Public Health

Governors play an important role in improving health outcomes for their residents. With an emphasis on finding equitable solutions to some of the most pressing public health issues, governors establish partnerships, utilize state resources, and work across multiple sectors and state agencies to develop and promote relationships to improve public health. The Public Health team supports Governors on various public health topics, including public health infrastructure, chronic and infectious diseases, population health, maternal and child health, and rural health. In addition to providing timely and individualized state-focused technical assistance to governors, their health advisors, and state agency leadership, our team is working to aid governors and public health leaders in statewide transformation efforts to build and improve public health through transformation efforts.

Our Focus Areas 

  • Disease Prevention and Management
  • Maternal and Child Health
  • Medicaid
  • Population Health
  • Public Health Infrastructure
  • Social Drivers of Health

Meet the Team

  • Brittney Roy, Program Director
  • Asia Riviere, Policy Analyst
  • Chyenne Tran, Policy Analyst
  • Grace Burns, Policy Coordinator


NGA Public Health Library

Maximizing Impact: State Strategies to Manage and Prevent HIV, Viral Hepatitis, STDs and TB

Maximizing Impact: State Strategies to Manage and Prevent HIV, Viral Hepatitis, STDs and TB

By targeting prevention efforts in specific settings, Governors can develop an intersectional, equitable and holistic approach to addressing barriers to testing and treatment for HIV, viral hepatitis, STDs and TB ...
Learning Lab on State Strategies for Managing the Type 2 Diabetes Landscape

Learning Lab on State Strategies for Managing the Type 2 Diabetes Landscape

Maryland, Alabama, Alaska and Delaware are working with the National Governors Association on policies to advance the type 2 diabetes landscape. More than 88 million US adults currently live with ...
Vaccinate with Confidence Learning Lab

Vaccinate with Confidence Learning Lab

National Governors Association (NGA) is working with four states - Colorado, Louisiana, Michigan and North Dakota- on a learning lab aimed to increase COVID-19 vaccine uptake using behavioral insights. After ...
Letter to Senate HELP Committee on PREVENT Pandemics Act

Letter to Senate HELP Committee on PREVENT Pandemics Act

Governors' recommendations in drafting the bipartisan Prepare for and Respond to Existing Viruses, Emerging Threats and Pandemics Act, S. 3799. The Honorable Patty MurrayChair U.S. Senate Committee on Health, Education,Labor ...
Governors’ 2022 Health Priorities

Governors’ 2022 Health Priorities

Governors have put forth defined plans and made their vision for improving the health of their state or territory clear through their state budgets and State of the State addresses ...
COVID-19 Vaccines for Children: Exploring Immunization Strategies for Individuals Under 12

COVID-19 Vaccines for Children: Exploring Immunization Strategies for Individuals Under 12

Governors have employed system-wide approaches and innovative procedures to protect health during the COVID-19 pandemic. This paper looks at ways to position the COVID-19 children's vaccine response to ensure equitable ...