Succeeds Act.
October 23, 2017
Welcome and Opening Framing
- Seth Gerson, program director, Education Division, NGA Center
- Danny Carlson, policy analyst, Education Division, NGA Center
Group Session I
- Alan J. Daly, director, educational leadership, University of California San Diego
State Panel: Using Data to Advance Human Capital Management Systems
- Danny Carlson, policy analyst, Education Division, NGA Center
- Sara Strickland, director of educator preparation policy, Louisiana Department of Education
- Nicole Heimarck, administrator for the bureau of educator preparation, New Hampshire Department of Education
- Amy Wooten, executive director of educator licensure and preparation, Tennessee Department of Education
Group Session II: Rethinking Educator Preparation and Clinical-Based Practice
- Tamara Azar, chief external relations officer, National Council for Teacher Residencies
- Hannah Dietsch, assistant superintendent, Louisiana Department of Education
Group Session III: Hot Topics
- Sam Tankersley, policy analyst, education division, NGA Center
- Danny Carlson, policy analyst, education division, NGA Center
- Stephanie Hull, acting president, Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation
October 24, 2017
Welcome and Review
- Danny Carlson, policy analyst, Education Division, NGA Center
Group Session IV: NGA Update
- Aaliyah Samuel, Ed.D., Education Division, NGA Center
Plenary: Addressing Teacher Shortages
- Linda Darling-Hammond, president and CEO, Learning Policy Institute
State Panel: Strengthening State-Level Supports for Educator Growth and Retention
- Seth Gerson, program director, Education Division, NGA Center
- Linda Fandel, special assistant for education, Governor Reynolds, Iowa
- Dan Mart, superintendent, education division, North Polk Community School District, Iowa