Stormwater Funding Equity Roundtable

This expert’s roundtable brought together state officials from the Delaware River Basin states and national and regional policy experts to examine the equity implications of stormwater funding. Discussion focused on how states can tailor their support to communities and help localities advance and adopt more equitable structures. Participants examined the equity of different stormwater funding structures in communities with combined and separate sewer systems and discussed using general funds or dedicated fees. Participants also discussed the equity considerations in different rate design options, how to convey the equity message, and funding and financing support that can be offered by states to environmental justice communities.

Day 1 – Thursday, April 29, 2021


Preview of EPA’s Newest Stormwater Program – Michael Goralczyk (presentation)

Stormwater Funding Equity Considerations – Andrew Kricun

Equitable Approaches in Funding and Permitting

Day 2 – Friday, April 30, 2021


Rate-Setting and Messaging for Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) Communities

Funding Stormwater in Low-Income Communities – Dr. Horace Strand and Dominique Lueckenhoff (presentation)