Nearly 20 percent of Americans live outside urban areas. Addressing the needs of rural and frontier communities is a top priority for Governors. These populations face unique difficulties, including limited access to health care, insufficient broadband internet availability, distinct economic and workforce shortages, and transportation and infrastructure challenges. Governors are uniquely poised to create solutions cutting across policy areas to support these communities. The NGA Center for Best Practices supports Governors by sharing best practices and providing technical assistance to address these challenges and help rural communities thrive.
NGA Resources
The Growing Importance of the Arts to Rural America

NGA Workshop in Des Moines Focuses on Ensuring That Rural America Shares in Prosperity
NGA/U.S. DOT Webinar on the Build America Bureau’s New Rural Projects Initiative
Rural Health Learning Collaborative: Improving Heart Health in Rural America
States Focus on Improving Health Care in Rural America

State Strategies for Venture Capital and Rural Development