Strategies for Cross-Agency Collaboration to Support Student Well-Being

This webinar discusses strategies for cross-agency collaboration, including children’s cabinets, in support of student well-being and whole child policy. Panelists offer lessons learned and best practices from states across the country. They also highlight recommendations for how state agencies can better partner with each other and how cross-agency coordination can result in more effective use of federal relief funding.


  • Lorén Cox, Policy Director of Education and Society Program, Aspen Institute 
  • Mishaela Durán, President & CEO, Forum for Youth Investment 
  • Elizabeth Gaines, Founder & CEO, Children’s Funding Project 
  • Moderator: Catherine Van Ness, Senior Policy Analyst for K-12 Education, National Governors Association  


State Strategies For Addressing K-12 Student Needs

The National Governors Association Center for Best Practices K-12 Education Team is hosting a series of conversations with subject matter experts, state education leaders, and practitioners to explore gubernatorial strategies for addressing students’ academic needs and well-being. View all webinars in the series.