The National Governors Association Center for Best Practices (NGA Center) hosted a webinar on microgrids for critical asset resiliency. This webinar featured state peers discussing successful programs that have deployed microgrids to improve the resiliency of transit infrastructure, police and fire stations, fueling stations and other public facilities. The NGA Center also shared an overview of microgrid technologies, state activities and factors that states are taking into account when considering these technologies.
September 1, 2016
- Dan Lauf, senior policy analyst, Environment, Energy and Transportation Division, NGA Center
- Dan Lauf, senior policy analyst, Environment, Energy and Transportation Division, NGA Center
- Tracy Babbidge, bureau chief, energy and technology policy, Connecticut Department of Energy & Environmental Protection
- Veronica Szczerkowski, program manager, Microgrid Grant and Loan Program, Connecticut Department of Energy & Environmental Protection
- Eric Daleo, senior director, NJ TRANSIT Resiliency Program, New Jersey Capital Planning & Programs Department