EV Workforce Collaborative

City and State leaders are presented with a once-in-a-generation opportunity to transform their communities thanks to historic federal investments in infrastructure, including those in the electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure. Achieving the promise of such investments will require a skilled and ready talent pipeline to build America’s next-generation infrastructure.

To reach this goal, leaders must build intentional onramps to the new clean economy for underserved and marginalized communities through equitable workforce development. To succeed, states and cities must address critical workforce challenges simultaneously.

The National Governors Association and the National League of Cities have partnered to launch the State and Local Collaborative to Support an Inclusive Workforce for the Electric Vehicle Charging Sector (EV Workforce Collaborative) to help cities and states align policy and funding and develop accessible career pathways in the electric vehicle sector. Our collaboration builds on each partners’ assets with their members and in workforce development to help states and cities build similar collaborations in building a more inclusive EV charging workforce.  

  • Address the shared pain points of local and state government, and employers in expanding their capacity to deliver the EV charging infrastructure needed to meet growing demand. 
  • Promote the role states and cities can play in improving stakeholder coordination and increase the number of individuals trained to support the installation, repair, and maintenance of EV charging equipment.
  • Expand EV education and training programs to reach individuals who are economically disadvantaged or marginalized through comprehensive supports and programming that also addresses non-skill barriers to education and employment, including supporting investment in nationally recognized training standards/certifications that are industry aligned and portable for workers and employers.
  • Create tools and resources for state and city collaborations to address EV charging workforce challenges as well as other clean economy industries.
  • Establish a recognized platform for sharing information between government leaders across federal, states, and local governments to advance programs, policies, and practices that promote an inclusive EV charging workforce.


For more information, questions, or requests, please contact Portia Polk

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    The EV Workforce Collaborative is proudly supported by the Siemens Foundation’s new EVeryone Charging Forward™ initiative.